Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 774 Nanhu County Guerrilla War Five

Shi Kuan arrived at Xihu Town on the second night after Sun Kai captured Xihu Town.

It was a whole day later than the advance march.

Shi Kuan led his army and felt that Sun Kai had prepared their dinner and resting place after Xihu Town.

Shi Kuan was very satisfied with Sun Kai's arrangement, "You did a good job. Not only did you capture Xihu Town, but you also arranged a place for the brothers to repair. Not bad, let's go and have something to eat together."

"Okay, General, I'm just waiting for you to start the banquet!"

Shi Kuan took Sun Kai in his arms and walked into the largest restaurant in Xihu Town, Huxian Tower, a two-story wooden building.

The experience last night (midnight) made the restaurant owner temporarily believe in Sun Kai's credibility.

If you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do about it. He has five hundred soldiers, and more are coming today. Do I dare not believe it?

Fortunately, Sun Kai had already settled the bill after the last meal, which increased the shopkeeper's trust in him.

Today's meal is different from last night's, it is more delicate and delicious.

Shi Kuan was not a soldier under Sun Kai. He had even attended a banquet hosted by Yang Yuan. He was considered a person who had seen the world and eaten good food.

The food in this small restaurant in Xihu Town is not the best in the world, but it has some local characteristics. The specialties produced in the hilly area are refreshing and the tongue can taste a different umami.

Shi Kuan was very satisfied with the meal, and so were the others.

"The cook is pretty good!"

After the meal is over, it's time to get down to business.

Although it was already evening, Shi Kuan decided to do a good job of searching the house overnight. If everything went well, he might be able to leave Xihu Town tomorrow afternoon.

Shi Kuan and Sun Kai were sitting on the second floor of the restaurant drinking tea. They lived to be ninety-eight after a cup of tea.

Shi Kuan drank tea to moisten his throat, then looked at Sun Kai, "Have you identified the people in the town who can raid their homes?"

Shi Kuan did not have strict requirements for this. Sun Kai had already done enough. Even if he failed to complete this task, Shi Kuan would not blame him.

But Sun Kai is very capable, and he has completed the task of finding the target.

"We have found the target and can take action tonight!"


"Let the brothers work harder tonight and rest after finishing their work. You can get up later tomorrow. If things go well, we will retreat after lunch tomorrow!"

Shi Kuan told the two captains and several battalion commanders about his plan.

Several people had no objections to this plan. Although the three consecutive days of marching on the mountain road made them feel a little tired, no one wanted to stay in Xihu Town to rest for one more day.

One more day's pause may give the Shun army one more day to catch up with them.

That won't work, they want Shunjun to always be behind them and never look down on their heels!

Their time is also very tight.

At night, Shi Kuanbu, who had eaten and drank enough, became busy again. He was busy traveling during the day and ransacking his home at night.

The Kammuwa warriors preferred night operations.

Marching is still too boring. Even if the scenery on the roadside is good, the soldiers still have little time to absorb the beautiful scenery on the roadside.

The house raid at night was different. It was not as tiring as marching, and a lot of loot could be captured.

Some of these captures were made by them, and they were happy even if they were tired!

Yesterday's Shenwu Guards left a polite impression on Xihu Town, so tonight they saw how brutal the Shenwu Guards were.

There are also some people who believe that the Shenwu Guards are not fierce, but heavenly soldiers and generals.

"Well done! These profiteers and bullies should all have their homes confiscated!"

"Look at how dare they bully us in the future!"

The targets chosen by Shenwuwei to raid their homes were all large households and merchants with poor reputations. If it was proven that they were related to Shunguo officials, they would be even more likely to be raided.

Therefore, the chaos caused by the Shenwu Guards' house raids was not small, but it could not be said to be very big.

After all, ordinary people and even lower-class people make up the majority.

The actions of the Shenwu Guards had nothing to do with them, and they would share some spoils with them afterwards. Xihu Town soon calmed down.

The houses of large households and merchants whose homes were ransacked were all locked up together by Shenwu guards to prevent them from causing trouble tonight.

Facing the arrogant Shenwu Guard soldiers and the swords in their hands, they could only bow their heads temporarily. Their wealth was gone, and so were their lives.

As long as we are alive, we will come back with revenge sooner or later. No matter who you are, you can't escape even if you run to the ends of the earth!

Shenwuwei still did not identify himself, and the imprisoned people were still not sure where Shenwuwei came from, but smart people already had guesses.

They decided that they must strongly support the government and army in the future and drive out all these bandits and thieves!

Shattered bones and ashes!

My silver...

Shi Kuan's soldiers have no time to pay attention to these imprisoned people. Wouldn't it be nice to have time to find more hidden silver?

It doesn’t matter if you can’t find it, just go and carry a few more bags of food.

If you can't eat it yourself, you can bury it and wait to dig it out and eat it later. If you can't bury it, you can just give it to the people around you.

If you borrow flowers and offer them to the Buddha, the Buddha will also be happy.

Shi Kuanbu was busy until late at night before finally ending the operation.

The soldiers were a little tired physically, but they were still very excited mentally. They found and confiscated so much money and food with their own hands that anyone would be excited for a few days.

The fact that the Shenwu Guards soldiers were able to sleep tonight was considered to be determined.

On the other side, Sun Kai was reporting to Shi Kuan on their gains tonight.

"General, tonight we seized a total of 800 taels of gold, 320,000 carts of silver, 30,000 shi of grain, 10 cattle, 30 donkeys, 40 horses, chickens and ducks..."

After listening to Sun Kai's report, Shi Kuan had only one thought: Xihu Town is richer than the town to the east. Is it because it is closer to King Shun?

There is just a little less food. There is a grain merchant in the town to the east, but there is not one in Xihu Town. There are only two grain shops. They have a good reputation and are not the target of Shenwuwei.

Shi Kuan: "What do these big families think? So much money has to be buried underground. Isn't it better to spend it?"

Under the influence of Yang Yuan, Shi Kuan also gained some understanding of the economy. Yang Yuan always emphasized that silver can only play a greater role if it flows, otherwise it is just a metal.

Of course, Yang Yuan also advocates that ordinary people increase their savings and spend money while making money.

This is a scene that can only occur under Yang Yuan's rule.

Sun Kai said with a smile: "They are reluctant to spend it, and they don't dare to spend it. Shunguo doesn't have a bank worthy of their trust. What can they do if they don't bury it underground?"

"It's good to bury it underground. It's just cheaper for us. If they deposit all the money in the bank, we will have to worry more."

"That's true!"

Shi Kuan nodded. Rather than going to the bank to withdraw money, he would rather dig out the money from the ground.

"Let the brothers go and rest first. When we leave tomorrow, we will find a place to bury the things that cannot be taken away."


On the second day, Shi Kuan's soldiers did not get up until noon to eat.

They were leaving Xihu Town in the afternoon, and it was estimated that they would rarely be able to rest so well in the next period of time.

"Hurry up, we have to enter Ruhuqiu before dark, move quickly, don't bring so many useless things, I will supply you with them later."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Shi Kuan led the soldiers to leave Xihu Town. The coming and going of Shi Kuan's department completely changed Xihu Town. In Shi Kuan's words, this was a purification!

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