Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 745 Battle of Dongting Lake III

Although the scout battalion made a lot of preparations in advance, it was eventually discovered by Shunjun.

Fortunately, they had already run into the mountains when they were discovered.

It would be even more difficult for Shunjun to catch up with them in the mountains.

Liu Jiwu didn't feel particularly surprised when he learned the news.

"Still going into the mountains? It really hasn't changed at all."

Although it's not a surprise, it still gives me a headache.

Liu Jiwu had an in-depth study of Qianjun and knew one of their favorite battlefields.

Many well-known generals of Shun Kingdom fell in the mountainous areas on their territory.

Now those mountains have become the mountains of Qian Kingdom.

But Liu Jiwu didn't want to let the scout battalion leave. It was a shame for Zhao Long to train his men on Dongting Lake, and it was also a shame for him for the scout battalion to steal his navy in the rear.

To let the Scout Battalion leave would be a disgrace among disgrace.

Crucified to the pillar of shame!

Liu Jiwu sent his trusted generals to pursue the scout camp.

"I will give you three thousand soldiers and horses. That army should be small in number. Go and stop them and try to capture their leader alive."


The scout camp really annoyed Liu Jiwu, but what was more important at this time was the battle on the Dongting Lake. The battle on the lake would determine the final outcome.

Liu Jiwu was not a commander who was good at water warfare, but he was no stranger to water warfare, otherwise he would not have been appointed as the commander-in-chief of Nanhu County.

King Shun knew very well that the battle in Nanhu County was mainly a water battle. By making good use of the natural dangers of Dongting Lake and blocking Qian's army on the north bank of Dongting Lake, Shun Guo could hold on for a while longer.

If Shunguo can organize and unify its domestic forces during this period, then Shunguo may be able to stand up again.

If Qianguo can't defeat it, how about allowing Shunguo to develop in other directions?

The Chu State in the south is also very interesting, but the southwest is not impossible to go to!

Therefore, Nanhu County's position is very important, and Liu Jiwu has a very heavy responsibility.

Dongting County.

Zhao Long read the battle report of yesterday's water battle. The losses were still considerable. The casualties of the soldiers were not bad. The Shenwu guards who were able to board the ship were all soldiers with good water skills. They could swim away from the center of the battlefield even if the ship sank. Only some soldiers were unlucky. He was hit directly by the bed crossbow and didn't even have a chance to dive.

Qianjun and Shunjun had been fighting on Dongting Lake for seven or eight days, and the scout battalion had returned to Dongting County two days ago.

In fact, Sun Jichao wanted to stay in Nanhu County. If they stayed, they could draw more energy from the Shun Army, but if they returned to Dongting County, their role would be much smaller.

The next battle will basically take place on Dongting Lake. They will not go to the lake to detect intelligence!

It’s not impossible.

If you paddle a few boats and bring swimming and diving equipment, you might be able to discover some important information.

Depends on luck.

But Zhao Long will definitely not let them go to the lake to investigate intelligence.

Dongting Lake will narrow the gap between the scout battalion and the Shunjun scouts, and the scout battalion can also play a stronger role on the shore.

Zhao Long: "Don't be anxious. You will have the opportunity to fight in the future. I just came back from Nanhu County. Let's go and rest for a few days."

Zhao Long spoke, and Sun Jichao could only obey. Otherwise, what could he do?


Liu Jiwu was actually a little confused these days. Why did Qian Guo launch an attack in Dongting County?

There is also a long border line to the west. No matter which county we invade from, it is better than Dongting Lake!

Isn’t Gan Jun very good at mountain warfare?

Shunguo counties to the west of Nanhu County rely on mountains to resist invasion from the north.

Now the terrain at the junction of Shun State and Qian State is Dongting Lake, Zhongshan Mountains, and Western Desert from east to west.

Guzao\u0026lt;/span\u0026gt;The Xiwu Desert is indeed not suitable for large army operations, but the Zhongshan Mountains in the middle are definitely more suitable for army operations than Dongting Lake. Why do they want to fight in Dongting Lake?

Is there any conspiracy?

But he had no evidence. The Shenwu Guards were indeed the elite of the Qian Kingdom. This could be seen through the battles in the past few days.

Not understanding what Qian Guo was thinking, Liu Jiwu could only tell his guess to the coach Zu Tiancheng who was guarding the border in the west.

He had a good relationship with Zu Tiancheng, but it could not be said to be close. King Shun would not let two generals with a very close relationship lead the 200,000 troops on the front line.

These 200,000 troops are almost all the soldiers in Shun Kingdom who can fight.

Among them are many new recruits who have only been trained for three months.

Of course, there are still hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in the south to guard against the Chu State, but they cannot be moved. Even if the Chu State takes the initiative to show a friendly attitude, the current Shun State would not believe it.

Fortunately, Shunguo is not short of food, grass and money now, and can continue to train more soldiers, but it will take time.

What King Shun lacks most at this time is time. He needs to persist for a while to identify a suitable successor and give him another push so that he can control the situation as soon as possible.

Shun Guo also needs more time to regain his strength.

Shun Wang is under pressure, so naturally he has to put pressure on him

Among them, those under the greatest pressure are the right minister in charge of reform in the DPRK and several frontline coaches.

The commander-in-chief of the South is okay, and there must be pressure, but mainly buried in his heart, Chu State has not taken any action yet, and the South just needs to defend well.

The pressure from the north is even greater, and Qian Guo's attack has already begun.

Although it is currently only a war between Dongting County and Nanhu County, who can guarantee that the war will not expand.


The war may spread to the entire north (Shun country) at any time.

Of course, the one under the greatest pressure is Liu Jiwu.

The daily battles were not intense, but he always had a bad feeling.

"That's not their style."

Liu Jiwu recalled all the battle reports he had seen about the Qian army. Whenever the Qian people behaved like this, a series of plans would follow, and then they would be defeated inexplicably.

They knew nothing about the process by which the Qian people implemented their plans. Looking back at these battles after the war, there were many things they could not understand.

For example, how did the Qian people build so many fortresses in the mountains in a short period of time;

The besieged Qianguo army suddenly received a large number of reinforcements;

Their grain team was robbed inexplicably, and a large amount of grain disappeared without a trace...

Thinking of this, Liu Jiwu suddenly became excited, "The people of Qian country won't want to deal with me like this, right?"

Think about it, it’s very possible!

He, Liu Jiwu, is not the same as other Shunguo generals. The Qianguo people can be used on other generals, why can't they be used on him?

Liu Jiwu did not want to be defeated inexplicably and lose his life.

There is only one solution, defeat Ganjun before their plan is completed.

"Can I do it?"

Liu Jiwu couldn't help but have some doubts.

He never doubted his ability, but Ganjun had already proven their strength on the battlefield, and even he dared not say that he could do better than Ganjun.

Moreover, the initiative on the battlefield now rests with Gan Jun. If he wants to break the situation, he must take the initiative.

It is a pity that the navy army was attacked by the Qian people and its strength was less than one-tenth.

Fortunately, Xu Fan was fine and was found by the Shun Army who came from behind. The navy's ships and soldiers suffered heavy losses, but as long as Xu Fan was there, the Shun Army's combat effectiveness on Dongting Lake would be stronger.

The premise is that Liu Jiwu can rekindle his fighting spirit. The destruction of the navy has dealt a huge blow to him, and he has not yet recovered.

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