Power and Wealth

Chapter 1503: [1 smile, enmity]

the next day.

The order has come down.

In the morning, Dong Xuebin came to the unit early, and after pushing the door into his office, he began to slowly pack his own things, put them in a small paper box, and then put together a piece of paper and wrapped it on top. Write the department you want to hand over.


It’s not too long to say short or short.

Dong Xuebin has already had a lot of feelings on this side. Although he is looking forward to moving forward and moving back, it is really at this time. He still feels reluctant in his heart. He also did his work and various aspects during his tenure in Lishui County. An evaluation, for a moment, he gave himself a shot of 80. He felt that he was still pretty good. He didn’t have to say anything about his work. He had done very well in these things and rarely picked out the problem. Dong Xuebin In fact, the most satisfying thing is his character growth in the past half a year. After a lot of things, he has not been so boring in the first place, nor is it a temper to scream and kill when he meets something, um, at least it converges. Many, Dong Xuebin believes that this is an improvement. In the past six months, he has also learned a lot and laid a solid foundation for his future development. Therefore, Dong Xuebin thanked him and thanked the people of Lishui County. Thanks to those who love him, those who don't love him, those who hate him, those who like him, and in short, the feelings of thousands of words.


The knock on the door rang.

Coming in is the secretary of the county party secretary Zhang Feng, "Dong county magistrate, hey, what about it?"

Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Is Secretary Zhang so early? I thought the unit would be me alone."

"No, the secretary has come, see your car, let me come and call you." Zhang Fengdao.

"Oh, let's go." Dong Xuebin did not drum up, put things out, followed Zhang Feng out, and entered the office of the county party secretary.

Inside the house.

Secretary Zhang closed the door and left.

Only left behind the desk, Meng Rui and Dong Xuebin.

"Xue Bin, sit down, talk about it." Meng Rui is hanging a smile.

"Yeah." Dong Xuebin sat down and noticed that Meng Shuji’s name for himself changed.

Meng Rui looked at him and some shouted: "In fact, I received the above notice. When the leaders of the organization department asked for my opinion, I hesitated for a long time. Do you know what I wanted to say? I want to tell the municipal party committee that the county party committee does not Let go, but I finally nodded, Xuebin, I am twenty years older than you? After you moved this time, I was also level with me, but let’s not say that the level does not say the position, just say the age, I should be your elder."

Dong Xuebin nodded. "That's for sure."

Meng Ruidao: "You have to go away, there is no chance to say something. Before you go, I want to criticize you a few words, your boy, the character is too strong, you must be strong, you are affectionate, you Integrity, these qualities are good, are advantages, can be placed in the system, especially on you, in a particular occasion and things, these may not necessarily be advantages, and often become your weakness. ”

Dong Xuebin reluctantly said: "This I admit, it is."

Meng Rui pointed to him. "If you go on like this, one day, one day, you will suffer. You said that you just took office. How many things have you caused? Even the city leaders dare to smash? Do you dare to turn your face and turn your face? In our county, you see how many people you have offended? Not to mention others, sometimes I am mad at your kid, your mouth is also angry, and I have almost been mad at you for several times."

Dong Xuebin coughed, "What, I am young, mouth rushing, you don't have to know me."

Meng Rui laughed and said: "It can be strange, too, the stinky temper of your kid, but no one can work in the ability to work. I have been in politics for almost 20 years. I have never seen a person like you. Young people with the ability to do things, not to mention the same age, that is, none of us old guys can compare with you, look at the way of Lishui County before, look at the appearance of Lishui County after half a year, fundamentally I can't talk to you in the same day. Yesterday, I talked with the governor of Jiang. I think she said it right in one sentence. We have been doing this for many years in the Yishui County. What have you done in these years? Brought to the people What have you been? We should all be rushed to the next." He shook his head and laughed again. "So, people love and hate. This is my evaluation of your kid. When I hate it, it is really itchy. I want to take you." The kick is kicking, but you really have to go this time, and my heart is suddenly reluctant."

Seriously, Dong Xuebin did not expect that Meng Rui would suddenly say such things to himself. At the same time, he also touched. "This strange me, I like to dig into the horns. I don’t want to look back when I look at things. In fact, many things. They are not the choice of A or B. I have a good idea about everything, and I rarely think about it from the perspective of others. I will definitely pay attention to this in the future. You don't care about me."

Meng Rui shook his hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Road: "In fact, in dealing with many things, as well as the communication between the two of us, I also have a lot of problems."

"It must be my problem."

"Oh, a slap in the face does not sound."

Dong Xuebin and Meng Rui have had many contradictions and differences in the past six months, and even the conflict has been repeated more than once. But now, the two of them said and said, they all smiled slightly, smiled and enemies, and all kinds of grudges in the past seemed to fly away.

"When is the plane?"

"I drove by car, naturally I have to drive back. The expensive car can't be thrown here, but I don't worry, I am going to go next week. I specially asked for a holiday. I have to report a small month from the previous report. One, please everyone to eat, thank you for your help in the past six months."

“Is the work handed over?”

"It's almost the same."

"Well, at night, I will set up a hotel at night, let's have a meal, and it will be practiced for you."

"Where can you pay for it, huh, I will fix the hotel."

"I said that I am still robbing you? You don't have to worry about it. If you get there, you will have to treat me. This is to give you a practice. Second, thank you for your contribution to Lishui County." Meng Ruidao.

Dong Xuebin was flattered. "The words are heavy."

Meng Rui stood up and smiled and patted Dong Xuebin's shoulder. "The cadre is not at the age of twenty-six. If you report it, don't know how many people are scared, haha, I, now I am more and more interested in seeing which step your kid can take." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the mobile phone network () subscription, reward, your support, is my biggest power.)

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