Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 406: True View of Qi

Taking another look at Jin Xia, which is surging on several items, especially the lingering dragon-shaped phantom, Bai Yang still couldn't help shaking his heart. Chinese

It was a feeling that the ants faced the dragon. Although his ant was strong enough, although the dragon was extremely weak, the gap in the essence of life was there.

The Yin God returned to know the sea, and he opened his eyes.

Looking at those items with the naked eye, they are nothing special except for their majesty and majesty.

In the Mi River Forest, Poplar has received the Shinto legacy left by Jian Yun, which contains the 'Dan', 'Shu', 'Fun' heritage, which is quite complete.

After thinking about it, he felt that there was only the inheritance of 'shushu' and the collection of dragon spirit.

Between the hands, the inheritance of the jade pendant in the space bag appeared in the hand, and the mind stretched out and penetrated into the jade pendant.

His consciousness once again entered an empty space, and countless white books piled up like a mountain.

"The bell that was killed at midnight said that Shinto monks need to cultivate an eye to see all kinds of qi between heaven and earth. If you want to come, there should be some sayings about qi."

My heart recalled that Bai Yang searched the wisdom of cultivation in his books.

The inheritance is very comprehensive, and there are countless mysteries. Each type of mystery involves a lot of knowledge. In every aspect, the amount of information is huge. Aspen can't collect it all at once, it only needs what area to look for.

The method of cultivating the eye is not a powerful secret. To put it plainly is a thing that everyone in the Shinto monk can easily find.

This is still a book with a white cover and black font.

The thoughts touch the books, the books in the space bloom, the white light bursts and bursts out, and enters the mind of the poplar in the real world. Immediately, countless information spread and imprinted in the poplar's mind.

Sorting out the inheritance of wisdom eye in the mind, Bai Yang watched back a little bit.

Wisdom eye mystics, small means that everyone in the Shinto monk needs to have, can practice in the realm of Wisdom, learn Wisdom Eyes, and observe the true shape of heaven and earth with the naked eye.

Everything in the world has its own characteristics. Through various kinds of qi, you can show your own face and learn to see its true content with wisdom. For details, please see "True Explanation of Qi".

This mystery is mainly about the practice of wisdom eyes, but does not introduce the meaning of the various qi between heaven and earth.

The method of cultivating the wisdom eye is very simple. Of course, compared to the poplar, which is already in the realm of Yin and God, after all, this is only a means to open up the realm of wisdom.

If you want to practice wisdom eyes, you only need to operate your mental power according to the secret method. There will be special energy absorbed between heaven and earth, blessed above your eyes, and you can watch the true content of the world.

To put it bluntly, this mystery is not that you have cultivated eye mutations, but that you can use the mystery to get your eyes to observe the effects of various qi.

This is not difficult for Bai Yang, who is strong enough.

The mental power fluctuates, and according to the secret method, the binocular species seems to have two invisible whirlpools. An energy that is invisible to the naked eye is concentrated in the eyeball, and the binocular is cool without any discomfort.

When that invisible energy appeared in his eyes, Aspen looked at the dragon helmet and robe in front, and with the naked eye, he could see the shape of Jinxia Dragon above.

"It's amazing. Through the secret method, these strange things can be seen by the naked eye. The so-called wisdom eye is a secret method that consumes mental power at a cost called the power of the soul. If it is opened for a long time, it will cause the spirit to be weak Injured, but I'm mentally strong enough to continue this way ... "

"Opening the eyes with the naked eye is not the same as seeing the Yin God. The pressure before is much less."

Wisdom was opened, and Poplar murmured to himself. In this way, he would not need to be seduced by the magic to show his secrets, and he would be able to see various 'real' situations.

But just seeing it, he didn't know how to use all kinds of qi between heaven and earth, and even a lot of qi meant that he didn't understand.

"Is the true interpretation of qi, right? It should be in the heritage"

Turning his mind, he stopped the wisdom eye mystery, the dragon helmet and robe in his eyes were still plain, and he thought sinking into the jade to find the book called Quan Qi Zhen Jie.

This book is relatively eye-catching in Shushan. The white light flashes and is very strong. Obviously, the recorded information is very important.

At the touch of an idea, the book turned into a huge amount of information and popped into the mind of Aspen.

There was a lot of information, and the sudden influx made his head feel slightly dizzy, but it soon got better.

The opening sentence of this book is worth pondering.

"The meaning is probably that Qi is invisible and insignificant, but everything in the world is composed of Qi? Explain scientifically and magnify an item countless times. Is it not composed of molecular atoms, electrons or even smaller substances? There is also a gap between them, and there is nothing wrong with saying that everything is made up of qi. People from other realms have already seen this?

Poplar's heart is weird, and then read through it in detail.

There is too much content, and he has also organized his head for an hour before he can finish it. He has introduced in detail the changes of various forms of Qi between heaven and earth.

"Qing Ning is true, it is the world, the naked eye is visible, the qi deficiency is fantasy, the wisdom sees it, and the two are one, the side is true."

The meaning is very simple. Qi constitutes everything in heaven and earth. There is a distinction between reality and illusion. The real is the world of life, which can be seen by the naked eye. The illusion of Qi requires the wisdom eye to be seen. When both can see That is the real world.

God is Shinto, and Poplar is a little dizzy. This is the difference between the two world cultures. For example, he and other people do n’t understand each other when they talk about microcosms.

The following is the specific content, explaining in detail the forms and manifestations of various qi between heaven and earth.

There is a difference between strength and weakness, and the name is different.

Merit, the National Games is actually qi, but it is called differently, and this qi with a special name often has its own magic and function.

In addition, there are any demon, magic, wealth, anger, noble talent, etc.

The color forms they show are not the same, and they are not the same on everyone's items. This requires their own experience to judge, but it is still very easy to know the specific description.

For example, there are two kinds of merit and national games. The colors they show are gold, merit and benevolence, the national games are noble and majestic, and they are very distinguishable.

"It's messy, the amount of information is too much, and many times it's not what you see in your eyes that the ghost knows what is being said." Bai Yang looked a little hesitant.

However, in the final analysis of this concept, some key points are mentioned, that is, the means of Shinto monks.

Shinto monks are not known for their own strength. They can control the air between heaven and earth through various secret techniques to achieve their goals.

For example, fire control tactics can attract the vitality of the heavens and the earth to form a flame, such as a fu, which can be drawn into amulets through various materials. Once excited, it can motivate the various qi between the heavens and the earth to achieve the desired purpose.

In short, the higher your own realm, the better you can master the mystery, and the better it will be to motivate the air between heaven and earth to achieve your purpose.

This true view of qi is only an introduction to various qis. There is no specific control method, and the specific secret method needs to be cultivated.

However, this book mentions some related books. Bai Yang looks for it in the lineage, but fortunately, he directly accepts the lineage for information.

After so many hours of tossing, I probably got a little brow.

All kinds of qi between heaven and earth can be controlled, and corresponding secret methods are needed, but not absolute. Some qi are more special, and the conditions are very harsh if you want to control them.

For example, there is no such thing as merit in heaven and earth. It is a gift from heaven. If you give it to you, you are powerful enough to use it. Otherwise, you can only stare.

For example, things like the National Games are more demanding and require special life styles, which are the so-called emperor life styles. The method of obtaining them is also very simple. When the world is opened for expansion, the higher the status, the better The more they use it, the only way the emperors know about the method of application. After all, that is emperor scholarship.

The alien emperors may not be very powerful themselves, but why do they suppress the world? That is to say, they have mastered the methods used by the National Games and can suppress them directly.

As soon as Shinto was cultivated, Aspen came into contact shortly, and did not understand many things.

"A lot of nihilistic things can be displayed in the manner of qi. For example, a person's knowledge is very high, and they have their own talents. They can be seen with wisdom, and the higher the knowledge, the more powerful they are. If there is any trace of Mobao, there is also a certain amount of talent, but as time passes, the talent on the trace will gradually dissipate ... "

Thinking about it, Aspen thought a lot of things.

For example, the dragon helmet and robe in front of them, they were once an article of an emperor in the history of China. When worn, they have the emperor's aura, because the earth ’s emperor does not know how to use his aura, causing the aura to leak and let personal objects Contaminated, and as time goes by, the original dragon spirit on these things is very strong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but also because of the formation of the relationship of time to dissipate to the point where the twilight will collapse at any time.

"Shinto monks are mainly in their own realm. The realm is high, and they can use the secret methods to control all kinds of qi between heaven and earth. Each qi has magical uses, such as talent, and use it to write a word. Come magical "

"Monks of the right way, their own talents come from their own cultivation, and they understand the nature of the world. They have created classic articles and spread them all over the world.

"However, there are evil demons, taking shortcuts, plundering others' achievements directly with evil secret methods, which is intolerable to the world ..."

The more he learned about Shinto monks, the more sadly he found that he was a little white at all. Shinto is ever-changing and difficult to say. Many things are not so simple.

"Shinto has the difference between skill, skill, law, and magical power. The so-called skill is the array of paintings, alchemy, and alchemy. Spells are all kinds of spells that can lead to heaven, earth, and fire. Law is the use of various special qi to show magic As for magical powers ... "

After understanding for a long time, Aspen's method of collecting dragon spirit was not found, but he had a deep understanding of Shinto monks.

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