Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 384: Master, don't scare me

The brain domain is very magical. Humans on earth are called God ’s forbidden areas. Legends say that when the brain domain is opened to a certain extent, there will be various incredible performances.

However, after many years of human exploration on the earth, no one can open the so-called forbidden area of ​​God, and Einstein, the person with the highest brain area, is rumored to be only a dozen percent, and it is still controversial.

Some people say that the human brain only uses a few percent or a dozen percent, and some say less than one percent. In short, there are different opinions.

And the Shinto cultivation of the other world, in disguise, can be said to open the brain domain, and they are more direct, through various secret methods, the situation of the brain domain is concrete, the thinking is visible.

This spiritual evolution, spiritual separation, can be described in terms of brain domain, gradually evolved, and has incredible means.

Since poplar has eaten Kaihui fruit, his head has been different from ordinary people. The brain has been developed a lot. It has not been scientifically studied. It is unknown to what extent it is opened, but he never forgets that this kind of thing is pediatric.

Later, after eating the essence of ground milk and gaining the ability of mental power, it was equivalent to the second opening of the brain domain, and then eating a large amount of elixir. The energy was absorbed by the mysterious area of ​​the brain, and the brain domain was opened again. Finally, the hair in the meteorite , Let his brain field open again, get fire power ...

In this way, let him have the brain, the mental strength is extraordinary, in the words of this world, the spirit is powerful.

Under the premise that Bai Yang himself was not clear about his specific situation, he tried to cultivate the secret method of Shinto inheritance in the iron sword gate in history. In a short time, he crossed the level of introduction of Kaihui and reached the point of spiritual cultivation.

In addition, the true spirit is condensed and formed, and it is so huge that it can be directly practiced at the next level.

Although Bai Yang does not know what other Shinto monks practice, he can also know that he is extraordinary, and it is estimated that spreading it will cause a sensation.

Of course he wouldn't say it. Don't shoot a gun, work quietly, and muffled money is the last word.

At this time, in his knowledge of the sea, a huge true spirit took shape, and the entire boundless knowledge of the sea was empty, and only the true spirit was shining like a moonlight.

Outside, as if he had fallen asleep, he breathed naturally, holding a slick kitten, and even touched his hands subconsciously ...

Seeing Bai Yang fall asleep, the kitten smiled softly, and snuggled up and closed his eyes.

This is her man. She has relied on her for a lifetime, and she has a broad life and death.

In the knowledge of the sea, Poplar was a little stunned, the real spirit was too large, he said a little awkwardly.

Consciousness and the true spirit are one. The true spirit is his spiritual carrier in the sea of ​​knowledge. Such a huge true spirit does not need to cultivate and nurture at all, and can proceed to the next level of cultivation.

After cultivating spirits, it is a fetus.

The realm of Daotai takes the cultivated true spirit as the carrier, operates the secret method, and sublimates the true spirit to another level, like the placenta, in which a new carrier of consciousness should be bred.

This process is actually similar to a woman's pregnancy. The true spirit can be said to be a fertilized egg.

But that's what it means.

The true spirit, through the secret method, nurtures a new spiritual carrier, usually based on itself, after all, no one wants to create a strange weird thing.

When the cultivation of this spiritual carrier is completed, the fruit is ripened, the spiritual carrier comes down, and it is combined with consciousness to reach the next level, the so-called Yin God.

The Yin God entrusts his thinking, can break out of the body and soar freely in the world. In scientific terms, it is actually spiritual separation ...

"So what are you waiting for? Beginning, this practice is too simple. I knew this. I might as well find a way to worship a teacher. I guess I have already become a master ..."

With a whisper in his heart, Aspen began to cultivate at the level of Tao Fei.

An ordinary Shinto monk has to come to this step, no matter how genius it is, it will take three years and five years. He is good. From the previous level of wisdom, it took less than an hour to think about this. On the premise that he has delayed 90% of the time ...

The concept of Zhenyang conception is to educate the conception of the Tao. Based on the consciousness enshrined in the true spirit, it runs the secret method, absorbs the energy in the true spirit, and condenses and sublimates again to form a new spiritual carrier.

In fact, it is said that the true spirit is a placenta. It is based on consciousness that a carrier of the spirit can be nurtured. This carrier can be moved and can travel around the world!

General Shinto monks practice in this realm, it takes years and months. After all, the spiritual carrier needs energy to support it, and it needs continuous cultivation to absorb the energy to supply the carrier. This process varies according to the secret method and individual talent. Now, some people can't do it for ten or eight years.

Hmm, it's not really pregnant, what a **** to conceive in October ...

In this realm, the idea of ​​Zhenyang conception also needs to be conceived. It is another picture of the sun, with a special charm, which is conceived, and absorbs energy to support the spiritual carrier with special spiritual fluctuations.

However, at this time, the poplar simply did not perform the imagination and directly operated the condensed method of the spiritual carrier.

Suddenly, in that huge center of true spirit, his thoughts scattered a strange wave, as if the heart was beating, as if a new life was gestating.

The huge true spirit hangs on the sea and slowly rotates. When that wave appears, the entire huge true spirit is also contracting and rhythmic. There is no more light on the outside, but it is dim and shrinking.

The change of the true spirit Bai Yang didn't pay attention, he curiously watched the undulating position in the true spirit center.

As the mystery works, substances like fluids in the true spirit are converging towards the center, and a faint human figure begins to show its outline, just like his own hair, with his eyes closed, without breathing, as if sleeping peacefully.

"I rub it, it's amazing!"

He wondered, this is another one himself?

Human consciousness, or the soul, is actually invisible and intangible, but it is just a spiritual fluctuation, while Shinto cultivation condenses the invisible and invisible soul into a tangible one!

When the spiritual carrier in the true spirit has been bred and combined with Bai Yang's consciousness, it can be said to be his soul.

Dao conception requires nutrient supply, but how big is the poplar's hot spirit, afraid of lack of nutrients?

Omit n more time directly!

The endless liquid substance converges towards the outline of the human shape, and the gadgets fly and form, and the facial hair is clearly visible ...

"Um, isn't this too fast? Jianyun described in the cheat book, when the Shinto monks nurtured the spiritual carrier, the appearance of that contour requires a lot of true spirits. Often they will prepare some natural treasures or The panacea is afraid of the lack of nutrients when the outline is condensed, but I'm almost ready to take shape? It's not difficult at all. The hot spirit is not even consumed by one percent, let alone let it be. Cooperate with thinking about absorbing energy or something ... "

Aspen has a weird heart.

However, the birth of the spiritual carrier has not stopped, but it is getting faster and faster. It is a silhouette first, and then it is solidified. Finally, it is no different from a real person.

Originally at this step, the realm of Tao Fei has been completed. Aspen can already integrate the consciousness and the carrier into the so-called Yin God, and has crossed the level of Dao Fei to set foot on the realm of Yin God.

But at this moment, his spiritual carrier did not stop absorbing the energy of the true spirit, constantly absorbing and enriching himself, and the spiritual carrier also grew bigger and bigger like a balloon ...

After the energy in the true spirit was completely absorbed, Bai Yang appeared, his spiritual carrier was at least ten meters high!

"What the **** is this?"

Poplar was dumbfounded and a bit confused.

Recalling the secret method, he now appears to have been bred, and can be consciously combined.

Then do it.

His consciousness rushed to the spiritual carrier, only a slight shock, perfect integration!

Opening his eyes, Poplar raised his hands, curious about this new body, as if full of strength, but feeling light and fluttering, a sense of 'freedom' spontaneously emerged.

He is in the empty real spirit, like a fetus that has been shaped, looking up, and a barrier in front, which is the shell of the true spirit after energy exhaustion, which can be described as a placenta.

He needs to complete the last step and walk out of the placenta in order to be truly stepping on the level of Yin God.

This is simple, he just flew up, came to the side of the 'placenta', reached out, grabbed the 'placenta', tore it with a force, tearing it apart, and the whole 'person' came out of it.

"This is the feeling of power?"

Standing in the void, Bai Yang was surprised when he looked at his hands. According to the description left by Jian Yun, the general Yin God was very weak after the birth, just like a newborn baby, it was difficult to leave the placenta , Or they will be suffocated in it, but they have a rushing foot for Mao?

Scratching his head, regardless of him, he came here according to the tutorial ...

Turning around, the 'placenta' that had been torn by him withered, and instantly turned into a light spot and disappeared into the void.

It has fulfilled its mission and no longer exists.

Looking down at my body again, is this the Yin God?

"Yin god, you can break out of your body and travel the world. There are even mysteries that can enter the sea of ​​others ..."

Muttering in his mouth ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Bai Yang looked up and looked at his own space of knowledge of the sea. It was empty and boundless, only he stood in the void.

Looking up at the sky, unattainable.

"Achieve the Yin God, free the soul and soul, and work out of it to see what is the difference between the Yin God watching the world and the naked eye!"

With a murmur in his mouth, recalling the secrets of the secrets in the secret method, Bai Yang closed his eyes and leapt forward, his Yin Shen instantly dissipated in the space of knowledge of the sea.

At this moment, the kitten who had slept with his eyes closed shivered and opened his eyes.

"Master, are you okay? Don't scare the kitten"

The poplar in the kitten's arms suddenly lost her heartbeat and breathing, like a dead person. As a warrior, she had a keen sense, and suddenly appeared abnormal. She was frightened.

However, despite the kitten's shouting, the poplar still does not respond, which can scare the kitten ...

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