Power and Wealth

Chapter 1492: [Give everyone a holiday]


provincial capital.

Inside the airport.

"Dong County Magistrate, then we are gone."

"That line, everyone goes all the way."

"The front is the waiting hall. You can't get in, go back."

"Well, when you are safe, give me a call and report it safely."

"I will, Matt, they will see you again, and I am very happy to meet you."

"Then you translate it for me. I am also very honored to meet everyone. I wish you all the money."

Saying goodbye to a few words, Zhang Longjuan waved and waved Dong Xuebin, turned around and took a seat with the dozens of foreign businessmen in the elevator hall. In public, Dong Xuebin also said nothing to Zhang Longjuan. The two of the deceased had already said it on the road alone. He watched the people leave, and after losing the trace of Zhang Longjuan and others under the escalator, Dong Xuebin turned back.

Just after leaving the airport, the phone rang.

It was Jiang Fangfang’s call. “Are you gone? Dong County Chief?”

Too many people don’t know too much. Dong Xuebin blocked one ear with one hand and said: “Just sent to the plane, now I should be checking in at the security check.”

"Well, are you coming back now?"

"Yes, go back to me first?"

"No, go back to the China Merchants Bureau and handle the contract."

"Well, then I will go to the county party compound later, and I will summarize the work of this investment conference to you."

"It can be sorted out and sorted out. Actually, it is not so urgent. What we are worried about now is the physical condition and mental state of your investment promotion comrades. During the period from preparation for investment to the China Merchants Association, you have no rest for a day? In the week, the Iron Man can't stand it. In this way, I am specially approved here. I will give all the comrades of the China Merchants Group a five-day holiday, and take a rest to raise the body. After the rest, the first funds of many projects should also be paid. At that time, you are still busy, recharge your batteries."

"Oh, then I thank you for Lao Zheng."

When the parking lot arrived, Dong Xuebin hanged up the phone and drove all the way back to the county.



Lishui County.

China Merchants Small Courtyard.

Stopping the car and going upstairs, Dong Xuebin saw a laugh in the office area, Chang Juan leaned on the desk. Zhenghe Chengyu Jie Gong Na Xiaohong several women are talking about Yan Yan, Chen Yunsong also laughed and inserted a sentence, no one is at work, in fact, there is no work left.


"Hey, Dong County."

"Dong County Chief, are you back?"

Everyone was busy with the laughter and returned to their seats, these days. Dong Xuebin has established a prestige in everyone's heart.

However, Dong Xuebin is not such a rigid person. When they see them scattered, they smiled. "What are you talking about? Let me be happy too."

"It's nothing."

"Listen to what you say about travel?"

"Well, I am saying where is the best place to travel."

"Oh, then you are really right."

"Well? Dong County, what does this mean?"

"Old Zheng, everyone is coming. I will say a few things."

I heard the voice of Dong Xuebin, and Zheng Dayou came out of the office.

Dong Xuebin summoned everyone, and said: "The county has already approved it. Today, everyone will work hard to get the contract out and deal with the things at hand. Then everyone will start the holiday for five days tomorrow. Everyone wants to travel and travel. I don’t care if I want to sleep with my family, I don’t care. Hehe. As for the four or five days of overtime work on the legal rest day, you can make up the overtime pay. It can also be counted as annual leave."

Chang Juan is happy, "That is good."

Cheng Yujie said: "I can finally rest."

Gong Na Xiao Hong is also very happy, "Thank you Dong County."

"Don't thank me." Dong Xuebin looked at them and said: "The bonus is good, and the vacation is good. It is everyone's hard work. Yesterday, I was too busy. I forgot to tell you that this investment conference... everyone did it. Pretty!" After that, Dong Xuebin smiled and clap his hands to applaud everyone.


Everyone laughed and applauded.

Gong Na and Xiao Hong cheered a few more times.

This time, under the leadership of Dong Xuebin, the China Merchants Group has accomplished an outstanding task that is almost impossible to complete. They are of course very good, and everyone has benefited from it. Not to mention the rewards that have been advanced and promoted before, hundreds of thousands. The bonuses will soon appear on their accounts, in addition to political capital and honors, as well as the expansion of the upcoming functional functions, which can be bought without spending money. Red is the most emotional, she did a good job in the county government, although the interpersonal relationship with the office is not very good, at least every day can not eat and wear, Yao Cui later gave her into the China Merchants Xiao Hong is still very reluctant, after all, how cold the department is, who does not know in the organization, but it is such a department that has to use an office building with another plant and even another department. Miraculously pulled two hundred million investment, Xiao Hong is now almost dying of Yao Cui, think about the bonus, she can not wait to hold Yao Cui a few mouthfuls.

"It’s all said, that's it." Dong Xuebin looked at the watch, it was already twelve o'clock, and laughed: "It's a meeting, and it's a lunch break."

Chang Juan looked at him. "Have you brought the rice?"

Dong Xuebin glanced at them. "Do you bring them?"

Cheng Yujie smiled and said: "Take it, or do you want me to eat it?"

Gong Na also quickly took out the lunch box from the drawer under the front desk. "I have a lot of belts today, you don't want to give up..."

Zheng Dayou smiled and said: "My lover has also done it for me, but I can't take it with enough."

Dong Xuebin said: "Is it true that you are a veteran? Look at you like this, the craftsmanship of the scorpion is definitely good, no, I have to taste it. Everyone points me?"

Chang Juan changed the drawer like a magic, "I have an empty lunch box."

Gong Na suddenly said: "I am going to hot meals. I will borrow a microwave from the upper floor."

"We haven't had a microwave oven here yet?" Dong Xuebin was speechless.

Zheng Dayou said: "The old one is broken. Like the air conditioner, it doesn't turn when you plug in the electricity. If you find someone to repair it, you don't fix it. When the waste is disposed."

Xiao Hong helped Gong Na to take the lunch together, went to the upstairs to find the people in the plant research institute to borrow the microwave oven. After a while, a few boxes of hot and mellow lunch boxes were taken back by both of them.

"Dong County Magistrate, I will divide you."

"Oh, thank you, Xiao Gong, you made it yourself?"

"Well, I am not so busy today, I am cooking my own food in the morning."

"It’s good to watch, I taste, um, delicious."

Everyone gave Dong Xuebin some meals, and then everyone sat around and ate.

Dong Xuebin is not a person who is extravagant. Sometimes, extravagance is actually for the sake of work. On the contrary, he likes the atmosphere in the office now. When he is working, he is working, and the rest time is idle. Dong Xuebin still wants to follow the subordinates. Beat it into one piece.

Everyone talks and laughs while eating.

Suddenly, Chang Juan smiled and said: "Dong County magistrate, we have just discussed a few things, want to travel to neighboring provinces for a few days, you can't go?"

Dong Xuebin shook his hand. "You have a five-day holiday and go out to distract yourself. I will not go. There are still many things in the county. I am sure I can't leave." Dong Xuebin must have a rest for a day or two. It can't be done in five days. Now that there are more things, he is in charge of so many departments. Where are you going?

Chang Juan looks at Zheng Dayou, "Secretary Zheng?"

Zheng Dayou smiled and said: "You play, I will forget."

"How many of you go?" Dong Xuebin asked.

Cheng Yujie said: "Chang Shi, I, Chen Kechang, Xiao Gong, Xiao Xiao, we are five, no family members."

Dong Xuebin nodded, and took the car key from his pocket and handed it to Chang Juan. "The neighboring province is not far away. You can drive by car and drive my car."

"Hey, how is that fun." Cheng Yujie was busy.

Chen Yunsong also said: "Yes, Dong County, you are a Land Rover, in case... I actually started the new Passat in the opening."

Dong Xuebin smiled. "That is the bus. Let's go and play to make people chew their tongues. I am a private car. It's ok, OK, don't be tempted. It's a reward for everyone's hard work for so many days."

Chang Juan smiled and said: "Oh, thank you."

Dong Xuebin licked his shirt. "It's a bit hot, how is air conditioning... Oh, right, the air conditioner is broken." Dong Xuebin is helpless, said: "Yes, Lao Zheng, you make a trip, go directly to the finances. Bureau, I can see if the finances can't move out the money. When things are ready, it's not a problem. As for the office, you can change it later, at least get an independent office building. Moreover, there are so many projects that have been drawn this time. In the future, it will definitely have to face recruitment. This office area is not enough.” With such a large sum of money, the county will soon be more affluent. Dong Xuebin is the leader in charge of finance. The person in charge of attracting capital, of course, has the right to control the financial amount directly or indirectly generated by the money within a certain scope. Naturally, it is necessary to first tighten the department in charge of it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cheng Yujie immediately said: Dong County magistrate Yingming."

Chang Juan and Chen Yunsong also took a few flatterings.

Everyone wants to change places, especially the recruitment and expansion of China Merchants is their most important thing. Now there are so many people in the office. Everyone is a leader, but no one is available at the bottom. Basically, it is all Light pole commander, what is this leader? After changing the job location to expand the recruitment, it will be different. The cadres must have an independent office. Each department will also have a call. What does it feel like? The difference is big! Everyone thought about it for a moment, and they all felt that the future was bright, and I was glad that I had stayed at the China Merchants Bureau and got a profit. Who are they thanking? I will definitely remember Dong Xuebin's goodness, because the prosperity of China Merchants Group can be said to be brought by Dong Xuebin.

Finance Bureau...

China Merchants...

County government office...

After three months in office, Dong Xuebin has already consolidated all the departments he has in charge, and this aspect can also be reflected to the leadership of Dong Xuebin.

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