Power and Wealth

Chapter 1454: [成香饽饽了]


The information of more than a dozen foreign companies has come down.

The people from the investment promotion bureaus of all counties and districts got the first-hand news.

This thing has definitely affirmed the identity of foreign businessmen. It is indeed a shareholder and investment consultant from a foreign group. Most of the companies are from Fuzhou. Second, the details are also listed above. Individuals belong to the company's asset size and business direction, and it is not surprising. Except for two or three companies with assets of several hundred million yuan, the rest of the delegation is a large group with assets of several billion yuan, and many people guess One thing, the one with the highest prestige of Zhang Longjuan, Zhang, the company’s assets have reached as many as tens of billions of yuan. No wonder the rest of the delegation is looking at her, not only their company but also with Zhang. The company has business contacts or friendships, and Zhang Longjuan’s strength is also there. So this information was given to everyone in Meihe City to have a reassurance. Everyone is more enthusiastic about this group of foreign businessmen. It is not too much to describe it with fanaticism.


Small ballroom.

Dozens of people have come in one after another.

"Everyone please, Mr. Zhang, you are doing a positive seat."

"Oh, the mayor of China is not welcome, or you can sit down."

"I am fine, just the secretary of our mayor informed me that the mayor will arrive soon."

"Hey, the mayor is coming too? What's so embarrassing, people are busy with official business..."

"The city attaches great importance to this investigation by your delegation. It must be coming. The secretary is on a business trip outside the city. It may be coming back later."

"Then I can't even sit down and leave it to the secretary and the mayor."

"Right, the words of the dishes...do you order some Western food?"

"No, we are in the country, and we want to taste the local dishes of Meihe City."

"That's good, we will follow the standard of the banquet, and every dish will be used again. If you are not used to eating, then add Western food, there are."

"Cheng. Just listen to the mayor of China."

"Lao Lu, let our people also come to the table."

Dong Xuebin was the last to come in, see the scene of the banquet hall. I also blinked my eyes. This time I came here not only for the cadres of Huali Lu Weiguo and the China Merchants Bureau, but also the directors of the investment promotion bureaus of other counties and districts. Dong Xuebin saw that they were not very good at their Lishui County. Chen Mingming and Ma Yanfen, but only a dozen foreign investors at the main table sat, Huali and Lv Weiguo sat down, and left a seat for the secretary and the mayor. There is also a position that cannot be squeezed out. The county directors have done the second table.

"Dong County Chief is here?" A staff member of the City Merchants Bureau looked at him.

Zhang Longjuan also looked at him and smiled. "Dong County magistrate. Let's sit together."

Dong Xuebin stunned. Anyway, there are still many opportunities for exchanges. I don’t care about this time. The purpose of his eagerness to come to the dinner is mainly to fear that other investors in the team of Zhang Dajie will be hooked up by other districts and counties. To supervise. Since the directors of other counties and districts are sitting next to the table, Dong Xuebin does not care, and he said: "No, I still sit at the table, there is no place."

Zhang Longjuan laughed and said, "That."

Hua Li and Lu Weiguo did not invite Dong Xuebin.

Dong Xuebin did not care. Yoda went to the second table.

At this time, Ma Yanfen laughed and got up and said: "Dong County magistrate, sit here, keep giving you a seat."

That is the right seat. Dong Xuebin thought that he was not polite. After all, his executive deputy magistrate was much higher than the county magistrate, and he sat down.

Ma Yanfen was sitting next to him. "Dong County Magistrate is a real person."

On the side of Chen Mingming also smiled: "This time, Lishui County can be a showcase, Lao Zheng is also a friend of so many years, still glaring at me."

The director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of another district asked: "How long is the county magistrate, the foreign business delegation is going to investigate?"

Dong Xuebin didn't reveal anything: "I don't know this, I haven't asked, one week? One month?"

Then, another director explored the news, but Dong Xuebin still said nothing, drinking tea with him and smoking, waiting for the dish.

Ma Yanfen couldn't sit still, and interjected: "Tomorrow, foreign businessmen will go on an inspection. Dong County, we are not far from the two counties. When foreigners have investigated Lishui County, you can see if it is introduced to our county. Let me say it first, but it’s really not to rob you of the investment in Lishui County. It’s just to let the investors come over to see us. Your relationship with Zhang is so good, it’s a matter of words.”

Dong Xuebin looked at her "mainly watching Zhang Zong, they can not use my words, if they want to go to your county to investigate, then you can contact yourself."

The director of the county and county area of ​​course also thinks this way. Directly contact the foreign businessmen. Everyone wants to bring the people from this group to their county, but want to think about it. In fact, the county of Meihe City is actually There are more than a dozen together, and these foreign businessmen are busy people. So big group companies have to take care of them. They want to know that it is impossible to stay for a few months. The most is a month. If this month is all It is obviously unrealistic to investigate all the counties and districts. There will always be choices, and the county governor of Lishui County has a good relationship with the general manager of the delegation. As long as he can say a word, it is likely to decide foreign businessmen. Our inspection route, everyone naturally got their heart, and they want Dong Xuebin to help draw a line from it. This time, Lishui County, which was isolated by the city and all the county investment promotion bureaus two hours ago, suddenly became Shannon, everyone’s attitude toward Dong Xuebin has also made a 180-degree turn. It’s very hot. Only a few directors have said nothing. It’s estimated that they want to find a way to grab people.

"Well, ah."

"I do not know."

"I can't do it either. www.wuxiaspot.com~ You ask Zhang to have them."

Dong Xuebin’s shelf was also picked up at once. These four sentences were almost repeated from the beginning to the end. They were full of mouths and they were not very comfortable. This incident made Dong Xuebin completely disappointed with the investment in the city and the city. He did not have a good impression on other districts and counties, but hey, when you don't need us, your noses are not the nose, the eyes are not the eyes, something is asking us. Have you been enthusiastic?

What about ghosts?

Less with me, this set

Dong Xuebin didn't eat softly. When the dishes came up, he would eat and eat with a sigh of relief. He wouldn't ignore the words of the gang.

Everyone has a good spirit.

Looking at the foreign merchants who are not far from the main table, and looking at the county magistrate who is greedy at home, Dong Xuebin is also a great appetite for appetite. (To be continued)


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