Power and Wealth

Chapter 1525: [Interview]

The bird is silent.

A lot of it is stupid.

The entrance to the government is sensitive to the three words "Director Dong". Bi Jing Dong Xuebin has caused too many things in the system. Not to mention his deeds, he mentioned the name of Dong Xuebin, many of Zhangzhou City. There is a flaw in the entrance, but the people are still not very clear. They may have heard the name of Dong Xuebin in many of them, but they have not contacted one piece, so they are not sure about Dong Xuebin and others. I thought about this young man. Who is o? How do you get into the face of so many jǐng, and the jǐng are still respectful to him?

The young woman blinked.

The truck driver saw it so cool.

Wan Fanglei, the secretary of the municipal party committee, and Zhong Zhengwei, the mayor of the city, also saw the face of Dong Xuebin. They all stunned. I didn't expect him to be on the scene!

"Dong County Magistrate?" Wan Fanglei said that it is no wonder that the back is familiar. It turned out to be this kid.

Dong Xuebin walked over from j交ng and said hello: "Wan Shuji, Mayor of Zhong."

When Zhong Zhengwei saw him, he smiled. "When did you come back? See the Mayor Xie coming?"

Dong Xuebin smiled. "It’s o, my wife is alive, I definitely have to accompany O, but I don’t come back specifically. The position is transferred, and I will return to Beijing next month."

Zhong Zhengwei is a glimpse.

The other thousand are also speechless.

Transfer? And his mother moved? I go! How fast is your promotion speed?

It used to be a deputy, and this time I transferred back to Beijing. Isn’t that the leader at the level? How old are you? Twenty-six?

Thousands of people have been silent, but they are used to it. Dong Xuebin’s first position in Chenzhou City was the deputy director of the county public security bureau. When he left, he was a deputy director of the Disciplinary Committee. In just one or two years, he mentioned the deputy department from the deputy department. At this time, I went to the next level. Everyone felt that there was nothing. There was no way to get into the house.

After the completion of the scene to clear the work, Xie Huilan walked back slowly and slowly, and looked at Dong Xuebin. "Who made you enter?"

Dong Xuebin said: "The traffic accident is what he got."

Xie Huilan said: "That can't be done, like what it looks like."

The couple obviously sang a song, and Xie Huilan first criticized Dong Xuebin. If you don’t enter, it’s not good to say anything.

Sure enough, Zhong Zhengwei immediately said, "I have heard about the cause of the accident. The truck driver has done too much. Finally, the attitude, Xiao Dong can not understand the emotions." After that, he looked at Dong Xuebin. "When did you learn medicine?"

Dong Xuebin said: "It’s a morning meeting. It’s actually a half-hanger. It’s just like entering the school for a while. It’s definitely not as good as a professional doctor.”

Zhong Zhengwei said: "Can you not? I listened to the hospital doctor. You can have a lot of professionalism in this first-aid way. You are always hidden and always give a surprise."

"You have won the mayor of the bell."

"Doing a good job, Ah, thank you for being here."

The topic is so awkward, and the matter of breaking in is revealed.

This is the privilege of the leadership. Dong Xuebin is now rising, and his wife is the deputy mayor. All the wounded on the scene are also rescued by Dong Xuebin. Even if he is too faulty, he should not enter it, and he did not know what to say. The accident is the focus, and under the rescue of Dong Xuebin, the traffic accident accident has apparently been dissipated, and it is the best answer.

The leaders continued to be on the scene.

Dong Xuebin went to Xie Huilan's side, glaring at her for a while.

"Is it all right?"

"It's okay."

"I knew you wouldn't let you come, and your stomach is so big?"

"The people have an accident, how can you thank Xie sister?"

Looking at the lively people next to it, I realized that the ugly young man who had just rescued was actually the husband of Xie Mayor! Actually, Dong Xuebin, a famous earthquake hero in Chenzhou City in recent years! No wonder he did not enter or enter the management. According to the news of the ministry, I thought that Dong Xuebin had a lot of experience during his tenure in Zhangzhou. Not to mention those little gangsters, that is, colleagues and leaders have played. o Ah, I didn’t see anything in the end. Although he has been transferred for half a year, Dong Xuebin is still Dong Xuebin. The influence in Chenzhou City is very deep. Well, maybe it’s more notorious. It’s a matter of doing things regardless of the official hooligans, even the level. Leaders who are a little taller than Dong Xuebin are also reluctant to offend this embarrassment because no one knows what he will do.

Do other thousand people enter the public in public?

Everyone may be shocked.

Can you fight with God?

Knowing his entrance knows that this is a normal thing, and if you don't break into it, everyone will be amazed.

This reputation is so stinky.

The old thousand of Chenzhou City did not know him.

... things are probably handled almost, but the leaders have not gone, Bi Jing is a major traffic accident, the follow-up is still necessary. Xie Huilan did not follow Dong Xuebin's family, but continued to command. Wanfang Lei and Zhong Zhengwei and other thousands also greeted the injured family members and the frightened masses, and answered several questions from the reporters. The scene entered the clean-up phase.

Nothing happened to Dong Xuebin, his car was not bad, so I saw the Land Rover in a circle and saw no problem~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I was ready to drive away.

But he did not make it.

Because the good people have surrounded him, there are reporters.

After the continuation, many family members rushed to the scene. They were brought in by high-speed work after they showed their ID cards. They met with each other and many of them were red. They saw that their husband, wife, father and mother had nothing to do. I heard about the situation at the scene, and everyone thanked Dong Xuebin for a channel. Finally, Zhong Zhengwei also walked up. In the interview of the camera and TV station staff, he also expressed his gratitude to Dong Xuebin on behalf of the city zhèngfǔ. Thank you for rushing to the fire and rescue it in the first time after the car accident. Thank you for maintaining the order on the scene and stabilizing the emotions on the scene, so that no miracle can happen without a encounter.

If Dong Xuebin is still a thousand people in Chenzhou City, Zhong Zhengwei and the city leaders certainly do not need to thank him, because Dong Xuebin’s duties are all he should. But now Dong Xuebin has already transferred, and the file has not been in Zhangzhou City, so thank you for saying this.

Dong Xuebin also accepted, and was very impressed with the camera. "I love to enter Xie Huilan and often say a word to me - we are all serving the people, so there is nothing to say, it is incumbent."

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