Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 269: Show up

As soon as the words fell, Aspen noticed that the raging poisonous insects became violent and abnormal.

Squeak ...

All kinds of poisonous insects tweeted, and they were shocked, and a long distance away, some poisonous insects started spraying venomous mist.

The stench was soaring into the sky, all kinds of venom and poisonous mist were flying, the vegetation was withered and rotten, the ground was eroded by highly toxic substances, and even some rocks were melted by venom, the scene was terrible!

"I scratch, this poison is terrible. Fortunately, my brother is not afraid!" Bai Yang grinned.

Poisonous fury is also useless. Poplar's idea is sent out. Fifty meters away is a dividing line. If there is an invisible barrier to isolate this side, no matter whether it is venom or poison, don't want to exceed this range.

"This is amazing. The poisonous insect died silently. The venom and mist could not get over that area. How did he do that? Is this the means of the legendary Shinto monk?" The little teacher murmured to herself.

Seeing Shan Qiulin saying nothing, their brothers and sisters temporarily focused on the crisis at hand.

Jiang Shan looked at the back of Bai Yang with awe in his face, and there were countless talents in the world. He didn't expect that he could see such a stranger when he came to Helin and was younger than himself.

The four sisters Bingqing Yujie looked at Bai Yang with worship, and his young master was extraordinary.

Shan Qiulin kept silent, no matter whether he was facing a crisis or met his former master brother and sister, his mentality was very calm.

"Hey, you're bored or bored, knowing that this is useless and endless, why bother?" Bai Yang shouted again into the dark distance, his heart was quite speechless.

The waves of poisonous insects that are frightened, martial arts encounters no solution at all.

The lesson in front of the car is right in front of them, and Jiang Shan in the martial arts realm has to run, even ten hundred people at the level of Jiang Shan have no problem facing such a situation. After all, there are too many poisonous insects and they can't be killed.

This is the means of Shinto monks, secretive and magical.

The other party did not speak, and threw more poisonous insects to the poplar ...

Aspen just feels awful. If you want to consume it, then consume it. See who has consumed it.

No matter how many deaths come, no poisonous insect can cross the range of fifty meters in front of them.

"The other party really is a fellow in the same community! Since the weak poisonous insects are useless to you, let me see what you can do." The Shinto monk who secretly controlled the poisonous insects sneered.

The kind of control sound that can't be heard by the ear is transmitted more quickly, and the violent poisonous insects are shocked by death.

Puff puff……

In the forest, one poisonous worm died, and the deadly corpses of the ground piled up layer after layer.

The surrounding mist spread out, and the plants withered.

"Be careful, I feel that a crisis is approaching!" Jiang Shan stepped forward and came to Shen Yang with a deep voice.

People who practice martial arts have their own sense of crisis. The more they become high-quality warriors, the stronger their sense of crisis. At this time, Jiang Shan feels that behind these poisonous beasts, there is a greater danger hidden.

"I know, there are many beasts hidden behind poisonous insects ..." Bai Yang nodded.

However, he hadn't finished speaking yet. In the insect tide in front of him, Zhentian roared, and a giant rushed out.

It was a fierce tiger, ten meters in length, with red fur, and was so extraordinary that it rushed out, and rushed to them with a strong **** breath.

"Can you handle it?" Bai Yang looked sideways at Jiang Shan with only his left hand.

Jiang Shan nodded and said, "This is a **** tiger, I can handle it."

"Then leave it to you," Bai Yang laughed, although he could easily let that **** tiger lie down, but don't just look at it with no effort.


In the roar of the sky, the tiger has rushed across the limit of fifty meters, of course, this was intentionally released by Bai Yang.

Alas, Jiang Shan flashed, and rushed to the left with a sword.

"Brother beware," the little sister worried on the side.


Jiang Shan rushed to the front of the tiger, the sword in his hand was golden, and the edge flashed, the tiger's head rose to the sky, the blood sprayed, and the tiger's body fell to the ground.

When I went, only one hand was still so fierce, it was indeed the strongest in the martial arts realm, Bai Yang grinned secretly.

Holding a sharp sword, Jiang Shan was about to turn around and return, his eyelids jumped, and he ducked away from the side twenty meters away.


The earth was flying, a sloppy head burst out of the ground, and the horrible mouth closed with a loud bang.

It was a huge pangolin with a head that was two meters long. If Jiang Shan was still there, it would not be enough to swallow.

The pangolin scales are iron gray, cold and deep like metal.


The figure of Jiang Shan flashed, the golden sword-mang was swallowing, and the pangolin had not yet rushed out of the ground, and his head was cut off!

"Yeah, okay, I'll leave the big one to you," Bai Yang grinned silently, anyway, idle or idle, let him be active.

Whistling, a strong wind was blowing, and Jiang Shan, who had just beheaded the pangolin, was surrounded by three huge black shadows.

It was a black panther with three heads and an eight-meter body. It was extremely shiny and smooth, and it rushed to Jiangshan from three directions.

"Brother beware," the little sister worried.

Girl, can you change it? Or you can go up and help, Poplar is speechless ...

Although the black panther is fierce, it is still useless. At first, a warrior of the car family could deal with the four-eared green bulls that are as terrible as the hills. In front of Jiang Shan, a strong warrior, the three black panthers were ants.

The golden swordman flashed, three beeps, and the three black panthers were already out of place.

Bai Yang was happy to watch the show and focused on dealing with poisonous insects. Those beasts were handed over to Jiang Shan. This is the outer part of the Mi River Forest, and it is unlikely that terrible creatures such as the three beasts on the side of Kaihui Fruit will appear.

The giant python, cheetah, tiger, black bear, crocodile, lion, and other beasts that are 20 meters long, don't know where they ran out.

"Well, if Jiang Shan had killed so much on the earth side, it would have been shot, right?" Bai Yang still had the mood to think about this, but Shinto monk you ca n’t get out of it, and my patience is about to die.

The realm of Jiang Shan's warrior is really fierce. The beasts that appear are almost the same size, but there is a degree of fierceness. After killing hundreds of beasts in a row, he sweats and starts to breathe. The real yuan is too much.

"Brother, I'll help you," Xiao Shimei drew a sword and rushed over.

On the side, Shan Qiulin opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

"Master, should we also help in the past?" Lin Binger asked Bai Yang.

"Just don't make a mess in the past. They are either warriors or warriors. In the past you couldn't help anything," Bai Yang persuaded. If you want to do it, I might as well kill the beasts directly.

Well, it's enough to be responsible for being pleasing to the side ...

The boring fights lasted more than two hours, and the bodies of the poisonous beasts around them were piled up like mountains.

"Hmm, surely there are some means." The Shinto monk who secretly operated the poisonous beasts hummed in his heart. He also felt that this kind of confrontation was a bit boring, and Ana couldn't help going out to brush out the sense of existence.

Crackling ...

The sound of a broken tree sounded, and a behemoth appeared in the dark forest.

It was a black spider with a whole body, a very big spider, eight meters high, with hairy legs like steel needles stretching out, enough to radiate a range of thirty meters!

A ghostly Shinto monk came to the back of this big spider, and advanced towards them in the direction of Aspen.

The big spider is too scary. Eight legs pass by, the hard rock smashes, and the thick trees cannot stop it!

Next to this horrible spider, there is a forty-meter-long python with a silver body, which looks extraordinarily stingy. If it is thrown over the earth, it will be regarded as a legendary dragon.

These two terrible beasts are already the strongest beasts that this Shinto monk can find in the relatively outer area of ​​the Mi River Forest.


After Jiang Shan and his little sister-in-law killed several fierce beasts, they stunned and looked out into the dark distance. There was a terrifying breath towards this side, the trees cracked and the ground trembled.

The poplar, who was thinking of killing poisonous insects, suddenly stared, and exclaimed subconsciously, "Oh, there is a ghost!"

The existence of that wandering spirit appeared in the scope of his mind, and he looked at it really.

Twisted like a black mist, it is a human form, and the evil is secretive. Apart from the word ghost, Poplar can't really describe the thing in other languages.

"What happened to the young master?"

"Let's go now"

"I have a bad hunch ..."

The four sisters Bingqing Yujie spoke one after another at this time.

They could not see the Shinto monk, but they could feel the dangerous breath from the two horrifying creatures.

"That guy is here, don't worry, I'll see if I can kill him," Bai Yang said.

Since the Lord appeared, there was no need to keep his hands, and the mind radiated out. Within a radius of 1,000 meters, all the poisonous insects were dead in pieces.

"Huh?" The Shinto monk floating on the back of the big spider frowned. I didn't expect the other party to keep it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Can kill so many poisonous insects at once!

Moreover, he was obsessed with the poplar's thoughts, but he felt uncomfortable, but confident that he did not stop moving forward.

In Poplar's thoughts, the other party is a twisted and strange humanoid black mist that can be seen in the thoughts, but cannot be touched with the thoughts. The other party's feeling is a tangible and imperfect existence.

"It ’s really a ghost? You can see it but you can't touch it, and I don't know if the prepared things are useful."

My heart murmured, mixed dog blood and chicken blood that had been thrown away by aspens flew out of a large mineral water bucket, flew out with a strong **** smell, and poured through the woods to the Shinto monk.

"In the end is it useless?" Bai Yang was quite looking forward at this moment.

This is a gathering of the wisdom of the majority of the Internet users on the earth, don't drop the chain.

The big spider had the same existence as the soul, and when it saw the blood and blood splashing, its face changed ... (To be continued.)

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