After returning to the earth, Poplar still felt a little worried after half an hour. He was really frightened by the dark scene in the former deserted city.

What are those demon-like beings behind the darkness? Where did you hide during the day? And the woman in red, what kind of existence is there, why did she almost look at herself at a glance, and what did she say in her mouth ...?

All kinds of weirdness and horror are revealed. Thinking of these, the Great Waste City once again cast a mysterious shadow on the poplar's heart.

"If I remember correctly, the ancient well next to the woman in red should be located in the central square of the Deserted City, but there was nothing empty during the day. Is it because the darkness is coming ..."

To herself, Poplar seriously suspected that the ancient well and the fountain of life could not be separated, and even the well water in the ancient well might be the fountain of life!

However, that ancient well poplar had not been observed up close, and it was impossible to know what was in it, and only a quick glance gave him no more information.

However, if the ancient well is related to the fountain of life, it will be difficult to get close to the ancient well. First, we must solve the problem of survival in the dark, secondly, the existence of the deities behind the darkness, and finally the woman in red ...

"These three difficulties are in front of us. Who can approach the ancient well? Not to mention that it is impossible to determine whether the ancient well is related to the fountain of life ..."

Thinking of these poplars feeling upset, he felt that only the existence of Emperor Tianyuan could be sure to approach the ancient well.

After thinking about the mess, he calmed down a bit, looked at the time, and there were still fifteen hours before the night in the deserted city.

Now that I'm back, I can take advantage of these more than ten hours to accompany my baby girl.

At this time, it was exactly five o'clock in the afternoon of Chinese time. Xiaofeifei had already finished school and was doing homework with the poplar's French counterpart.

Silently replaced the avatars of the law, Bai Yang looked at his baby's workbook.

Xiaofeifei looked up at Bai Yang and asked, "Dad, what is thirty two plus twenty three?"

How long has it been in school now that you have already learned addition and subtraction within a hundred? My heart murmured that it has been many years since I left school, and today's elementary school system Bai Yang is not very clear. Facing his daughter's problem, he did not give the first answer, but patiently said, "How does the teacher teach me? I My daughter Feifei is so smart that she can figure it out. Do you have to use your own brain to know first? "

"Dad, you have changed, you don't love me, and you don't tell me the answer," Xiaofeifei said angrily.

Oops, it ’s okay, Bai Yang is in a hurry, and said quickly: "Oh my daughter, how can my dad not love you? My dad wants you to understand. If you encounter a problem, try to solve it yourself first. Solve it by yourself, nothing will be difficult for you in the future. "

"Hee hee, lie to your father, I know the answer, um, good boy" Xiao Feifei turned cloudy and sunny immediately, kissed Bai Yang's face and wrote his answer.

What kind of brain circuit, Bai Yang said he couldn't understand the thoughts of his daughter.

Accompanying his own daughter to do homework, the father and daughter quarreled from time to time, the picture was very warm, the poplar was completely silent, and almost forgot about the big waste city.

It didn't take long for me to know where the wild baby Yaya and Red Ball had gone.

"Have you done your homework? Feifei is learning that you actually ran to play?" Bai Yang looked up at the two little guys and asked.

Hearing the words of Poplar, the little red ball trembled, and he didn't know where to go to take out his homework. He came to Xiaofeifei to do his homework properly.

However, Yaya didn't. After seeing the poplar, she first tilted her head, then ran away and stuck to the poplar, her little nose sniffed hard, her eyes were getting brighter, and her face enjoyed the expression.

In this situation, Bai Yang was immediately puzzled and asked her, "What are you doing?"

"Yeah, yeah ..." Yaya's mouth made a vague and tender voice, holding the poplar's neck without loosening, sniffing hard, and then licking her tongue.

The goosebumps were all up, and Bai Yang hurriedly tore her off and held it in his hand and asked, "What the **** are you doing?"

"Yeah, yeah ..."

Being carried away from Bai Yang's body, Yaya was so anxious that her face was distorted.

Aspen is not a fool. When she thinks in her head, she immediately thinks of something. Yaya is a special life form that is extremely yin to evil. She is extremely sensitive to the evil atmosphere. Is it because she feels the dark atmosphere in the desert city only when she feels it? This strange response?

"Yaya uses the essence of all things as food, and the evil things are even more tonic for her. Could it be said ..."

Her heart jumped fiercely, and Aspen had a vaguely hunch, perhaps the key to acting in the darkness in the deserted city rested on Yaya!

I do n’t know when, as the strength of Aspen grows, Yaya ’s help has been so small that it is a little neglected now, and now suddenly realizes that the Yaya ’s speciality actually serves many times. The effect is irreplaceable.

I felt that Yaya might be of great help to her in the deserted city. Bai Yang wanted to go back and experiment at once, but only after experiencing the crisis. He was still worried, and tried hard to restrain the urge to return immediately.

Bai Yang decided to wait for the dark night of the barren city to take Ya-Ya past, let her know the environment first, and wait for the second night to come into action.

Let go of Yaya, let her sniff on her own body, and Poplar looks at the red ball that does the homework regularly. This is also a very special existence. Maybe you can take it. Maybe you can bring it to yourself. Come unexpectedly.

It was so decided that Bai Yang had a bit of anticipation for going to Dahuangcheng again. Now, it is important to accompany her daughter first.

Next, Bai Yang accompanied her daughter to do the homework for half an hour. Both father and Wang Qingyu returned. The family happily ate a dinner. After coaxing Yaya to sleep, Bai Yang had another wonderful night ... ...

"Master, I have already stepped into the realm of the King of Kings, I don't know when I can stand next to you to share the pressure for you again," said the sweaty kitten leaning against Bai Yanghuai with a somewhat sad tone.

"As long as the cat is happy, I will carry it under all the pressure." Bai Yang said, stroking the kitten's hair.

The kitten smiled and laughed, but at the bottom of the heart it said that helping the young master is the happiest thing for the cat ...

In terms of the environment on the earth, it is already the limit to set foot on King Mirror. Here again, it is almost impossible for kittens to make progress. Bai Yang secretly decides that after the affairs of the Great Wasteland have passed, follow the opinions of kittens. Take them back.

There was no sleep all night. The next day, Bai Yang personally sent her girl to school. After feeling that time was almost the same, she brought Yaya and Red Ball back to the deserted city.

Just came to Dahuangcheng, Yaya first froze, then Xiaolian looked around with doubt.

As soon as he thought about it, Bai Yang said, "Yaya, the kind of breath on my body can only appear at night"

"Yeah ..." Yaya nodded excitedly and expectantly at the words of Poplar.

The red ball seemed very quiet, he felt a little cautious when he felt the arrogance from all sides.

Although Bai Yang stepped into the darkness of the Great Deserted City last night, in fact, he was not far away from the house where Shan Qiulin lived, just a few meters away.

Holding Yaya in her arms, the red ball was obediently on Poplar's shoulder, and Poplar pushed open the closed wooden door.

In the room, Shan Qiulin nodded his face to Poplar, and secretly relieved. Although he was sure that Poplar was okay, he was completely relieved when Poplar came back intact.

Shan Qiulin was supposed to do this, but the old man who stayed in the room for a night looked at Bai Yang with a **** expression, and looked at Bai Yang's voice a bit deformed and asked: "You ... Are you okay? "

How can I say, I can still stand here in good condition? Aspen smiled and said nothing.

A strange look at Aspen, then the old man put his gaze on Yaya and Red Ball again and said in astonishment: "Don't tell me these little guys you got in the darkness of the deserted city!"

Looking at Yaya, Poplar looked up and smiled at the old man: "Guess"

I guess your uncle, the old man's heart is silent, watching Yaya's eyes flashing, with his eyes, why can't he see Yaya's special, this kind of special life from yin to evil?

This kid can come back alive in the dark and get unexpected gains. I ca n’t do it without reason?

The old man muttered, having a bold and risky idea.

At this moment, Bai Yang was inexplicably startled and turned to look behind him. At the same time, Shan Qiulin also immediately came to Bai Yang's side.

Bai Yang saw that an old man wearing a purple robe with no white face did not know when he appeared at the door, and how the other party appeared and when he did not have any feeling at all.

With a tight heart, Poplar was vigilant and frowned, "Who are you?"

Yu Huayun stared coldly at Aspen and said, "You are Aspen?"

"I'm ~ ~ What advice did the seniors have?" Bai Yang asked in a deep voice.

Examining Aspen, Yu Huayun wanted to slap Aspen at this moment, but he couldn't resist the thought that the baby would be heartbroken after taking Aspen.

He hummed so hard that Yu Huayun looked at Bai Yanghuai's yawn frown again and asked, "This is your daughter?"

He learned from the baby that Poplar has a daughter, but now he sees the girl in the arms of Poplar and feels the wicked breath of the girl. If this is the daughter of Poplar, it seems that Poplar is not a good thing. , If the baby is sad, he will also kill Aspen!

"She is not my daughter," Bai Yang answered with a frown.

Frowning frowned, Yu Huayun waved and tossed the poplar and disappeared. Only one voice was still echoing.

"Kid, live well ..."

Bai Yang was puzzled by this inexplicably appearing old man. However, when he saw something in his hand, his pupils shrank, and he immediately closed it and did not let the old man on the side see it ...

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