Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 733 Scout War Four

"what sound?"

A Shunjun scout rested against a hidden corner.

He was one of the unlucky ones. After a tiring day of patrolling with the corps commander during the day, he had to go out on guard duty at night.


If he hadn't had a good relationship with the corps commander, he would have thought that the commander was going to torment him.

The chief also knew that he had been busy all day, but he could not disobey the commander's orders. It would only be bad luck for you.

"I will arrange a place for you in the back. You kid can rest quietly for a while. Don't cause any trouble. Otherwise, don't blame me for not protecting you!"

Even though Shi Chang said this, he knew something had happened and Shi Chang would still speak for him.

So there must be nothing wrong with him.

But when the exhaustion came to him like a tide, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

"Rest for a while, just a little while, and then I won't sleep anymore!"

Just when he was about to fall asleep.


A small sound reached his ears. The sound was so small that he almost thought he was hearing hallucinations because he was too tired.


It's not a hallucination, it's real.

Over there!

After confirming that he heard correctly, Shunjun scout Xiao Jia instantly became energetic.

"It's so late, and the footsteps are so muffled, he's obviously not a comrade.

I deserve my meritorious service, Xiao Jia! "

Xiao Jia's dissatisfaction with the superior's refusal to allow him to rest immediately dissipated.

He also had to thank his superior for giving him this opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Xiao Jia's ears are naturally sharper than others. When he was a child, he could hear the sound of another room through two walls.

Later he became an excellent hunter.

No matter where the prey is hiding, his sensitive ears can lead him to find them.

Later, when the Shun army expanded, he became a scout again.

Although he became a monk halfway, he was definitely considered the elite of his team.

This time he got another chance, and his promotion was already destined!

Xiao Jia was not greedy for credit. He quietly used his hunting skills to crawl away from the corner. He was going to tell the chief that an enemy had come in.

He was not afraid that he heard wrongly. The report was just too long. If not for insurance, he would have told the commander directly.

The chief scout of Shunjun did not dare to neglect after hearing Xiao Jia's report.

Immediately ask someone to report it and lead his men to the street where Xiao Jia found the Shenwuwei scout.

Needless to say what happened next, the Shenwuwei scouts successfully kidnapped the Shunjun secret sentry.

At the same time, they were also discovered by Xiao Jia's team.

A chase broke out in the dark night!

"Quickly retreat! We are exposed!"

After being caught up by Xiao Jia and others, the Shenwuwei scout didn't have any luck. He immediately took out a sounding arrow and fired it into the sky.

First, send a signal to other comrades to retreat quickly;

Secondly, it also attracts the attention of Shunjun and prevents them from pursuing other teams.

Until dawn, the chase reached its climax.

Hundreds of Shunjun scouts chased behind the four Shenwu Guard scout teams, digging into mountains and crossing rivers.

As time went by, the four teams of A, B, C and D were not only pursued by Shunjun scouts, but also other Shunjun.

Fortunately, they had been evacuating in the mountainous area, otherwise the cavalry of the Shun Army would have caught up.

Of course, such a big movement cannot block the eyes of both parties.

Sun Jichao, Xu Fan and Shunjun commander Liu Jiwu all knew about the battle that was not over yet.

The three people had completely different reactions.

Sun Jichao was excited, Xu Fan was angry, and Liu Jiwu was calm.

Although his men were being chased by the Shun army, Sun Jichao was still very happy. He finally saw hope of completing the mission.

Xu Fan was disappointed and angry at the stupid performance of the infantry scouts.

He had told the commander in advance that he would let infantry scouts clear both sides of the river and that he would secretly go to Nanhu County.


He hasn't seen any enemy scouts yet, but he believes it won't be long.

As for Liu Jiwu, he knew very well that anything was possible on the battlefield.

He was also somewhat dissatisfied with the commander of the scouting force.

But so what.

Even if you want to punish him, you have to wait until this battle is over.

The most important thing now is to eliminate the enemy's scouts and try to prevent them from spreading the information.

If 100,000 people can't eliminate a group of sneaking scouts, how can Liu Jiwu have the nerve to blame others?

"Give orders to the defenders in various places to cooperate with the pursuing team and to block the Qian Kingdom's scouts in Nanhu County.

Especially in counties along rivers and lakes, not even a fly can be let go! "


This is an almost impossible command.

Not to mention flies, sparrows can fly over.

How could we possibly defend such a long river bank?

But this is the same as the Shenwu Guard scouts looking for the Shunjun fleet, it depends on luck!

It's just that the four teams A, B, C and D that were discovered were not able to escape so easily.

Xiao Jia also played an important role in the pursuit.

His ears helped him avoid many ambushes.

After several attempts, the four teams, A, B, C and D, gradually gave up on ambushing the pursuing troops behind them.

"Captain, there are people in the army who are good at fighting in the mountains and forests. Our traps have basically failed."

Their ambush still caused some casualties to the Shun army, but they were not serious and would not cause the Shun army to retreat.

The four teams have been running in the mountains for a day and a half, and they still need to set traps on the road to ambush the army.

By now I am exhausted both physically and mentally.

"Hu~hu~ Captain, I, I can't run anymore!"

"Me too, too!"

"Me too!"

The captains looked at their tired men, and they were even more tired.

What should I do if I can’t run?

No choice, keep running.

Fortunately, their Shenwuwei scouts are fully equipped and often receive wilderness survival training.

Not only are they fast, but they are also fast at hiding.

Generally speaking, the four teams should not divide their forces when faced with this situation, as it will only weaken their combat effectiveness.

But after discussion, the four captains decided to divide their forces.

They divided, and the pursuers of the Shun army also scored, and the smaller the number, the more flexible they were.

Each team has its own combat methods, and there may be one that has a miraculous effect on the army.

point! Must be divided!

The four teams separated at a mountain col and entered the dense forest on the hillside in a fan shape.

A quarter of an hour later, the pursuers of the Shun army arrived with Xiao Jia's team as their arrow.

Several people (including Xiao Jia) searched the col for a long time to make sure there were no traps or ambushes, and then got together again.

"The military spies should have just left here not long ago."

"Can you tell which direction they escaped from?"



"Okay, but I don't know which one is true."

"Come on, take me to see you."

Shunjun scouts came to the place where the four teams of A, B, C and D were separated. There were four clear paths here.

They didn't even think about cleaning up the traces when they left, they just wanted Shunjun to catch up.

At this time, the choice came to Shun Jun. He could either choose a direction to catch up, or he could divide his troops into four groups and not let anyone go.

It can be inferred from the traces that people walked on all four roads. I don’t know if they will merge later.

In the end, Shunjun decided to divide!

I want all the military spies on the four roads!

No one can escape!

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