Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 399: Leaping over the Pacific

At night, the fighters whistled, blinked away, tearing the air with horrific speed, and the roar passed far and far. WZ

There is a vast ocean ahead. The sea and the sky are boundless.

In the cockpit of the fighter plane, Poplar's eyes narrowed slightly, and despite the empty surroundings, he still had the feeling of being stared at.

Humans on earth are really too weak compared to the other world. However, the earth changes the world with technology and naturally has its own uniqueness. Many of the weapons invented are not inferior to the powerful monks from another world.

It is inevitable that the radar or satellite is locked. The kind of fluctuation is invisible and intangible.

"The so-called self-knowledge and knowledge of one another can never be frustrated. I haven't really grown to the point where people on earth can't stop it. It's just that people can't understand my means and can't take me. If they understand me, they will definitely come up with targeted solutions I!"

To these, Bai Yang thought very clearly. He was not a person without a brain. Because he didn't understand, the other party was helpless.

"The next most dangerous moment is that there will be missile launches to intercept us," Bai Yang said, but his face was smiling.

He didn't come to Dongying to make a fuss, but he had his own intention.

To put it bluntly, he wanted to try the pros and cons of today's human beings' scientific and technological methods in the collision of foreign cultivation methods, find the advantages and disadvantages of all aspects, and plan for the future.

This side of the earth is the rear of the poplar. He does not think that his cultivation day is more brilliant than the billions of days in the other world. There must be a big collision with the other world in the future. While working on the past, make arrangements for the means of other people!

A Liu Sheng family, although very influential, doesn't need Bai Yang to make such a big noise in Dongcheng. Even if you want to show the means to Wang Qingyu, you don't need this method at all. Everything is because Bai Yang has his own ideas. .

"Missile?" Wang Qingyu's face turned pale when he heard Bai Yang's words, and then he calmed down.

Missiles, for today's Earth people, almost represent this absolute lethality. Once they are targeted and hit, they will die and die, and they can easily tear pieces of people into pieces.

"Yes, this is inevitable, are you afraid?" Bai Yang calmly said.

Wang Qingyu said for a moment in silence: "It's hard to be afraid. After so much, I'm numb and I've seen a world that completely subverts my cognition. At this moment, I doubt whether I'm dreaming."

"Hehe, don't be afraid. I have prepared three methods to deal with missiles temporarily. Each of them should be able to easily solve the threat of missiles. Even if it doesn't work, we won't die. You can rest assured." Bai Yang Laughed.

He knew that in fact Wang Qingyu was afraid. As an elegant woman eating western food and drinking red wine, could she not be afraid of such a situation?

Wang Qingyu didn't speak, at this time his head was still stingy, and the experience of just one day was like dreaming.

Both the radar and the satellite of the East side have simultaneously locked the poplar's out-of-class fighter, and they have nothing to hide.

In a hidden place on the ground, two missiles were launched in the first place, dragging a long flame through the sky, and moving towards the poplar's plane.

The speed of the missile is much faster than that of the fighter. After all, the fighter itself has a load, and the resistance of the volume and air cannot be ignored. The missile is designed for killing, and it is not the same.


Aspen's heart was inexplicably tight, and he had his own induction in the meditation, life threatened instinctively, and his hair was upright.

After all, human technology can still threaten his life. Bai Yang estimates that if he is hit by a large amount of missiles in front, I am afraid that the grand master of the other world martial arts master can't bear it. Destroyed!

"For the sake of security, it is better to dodge by destroying the missile structure," Bai Yang said to himself.

Nianli radiated out, centered on the fighter plane, and was within the range of his Nianli scan within two kilometers in diameter. Once the missile was found approaching, it was processed immediately.

At a distance of one kilometer, although it is a blink of an eye for missiles and fighters, Bai Yang can open up his senses at this time and still be able to deal with it calmly, after all, he is no longer an ordinary person.

Even without premature capture, the naked eye saw the two missiles coming across the sky in the dark night ahead.

It was as if two sword bodies that tore the sky, containing earth-shaking power.

Although he doesn't know much about military technology, Bai Yang probably guessed that once locked by the missile, if the opponent is not hit, the opponent will be chasing after each other and avoiding it will be useless unless the speed is too fast to exhaust the missile's propulsion fuel .

Can fighters pass missiles?

Almost when the missiles were seen with the naked eye, they had already flown in and had entered the range of poplar's mental power!

At this moment, for Bai Yang, time seemed to slow down countless times. In a flash, he did a lot of things.

First, Nianli locked the two missiles and penetrated into the missile, destroying all the electronic components inside it!

Almost instantly, the two missiles had become dumb, and they could no longer detonate normally.

But this is not over yet. If it is hit by two missiles, it will still detonate the ammunition inside. At that time, it will still be destroyed by the aircraft.

So Poplar has to dodge, control the fighter to fly forward to the two missiles, and then the fighter rolls and tilts vertically, passing through between the two missiles!


The two sides almost passed by, for a split second, but the difference between life and death!

"Mother, this is really exciting!" Bai Yang whispered to himself in the cockpit.

The change at that moment seemed simple, but he was already doing everything he could. At this moment, his body was sweating coldly. If he was hit by two missiles directly, the consequences would be shuddering!

Uh ...

The two missiles and fighter jets passed in, because the internal electronic components were destroyed by Bai Yangnianli. They did not turn around and continue to pursue, but continued to rush forward.

However, at that moment, the Dongying authorities were scared directly.

They clearly saw from the radar that the two missiles hit the fighter. After all, they were so close, but the two sides passed by without incident. This is not the most terrible thing. The horrible thing is that they The two missiles lost control and could only watch as the two missiles flew towards home!

"Not good. Missiles are out of control. Immediate interception must not allow them to explode in their homeland. Otherwise, it would be unthinkable!"

The Dongjun military chief was furious and almost roared and ordered. This is so exciting ...

Because radar locked the two out-of-control missiles, the ground responded quickly, and the two anti-missile missiles took off to intercept.

Boom ...

Soon after, two groups of fire light up over Dongyu, as if two bright suns appeared in the night to light up the night sky. The picture is more beautiful than any fireworks.

Fortunately, the two missiles did not explode on the East coast.

"Be sure to knock me down that fighter. Certainly, lift off the four missiles again and carry out a front-to-back pinch. The Pacific aircraft carrier formation prepares for the fighter to lift off. In case the missile cannot be intercepted, the fighter group will be used in the ocean Destroy it! "

The commander of the Eastern Military Department issued a death order.

At this moment, Bai Yang ’s fighter plane had rushed into the sky over the ocean, specifically the Bohai Bay, and separated from the east coast.

Four missiles rose to the ground, flying to their fighters from different directions.

"Here we are, Dongying authorities are really willing to pay for it"

Feeling the deep sense of crisis, Bai Yang sighed.

It is no wonder that this is not the case. After all, this is about the face of the country. Who can easily give up?

Over the ocean, two missiles appeared in front of it, but there were two behind!

"The first two can be done in the same way as before, but the last two ..."

Aspen's mind turned sharply.

The first two can be destroyed and dodged. Even if they are destroyed in the back, at their speed and under the effect of inertia, they will hit the fighter. Not afraid of 10,000, just in case ...

With his eyes fixed, Aspen could only take risks.

The first two missiles were processed in the same way, the idea was locked, the internal structure was destroyed and they became dumb shells to evade, and the two sides plugged in again.

However, even though the rear was also destroyed, it was still flying towards the fighter under terrifying speed and inertia.

Because the fighter is also moving forward, you can extend a lost time.

Therefore, Aspen prepared with two hands. When the structure of the missile was destroyed, the chain came out in the air, tied the two missiles, and dropped only one drop, changing the direction of their inertia!

Uh ...

Suddenly, two missiles rushed under the fighter plane, sloping into the vast ocean below.


The powerful impact detonated the two missiles and exploded in the ocean, setting off huge waves.

Huh, escaped!

Poplar breathed a sigh of relief. It was really a blast before, and she finished it without paying attention.

Thanks to that chain, the trajectory of the missile was changed a little. The difference is almost a thousand miles away, and the ending is different.

At this point ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Bai Yang has been driving a fighter plane with Wang Qingyu into the sky over the Pacific Ocean, flying all the way to the land of China.

However, a series of roars came from the front, and a fighter jet took off in this direction.

"I'm afraid it's Dongying's Pacific aircraft carrier fleet that's playing tricks. In that case, if you rush directly, anyone who dares to approach will die!"

Aspen's eyes were cold, his heart was fierce.

Withdrawing the chain and sticking it in the gap of the fighter, his mind extended. At the end of the mind, the heavens and underground, the power flames burned, weaved into a circular fire net, as if a fireball with a diameter of two kilometers rose in the night sky.

The fire net is woven from power flames. The fingers are thick and there are holes in the size of the table. The fighter plane can not penetrate it, and this consumption is very small for poplars, as if a net-shaped defense cover appeared one kilometer outside the fighter plane. .

In this way, Bai Yang, who is at the center of the fire network, drove directly to the fighter plane ...

(Good Spring Festival, dear, I wish you a happy family member)

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