The next day, Emperor Ming Pei also sent Gao Kang, another great eunuch beside him, with Cen Zhusheng, to ask family by family at night.

Cen Zhusheng didn't know anyone, but he took Shen Shouyan's post, mainly because Gao Kang knew everyone... There is no one who is stealing the jingle.

Qinglanfang was written by Li Tingfang, Jintang Herbal Tea was written by Sun Changming, Badou Healthy Tea was written by Yuan Xiang, Carrying Ding Oolong Tea was written by Li Zhizhi, and Sijue Flower and Fruit Tea was written by Li Songqing.

And they all warned not to spread it to the outside world...

All the ministers are used to it, and they all understand it. The meaning of "Don't spread the word" is that you must not leak your words in front of the little princess, or even the emperor will not be able to save you....

Even Li Songqing, who is the most ignorant of the world, tolerated the little fun of his favorite little princess, and solemnly stated that he would kill the first one, and it was absolutely impossible for me to say that I would leak it.

Although these tea shops are different, they are actually very good.

The shops below have been decorated, and the tea pots and surroundings have been prepared. With a wave of Xinbao's little hand, the goods are ready, and the hardworking social animal Yan Ji has done it clearly...

On the other hand, Qinglanfang is actually not easy to do.

The emperor's people brought a few old masters over to help Cen Zhusheng's people build a workshop. Xinbao was responsible for providing medicine powder, flower juice, etc., and they were responsible for producing finished products.

The bottle design was tossed and tossed, and finally, a set of bottles with a bit of European court style won.

Although the craftsman has never seen a European-style court style, the unintentional design combines luxury and romance. It is simply a perfect combination of European style and Chinese porcelain. , Xinbao wants a set too."

Cen Zhusheng quickly responded with a smile.

Several tea shops are really hot when they open.

After all, people like Li Tingfang Yuanxiang, although they don't know why these shops are opened, they know that the things in this shop are made by the little princess.

The little princess enjoys tea one meal at a time, it all depends on fate, friendship, and often face... So if they can spend money to buy it, how can they not buy it? ?

Not only buy it for yourself, but also ask your friends to buy it!

But for the female relatives, it’s easy. Flower and fruit tea and herbal tea are made from refined tea cubes, especially flower and fruit tea, the sweet fragrance is simply amazing when you add water! !

Especially if it is soaked in a glass bowl, the girls will not be able to hold on to the beauty, so buy it! purchase! purchase! !

People like to follow the trend. When they see this new store is so popular, they naturally want to follow the trend and buy one by one, as if they don’t need money. Fortunately, Xinbao’s "source of goods" can be said to be inexhaustible, otherwise it would be true. Can't keep up.

Cen Zhusheng, or to put it directly, the people hired by the emperor are very strict, and each store has its own account.

Twenty-eight points, Xinbao and the others take up eight, just divide the money, Cen Zhusheng and the others take care of management and pay people wages.

In fact, this job was also done by the emperor's people. Cen Zhusheng just took a share of the shopkeeper's money, stood up to top the vat, and pretended to be a wolf with a big tail. In fact, he didn't have to worry about anything.

But there are quite a lot of benefits, at least all of a sudden, everyone knows him.

As for Qinglanfang, after the design of the bottle was completed, it was almost over, and it finally opened after more than half a month.

Qinglanfang was not very popular when it opened. After all, it was very expensive. Ladies who are used to "big names" are reluctant to try new things easily.

But after half a month, the sales gradually picked up, and then rose steadily... It quickly occupied half of the luxury skin care products in the capital, and it was still slowly rising.

All the accounts are reported once a month. Once the real money is in hand, Xinbao is really happy.

There were really a lot of rich people in the capital, and Xinbao’s flower fruit tea shop only had a month’s net profit starting with 40,000! ! Even the second brother was a little surprised!

Xinbao sang a song while running to write letters to her parents and elder brother.

When Yan Shirong came over, she could hear her singing repeatedly in a small voice, "Money~money~money~you can never run out of money~~" Singing and dancing while writing letters.

Yan Shirong couldn't help being amused, laughed a few times, and then whispered to Yeye: "Is there a war?"

Emperor Ming Pei nodded.

Yan Qingshan and his party arrived at the border at the end of the first lunar month.

The Jurchens originally consisted of three parts: Jianzhou Jurchen, Haixi Jurchen, and Donghai Jurchen, but now they are gradually merged into one, becoming more and more powerful.

In winter, they repeatedly harassed the border, but now it is time to enter dormancy.

At this time, food and grass were sufficient and weapons were powerful, so Dayan's army began to slowly march north.

Because they have binoculars and countless Hao Huashi style ears, there is no way for the other party's spies to get close.

They marched secretly all the way, and all the spies were wiped out by them, and no one could tell Jurchen that the army was about to overwhelm the border.

Mrs. Lin was dressed in men's clothing, and her face was painted yellow with the paint she asked for from Hao Huashi. She was not close to someone. No one knew that this was the crown princess, but thought she was the prince's entourage.

She came here mainly to manipulate Hai Dongqing, and Hai Dongqing listened to her very much, and hit wherever she pointed.

You must know that every spring is the breeding season of the sea dongqing, so, in February, the Jurchens will release the haidongqing they are raising one after another, and let them have children.

So while Dayan's army marched secretly, countless Hai Dongqings who had been released were drawn over by Dayan Haidongqing in a daze.

Then after a few days of brainwashing, he ate the special delicacies made by the Empress Dowager, and successfully fell under the skirt of the Empress Dowager Princess, and began to learn from the seniors, begging for food in a clumsy way.

The more and more of the sea dongqings, the more and more... In the end, there must be fifty or sixty.

There have been no new additions for three days in a row. It is estimated that all of them have been brought over, and the last new employees have surrendered.

The princess concubine sent the most clever sea dongqing as the mount of the little phoenix, and quietly went to investigate the enemy's situation.

Little Phoenix is ​​very smart, it's just lazy, and a bit naturally stupid, so if it is asked to listen to some tactical arrangements, it's just a matter of not mentioning it, even if it listens, no one understands it, and Xinbao can't understand it either.

But it would be easy enough for it to find the Jurchen Queen or something in it.

Soon, they felt the time was right.

So, on a warm and beautiful morning, someone suddenly yelled and pointed to the sky.

The Jurchens raised their heads together, and saw an unforgettable spectacle.

Several sea dongqings...their gods are flying in the air neatly, really neatly, with the largest one as the head, and the rest of the lines are straight, and none of them are messed up.

Countless people exclaimed, and countless people rushed out of the room, knelt down on the ground, and prayed devoutly.

The next moment, there was gold dust visible to the naked eye, falling from the sky.

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