Power and Wealth

Chapter 1051: [God is going to go! 】

> Chapter 1051

one day……

Two days...

Three days...

This day, Thursday morning.

The Commission for Discipline Inspection, Dong Xuebin was handling several documents in the office. He had to prepare a little in the afternoon, but at this time, some footsteps and movements suddenly sounded outside. Dong Xuebin looked up and looked at the closed door. Some suspicions in the eyes.

Then, the door knocked.

"Please come in." Dong Xuebin put down the matter at hand.

When she came in, she was a member of the supervision department, Zhu Zhu. When she entered the office, she was surprised to see Dong Xuebin. She quickly said: "Director, the organization department of the municipal party committee has come."

Dong Xuebin looked at her, "Organization Department?"

Zhu Zhu replied: "It seems that Minister Wen brought someone to come over."

Dong Xuebin’s heart moved. “Let’s monitor our room?”

Zhu Zhu nodded: "Yes, the people in the organization department have looked for Director Luo and Director Liu. It seems that I will ask you again. I heard that Minister Wen also went to find him in the Secretary of the Communist Party." In the system After waiting for so long, Zhu Zhu knows about these processes. This kind of conversation has already been the last few steps of cadre inspection and promotion. Although it seems to be asking everyone to evaluate Director Dong, soliciting the opinions of the supervisors, in fact, the middle A lot of procedures have already been completed, and since Wen Shixiang, the head of the organization department of the municipal party committee, personally led the team, the matter is basically fixed, and there will be no big scorpion, so Zhu Zhu immediately put on a smile and said: "Congratulations. ""

Dong Xuebin is very indifferent on the surface. "I don't know what is going on."

When Zhu Zhu left, the office door was carefully closed by her.

Dong Xuebin immediately showed a smile, and finally arrived. He had already waited for this day, but considering that things have not been completely finalized, Dong Xuebin was not too happy.

About ten minutes later.

Oh, someone knocked at the door.

"Please come in." Dong Xuebin looked up.

This time, the staff of the supervision room was Fei Fan. After he entered the house, he respectfully said: "Director, Minister Wen came." Then he sideways and retreated to the side.

Wen Shixiang walked in with a smile, "Director Dong."

Dong Xuebin quickly stood up and greeted him, "Wen Wen."

Upon seeing it, Fei Fan left the office and gently closed the door.

After a few words, Wen Shixiang and Dong Xuebin sat on the sofa of the meeting. I saw Wen Shixiang smiled and said: "Today I am here to talk to you on behalf of the organization. Oh, our organization department is completely different from your disciplinary committee. It’s basically a bad thing to talk to someone. It’s a good thing to talk to us here.” Wen Shixiang’s contact with Dong Xuebin is not much, just when he took office, he knows that Wen’s temper is good. "I also have a thorough explanation with you. It is interesting to let you go to the grassroots level to exercise. I will come to the inspection and the second is to ask for your opinion."

Dong Xuebin is well-regulated: "I am subject to organizational arrangements."

Can you disobey? This transfer is what Dong Xuebin took for a long time to fight for it!

In the mouth when Wen Shixiang spoke to Dong Xuebin, things have spread in the Disciplinary Committee and even the Municipal Party Committee. This kind of thing can't help.

Everyone is wrong all the time.

"What? Is the organization department inspecting Director Dong?"

"No? Is this going to be promoted?"

"Should it be a flat tone? But even if the grassroots level is adjusted, it is also a promotion. This gold plating is just a step back in the blink of an eye."

"Don't Director Dong just mention the Deputy Office for half a year?"

"It may be this meritorious service, so it will be broken."

"But how have we never heard of it? There is no news at all."

"I just heard a little about it. It seems that the provincial organization department is directly operating."

“In the province, I’m wondering if I know the letter now.”

"Director Dong is only twenty-five years old? Hey, how is this person and person."

The last time Dong Xuebin was promoted from the director of the street office, and the deputy director was promoted to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Everyone was shocked. Who wants to have just passed about half a year, and people have to mention it. If you go to the grassroots to exercise gold plating, even if you don’t If you have a big problem, you are basically nailed to the level. It is really a person who is dead. But if you think about it, you can't stop Dong Xuebin. There is no way. Director Dong has indeed had this ability. He said that someone jumped into the ice cave a few days ago. Who would dare to go cold water? Dong Xuebin dared, but also miraculously rescued people. These achievements were all returned by Director Dong, and no one could see it.

More than ten in the morning.

Wen Shixiang and the organization department left the Disciplinary Committee.

At the same moment, Dong Xuebin’s cell phone rang, and his wife called.

"Hey, Huilan." Dong Xuebin is in a good mood.

"Is the mobilization thing fixed?" Xie Huilan asked.

"It’s fixed, I don’t know where to go."

"Oh, your kid hasn’t told your sister Xie who is the power. When is the seller going to sell? Well? Tell me about it."

"A lot of things used to be like how I thought, but then I was happy, I was afraid of it. I was afraid that things couldn’t make you a joke, so I didn’t tell you." Too much love, this Disadvantages Dong Xuebin has been unable to change it. "In fact, it is the third-in-command of the Provincial Organization Department. Vice-deputy Jia, who is retiring, has a headache. I know it through my friends. I used to treat him and treat him. By the way, he also gave his wife. I looked at it and it was cured, so Minister Jia accepted my feelings, and this helped me to do something."

"You are lucky."

"Right, we will ask Minister Jia and his lover to have a meal tomorrow. Thank you. You are also familiar with Minister Jia. The provincial party committee organizes the third-hand, you must be sure later..."

"He will retreat after a few more days."

"Oh, yes, but the meal still has to eat."


"The mayor of Zhong also has to ask for it once."


"There are also Zhan Shuji’s secretary, and the old old leader and old colleague, hey, don’t be idle these days.”


"Hey, what's wrong? Hmm, for a long time, perfuse me?"

Xie Huilan smiled and said: "I was thinking if your kid is gone, who will cook for me?"

Dong Xuebin knows that Huilan may be a little reluctant to go by himself. Dong Xuebin is not a problem. Since Huilan went to Yantai County to serve as the county magistrate, Dong Xuebin basically did not separate from her. After marriage, she was tired of being together every day. So cold and unwilling to leave, Dong Xuebin is not very reluctant, and Huilan’s stomach is bigger every day, and the child is born soon... Dong Xuebin took a picture of himself, always thinking about his own child, and going far away. The gold plating at the grassroots level is also the best way for Dong Xuebin, but he did not think about Huilan and yelling at them, so he immediately said: "Wu Lan, otherwise I will not go too far, just find a county nearby." This will take care of you."

"Where are you going to go, is your kid who has the final say? Do you think you pick radish cabbage? What do you want to choose? Oh, this gold plating is a very important step in your career. Let’s go down, thank you. You can't live without your sister? Well? I took care of myself."

"But I don't worry, there are children."

"Okay, I called my aunt before I was born, nothing."

"That... then I will try to make some achievements as soon as possible, and get back as soon as possible."

"Slower, come on, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You can come back right now. Do you think this is what you can do after a few months of training? Your Xie sister mentioned the right side from the vice. Ten years old, let alone your twenty-five-year-old boy who is twenty-six years old."

"That's not necessarily. I haven't used the deputy department from the department to the department, from the department to the department, from the department to the deputy. I don't know how much I have. I will try it anyway, try to hurry. "Dong Xuebin's mobile phone suddenly screamed, "Hey, there is a call coming in."

"The transfer is gone. You are busy now, go ahead, go home and say."

"Cheng." When Dong Xuebin hangs up, he picks up another phone. "Hey, I am Dong Xuebin."

"Director Dong, haha, I am Liu Dahai."

"Old Liu, I haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Yeah, congratulations first, you are up."

"No, it's flat, and it's not sure yet."

"I am still sloppy with me? I have heard about it, and there are a lot of old people in Yantai County who are very worried about you, saying that you want to invite you to dinner."

"Oh, please, please, please."

"That's a good thing, just wait for you." Liu Dahai is the director of the police station of Dong Xuebin's wife Huitian Township. It was a long-term friendship with Dong Xuebin, and naturally he would not be polite with him.

"Two days, I will go back in the past two days. When I call everyone, I will ask for it all at once. Let's not get drunk."

Liu Dahai sounded a meal. "You are... going far away?" He heard it a bit.

Dong Xuebin sighed, "It shouldn't be near, it's not easy to come back at least once, so everyone will get together. When you want to meet again, it is estimated that it will be suspended within half a year."

"Is that we used to look for you?"

"No, I will go back. I have to visit a lot of cadres in Yantai County. I have to go back to my house to have a look."

Hanging the old Liu's phone ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Another phone call came in, and played Dong Xuebin's mobile phone, but also called Dong Xuebin's office phone.

"Hey, Director Dong, it is me."

"Hey, Director, congratulations."

"Hey, Xiao Dong, congratulations, and when do you want to eat? I can wait."

Have colleagues, have friends, have relatives, have leaders...

Dong Xuebin is well-known in Cangzhou City, and even more famous than the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. His transfer has naturally affected many people's nerves, and the matter is also extremely fast.

Some people who have offended Dong Xuebin secretly sighed and said that God finally left his mother, but even Chu Qinghua, director of the Ping An Street Office, who had a deep contradiction with Dong Xuebin, also called to congratulate him. Thanks, Mayor may not have left, and Dong Xuebin has a lot of good cadres in Ganzhou, so even if he is happy, some people have to make this call.

There are still some people who are awkward. Just twenty-five years old have achieved this kind of achievement. They have been promoted again and again, and have they got it later? ?

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