Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 803 The War in Nanhu County Ends 9

But now Yang Yuan is still in Dongting County and has not set off.

Nor does he intend to challenge the power of nature.

Although he is highly skilled in martial arts and his physical fitness is several times that of ordinary people, he is unable to get out of the vortex even if he is drawn into it.

Isn’t it good to be alive?

Why do things that are dangerous and meaningless?

Return to Nanhu County first.

Zhao Long saw so many people coming to the door together, and he probably guessed their purpose.

That's why he said those words.

No matter what your reasons are, so many people come to your door together. What do they want to do?

Want to rebel?

This is certainly impossible.

They were all imperial soldiers and were absolutely loyal to Yang Yuan. How could they rebel?

In fact, they just had a common understanding and unanimously chose to visit Zhao Long today.

We just happened to bump into each other outside the door.

As for why some of them are far away and some are close, but they can arrive at the door of the handsome man's house at the same time?

God willing!

Everything is God’s will!

It may also be that the tacit understanding between their comrades allowed them to set off at different times but arrive at the same time.

It was definitely not agreed upon on the road. Wait and see if anyone else comes in later.

What Zhao Long said with a smile made many Shenwu Guard generals feel chills in their hearts.

But the matter has come to this, and they cannot retreat. Otherwise, it will be in vain, and the rain they have endured will be in vain.

In Zhao Long's words, it is better to take advantage of the rest time on rainy days to enjoy, drink, listen to music, and do some projects to relax the body. It feels good to think about it.


Now is not the time to think about that. When the war in Nanhu County is over, the commander-in-chief should give them a big holiday!

Then you can do whatever you want!

The most important thing now is to solve the problem of the logistics camp.

"Commander, I'm not thinking that there will be no battle today, so come and see the commander! I didn't know that they also wanted to see the commander. It's because we respect the commander that we came to see you in unison!"

Finally, someone was the first to speak, and after someone proofread, others started to explain.

We are not here to put pressure, let alone make trouble. We just want to pay a visit to the commander-in-chief and make some suggestions.

Just some suggestions.

A little suggestion!

For a time, the lobby of Shuai Mansion became as lively as a vegetable market.


Zhao Long was really annoyed by the noise from this group of people, so he slapped his hand on the table, and the clear sound silenced the lobby.

Much better now!

Zhao Long sat on the chair and looked at the crowded lobby. Zhao Long suppressed his anger and began to emerge again.

“Everyone sit down!

Look at what you are thinking now, each and every one of you is a general commanding a battalion or a unit, like a big bitch! "

A dozen generals sat down after the order, and the hall suddenly turned into a meeting of the Shenwu Guards.


Seeing such a familiar scene, Zhao Long couldn't help but clear his throat.

Then he realized that he seemed to have nothing to say.

You have to let them speak first!

Zhao Long glanced at the subordinates sitting down and picked up the tea cup. Hey, why is there no tea?

"Come here, serve tea!"

These people talked for a long time and didn't know if they were thirsty. Anyway, Zhao Long was thirsty and they were angry.

The greater the heat, the more water will evaporate.

The guard at the door quickly brought a pot of tea, then another pot, a third pot, a fourth pot...

There are not enough of these people. Whether they drink wine or tea, they like to drink it in one go.


The lobby finally became quiet.

Zhao Long: "Tell me, why are gangs coming to see me?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one took the initiative to stand up. Finally Du Jun, the highest-ranking general, said, "General, it's really just a coincidence that we came here this time."

This premise must be explained clearly, they have no premeditation.

"In addition to wanting to see the general, I also have a suggestion to make to the general."

Shenwuwei allows everyone to speak. As long as it is beneficial to the war, even a small soldier can make his suggestions.

The general's blunt words did not make Zhao Long angry, "Continue talking."

Du Jun: "General, the rainy season is coming soon in Nanhu County. It will rain every now and then. When the time comes, our fighting and stopping will have no effect at all!"

"We can't not launch an offensive during the rainy season!"

"General, the offensive cannot be stopped and the army cannot be given time to deploy troops or generals, otherwise the battle will become more intense after the rainy season!"

After listening to Du Jun's words, Zhao Long had already confirmed his suspicion. Sure enough, he was here for logistics matters.

He said unhurriedly: "You people only care about the frontline offensive. Who has ever seen the work of the logistics battalion?"

Zhao Long's question stunned the generals present. They had really never paid attention to how the logistics camp worked.

They only know that the logistics battalion can always deliver supplies to the front line in time.

This is also the reason why they have not paid attention to the logistics camp, because they never have to worry about problems in the logistics camp.

But at this time, they realized that they should pay more attention to the situation of the logistics camp.

Zhao Long didn't have time to wait for them to check the work of the logistics camp in person.

He continued: "I told the logistics battalion not to move out in rainy days. Heavy rain will have little impact on Nanhu County. Even if I let you brave the heavy rain to attack Shunjun, there will be no problem.

But not the logistics camp!

Most of our supplies are transported from Dongting County. Dongting Lake is the only way to pass. You may not have noticed that every time there is a storm, Dongting Lake becomes extremely dangerous and warships cannot safely pass. The grain boat had a narrow escape when it arrived on the lake. "

"Now you understand why the logistics battalion stopped!"

Zhao Long took a sip of tea, gave the generals time to react, and then continued: "As for the rainy season in the future, you don't have to worry."

"Fight when it's time to fight, and retreat when it's time to retreat. Complete the battle plan as soon as possible, and take into account the variables caused by weather changes in the rainy season. Don't worry about supplies. As long as your plan passes, the supplies will definitely be able to keep up!"

"Very good!"

"I'll go back and let the combat staff continue to improve the plan. It will be sent to the commander's house in two days!"

"I thought the rainy season would slow down the offensive, and all the previous plans were ruined. No, I have to go back and make new plans first. See you later, brothers!"

"Commander, can you ask the logistics to transport a batch of rain-proof equipment first? The production is too slow now, and the rain-proof equipment of the Shun Army is too rudimentary. It can only be used by our soldiers, and the rest will not work at all!"

The rain-proof equipment of the Qian Kingdom is very complete, including human equipment, war horses, vehicles, siege equipment...

Many things are prone to problems when they are exposed to rain. People and horses are fine. In the past few years, Yang Yuan has also summoned many good doctors, some of whom treat people and some of animals.

The Qian Kingdom now has a medical department, which is responsible for building medical clinics and hospitals across the country, and is also responsible for training a large number of outstanding doctors.

There are a large number of military doctors accompanying the army in the Shenwu Guards. They are not afraid of people and horses getting sick or injured. As long as they keep their breath, most of them can be saved.

But it is more troublesome if the siege equipment is broken.

It's okay if it can be repaired, but if it can't be repaired, it can only be remade.

It takes more time than treating a disease.

What Shenwuwei lacks is time!

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