Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 382: Stable

In the cave, Bai Yang sat on the bed with Erlang legs on the bed and thought about the Shinto cultivation. The kitten looked at him quietly. ?

The idea of ​​Zhen Yang Guan was left by the former Shinto monk Jian Yun at the level of true monarch. It is rumored that he can cultivate to the level of Yuetian Master.

The method of introductory practice in Kaihui Realm requires a secret map in your mind.

That mysterious biography map depicts a scorching sun in the dark void, depicting extremely fine, vast dark void, dull and icy, hanging in the sun, spreading endless light and heat, dispersing the darkness and illuminating the void .

According to the secret method, the cultivator needs to visualize this picture in his mind, and to imprint it in his heart, until the sight can appear at any time with his eyes closed, the level of Kaihui is cultivated. almost.

"I'm going, it's that simple?" After seeing the introduction of Zhenyang's idea to Huihui, Bai Yang was a bit dumbfounded.

Is this too childish?

The so-called imagination, to put it plainly, is imagination. Imagine the dead body of the mysterious map atlas in your mind. Is this cultivation?

If you think about it carefully, Poplar doesn't find it easy.

The first map is not ordinary. It is not as simple as a scorching sun hanging in the darkness. Upon closer inspection, it has a special charm that is unclear.

"No wonder it is a secret cultivation practice. Although it is only drawn by strokes, it also describes a certain characteristic of the hot sun, which cannot be seen with the naked eye!"

Aspen touched his chin and wondered.

However, he felt unreliable no matter how he looked at it, and just imagined in the head that the sun could temper the soul?

It ’s a ghost, is n’t it fantasy that big beautiful girls can still be aphrodisiac? Ok?

However, it ’s not that simple. Since this is the secret way of practicing the Eight Classics, it must not be a fool. I have to think about it carefully. Well, look at Jian Yun's notes and feelings ...

Thinking in his mind, Bai Yang began to read the notes left by Jian Yun.

Rory stunned a lot, and aspens were dizzy, but detailed enough.

According to Jian Yun, the things that are conceived are actually nothing, they don't exist, just imagination, then to let the nothingness affect his own soul, this requires deep understanding.

In reality, the scorching sun hangs on the nine days, and the light and heat are sprinkled, so that everything can bathe in the sun to grow. In this case, the scorching sun that you can imagine should also have the characteristics of nourishing the spirit and temper!

After all, spiritual thinking or the spirit is also nothing, and the hot sun that is conceived is also nothing, and there must be a connection between them!

When you think about the scorching sun, it is actually a refinement of thinking consciousness. When the map can be embodied in the meaning of thinking anytime, anywhere, this itself means that the thinking consciousness is strong enough!

"Lao Tzu believed in your evil, and imagined a map. Isn't it easy? Don't say that you are just a map that doesn't work. I have seen the pictures of the sun directly from the earth going deep into the stars. Minutes, that's nothing! "

Poplar poked his lips, and then he decided to give it a try, although he always felt that it was Huoren who practiced the mystery of Shinto.

However, a Shinto monk in this world does exist, and he cannot tolerate it ...

Do n’t think about martial arts cultivation. After all, the physique of the earth is different from that of people in this world. At present, only the path of Shinto cultivation can be tried. In case this does n’t work, he can only continue to play his abilities ...

Going to bed, closing the eyes with the kitten, he began to think about the so-called secret map.

There is no saying in the secret cultivation practice that it is necessary to sit cross-legged with five hearts facing the sky and hold the kitten to practice? Blame the poplar? Silly sitting with the practice there in case your legs are numb? Where is it comfortable to carry my wife?

Although I don't know what the poplar is doing, the kitten didn't bother to say anything. It was that Poplar's hand touched her bulging **** and made her a little soft ...

"Blank your mind, yes, that's it. The world is dark and silent, as if at the beginning of the world, nothing exists, no sound, no light and heat, nothingness ..."

After experimenting according to the secret method, Aspen scratched his head and opened his eyes. It was a little bit sore. Is it so that Mao is so hypnotic?

Hypnosis just hypnotize, close your eyes and continue.

"According to the secret law, it has to be step by step. First, there is a light spot in the depth of nothingness, that is, the scorching sun that is extremely far away from you, and slowly approaches it. It is in the light and heat, feeling his light, dispersing the darkness, feeling his Temperature, consciousness warm ... "

The poplar's mind is conceived as described in the secret method. At first, it was dark and nothing, like a dark and cold starry sky. Gradually, there was a light in the dark, very weak, and it would be ignored if you didn't pay attention. .

Then his imaginary consciousness approached that light, the light spot became larger and brighter, the darkness was gradually dispersed, and that light became the center of the dark world, the only light source.

Then, the light spot gradually showed its outline, a perfect circle, astigmatism and heat ...

Although Bai Yang knew in his heart that everything he had imagined or conceived in his mind was false and nothing, he still proceeded step by step according to the mysterious description.

It is good to have a strong consciousness. Imagine something directly in your mind. If you are not strong enough in thinking, it is easy to take heart when thinking about things. You do n’t know how long it takes to reach this step.

Gradually, Bai Yang's imaginary thought approached the sun in the void, ‘seeing’ his dazzling light, and felt the heat contained in the light ...

"I didn't expect it to be so fun, why didn't I see it before? It is rumored that some otaku fantasies and women can worry about anything and everything, and say that ..."

While thinking in a gradual and orderly manner according to the secret method in his mind, Aspen still had the mood to think twice about the others.

Soon after, in his thinking, the darkness of the emptiness, the scorching sun and the sun were completely formed, the wheels were so large, the endless light and heat scattered the dark, warm and cold emptiness.

His consciousness is emptiness, it doesn't exist at all, only a bright sun hangs in the whole dark world.

His consciousness is strong enough, his thinking is agile enough, and he adjusts to each other and gradually adjusts. Not to mention the matter of minutes, he completely presents the scene depicted by the secret map in his mind.

At the time when the scorching sun was completely revealed in the darkness of nothingness, Bai Hu's consciousness had an inexplicable feeling.

The scorching sun was as hot as an oven, emitting infinite heat, making his consciousness feel like he was bathing in flames, and the radiating sun was extremely dazzling!

"I'm going, this is amazing, is this the exercise of thinking? Is it enough to just visualize the map?"

Feeling the meaning Feeling the heat and light of the sun in the void, Aspen was quite shocked.

It is indeed a mystery of Shinto practice. That picture contains mystery, even if the hot sun seen by the naked eye is presented in my mind, this effect is impossible!

According to the secret cultivation practice, at this step, Kaihui's realm has already begun. The next step is to often think about this picture and let your soul be bathed in the hot sun and the hot sun. If you can stick to it for a while, If the time consciousness still persists, you can try to impact the next realm!

"Well, it doesn't seem to be difficult? It's too easy to think of this picture in your mind? Stick to a fragrant time? That's not a problem. Although the scorching sun is hot and dazzling. Saying that sticking to a stick of incense, with my current state of mind, sticking to it for a year is nothing, I can see that his destruction becomes a black hole ...

At this moment, Poplar even muttered with all his heart.

Nevertheless, they all achieved the conditions described in the secret law, but he always felt unreliable.

Shinto practice is so simple? Are you kidding me? Is it so worthless?

After a little thought, Poplar understood again. In fact, this is not the reason for the simple cultivation, but the reason why his spiritual consciousness is too strong. He ate a few Kaihui fruits, opened his brain to the limits of ordinary people, and then hundreds of thousands If you give it to the warrior, you can pile it up, and all the masters absorb it and become mental energy. Is it comparable to ordinary people?

"Paralysis, reliable, according to Jian Yun, his qualifications were not very good at the beginning. It took him three years to reach this step. Three years in this world is equivalent to ten years in the earth! Over him? This is a bit ugly ... "

Poplar's heart is weird, this practice seems a little amazing ...

In his mind, his thinking revolved around the imaginary hot sun, and he felt the light and heat of the hot sun. After a few laps, he couldn't rest. Apart from thinking about this picture, he didn't change much at all.

After closing the frame, he opened his eyes and asked his kittens with flickering eyes to see: "Cat, did I have any special circumstances just now?"

"Yes" the kitten nodded immediately.

"What? Uh, what happened to me just now?" Bai Yang asked.

Imagine the map. What has changed outside?

"The young master just had light on his forehead, it was very light, but it was really light, but the young master didn't have any light after opening his eyes, and the light was shining on me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ How comfortable is my head? The kitten nodded surely.

"Well, is there such a thing?" Bai Yang stunned.

Think of the mystery map in your mind, the light outside your head? what's the situation?

"Yes, the kitten is sure, I will not lie to the young master," the kitten replied, looking at Bai Yang with a magical look.

"Um, then you can see if there is any light, and tell me later" Bai Yang tangled.

Then he closed his eyes, but this time did not think about the map, and opened his eyes to look at the kitten for a while.

"Master, there is no light left."

"Then you look at it again" Bai Yang nodded and closed her eyes again, but this time she brought the picture back to her mind.

After opening his eyes, Aspen asked the kitten, and the answer was that his forehead was light again!

Horse egg, is this the rhythm of turning into a light bulb? 8

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