Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 741 Attack on Camp 2




Continuous explosions forced the Shun army to retreat continuously.

They could only watch as the fire spread and the scout battalion calmly retreated.

It wasn't that Xu Fan didn't want to chase, he wanted to immediately lead a swarm of people and kill the entire scout camp.

But he held back and did not order a pursuit.

The fire in the camp must be put out as soon as possible.

Although the tents and some barracks could not be saved, the fire could not be allowed to spread.

There are still a lot of supplies in the camp that can be rescued, and they cannot be swallowed up by the fire.

Xu Fan gritted his molars and said, "Don't pursue, put out the fire first!"

It was a shame to watch the enemy retreat.

The Shun army turned this humiliation into hatred of the fire, leaving some troops to prevent the scout battalion from retaliate, while the rest of the Shun army went to carry water to put out the fire.

Fortunately, the camp was not far from the water. Soldiers formed several long queues and kept transporting buckets filled with water into the camp.

There is an artifact called a water dragon in Zhongzhou. It has no "head" and is not alive.

It is an artificially pressurized water gun that is often used to extinguish fires and can also be used in combat.

It was a pity that Xu Fan did not carry a water dragon in the camp this time, so he could only use the inefficient method of carrying water in buckets to extinguish the fire.

By the time Shunjun put out the fire, the sun had already risen overhead.

The sun dried the fog, and the earth turned black and yellow again.

Most of the Shun soldiers' bodies and faces became pitch black.

No matter what era you are in, putting out fires is a very dangerous thing.

Fire and water are merciless. Unless all fires can be extinguished by machines, fire is synonymous with danger.

Xu Fan's body was also stained, and he even participated in putting out the fire.

The results of the fire-fighting were gratifying, and most of the supplies were rescued.

The price was that most of the camp was burned down.

The priority is to rescue supplies and to put out fires as a supplement. It is inevitable that the camp will be burned down.

Fortunately, there were not many casualties.

"General, a total of 530 people died in the enemy's sneak attack, and 19 people died in the firefighting.

Eight of the guards in the north were killed in a sneak attack. Counting the injured, more than half of the casualties were..."

Xu Fan listened to the commander on the side reporting the casualties of this battle, and the anger in his heart was even more intense than the fire just now.

"Damn it!"

Nearly half of the casualties were auxiliary soldiers and civilians, but his navy also suffered heavy losses.

What made him even more angry was that the scout camp scuttled his warship.

Is a navy without warships still called a navy?

Xu Fan decided to abandon the camp and head to Dongting Lake.

The Shun army will not lack warships. When they arrive at Dongting Lake, they are still dragons on the water!

He first led people to the water village.

The water stronghold was not attacked. When they saw the fire in the camp, they wanted to help, but Xu Fan sent someone to inform them not to go there and to guard the water stronghold.

Xu Fan did not order the pursuit of the scout camp at first, not only to put out the fire and rescue supplies, but also because he did not know how many people there were in the scout camp.

Five hundred people?

A thousand people?

Or more?

What if there were more ambushes outside the camp?

At that time, the morale of the Shun army was already somewhat weakened, and it was extremely risky to leave the camp to pursue them.

The water village is their last resort.

The camp was burned, but they could still hold on to the stronghold.

This is Nanhu County, and Xu Fan doesn't believe that Ganjun dares to besiege them for a long time.

I really think that one hundred thousand soldiers are just paper.

You can hide for a few days if you don't jump out, but if you jump out now, no one can escape.

Gu Yu\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt;Xu Fan is not a drunkard, and he is not hot-headed. He has no intention of using his navy to fight against the scout camp.

I have a hundred thousand comrades, what about you?

Your comrades are on the other side of the lake. It will be difficult to get over!

The development of things went beyond Sun Jichao's plan.

The Shunguo navy did not leave the camp and go to the nearest city as he expected, but instead all defended the water stronghold.

"It's a bit troublesome!"

Sun Jichao touched his chin, feeling uncomfortable after hearing the report from his subordinates.

The weapons in their hands that can attack the city have been exhausted.

What to do this time?



Let alone whether it can be captured, the scout camp does not wear heavy armor, and what they are good at is not siege the city.

"Battal Commander, what should we do? How about we wait until night and attack the camp again?"

Sun Jichao thought for a moment, and finally shook his head and said, "No, we have to leave at night, otherwise we will easily be stuck in Nanhu County."

He made up his mind, "When we attack the stronghold this afternoon, we will prioritize killing and injuring the enemy. Breaking the stronghold is not important."

In fact, if the water stronghold could be broken, Sun Jichao would definitely want to break the water stronghold.

But it will definitely cost a lot and it’s not worth it.

They have completed most of their mission, destroying warships and killing many naval forces. If they cannot annihilate all the naval forces, they can just kill some more naval forces.

The navy cannot be trained in a short time, and it is of no use just having a defeated army.


Sun Jichao's decision was somewhat risky.

After the sun rose and the fog gradually dispersed, the battle on Dongting Lake gradually calmed down.

The shortcomings of Qianjun's lack of a strong naval force began to show. Although their sudden attack caught Shunjun off guard, they suffered a lot in the melee in the fog.

But when the sun came down and Shunjun saw clearly what was happening on the lake, he quickly evened out his disadvantage.

Because Ganjun's ships are all fishing boats and there are very few warships.

The soldiers of the Qian Kingdom driving the ships were not used to it either, and were always one step slower when pursuing.

This also resulted in the Qianjun being unable to expand its results and maintaining a weak advantage.

The Shenwuwei general's idea of ​​attacking Nanhu County in one go failed.

In the end, Zhao Long could only order a retreat.

He also did not forget the scout battalion fighting in Nanhu County.

With the speed of a falcon, his order was delivered to Sun Jichao before the Shun army returned to camp.

Sun Jichao also decided to launch a second attack on the camp in the afternoon after receiving Zhao Long's order.

It's a bit dangerous, but as long as the battle can be over before the sun goes down, there should be no problem.

Xu Fan took the remaining soldiers to the water village, put away the supplies, and had a simple lunch of dry food.

Then there was time to arrange the defense of the water village.

Compared with the camp, the water village is much inferior in terms of scale and defensive facilities.

The camp was breached by the scout camp, and Xu Fan was very worried about the defense of the water village.

He wanted to strengthen the defense of the water village. Now the conditions of the water village were limited, and Xu Fan couldn't do much if he wanted to strengthen the defense.

But doing it is better than doing nothing.

The sun had moved away from the top of the head, and Sun Jichao came back with the scout camp.

The morning's battle saw little close combat, but the scout battalion did lose some men.

There were many archers in the Shun army. After more than ten rounds of arrows were fired, many soldiers in the scout camp fell down even if they were wearing iron armor.

Xu Fan never thought that the scout battalion would attack the water village at this time. Although he ordered the guards to be careful and vigilant, the order was still not strict enough.

The brothers have also been tired all morning. The enemy may come again in the evening, so let them rest in the afternoon.

Xu Fan speculated from the scout battalion's fighting style that they might launch a sneak attack at night.

Sun Jichao's decision caught Shunjun by surprise again.

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