Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 307: Burned

噗通 ...!

The smoking poplar plunged into the river, and the water splashed, and he dived directly to the bottom.

Cooing, he was smoking all over, forming a series of bubbles in the water, the bubbles came to the surface and the smoke rose.

"Master Protect!"

Hu Zi exclaimed, the first one rushed to the river, jumped into the water without thinking, and wanted to salvage poplar.

At this time, almost all the villagers who saw the poplars were surrounded by the river, looking anxiously.

Tongtong's voices kept ringing, and villagers jumped into the water one by one to save the poplars.

The water surface churned, and the tiger rushed out of the water a few meters high, shouted that it was hot, and then fell into the water with a bang.

He was the first to rush into the water, grab the poplar with red skin and smoke and pull it towards the water. However, just after touching the poplar's skin, he felt as if he had caught a red iron block. Blistering.

It's hot!

So he let go of the poplar and screamed out of the water.

But due diligence, he felt that he couldn't leave the poplars and went into the water again.

The water splashed, and more than a dozen villagers entered the water to salvage poplars. The original calm river surface suddenly jumped.

It is said that the river in the middle of Goduo village is still very deep. It has to be three or four meters. After the poplar jumps into the water, he drills into the water bottom.

However, the fact is that he didn't feel his heat at all, because of the illusion that he was smoking.

He was smoking all over his pores, forming bubbles one after another in the water and rumbling to the water.

Now the tiger man is approaching Bai Yang for the second time, and he is going to grab him and pull him towards the river. However, when he just touched Bai Yang ’s arm, his hand retracted, and it was hotter than before.

"What the **** is this **** me?"

The potentially poplar poplar is frightened, red-skinned, and smoking, who will explain what it means!

There was more smoke coming out of his pores, and his skin deepened toward deep red.

More than a dozen villagers approached him one after another, trying to pull him ashore, but they were all scalded and retracted their hands.

Not only that, the villagers also found that the originally cool river water around Poplar was as hot as boiling water at this time, and they would be cooked as they approached.

For half a minute, the poplar couldn't hold back in the water, and heading out of the water, his head breathed heavily.

However, when he panted, a large white smoke was emitted from his mouth. Not only that, but the pores on the nose, ears, eyes, and even the entire body were smoking ...

"Master, what's the matter with you? Don't scare us" Hu Zi shouted anxiously from the side and wanted to get closer, but the temperature around the poplar was getting higher and higher and couldn't pass.

"I don't know what happened," Bai Yang almost cried.

With that said, white smoke was blowing from his mouth and nose, like a smoke bomb.

At this time his skin was red, just like a burning iron.

Cooing, around him, bubbles bubbled up one after another, smoky. Except for the smoke and bubbling on his body, the river water around him boiled directly.

This is going to work, who will explain it?

"But, Master, you are smoking." Tiger was anxious and afraid, worried about the condition of Poplar, but couldn't find any solution.

Aspen stretched out a hand from the water, his arms smelt and smoked like a burnt wet log, glanced, scratched his head, and was paralyzed.

So he said, "I do n’t know what ’s going on. You stay away from me. I'm afraid it will be transmitted to you."

He was really wondering, and he was smoking, but the smoke on his body was not blowing his nose and his eyes were not hot. He breathed smoke, no different from normal breathing, and the water around him was boiling, but he couldn't feel it It's hot, but I feel mild. I can't feel the kind of hot heat on my body. It feels no different from normal.

But what about his mother?

He knew it must have been the hair he had inhaled, but he couldn't figure it out.

Grumbling, bubbling around the poplar, the water surface was really boiling, and the villagers around had to stay away.

The "Master" kitten exclaimed with red eyes and tears on the shore. If it weren't for the four sisters Bingqing Yujie holding her dead, she would jump to Baiyang regardless of it.

Uh ...

The silver wolf howled anxiously, leaping through the water and swimming towards Aspen, and then scalding the water so hot that he could only stay away.

"Don't worry, I don't seem to be okay," Bai Yang said with a tangled expression.

Oh my young master, are you all right now? People around don't believe it.

However, there is no way to explain it. The poplar is really good, but what does it mean that the smoke is so hot? And there was smoke around him, and no one could see his condition clearly.

At this time, the whole village was alarmed. Men, women, old, young and old all came to the shore, not to look strange, but to worry about Bai Yang.

"Bai Yang, how are you feeling?" The old village chief asked anxiously, standing on the shore.

Aspen tangled and replied, "I don't feel anything, and, with so many of you watching, I'm a little embarrassed."

Sorry for a woolen yarn, he was so smoky that he couldn't see him at all.

"Grandpa, see what happened to the young master? Why did it look like this?" The kitten asked the old barefoot doctor in the village.

There is no doubt that the old man who knows medicine is now the only life-saving straw.

The old man looked at the white poplar in the river and scratched his head: "In this case, the old man has never seen it, it is inexplicable, and listening to him seems to be no big deal ..."

The people around were speechless. Sure enough, the doctors in the country were unreliable. Is it okay for the master to do this? We are not blind.

"What happened?" At this point, blind Shan Qiulin came to the shore with a wooden sword made of a piece of wood.

He couldn't see, naturally he didn't know what was born.

The kitten described the situation of Bai Yang in an emergency, and then asked him with a wide range of knowledge: "Shan Gongzi, do you know what happened to my young master?"

"I don't know ..." Shan Qiulin frowned, and she didn't understand.

Aspen was so full of smoke that he was very hot. He had never seen such a situation.

"No, you see, the master is on fire!" At this moment, the tiger who was five meters away from the poplar in the water exclaimed.


The surrounding villagers exploded, and when they were puzzled, they looked at Bai Yang and were worried about the thriller.

"Paralysis, I really burned!" In the water, Bai Yang himself was stunned.

The surface of his body no longer became red, but instead began to change toward normal color, and the smoke on his surface was much less. But what does it mean, mother-in-law, with martian particles in the pores?

The thick smoke accompanied the Martian spit from the poplar's mouth and nose, and the surrounding temperature became higher.


Numerous people are aggressive around, and there is no way to explain it, the ghost knows that Poplar will be like this for Mao.

The poplar's head was exposed on the water, and his face was irreplaceable. Paralyzed curiosity could not only kill the cat, but also the human. I was so good at studying the meteorite to make hair.

This is all right, I will become this ghost, and do it later?

"Master, wouldn't this be practice and go into magic?" Lin Binger, pulling the kitten, worried.

"But Master never practiced martial arts," Tao said.

No one can explain this.

At this time, the white poplar's skin gradually became normal color, and the smoke in the pores of the poplar gradually reduced until it disappeared.

However, it is because of this that the person who sees the poplar is even more thrilled.

His skin was normal, and he no longer smoked, but Kete was angry!

Yes, he didn't smoke, instead, his pores began to spit fire, and the red flame blew a foot away, and the surrounding air was distorted, and his whole body seemed to burn and the flame rose.

But the evil thing is that such a terrible flame rises, but he doesn't have any fart, even he is in the flame, and even a hair is not burnt.

"I ¥% …… & * () ...... &"

Poplar immediately became messy. What the **** is going on here?


These two words suddenly appeared in his mind. What kind of mutants such as Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Batman, Hulk, X-Men and so on passed through his mind, and he was absolutely forced to become such a member. .

And this must be caused by the hair that **** into the body.

"But the question is how will my mother see someone in the future?" Bai Yang was dumbfounded.

The whole body was burning, and the whole person was burning. The flame above his head rose three feet high, and it seemed that the temperature was not low.

In this state, you have to burn anything and bang, you can't get dressed, you can't walk in front of flammable and explosive materials, can you only soak in water for a lifetime?

The main thing is that you can't get close to people. If you do shy things with the kitten, you must not burn her into coke!

"I'm speechless. Is it because the hair in the meteorite itself has a nature that can make people mutate, or is it because I have mutated and acquired the ability of deliberate power? Or is it because the stuff was brought here from Earth's time and space? Amazing reaction after the side came? "

Thoughts glided through the aspens' minds, but these were all unsolvable.

I don't understand.

The whole body was on fire, and the surrounding water was tumbling, muttering and bubbling.

And the flames on his body were getting more and more fierce, and the flames sprayed on the pores were almost a meter away.

Countless eyes around looked at this scene ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ magical and worried at the same time, is this the young master?

Aspens soaked in water, burning all over the body, one hour, two hours ...

He was like an inexhaustible piece of dry wood, the flames rising.

Anyway, paralysis seems nothing special except to catch fire by himself, lovingly.

After three hours of soaking in the water, his face changed.

The paralysis is a little dizzy.

Then, his very sharp eyelids rolled over and fainted.

It is also amazing to say that after he fainted, the flame on his body gradually reduced, and then disappeared.

In the end, he floated in the water like a corpse.

The "Master" kitten exclaimed, and the first rushed to the poplar in the water.

"Mrs. Young, please be careful" exclaimed the four sisters Bingqing Yujie ... (to be continued.) 8

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