Back in Dragon City, Han Cheng's mind sounded with a system sound.

Detect that the host is selling cigarettes and stained glass in the Otherworld, complete the task of the merchant world, and reward additional attribute points, 50 strength points.

Then a piece of information slipped through Han Cheng's mind.

[Portal system, host Han Cheng, level, level 9.] [

Height, 8 meters. 【

Width, 8 meters.】 [

The number of people allowed to pass, 7995/8000 people. 【

Special Skills,Gun Specialization!Poison Resistance Intermediate!Sword Skill Awakening Intermediate!

】【Auxiliary Facilities, Oil Pipelines.】 [

Strength, 100

] [Defense, 60] [

Speed, 10]

Han Cheng felt that he was more powerful, and with a swing of his fist, he actually made an empty explosion in the air, full of majestic power.

Ximen Aoxue on the side raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.

He had always thought that Han Cheng was also a mortal, but the punch he made just now was not lost to himself in terms of strength at all.

Could it be that Han Cheng usually didn't show it because he was modest?

For a while, Han Cheng's back was much taller in Ximen Aoxue's heart.

"Brother Han is really a god, I, Ximen Aoxue, can live without a wife, but I can't do without such a brother.

Han Cheng was cold, how did he feel a little strange, could it be that someone was talking to me behind

his back? Forget it, hurry back to the meeting, it's almost too late.

After a few words, Han Chengcheng hurriedly passed through the portal and returned to Blue Star.

Routine otherworldly development meetings.

Zao Wou-Ki was very excited, he had always kept a straight face, and he couldn't hide his smile today.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to thank Han Cheng first of all for this meeting, the spirit stone he brought back some time ago has helped us a lot.

"Because of the spirit stone, our psionic warriors have greatly improved in strength, and even instructor Zhu Heng has advanced to the third level of qi training.

"Secondly, the Academy of Sciences has successfully tested the first psionic engine, which is something that crosses the era, and it is of great significance, and in the future, whether it is an airplane or a ship, we will no longer worry about the engine.

"Our psionic engine surpasses its foreign counterparts in all aspects, even better than the validators in their laboratory. "

In a word, we have achieved cross-generation leadership with the help of psionic engines!"

Everyone understands the meaning of this psionic engine, and knows more clearly the meaning of cross-generational leadership.

It's like someone using a gun, but the enemy is still using a big sword and a spear, this is the generation.

It is impossible to win a war with a generational gap, and it is simply impossible to make up for the generational gap in weapons by strategy and tactics.

In a word, all conspiracies are a joke in the face of absolute strength.

Now that the Great Xia Kingdom has obtained this generation gap, this meaning is cross-generational.

Zao Wou-ki's words hadn't finished yet, and he added excitedly.

"If the psionic engine is modified, it can even be used on rockets, which will greatly reduce our carrying costs.

"The era of the Great Aerospace will be opened by our Great Xia people, but there is nothing to do with Westerners. "

Okay!" Suddenly

, one of the participants shouted uncontrollably, too excited.

Everyone is also ecstatic, the era of great aerospace, which represents the future.

The Great Xia Kingdom has already been at the forefront.

Zao Wou-Ki waited for everyone to be quiet and continued.

"These are actually the effects of Han Cheng's economic policies, he vigorously developed commerce and trade in the other world, opened up the market of the other world, and obtained a large number of spirit stones for us.

After speaking, Zao Wou-Ki looked at Han Cheng, and he was extremely impressed by this young man now.

Han Cheng smiled faintly and didn't say anything.

After that, the leader of the Ministry of Commerce spoke, and he was also full of emotion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our otherworldly development has given us great confidence, just recently the commercial representative of Meili Guo came to negotiate with us, saying that we would continue to import their coarse grain, but we unceremoniously refused, and now we can't eat our own food, and there is no shortage of their food.

Zao Wou-Ki looked wonderful and interjected.

"After hearing that their beautiful fruit had lost orders from our country, a large number of farmers went bankrupt.

"No, we fed Meimeiguo, but this group of white-eyed wolves targeted us everywhere, and this time we suffered. The

leaders of the Ministry of Commerce laughed.

"There is good news from your Ministry of Commerce, and there is good news from my Ministry of Energy. The

leader of the Ministry of Energy said with a bright expression.

"Since we discovered the Yunyue Oilfield in the other world, the international oil mold knife has been seriously challenged, and many countries have begun to use our Daxia national currency.

"That Great Commander of the Beautiful Fruit was so angry when he found out about it, and he also sent many spies to spy on the oil fields, and we seized this opportunity to dig up a lot of big moles!"

The leader of the sports department couldn't bear it, and he rushed at Han Chengdao.

"Colonel Han, you can see that the other departments have benefited, and you have also made our sports department stained this time. "

Lao Li, how do you say to help you?"

asked Zao Wou-Ki.

"I've heard that there is an aura in the other world, and the air pressure is high, which is suitable for weight-bearing training, and this is not the track and field Grand Prix is about to start, and I want our sprint team to go over for special training.

"Yes, I agree to that.

"But you have to do a good job of secrecy, those people used to have to train in a closed field, they were not allowed to go out, and they couldn't know the information of the other world. Although

Han Cheng agreed, he was hateful and cautious.

After all, the Great Xia Kingdom has made achievements in developing the Otherworld, and many countries will intensify their efforts to explore intelligence, which must be prevented.

As for the number of people, as long as it is controlled at about 50 people, it is still acceptable.

When the time comes, a new group of engineering personnel will come back for vacation, just in time for them to go.

"Okay, we'll follow the arrangement. The

leader of the sports department smiled happily.

Zao Wou-Ki saw that the crowd was no longer speaking, and ended the meeting.

After the meeting, Han Weiguo found Han Cheng for the first time, and pulled him to drink coffee again.

With the experience of the last time, Han Cheng understood, and this is probably going to meet with that Einstein again.

Sure enough, in the small private room of the coffee, Han Cheng saw Bao Lao again.

This mad scientist's hair is still the same and has a character, and he was happy like a child after seeing Han Cheng.

"Colonel Han, I have something to ask you again, can you help me get a spiritual vein this time!" This old guy is giving himself a problem again!

Han Cheng asked with a wry smile: "Old Bao, you are stumped for me, I have never seen a spiritual vein

in the other world."

Han Cheng was actually joking, and he didn't mean to push back.

Bao Lao is a real person, and he immediately explained when he heard this.

"Colonel Han, this spiritual vein is of great significance to our Great Xia Kingdom, I want to improve it on the spiritual energy engine and use it on rockets, this ......" Han

Cheng understood, this big move turned out to be in the old man's place, it seems that he has to agree if he doesn't agree, it is related to the future of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Just as he was about to answer, a sound sounded in his head.

Detect that the host is looking for a spiritual vein, trigger the system task spiritual vein exploration, as long as the task is completed, the portal will be upgraded by one level. There

is also this benefit!

Han Cheng smiled and said.

"Okay, I agreed to find the spiritual vein, and I'll arrange it when I go back. "

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