Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 365: Easy to get

"This pit father's test is still playing chess. It is estimated that few people can pass it?" Bai Yang turned around the chessboard. ?

The chessboard is in the middle of this hall, gray and black stone, with a stone bench on each side. I don't know how many years have existed, but there is no gray at all.

Did the dust removal work well ...

Go, Bai Yang can't do it. Whoever is okay to learn that kind of elegant stuff, besides, the naturally popped Bai Yang can't sit still, and he must not be too frustrated to learn that stuff.

Can't play chess, but this game cannot pass?

As soon as his eyes turned, Aspen chuckled, hey, you can do it, but not in a hurry.

Then he walked around the hall, knocked here and touched it, the walls were cold and thick, and his mind could not be penetrated. Obviously, this place of inheritance was covered with formations, covered by special abilities, to prevent others from making tricks.

There is no door in this hall. Obviously, you need to crack the game before you can go to the next place.

"Although I can't play chess, it is still very easy to break this game"

With a murmur in his mouth, Aspen returned to the edge of the chessboard, then disappeared and went to the side of the earth.

He had to prepare something, otherwise he would be stuck here.

When Aspen prepared things, the maze was not calm.

Many individuals saw the poplars entering the maze exit with their own eyes, and all of them were in a hurry.

No, you must leave the maze immediately, or the inheritance will be taken away by others. How can this be done? The inheritance is mine!

As a result, people can't be hacked too much, and they should seize the time to find a passage.

However, if the labyrinth channel is so easy to find the right, then it is not called a labyrinth, and it is not stuck in this group of guys.

I don't know who it is, suddenly thought that Bai Yang, an unknown person, has left the maze? Then he must know the right path, and as he goes by, someone must see it!

In this case, as long as you find other people, ask if you have seen Bai Yang, ask where you were when you met him, and concentrate on the information. Is it possible to find the right channel?

With such an idea, people started to act, and in addition to finding the maze passage by themselves, they also asked someone to ask.

In order to prevent the information given by the other party from being false, I mean God's oath when exchanging information one by one.

I have to say that the wisdom of the people is unlimited. When their information is concentrated, they have roughly gotten the route that Poplar walked, and slowly they really get a plausible correct path. As long as you slowly explore, it should not be difficult to find an exit.

Martial arts master, one hundred meters a step, the degree is very fast, with the general direction, the degree of exploration is fast.

However, just when this group of talents started to act, Bai Yang began to crack the chess game.

In the hall, Bai Yang stalked the cigarette and looked at the chessboard and pouted: "Which ghost is playing Go with you, the two worlds can't beat each other at all. Although there are also Go here, how do I know if the rules are the same?"

"Although all kinds of Go software are desperate to kill you, but if the rules are not the same? If you make a mistake, it won't be included here."

No matter how clever a person is, but because of the diversity of thinking, it is definitely not comparable to specialized software. If you play chess with software, Bai Yang believes that he can decide to win.

But what if the rules are different?

He would be stupid to use the earth's chess software to break the game.

So he decided to break the violence.

Seeing that, beside him, a big cold guy stood quietly, this is what he brought over to break the game.

A car rocket launcher!

A 36-tube 1o7mm all-terrain vehicle rocket launcher!

Lao Tzu doesn't play chess, and he is afraid that the rules of the two worlds are different.

I gave you a chessboard directly and shed wool.

Are you very strong? I have the ability to withstand the bombardment of this vehicle-mounted rocket launcher. If you are not afraid that the power will be too large, this hall will also be collapsed. There are bigger ones over there, more than 200 millimeters and 300 millimeters. Just ask if you are afraid!

Get in the car, move, go backwards.

Bai Yang fired the vehicle-mounted rocket launcher into the tunnel. For the sake of his own life, he thought it was better to stay away from the target, just in case he hurt himself.

The rocket gun vehicle returned to the maze where it was tens of meters away, stopped, manually operated, and aimed at the chessboard. At this position, he would run if the front collapsed ...

"Today I'm going to make a big game and I'll bombard the chessboard for you. Even the people behind will not be able to play even if they are lucky. It depends on whether the array you set up can withstand. If this doesn't work, there will be a bigger one. If the next place doesn't appear, then I will blow through the wall for you and stop me? "

Holding a cigarette in his mouth and mumbling, Poplar squinted his eyes to confirm that the muzzle was aimed at the chessboard, and pressed the shooting button with a little excitement.

First try the water.

Hum ...

A loud noise roared, the fire flickered, and a rocket flew towards the chessboard with a long tail flame!


The loud noise echoed, the flames rose, shrapnel shot, and the surrounding ground and walls were shaking.

A rocket bomb exploded in the space of one thousand square meters, the air was buzzing, almost tearing the eardrums, and the horrifying air waves also washed away the rocket-propelled vehicles driven by Bai Yang half a meter away, but the windows were bullet-proof No break.

As the rocket bounced, Aspen stared at him with wide eyes.

What stunned him was that the surrounding walls and the ground had complex textures flashing, and there were flashes of light. That was the energy of the formation to protect the space where the chessboard was.

What surprised Aspen most was that the chessboard still existed in that place safely!

What's different is that after being bombarded by a rocket, the chessboard was blown away by a big piece of fist.

"I said your ancestors were banbans. What kind of material is this special? Is it because of its solid material or because of matrix protection?"

Shaking his head a little dizzy by the air waves, Poplar couldn't help but swear.

This is really a surprise. Although the vehicle-mounted rocket launcher can only be regarded as a trumpet, the power is not covered, and it is not possible to smash a table-sized stone chessboard?

When he was stunned, there was no peace in the maze.

People near this direction almost all heard the loud noise of the rocket explosion, and also felt the shaking of the ground.

"What happened? Why is there such a terrible roar?"

"Is it because the people who went in have inherited it, so that caused the shock?"

One after another speculated, their hearts were too anxious, but they were useless, and they had not found the right path.

However, those people next to the exit were looking into the passage with their eyes wide open, trying to understand.

However, the place where the poplar rocket car was parked was exactly the blind spot of their sight.

Can't see, what happened?

No matter what other people think of Poplar, your sister, you can do it again and again, I still don't believe this evil!

It is said that the people who arranged the array really did not break the surrounding walls.

After all, it can destroy the existence of the killer king. In the legend, the strong man at the king level has a shocking power between his hands and his feet. The sword breaks the river and punches the mountains.

In this way, the rocket launcher failed to smash the checkerboard poplars all at once.

One more time!

Come one by one, so as not to come here too much to break down and bury yourself here.

Aspen gritted his teeth and continued shooting.


Another rocket flew out on the chessboard. In the loud roar, the surrounding formations kept flashing, and the chessboard was shattered again.

Hey, why are you teasing me so much, you guys **** me?

Come again.

Alas, another, the sound is like a thunder, the ground is trembling, the formation light is flashing, and the chessboard is shattered by a small piece of fire!


I said to your uncle, I believe in you!

Three together this time!

Alas, three rockets flew over, blasted on the chessboard, and the flames soared into the sky. The surrounding wall was shaking and clicking, a crack appeared on the chessboard.

Let me just say, you play with me? Huh.

Poplar grinned, but the three rockets exploded too powerfully, and the waves washed the rocket guns back a meter away.

It's okay, go ahead, come again three, anyway, this car is full of 36 tubes, but how many times can it be beaten!

Bang Bang Bang ...

In a series of explosions, the rock-like chessboard was densely cracked. When the chessboard was bombarded by the twelfth rocket, it finally exploded and turned into shards everywhere.

"Hey, I thought you could really be indestructible" Bai Yang stroked his jaw.

However, what makes him sore is that in this case, what great master or Zhenjun left the formations so powerful, then how powerful should they be? Does it take missiles to kill them? Or "growing mushrooms"?

Forget it, nothing matter, don't think so much at the moment.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the situation in the hall over there was revealed.

The original chessboard is no longer in the original position, but the ground is still flat, and even the surrounding walls are complete. It is estimated that the chessboard is protected from the surrounding matrix.

After all, the rockets didn't target the surrounding walls.

Aspen did not struggle with this, but looked at the opposite.

Mouth cracked.

Did I know that there was a drama.

Opposite the passage leading out of the maze, the wall does not know when a passage will appear again, leading to a deeper place.

"I see. This so-called chess is a test in itself. It is estimated that winning the game can pass, but destroying the chessboard itself is another way to break the game."

"What Shinto tests is wisdom ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If you are really stupid to play chess to crack the so-called chess game, it is estimated that you are in the Tao, and you do n’t know what pitfalls are waiting for you."

Poplar thought of a lot at once, this so-called place of inheritance really did not work.

Crises are everywhere, surprises are everywhere.

Regardless of his black cat and white cat, he found that the mouse was a good cat, no matter whether he was scrabbling straight or really found a way to break the game. Anyway, the next level has already appeared, and Poplar did not tangled, throwing the rocket launcher over the earth, and then come back go ahead.

I would like to see, what other pitfalls below.

This level of arrangement is much more fun than the so-called inheritance, isn't it ...

(Crooked? Demon spirit? Yes, it was the same corner last time, and there are many old drivers who have n’t fastened with seat belts. Come on, the situation can't be controlled. They want to hit me ... The stones you can think of have also come to mind, and originally wanted to write that too, but it is necessary to consider the different relationship between the two worlds. Playing chess in an intelligent way is a bit buggy ...) (To be continued.) 8

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