Power and Wealth

Chapter 103: [Political life is over! ? 】

Friday morning.

Dong Xuebin, who was burned in anger, just entered the branch office and saw Guo Shunjie walking in front.

"Guo Ge, congratulations." One or six young people showed a smile.

Guo Shunjie smiled and said: "Congratulations, it is to go to the party school to learn."

Several political and financial departments also greeted Guo Shunjie. "Shunjie, the party school can not go anyone. Haha, you have to be so high? When do you want to eat?" The leadership team of the bureau has to change its dynasty. Seeing that Zhou Guoan was so important to Guo Shunjie, he gave the precious party school training quota to him in a crowded manner. Everyone knows that Zhou Guoan is going to support Guo Shunjie’s general director, so everyone has changed their attitude. Guo Shunjie was enthusiastic.

Guo Shunjie enjoyed the compliments of everyone, and the leadership shelves were picked up. They smiled and greeted them a few words.

On the other hand, the lost Dong Xuebin can be regarded as the same warmth and warmth as Zhou Changchun’s illness, because he offended Zhou Guo’an, everyone saw him hiding in the future, and he used to talk to Dong Xuebin’s brothers on several courses. He no longer talked with him too much. After nodding his head and talking to Dong Xuebin, he hurried away. Even the director Dong did not call. At this time, no one wants to have anything to do with him.

Guo Shunjie looked back at Dong Xuebin, who was no one to take care of, showing a happy smile and deserving it!

Dong Xuebin took a sigh of relief and returned to the office to call him to his office.

"What happened?" Guo Shunjie was reluctant to meet him before, but he would also call a director, but today he did not call it, not only the waist is very straight, but also has a condescending taste in his tone, as if he is the leader. Like!

"What kind of tone do you have? Do you know who you are talking to?" Dong Xuebin's eyebrows sink, "Guo Shunjie, don't think I don't know what tricks you have played, and usually brush your little tricks, you are too daring." ? Change the meeting documents of the political commissar? Fall into leadership?"

Guo Shunjie looked at him coldly. "You don't want to squirt blood!"

"What the **** is going on, you know it!"

"Do you want to tell the evidence, the evidence? Come out?"

Of course, Dong Xuebin went to find evidence. He found it when he got off work yesterday. The printer has no recording function. The pictures are not printed in the unit or from the house. There is no clue at all, so even if it is known as Guo Shunjie. Dong Xuebin has no way to bring him down. I am afraid that there will be no leadership to believe it!

"If you have no evidence, don't say anything!" Guo Shunjie sneered at him. "You are awkward!" Guo Shunjie forbeared for a long time, and finally waited for this day, his heart was very happy, and he said Dong Xuebin, Dong Xuebin, you also have Today, wait for my party school training to come back to the director... See how I clean up your kid! If you let you turn over! Laozi is not surnamed Guo!

"Don't be too early!" Dong Xuebin bit his back and said: "You will pay the price, let's walk!"

Guo Shunjie smiled disapprovingly. "Yeah, I’m walking, nothing else, I’m gone, yes, you’re arranging others in the morning to work on documents. I’m not looking for something in the Zhou political commissar. I don’t have time.” Guo Shunjie went out with a smile. Pay the price? Oh, I don't know who is paying the price!

Paralyzed! Dong Xuebin touched the ground and took a picture!

Not only has it been fallen, but it has also been benefited by the culprit, there is nothing more irritating than this! No! Never let Guo Shunjie go to the party school! As long as he does not have the qualifications of the party school training class, it is very resistant to forcibly jump from the staff member to the position of the director. How to pass the deputy director, so there is only one life left for Dong Xuebin at this moment. - Can't let Guo Shunjie get the party school quota!

After a phone call, the training course of the district party school is actually going to report tomorrow. It is certainly impossible for Zhou Guoan to withdraw Guo Shunjie’s quota. The only chance is only for Director Yan, but today is the last day of Yan Liang’s term, that is to say... no matter which aspect is left for one day, there is only one day! Dong Xuebin must get rid of Guo Shunjie’s party school quota within today! Otherwise, there is no chance to turn over again!

Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin, who has no choice, went directly to the office of Director Yan.

This morning, a leader of the Ministry of National Security came to inspect, and the branch was busy, and many of the staff were doing hygiene.

Hey, Dong Xuebin took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Yan Liang’s office.

"Come in."

Yan Liang was soaring. These days should have been in a good mood, but his relationship with his wife has not been very good. This time he heard that he was going to a certain province in the south, and he had to move with the whole family. Yan Liang’s lover had trouble with him. When she got up, she didn't want to go with her children in the capital, and she didn't go anywhere, so I was annoyed with Yan Liang these days.

"Director Yan, I want to report something to you." Dong Xuebin opened the door.

Yan Liang looked up and yelled at him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Let's talk. ”

Dong Xuebin respectfully said: "It was the matter of getting the wrong information during the meeting of the political commissar of the day, I..."

Wen Yan, Yan Liang interrupted: "This is going to report to the Zhou political commissar."

"Director Yan, things have changed." Dong Xuebin also has nothing to do but straightforwardly said: "The problem with the information is not printed and sorted out, but someone deliberately framed it. It is Guo Shunjie. You know that he has not dealt with me very much. So at noon that day, he sneaked into my office and changed the documents of the political commissar."

Yan Liang frowned. "Is there evidence?"

Dong Xuebin said: "Some people have proved that Guo Shunjie had been in the office for a long time at noon, but other evidence... I am still looking for it. The pictures of the pastries are still there, if I can check the fingerprints or..."

Yan Liang shook his head. "With the exact evidence, come back to me."

Dong Xuebin is not willing to say: "The party school quota gave Guo Shunjie. How can such a poor person get him to go to the party school? Director Yan, I think I should cancel his qualifications, and I will thoroughly check this matter again!"

This is the last day of Yan Liang’s branch in the west of the city. He doesn’t want to worry about these broken things any more. “It’s still the same sentence, evidence, there is no evidence to say that everything is in vain. You should talk to the Zhou political commissar.” The bell rang, the phone on the desk rang, and Yan Liang picked it up. Then he mentioned some spirits. After he hanged the phone, he called another one. "... Minister Lu arrived, they are all ready."

Helpless, Dong Xuebin had to withdraw from the office of Director Yan.


All finished?

Your political life is over! ?


[The fourth is today! It broke out again! Ask for a ticket! 】


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