Portable Space Can be Summoned

Chapter 977 Fei Long Zai Tian Er


The Yulin Army and the Xiaoqi Army brought great fear to Chongcheng, and all the people in Chongcheng hid at home and did not dare to come out.

But there are some people in the city who can't hide even if they want to.

"Go and invite all the cooks from the restaurants in the city. Be polite. If you dare to offend the cooks, I won't be able to eat without worry!"

Ma Teng came to Chongcheng not to vent his anger, but to let Xiaoqijun and Qinglongjun have a hot meal and have a good rest.

The Yulin Army didn't need it. They had a very sumptuous dinner in Chongcheng last night.

Today, the main thing is that the Qinglong Army needs to replenish their strength, and there is still a battle to be fought. Zhao Bo will definitely not lead the Qinglong Army to watch from behind, and they must be allowed to recover, otherwise it may cause additional casualties.

The Qi army will not give them much time to rest. The Qi army in Huaben Mountain will definitely rush to the important city as quickly as possible.

They won't stay in Chongcheng for too long. They can rest for up to two hours after eating. Ma Teng will also have some time to head to the night camp.

In fact, it is not impossible to stay in Chongcheng for one night. The Qi army around Chongcheng alone cannot stop the Xiaoqi Army and Yulin Army.

However, Ma Teng did not plan to stay in Chongcheng. He believed that camping in the wild was safer than staying in Chongcheng.

A total of more than 80 cooks from major restaurants in Chongcheng and some restaurants were invited to the military camp outside the city by the Knights of the Cavalry Army, as well as more than 200 cooks behind them.

The Qiaoqijun also took away all the ingredients from their kitchen, and of course they paid for it.

Even if they bought all the ingredients from restaurants and restaurants, it would still be a drop in the bucket for the 20,000 troops. The main food was still the military rations carried by the Knights.

"Keep an eye on it, don't let anyone tamper with the food!"

I have long said that cooks are very dangerous people. Once there is a problem with the food, the casualties may be greater than a battle!

People in Chongcheng had a very bad impression of Qian Guo, even hatred. If they didn't keep an eye on these cooks, they would probably tamper with the food.

Even if they don't have time to prepare poison, spitting in food is disgusting enough!

Under the supervision of the Knights, the cooks prepared the best meal in their lives.

They were afraid that their poor skills would displease the gangsters and kill them.

They hate the Xiaoqi Army and the Yulin Army, but they are even more afraid of the two Gan Army.

Apparently hatred cannot suppress the fear of death.

Ma Teng was very satisfied with the meal. It could not be said to be particularly delicious, but it was very characteristic of Chongcheng. The whole insect feast made people's eyes light up, and their scalp was numb. It took a long time to eat with chopsticks, but after taking a bite, you will find that the taste is very good.

Sweet, sour, spicy, salty, all five flavors.

Most bugs don’t have any weird taste and are very fragrant!

Especially after being fried, it is not too fragrant!

It can be said that Quanzongyan has no other disadvantages except that it is expensive.

People who can afford it won't think it's expensive, and people who think it's expensive won't be able to afford it even if the price is reduced.

Normal people don't often eat the whole insect feast. This is a big banquet, and eating it regularly is not in line with the style of the whole insect feast.

Ordinary soldiers will definitely not be able to taste the whole insect feast. They can only eat one or two dishes made from seeds. Not only some soldiers felt good about it, but also a small number of soldiers did not eat it, so they cannot give an evaluation.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, he has his own weaknesses. Being afraid of bugs is not an insurmountable shortcoming, but there is no need to eat those disgusting bugs!

What others call delicious food is more terrifying than dog shit in their eyes!

However, other food is still very delicious. The food of Xiaoqijun is very good, and the cook is willing to add oil when cooking. He puts a large piece of lard in every pot of food.

There is no need to worry that soldiers will suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases if they eat too much lard. They are always in a state of lack of oil and water.

After lunch, Ganjun prepared to rest in the simple camp. Zhao Bo was already very satisfied with the conditions here.

At least have a safe place to sleep.

It was just that he didn't sleep peacefully for long, and Qi Jun quickly caught up with him.

Ma Teng originally didn’t want to deal with the three parties involved in Huapenshan.


army, but they insisted on pursuing him, so Ma Teng had to order to defeat them first and then leave the city.

"Any Qi army that is not Qi army will be defeated by me!"

Ma Teng came to Qi State with only one purpose, to fight and fight until all enemies were defeated!

Yang Yuan had no intention of fighting a decisive battle with Qi. Ma Teng knew that he had to hurry up and eliminate any Qi army he saw.

"Alas! I was wrong. I was so dizzy that I thought of letting Qi Jun off Huapenshan!"

He had to seize the time to fight the Qi army, but in the end he thought about letting these three Qi armies go. Wasn't he losing his mind?

Fortunately, he woke up in time and didn't waste more time.

Zhao Bo agreed very much when he learned that Ma Teng was preparing to fight the three Qi armies coming out of Huaban Mountain in Chongcheng.

He suffered a lot at the hands of these three Qi armies. Although he had successfully escaped the Qi army's pursuit, Zhao Bo did not forget the soldiers who died on the road. Now that he had the opportunity to seek revenge, how could he let it go.

The Qi army was still forty miles away from the heavy city, and the Xiaoqi army and the Yulin army were already ready to charge.

No matter where they go, the exploration cavalry of the Xiaoqi Army will be released for at least fifty miles, and on the grassland it is a hundred miles.

After Ma Teng knew that the Qi army had entered the reconnaissance range, he immediately asked people to wake up the soldiers and prepare for battle.

Zhao Bo's Qinglong Army was also awakened at the same time. Zhao Bo came to Ma Teng's camp, and the captains of the Xiaoqi Army and the Yulin Army also came one after another.

They have no special emotions for this battle, only more excitement. As long as there is a battle, it doesn't matter who the enemy is.

If the Qinglong Army didn't have so many casualties, Zhao Bo wouldn't care who the enemy is. What they care most about is always completing the king's orders.

Zhao Bo: "Commander, I request to participate in the next battle!"

Ma Teng saw the desire in Zhao Bo's eyes and understood that he wanted to avenge his soldiers.

He supports Zhao Bo in his heart, but the Xiaoqi Army and the Yulin Army are both cavalry. The battle will definitely be a cavalry charge and the battle will be quick. Is it really appropriate for the Qinglong Army to join?

This was also the reason why he didn't reply immediately.

The Qinglong Army does not match well with the Xiaoqi Army and the Yulin Army, and their combat styles are even more different!

Letting them join the battle at will is not helping them, but harming them, as well as the Xiaoqi Army and the Yulin Army.

Ma Teng would never do anything that would lead to both sides losing.

When Zhao Bo saw Ma Teng didn't agree, he also thought of the reason.

Zhao Bo: "Commander, as long as we let us participate in the battle, we can do whatever tasks you assign us!"

Seeing that Zhao Bo was extremely determined, Ma Teng agreed to his request.

"Okay, I will lead the cavalry to charge, and you will intercept and kill the Qi army on the outside of the battlefield. Is that okay?"

"No, I promise to complete the mission!"

Although it was not the head-on battle he most desired, it was enough to be on the battlefield.

Ma Teng agreed with the Qinglong Army to follow him in the battle, and immediately walked out of the camp to prepare for the attack.

The Xiaoqi Army and the Yulin Army are both ready and ready to go at any time!

Ma Teng would not wait for the Qi army to arrive before launching a charge. He had no intention of waiting for work.

The cavalry should always be full of energy and should always be on the way to charge!

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