The mountain gate of Hengyue Sect in the capital of Ao and the country is very close, and Fu Kang and Qiu Wei arrived in less than half a day.

The two entered the palace, and on the top of the palace, the king of the country was talking with the envoy of Che Zhiguo.

Seeing that the national teacher and his junior brother were coming together, Ao and Wang immediately stepped down from the throne to greet him personally.

"Oh, the national teacher and the great elder came together, which really flattered the widow, and the two of them quickly sat down.

Then Ao Youguo introduced the envoy of Che Zhiguo.

"This is Che Zhiguo's envoy Che Qiwen, he has a lot of novel stories, and the two of them also listen to them together. Che

Qiwen is the old minister next to Xue Yingyao, after Queen Xue ascended the throne, he also rose to prominence and became an important minister, which gave him the heavy responsibility of making a great country proud of the country.

The current Che Qiwen can be regarded as having seen the world, and when he saw the magical scientific and technological civilization of the Great Xia Kingdom, he had a new understanding.

It turns out that the world can be like this.

In particular, mortals can easily kill immortal cultivators, which makes him very shocked.

Now facing the two bigwigs of Hengyue Sect, this old man is not afraid at all.

Isn't it

just an immortal? Isn't it just like that? Immortals are not the same as they can be abused!

The posture of the past when I saw an immortal cultivator with weak legs and groveling is gone.

Che Qi was neither humble nor arrogant, and very generously bowed to Fu Kang and Qiu Wei.

"The two immortals are on top, and they are worshiped by the contemptible.

Qiu Wei frowned slightly, this envoy actually didn't bow down, when did mortals be so tough.

Hmph, let's not bother with him, just ask how magical this Great Xia Kingdom is.

"Don't bother, let me ask you that all the people who fly to the sky have feathers in the sky, how can there be iron birds flying into the sky?"

Qiu asked sharply, he had thought about this question along the way.

Iron bird flying in the sky? How unreliable is this picture?

This envoy must be lying nonsense.

Hehe, look at how you lie.

As long as you make a mistake, you're welcome on my side.

Tricking immortals is a dead word.

Che Qiwen was not afraid, he brought a lot of good things with him this time, the purpose was to let this group of pretentious immortals know that there are more bullish existences than them in this world.

Of course, these good things were given by Han Cheng, and Han Cheng's purpose was very clear that he wanted more people to know about the existence of the Great Xia Kingdom, so as to facilitate the promotion of the currency of the Great Xia Kingdom, and also to dump goods.

"Hahaha, it's okay if you don't believe it, I have a gadget here for you to see. As

he spoke, Che Qiwen took out a toy helicopter, which was exactly the size of a palm, and the surface was metallized, of course, it was actually plastic.

But where have the people of the other world seen such high-end goods, there is no doubt at all.

"This, what is this iron bump?" Qiu

Wei immediately became a little confused, the shape of the helicopter was too peculiar for a person from another world.

Unheard of, unseen.

"Immortal, this thing is an iron bird that can fly, you can see it. Che

Qiwen pressed the switch, and the small motor turned hula, and the toy helicopter flew into the sky.

This thing is electric, and there is a remote control.

Che Qiwen was trained, and he held the remote control for a while, and the helicopter could fly wherever it wanted.

Shocked by the four seats!

The military officials of the imperial court, Ao and Wang, the two immortals all opened their eyes wide, looking at the scene in front of them.

It's amazing!

Qiu Wei's pair of triangular eyes were even brighter, and he saw that the treasure eyes were open again.

Sure enough, it can fly, it's still iron.

What's even more amazing is that this thing seems to be a puppet that can be controlled.

But puppets can't go to the sky, and they're stupid.

This thing is much smarter.

How did you do it?

Qiu Wei couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and snatched the remote control in Che Qiwen's hand.

"Give it to me, let this immortal see. "

No, you're not trained. Before

Che Qiwen could say anything, the remote control was snatched away.

That Qiu didn't know how to control it at all, and the toy helicopter hit the wall directly in three or two clicks.

There was a snap and it broke.

Che Qiwen's face suddenly became ugly.

He also regards this thing as a treasure, as long as it can not be broken, it will be his own to take it back.

Can you not be angry if you are broken now?

You must know that this thing is also bought in the Great Xia Trading House, but the price is an astonishing 1,000 yuan Great Xia coins.

1,000 yuan, now the copper coins are 800,000 copper coins for one yuan.

How many copper coins do you get, I feel distressed to death.

Ao and Wang also felt a little embarrassed, people flew well, what are you robbing?

However, he didn't dare to offend the junior brother of the national teacher, but said to Che Qi very generously.

"Don't be sorry, envoy, how much is this little thing, the widow will pay you.

Che Qiwen glanced at Ao and Wang with a strange gaze.

Do you pay me?"

"Your Majesty, this thing is worth 800 million copper coins.

Che Qiwen said sadly.

The voice landed on the ground, which frightened the people around him.

This little thing actually costs

800 million copper coins? What the hell? The entire treasury of the country has been emptied, and it is estimated that it is not as much as 800 million copper coins.

Proud and King's stiff face couldn't fall. I wanted to be generous, but now I don't have any steps down.

What the hell is this, digging a pit for yourself and jumping.

800 million copper coins, do you want to sell my proud country to him?"

"Lord Envoy

, this, this, this," "You can't afford to pay for this amount, the iron bird is a high-end product of the Great Xia Kingdom." Che Qiwen put up a score, "I think so, you can exchange yellow stone for a thousand catties of yellow stone." "

Proud and Wang breathed a sigh of relief, a thousand catties of yellow stone is still enough.

Anyway, no one wants this thing, although you can still get it if you collect it a little.

Immediately let people go to prepare.

Che Qiwen put away the broken toy helicopter, he is not stupid, take this thing back and let Han Cheng repair it, maybe it can still fly.

Coupled with the 1,000 catties of yellow stone he had just earned, how could he feel that he was making a lot of money.

Sure enough, with the people of Great Xia, my brain is active.

Hee-hee, that's good.

At this time, a subordinate came over and said.

"Your Majesty, the dinner is ready. Ao

and Wang said warmly.

"Your Excellency, the widow has set up a dinner party for you to wash the wind and dust, please take a seat.

"There are also national teachers and great elders, it is rare for you to come once, and please enjoy the light and sit together."

Qiu Wei nodded slightly, the face of the pride and the king still has to be given, after all, this country usually gives no less benefits.

It's just that he has just been put on the side by the Great Xia Kingdom, and he is a little unhappy in his heart, and at this moment, he thinks about it and says disdainfully.

"When it comes to eating, there are all kinds of delicacies in the mountains and seas of the country, which should be the most in the world, and the objects of the Great Xia Kingdom are novel, but it is difficult to achieve anything in terms of eating.

Qiu Wei praised like this, and the face of the proud and king suddenly brightened, and he said happily.

"That is, I am proud of the country by the sea and the mountains, and there are all kinds of delicacies, and the Great Xia Kingdom is just like that. "

Hahaha!" the

surrounding ministers of cultural relics chuckled in agreement.

What else can you eat if you eat it, isn't it chicken, duck and fish, you can still eat the stars in the sky in the Great Xia Kingdom.

But these words caused Che Qiwen to chuckle.

Hehe, you proud and Chinese people probably have some misunderstanding about food.

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