Power and Wealth

Chapter 1075: [The situation in the county! 】

>The next day. (1_1)

In the morning, the county party committee.

Dong Xuebin walked to Dada to walk to work, and entered the office building of the county government, he walked to his office at an unhurried pace.

"Dong County Magistrate."

"Dong County Magistrate."

"Good morning."

In the corridor, many people greeted him politely.

Dong Xuebin smiled and nodded with them, and turned to the steps.


Three floors.

Executive deputy magistrate's office.

Dong Xuebin touched the key to open the door. After twisting it, he found that the door was not locked. He suspiciously squinted and opened the door. Dong Xuebin saw that Yao Cui’s figure appeared in the inside. She held the window sill with one hand and used it. A very awkward posture, use a rag to wipe the glass, and then look around the office, the cabinet seems to have been reorganized, neatly, there is no dust on the desk and the ground, some places with some water The traces of the traces were apparently swept across the ground by people.

Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly. "What are you doing?"

"Are you coming?" Yao Cui smiled back and said, "Clean up and clean up the office."

Dong Xuebin was busy going up. "Come down and come down, and fall to you again."

Yao Cui didn't listen. "Nothing, this is over. Cleaning is also my job responsibilities."

Dong Xuebin reluctantly said: "My home was your help to clean up yesterday. You can do it. After that, don't worry, the office is not dirty, clean up."

"Oh, then I have to do it."

“What do you do?”

"Save people to gossip."

"They don't dare, you are coming down. I am scared to see it."

Wen Yan, Yao Cui did not rub, and held the window sill and sighed, rubbing the sweat on his forehead. Then I walked over and took a cup and gave Dong Xuebin a cup of tea. "Leader, please drink water."

Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "What leadership does not lead, and no outsiders."

Yao Cui smiled and handed him a document. "I just went to the county government for a trip. There is a county magistrate's office at 10 am to inform you of the meeting."

Dong Xuebin, "I take a look." Pick up the file.

He looked at it. Yao Cui said to the side: "The key director of your office gave me a spare, our county is poor, and there is no wealthy office room, so I still have the secret department. Director Ma arranged a small office for me. I have placed you on the table, the kettle is out of water, I need documents, I have to go out to do things. 1(1) You will call me and you will be there."

Dong Xuebin said: "It’s quite formal."

"That is." Yao Cui smiled and said: "How, my secret is still competent?"

"Competent and competent."

"How do you listen like a perfunctory?"

"Oh, I am not perfunctory."

"The kettle is filled up for you anyway. The office has cleaned you up. My morning task is basically completed. Call." Yao Cuijiao stretched out awkwardly. "It’s not a secret."

Dong Xuebin said: "So I don't have to do these jobs."

"That can't be done. Work is work, you must score clearly." Yao Cui insisted: "If I am arrogant and arrogant, people not only have to chew my tongue with the back, but also have an impact on your impression... oh, pet Pride is a bit of a mistake, um, it should be replaced by a villain, huh, huh, in the general system, no one uses the secret of the opposite sex, you put me up with such great pressure, I can not drag the old classmates, you Don't worry, it's okay to talk about it alone, but I know what to say in front of outsiders. I have been working with the Secret for three years. Although I am doing some chores, this thing still understands."

Dong Xuebin also went up and poured a cup of tea on her. "You can also drink."

"Then I am not polite with you?" Yao Cui took the cup, "Thank you."

Dong Xuebin and Yao Cui sat on the sofa while drinking tea. "In fact, if you are not a classmate, I would not dare to use a female secretary. Now it is actually okay. The kind of place in the city may limit comparison. There are many, but in this kind of environment in our county, it is not a big deal to use a secret of the opposite sex."

"I know you want to help me."

"I want you to help me."

"You said so, in fact, I understand, yes, my younger brother's work has been found. The cadre of a state-owned printing factory personally came to ask him, it is your face, thank you."

"No." Dong Xuebin looked at her and said: "I was too late to talk about anything. I really want you to help me. You have been here for so many years, or the relationship between locals and leaders." You must know more about the situation in Shui County than in the average person. I can't work with these two black eyes. I don't dare to touch other people. I don't trust them, so I can only ask you."

Yao Cui smiled and drank a tea ceremony: "Then you can find the right person, what do you want to ask?"

Dong Xuebin blinked: "First talk about the general situation of our county? Although I have seen it, it is not particularly clear."

Yao Cui sighed, "Lishui County is mainly poor, except for poverty, there is nothing, so it has not been able to develop."

Dong Xuebin is strange: "National poverty-stricken counties, shouldn't there be a lot of subsidies and grants?"

Yao Cuidao: "At first glance, you have not worked in a poverty-stricken county. Some counties are poverty-stricken counties on the surface. In fact, the county is very rich. It is to memorize the above funds. So even if they can get rid of the poor hats, they will not pick them up. However, some counties are really poor. For example, we are in Lishui County. This poor and lack of money is naturally more and more serious. It is more serious year after year. It is the wages of the staff in our organs. The county relies on taxes and Financial revenues can only be reluctantly given. As for other places, I don’t say that you should know that there is a lack of money, where money is needed, and even the county has to owe millions of dollars every year. Then, in the second year, the above funds can be used to pay off the foreign debts. This is also the case this year. When you took office, did you know what the county party committee had to do in the province?"

"What are you doing?"

"Going to the money, the funds have just come down after the year, but they have all paid off their debts, and they have also made up for some shortcomings. Therefore, it is not enough to think about the work."

“What about this every year?”

"Well, every year, asking for money, borrowing money, and paying back money, this is already the main task of our county. It is also the most difficult problem for county leaders. It’s like this time to remember money in the provincial capital. Nothing happened. I heard that the province did not give it. It may be like this every year. The province is also annoyed. The situation in the city is similar to that of ours. It’s not so good, it’s not rich, and we can’t give us money, but if If there is no funding, our county really can’t pass this year. It’s only a few months at the beginning of the year, and it’s more than half a year.”

"We don't have our own industry?"

"You haven't seen it yet. It's all big mountains and big fields here. The climate is not good. If you are in agriculture, it is often caused by natural disasters and even production."

“What about animal husbandry?”

"Slightly better, but without money, it can't develop scale. It's all small and small, and then, apart from this, our county has nothing."

Dong Xuebin sighed and sighed, no wonder, no wonder.

Yao Cui looked at him: "So how do you develop the county? I guess the leaders have given up, there is nothing to develop. Now it is necessary to borrow money everywhere. The main task is to keep the existing environment barely, except Maintaining stability or maintaining stability."

"This is not the right way."

"The county leaders are afraid that they are not a long-term solution, but there is no way. The previous leaders have thought about the methods all over, and tried them all over, but it is still the case."

Dong Xuebin suddenly asked: "I see the status of the governor of Jiang, it seems that I don't care much about anything? It's very flat? Is it because of this?"

Yao Cuiyi said, "Jiang County is not."

Dong Xuebin said: "Well? What is the reason?"

Yao Cui looked at the door and saw the door closed. He said: "The county party has not seen you before. You should have lost confidence in Lishui County and gave up the idea of ​​developing the industry. Every year, you are thinking about it. The gap in the money was filled, and it was not burned when he had problems during his term of office. But the county governor there was coughing. Some words would not be said to others, but there is nothing wrong with it." Yao Cui lowered some of his voice and thought for a long time before he came up with a sentence. "Ginger County Chief... Well, Jiang County Chief is a widow."

Dong Xuebin, "Widow?"

"Well, not even children."

"What about her lover?"

Jiang Fangfang is in her thirties~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dong Xuebin thought that her children can go to elementary school, who thinks she has no children, and at home...

Yao Cuidao: "The husband of Jiang County Chief is not very good before they got married. I have forgotten it in the past few years, three years or four years. At that time, Jiang County Chief is not the top leader of the government. He loves people because of illness. After the death, the incident hit the head of Jiang County very much. I heard that Jiang’s county magistrate was also hospitalized for a month because of this incident. During the period, he did not even say a word. The top leader of the government, but since her husband’s death, the head of Jiang has changed into a person. There is no ambition and enthusiasm. The character has become a faint feeling. Of course, it doesn’t matter, she also manages. I also asked, but the feeling of giving people is always a little perfunctory on the face, not enthusiastic. At first, everyone thought that Jiang’s county magistrate was not in the past, and felt that some days passed, but three or four years. Now, the head of Jiang County is still the same as before, and everyone is used to it now."

Dong Xuebin sighed, "The family has a difficult experience."

"Yeah." Yao Cui continued: "So now the county is basically a Mongolian book, and it is counted as a county party secretary. The head of the county is too weak. Many county party committee members are not too much. I am willing to follow a leader who is not motivated, so I will stand in the memory of the memory. Of course, whether the county magistrate is really not motivated or has the past, I am not sure." ..)

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