Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 309: Brother Lan has been hijacked!

Gordo village is very lively at this time.

This is certainly not because of the large population of Goduo Village, but because there is a new dock outside of Goduo Village. Hundreds of thousands of mountain people in the Mi River Forest will bring mountain goods here to trade, so it is very lively.

However, this vocal enthusiasm is covered by another sound.


In the mountain forest in the distance from Goduo Village, a loud noise came from the ground, shaking the countless birds and beasts, and the ground was shaking.


The mountain people who came to trade outside the village of Godo glanced in the direction of the loud noise, and they no longer ignored it.

Because similar things often happen these days, it's not strange.

At the same time, in addition to this loud noise from time to time, there is a clapping sound and a buzzing sound, which is terrible. However, except for some people in Godo Village, what is going on is heard by outsiders. I don't know what happened at all.

The mountains and forests separated by dozens of miles from the village of Godo were ruined.

Old trees are uprooted or even broken down. There are many large pits on the ground from time to time. The smell of smoke is filled here, and some small hills have been smoothed.

Buzz ...

There was a loud noise, and a gunship hovered hoveringly and fell at any time.

On the plane, Hu Zi's mouth was almost cracked.

As his curiosity broke through the horizon, there was nothing more interesting to him than this big toy. To this end, he abandoned the practice of the Thunder Secret, and was hanged by a poplar and pumped a whip.

He refused to accept it. As soon as Poplar dropped the sentence, "Budo is the root," he beat the tiger. He left irresponsibly and told Huzi that if the martial arts practice was abandoned because of these external forces, he would hang up and take off his pants. Cry!

"Brother Huzi, please slow down, pay attention to the tree in front, hey, it's about to hit!"

Hu Zi shouted around a big man.

"It's okay, you can't hit it, you can't fly high, and we can jump down," Huzi said calmly, controlling the helicopter gunship to avoid the towering tree.

However, the big man on the side despised: "Master said, there are not many such iron birds. If you scrap one, you will be hung up to fight. No, master changed the pattern, and will burn your head!"

"Huh, I can already play it, I'll change it for you later," Hu Zi said with a sip.

Then the big man on the side stopped talking, and lowered his hands on the tablet computer, learning the operation video of the gunship above.

Well, these videos were filmed by Bai Yang to major troops.

In this dense forest, not only gunships hovering from time to time roaring gunfire, but also tank and armored vehicles rampage, vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft machine guns and vehicle rockets are available. As for various firearms.

This is the place where Aspen allows his guards to train. Be sure to learn the operation of various weapons. A tablet computer is in hand, and there are teaching videos of him sneak shot.

He also introduced the training methods of special forces and trained the mutual cooperation ability of the guards.

Count on training special forces to increase their combat effectiveness ...

To be honest, Poplar let his followers of martial arts use a variety of scientific and technological weapons, and his terrible skills combined with weapons, making a stunning effect.

Therefore, with this mountain forest as the center, birds and beasts within a radius of a hundred miles are afraid to approach!

In the village, the kitten is in the embroidered robe, and the four sisters Bingqing Yujie are in the embroidered robe.

Because the poplar's demand for clothes is very big now, they embroidered robes and various exquisite robes by hand.

"Is there really nothing wrong with the young master?" Lin Jie'er said arbitrarily while wearing a needle and embroidery gown.

"Master said it's okay, then it must be okay"

Lin Binger's sisters pursed her lips, her eyes fluttered, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Yeah, it's time for me to cook for the young master." Thinking of this, the kitten immediately put down her work and left.

Lin Jieer got up and said, "I'll help too"

The remaining three sisters, Lin Binger, looked at each other.

"Sister, sister, you said, what did the young master do when the mountain made the chicken jump?" Lin Qinger asked.

Lin Binger thought for a while and said, "I heard the young master and Shan Gongzi said that when the tigers became familiar with those strange weapons, they would enter the deep forest of the Mi River!"

"Deep inside" Lin Yuer whispered to himself, watching Mihe Lin stretch out, a look of fear in his eyes.

Everyone is busy, as long as people are alive, as long as they are not vegetative, they can always find what they want to do, even if they are sleeping.

Therefore, the blind Shan Qiulin was not idle.

He broke his arm blindly, and although he was disabled, he was busy all day, busy practicing the Secret of Thunder, and busy practicing his sword with his wood piece. Because of the inconvenience of his eyes, he broke many things with the wood piece Many people have already complained to Poplar.


Dan Qiulin stood on an open field, and the wooden sword in his hand swept forward. A large tall bluestone pattern remained motionless, but if he pushed it gently, the bluestone had been broken into two sections and the incision was smooth.

This guy ’s physique has grown significantly after practicing the Thunder Scriptures. Although he still ca n’t reach one percent of his martial arts level at the beginning, at the level of martial arts, he can definitely be called the top. Weird swordsmanship, below the warrior realm, it is almost difficult to find opponents.

Of course, this is limited to the area of ​​Deyang Town and Goduo Village. Looking at the world, it is estimated that many people can hang him in the same realm.

Qingshi was cut off, and several large villagers at the side, Ma Liu, carried Qingshi away and replaced it with a new one.

Well, in order to prevent Shan Qiulin from messing with the damage, Bai Yang specially arranged a few people to serve him ...

Aspen has recently become fascinated with grilled meats, grilled meats of all kinds, and meats of various wild animals.

However, his craftsmanship is sincere. It's been ten days in the alien world. He hasn't been able to roast a whole piece of edible meat, all of which has been roasted into fly ash.

No way, the temperature of the flames he controlled was so terrible that even the iron and iron could melt, not to mention the meat.

A silver figure shuttled through the dense forest. It was a handsome silver wolf. Yes, it was a pet raised by Bai Yang.

It's just that this guy is too big and has grown to four meters in length, and the hair is soft and shiny like silk.

This guy is very long, and the scorched hair was replaced with a new one ten days ago.

At this moment, he was holding something in his mouth. A twenty-meter-long python was thicker than the waist of an average woman. His head was smashed and he was pinched in his mouth.

Bang, Silver Wolf came to Bai Yang, dropped the python's body, and then the pug wobbled his tail and lay on the ground watching Bai Yang stick his tongue out.

Aspen sat on the ground, and slapped the silver wolf's head, which was taller than himself, on the ground, and said, "Who did you learn this foul virtue?"

"Woohoo ..." Wolverine narrowed his eyes, and enjoyed interacting with Bai Yang.

This guy is clever and clever, just can't speak, and Poplar pokes his lips, too lazy to bother.

Then, with the thought, a red flame rose in front of him, surrounding the python carcass brought by the silver wolf for barbecue.

The horrible flames burned, and the python carcass instantly became coke powder, and the wind flew everywhere.

Not only that, but under this terrible flame, the ground cracked and there was a tendency to melt.

"Hey, the idea of ​​wanting to grill yourself anytime, anywhere is expected to fail" Bai Yang sighed.

He can control the size of the flame as he wants, but he cannot control the temperature of the flame, which is impossible.

After exploring for a while, he probably figured out what the flame was like.

Generally speaking, this is also a kind of power, not using his flesh and blood as a 'fuel', but using his mental energy as a source of energy.

If the flame continues to burn, and the mental energy is exhausted, the poplar will be unconscious.

To tell the truth, after probably knowing what happened to the fire ability, Bai Yang was also shocked. This thing is too counter-productive. If he now encounters the blood lotus members who chased and killed him, he won't have to run at all and just burn to death Those guys!

Well, except for Shinto monks, this is not guaranteed.

This kind of flame uses his mental energy as a source of energy to burn, and can be controlled at will, and the flame is not limited to burning outside his body.

As long as his mental power is within the range, a flame will appear wherever he wants it, and a flame will appear as much as he wants.

The size of the flame was controlled by him, and the shape was the same.

Of course, the larger the flame range, the more mental energy he consumes.

He tried in a large lake, set fire to all places within his mental range, and then, for just a second, the mental power was exhausted, and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

Within two kilometers in diameter, all the terrible flames in the sky and the ground are in that area is a terrifying oven. The scene is terrible, as if the sun is falling on the ground.

However, the consumption is too large. With his current mentality, he can only maintain it for a second, and he has to risk playing with himself.

So, after that he never played that way again.

"Master, it's bad, something happened!"

Just then, a guard wearing a titanium armor hurried to yell.

"If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I'll burn your head or believe it!"

Bai Yang swiped his mouth and said ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Scalding his head, this is a great fun after he got the fire ability. If he often gives someone a hot head, it means that the person's head has wood. bubble.

So bald heads are often seen recently in Godo village.

There is no such thing as a physical parent in this world.

"Master, the subordinates did not dare to deceive the master, something really happened, and the news came from Hulu Valley, saying that the girl Lan Xin was hijacked!" Said the sturdy guard.

"What the hell? Tell me clearly, who's okay with hijacking 'Blue Brother'?" Bai Yang frowned.

The guard immediately replied: "Master, really, the people who came to report that the numerous flower-picking robbers in Deyang Town hijacked Blue Girl, and left a letter without saying that Lan Xin didn't know what to do, but he was right. He didn't mind, and hijacked the blue girl, saying that she must get her heart, but it would not hurt her a finger! "

What's so messy about this? Where's the Wonder? After listening to aspen is silent ... (to be continued.) 8

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