Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 79 Convergence of Iron Cloud Village

When Gong Yi's messenger arrived at Qianlongzhai, Yang Yuan had already taken Shen Quan to Qingyangkou, so he didn't see him at the first time.

They didn't stay in Qianlongzhai to wait for Yang Yuan's return, but went to Qingyangkou with Yang Guolin who was escorting the food.

They didn't know yet that after they arrived at Qingyangkou, Yang Yuan had already gone deep into Sanyang Mountain, to the depths of Tieyun Mountain, and joined the group of Tieyunzhai.

When Yang Yuan saw Iron Mask again, his distinctive black iron mask was still on his face.

Yang Yuan could only tell whether the iron mask was the original iron mask through the sound.

Surrounded by soldiers from Cangyang County and Zhenshuo Battalion, Yang Yuan was very vigilant when making every decision. .

On the contrary, Uncle Wei immediately walked to Yang Yuan's side after seeing him, and said with certainty, "That's right, it's him."

Yang Yuan didn't doubt Uncle Wei's judgment. The voice he heard belonged to the iron face, and it wasn't someone else's disguise.

After practicing kung fu to the third level of Huntian Kungfu, Yang Yuan has sharp eyes and ears, and even if he returns to his previous life, he can become a world champion.

Shooting, archery, fighting and all kinds of competitions are all right.

If you go back with all your kung fu, Yang Yuan's story will become a sports essay.

It is true that Zhao Long and Uncle Wei joined Tie Mian before Yang Yuan did. With the food they brought, the people in Tie Yunzhai have stabilized.

However, there is still a very troublesome problem. There are nearly 400 old and weak people in the team. The weather is relatively hot now. wait to die.

Yang Yuan followed Tie Mian and others to a cave, sat down and looked at him and asked, "Did you make any preparations in the back mountain?"

Didn't they all talk about the three caves of the cunning rabbit? Even Yang Yuan made preparations in Qingxi Mountain, Qingyang Mountain and Menghupo. Tieyunzhai, one of the 18 bandits, had no backup in his territory, so Yang Yuan didn't believe it.

At this moment, there is no need for Tie Mian to hide anymore. Counting the old and the weak, Tie Yunzhai has less than half of the people. If they want to gain a foothold in eating sheep intestines that make people not vomit their bones, Tie Yunzhai needs to lurk and recover. .

"Yes, but it's not in Tieyun Mountain. This Tieyun Mountain is a new cottage that we have built in the past few years. Except for the secret road, the rest have not been arranged in time."

The words of the iron face are already sounding good. It's not that they didn't come in time to arrange a follow-up, but they didn't have the ability to arrange it, mainly because they didn't have money.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have easily hooked up with Yang Yuan. If it wasn't for Tie Yunzhai's lack of money, even with Uncle Wei's help, Tie Mian would not have easily agreed to cooperate with Yang Yuan.

It's too late to say this now, what they have to consider at this time is how to transfer people to Lao Tie Yunshan.

Although the cottage there has been abandoned, the back road left by the back mountain is not the high-level of Tieyun Village, so it is impossible to find it.

This is the confidence of an old bandit.

Yang Yuan nodded after listening, continued to look at Tie Mian, and said, "Then the problem now is how to safely transfer the people here? Including the old and the weak."


Tie Mian nodded in agreement.

Neither Yang Yuan nor Tie Mian had the intention of abandoning their own people. No matter what state he was in now, as long as he was still his subordinate, he had to lead him to live and live a better life.

"Okay, it's easy to find the problem, and then we just need to discuss a solution to the problem."

Yang Yuan looked very relaxed, as if rescuing these hundreds of people was as simple as walking a few ants.

But people are not ants, and they are not as easy to hide as ants. Hundreds of people, no matter how they walk, they will leave many traces.

Moreover, soldiers from Cangyang County and Zhenshuo Battalion would search the mountains from time to time, which made it even more difficult for the people in Tieyunzhai to escape from the encirclement.

Yang Yuan turned his head to look at Uncle Wei,

Asked: "Uncle Wei, how much food do we have now?"

Uncle Wei's face was very serious, he thought about it for a while, and said, "We still have about 300 shi of grain including the grain in Tieyunzhai, enough for about half a month, if we control it, we can eat for twenty days."

Hearing that Uncle Wei said that the food supply would last for fifteen to twenty days, Yang Yuan relaxed a lot.

With food in hand, don't panic.

And with these grains as a cover, Yang Yuan can guarantee that more grains will appear, and he can find a reason at will, and release enough grains for a month will not arouse suspicion.

As for the safety issue, as long as Yang Yuan came, it would not be a problem.

All he needs to consider now is the timing. When he proposes to let Tie Yunzhai break through can he reap the greatest gratitude without causing more confusion.

At least make this breakout look less unreal.

Well, you have to think about it.

The meeting between Yang Yuan and Tie Mian will end soon, and they will meet every day in the future, so let Yang Yuan go to rest early today.

This was exactly what Yang Yuan wanted, so he didn't refuse, and lived in one of the few caves.

It's finally a shelter from the wind and rain.

There is no such a cave to live in even Tie Mian, only the wounded, the old and the weak, and food have such preferential treatment.

Yang Yuan and his party are food, so they live in caves.

And Yang Yuan knew that if he behaved too kindly, these bandits might have some wrong thoughts in their hearts.

Being treated preferentially for no reason always makes me feel uneasy.

Living in the cave, Yang Yuan was able to keep a proper distance from these bandits. Teacher Bai Yun said that only distance can produce beauty.

Of course, we must also pay attention to the scale, otherwise the distance will be widened and the beauty will be gone, which is not the result Yang Yuan wants.

After dark, Zhao Long came to the cave where Yang Ding lived and reported more detailed information to him.

It is roughly the same as what Yang Yuan knew during the day. At this moment, there is no need for Tie Mian to lie to Yang Yuan.

But Zhao Long's report was still very useful, which made Yang Yuan more determined when he gave the order.

And he also brought Yang Yuan information that he didn't talk about in detail during the day.

For example, the deployment of troops under the mountain, the scale and regularity of each mountain search.

On the day Zhao Long and Uncle Wei arrived at Tieyunzhai, they happened to encounter soldiers from Cangyang County Sou Mountain, and Zhao Long almost led people to fight them.

Fortunately, the people from Tieyunzhai arrived in time, and walked a remote mountain road to the present col.

At that time, Zhao Long knew that the young master would definitely be interested in the action patterns of these county soldiers after he came, so he led people to observe for three or four days, and finally came to a preliminary conclusion, and Yang Yuan just arrived at Tieyun Mountain.

This is the benefit of having an excellent subordinate, and Yang Yuan is in a good mood.

"Tell me about your gains in the past three or four days."

Yang Yuan is very willing to give his subordinates a chance to perform. In his eyes, this is the result of their hard work, and he will respect it.


"Cangyang County soldiers will go up the mountain every two days to search for the remnants of Tieyun Village, but I have observed that the number of Cangyang County soldiers is less than two thousand, and they are not a big threat to us.

On the contrary, the Zhenshuo Camp, which doesn't often search the mountains, is very powerful. They only entered the mountain once, and after they found that they couldn't find the people in Tieyunzhai, they set up encirclement circles around the periphery, and all the mountain roads that could be charged by cavalry were guarded by cavalry. So when we retreated to Tieyun Mountain, we could only walk through the mountains and forests.

However, there are also sword and shield players and archers arranged by the Zhenshuo Camp in the mountains and forests. If it is only our people, it is easy to break through, but if you add Tieyunzhai, you need to plan carefully. "

Yang Yuan nodded, leading a group of old and weak to break through the encirclement of Zhenshuo Camp is a very mentally handicapped behavior, so we can only break through a gap in this circle and then let the old and weak pass. The gap should not exist for too short a time.

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