Power and Wealth

Chapter 1556: [To travel]

on Monday.

Going to work.

Dong Xuebin drove his broken Xiali into the unit compound, and the surrounding Disciplinary Committee work was a rigid face. Fast forward and fast, and the pace was short. Some thousand started in the yard. While walking and discussing the work, the rhythm is very fast, and each entry is also very serious, but Dong Xuebin is a bit out of place with this environment. He drives the car without hesitation, and laughs happily. The whistle sang a song, and there was a horn to urge him to drive faster. Don’t listen, Dong Xuebin also pretended not to hear, how to open it or how to open it, and finally parked in the parking area of ​​the eighth monitoring room downstairs. He also swayed leisurely and leisurely. He inserted his pocket in one hand and walked very slowly. It seemed like a leisurely entrance, which made him look at him.


Eight rooms, two.

In the office area, the arrival is almost there.

Dong Xuebin walked in faintly and saw him a few times and said hello.

"Director Dong." Zhang Dongliang said.

"Director Dong." Sun Zhaobang said.

"Good morning." He Zhoudao.

Han Fei is pretending not to see him, no voice.

Dong Xuebin did not care, smiling: "Good morning."

At this time, the latter also entered a middle-aged entry, looking very thin, taller, more serious, a standard appearance of a thousand disciplines.

"Chen Chen."

"Good morning Chen."

"Chairman Chen, are you back?"

Han Fei smiled and first said hello to him.

Others are also more enthusiastic and polite, and they all say hello to the middle age.

Dong Xuebin knew it at a glance. This is the second deputy director Chen Dayou who was not in the first few business trips.

I saw that Chen Dayou also nodded with a few points and said hello. Even if he looked at Dong Xuebin, he reached out and said, "Is it new director Dong? Hello, I am Chen Dayou."

Dong Xuebin also shook hands with him. "Dong Xuebin, hello, Director Chen."

Chen Dayou doesn't seem to be a big talker. After he got to know it, he didn't say anything.

Dong Xuebin was also a low-key, and he did not speak. The atmosphere paused. Both Dong Xuebin and Chen Dayou returned to their offices.

When closing the door, Han Fei went to the background of Dong Xuebin.

He Zhou had no choice but to shake his head and felt that Dong Xuebin was too uncooperative.

Sun Zhaobang and Zhang Dongliang are similar to each other. I don’t know how the guy in this class climbed to the position of the right level. Can the **** not play a fart? Are you not willing to exchange more words with colleagues in the department? Still don't put your work at heart? The head of Yin Chengan Yin’s first explanation to Dong Xuebin was that he was relatively low-key, but why did he not see them in a low-key way? Han Fei He Zhou saw them much, but like Dong Xuebin’s low-key leadership to the family, they have never met before!

Not yet at work time.

When you see no leaders, you whispered a few words.

"You guess what he is?" Han Fei squinted at the door of Dong Xuebin's office.

He Zhou is the highest level here, and dares to speak. "It is estimated that you can drink tea and melon seeds, and listen to songs."

Sun Zhaobang did not mix, even if Dong Xuebin had no sense of existence, he also felt that the leadership behind the home was not very good.

Zhang Dongliang looked over there and also helped Dong Xuebin say a word. "It shouldn't be. The first few are just taking office. There is no work assignment. Are we not investigating several face projects in Jiangdong? Director Dong was also arranged in Wuyang City, and I am sure..."

The words have not been finished yet.

There was a big voice in Dong Xuebin’s office. The sound was very familiar. It was the kind of music that opened in the movie. But after a loud bang, it was instantly small. Director Dong was obviously watching the movie, and the volume was not set. Ok, the result is big, and it is small after the discovery.

Han Fei: "..."

He Zhou: "..."

Zhang Dongliang didn’t say anything, and he was speechless. He explained it to him. He also felt that it’s a good start for Dong Xuebin’s absence to be late. Who wants to be totally different? It’s time to come home and watch a movie!

... in the house.

Dong Xuebin is really watching a movie.

On Friday, the UN General Assembly celebrated that Dong Xuebin really remembered his own green chūn. He felt a lot of emotions and his mood was very complicated. So he didn’t go anywhere on Saturday, and he turned over with the unit dormitory. The Qing chūn series of movies, there are old films, there are new films, but there are too many movies, he has not finished reading for a while, and I am going to work today, just to continue to take a look at it.

More than nine o'clock.

It’s been a while to go to work.

Hey, there is a knock on the door.

Dong Xuebin casually said, "Please come in."

Came came in, she held a few documents in her hand. When she saw Dong Xuebin still watching a movie, she knew that she was slow to pause the film after she walked in. Han Fei felt that her lungs were blowing up. It’s not that Dong Xuebin doesn’t respect her, but it’s too much for her to feel faint. If you want to watch a movie, you’ll hide it, hide it, you can do it, you can’t hide it. He is screaming, this is the Commissioner of Discipline, or the Central-Central-Ji-Chairman. Your leader is not leading the way, but also taking the lead in watching movies. Han Fei feels that he has nothing to say.

"Is there something?" Dong Xuebin looked at her.

Han Fei officially threw the documents on his desk, and his mouth was not so respectful. "The documents from Wuyang City newspaper, this is your responsibility, and Director Chen asked me to send you."

"Okay, is there something?"


"Well, I know."

Dong Xuebin is obviously the meaning of sending guests.

What into o!

What is this into o!

Han Fei was sullen and went out from his office. When he left, he also deliberately turned the door a little more and made a slamming sound. Her father is in the middle-group-participating position and is the only child. He must be spoiled and tempered.

Dong Xuebin smiled and shook his head. He didn’t go to the heart. He rarely angered with women, and he didn’t get angry. The low-key point was quite good. Dong Xuebin did not read any documents and continued to look at it. His movie, after watching this film, he just opened another movie to make it buffer. When he got the air, he just flipped through the report that Wuyang City had uploaded. He looked at it and there was nothing. Dong Xuebin took the pen directly. Corrected the opinions, did not give disciplinary action, just jǐng sue a little, the meaning is not as an example. The above tune is like this, Dong Quan’s things are also considered, and Dong Xuebin did not kill them with a stick.

Keep watching the movie.

One hour...two hours...the bell rings and the phone rings.

When Dong Xuebin saw his wife, he picked it up with a smile.

"Hey, Huilan."

"What about thousands?"

"Look at the movie, o."

"I haven't had a lunch break yet. What movie do you watch?"

"Don't you say that I am low-key? I have already kept a low profile and can't keep a low profile."

"Oh, your kid, Ah, low-key is to let you talk low-key, isn't it for you to watch movies? No, you Xie sister is too lazy to say you, your political wisdom, I I have never had any hopes. How do you like how to love it? Just watch a movie and watch it. Anyway, don't mess up things."

"I understand, you don't care, how is the child?"

"The babysitter at home is good, it can be eaten and can sleep. These few cockroaches have gained weight."

"Don't he want to eat nǎi, you will give o, then give the child a die, you feed a little, do you hear?"

"I know better than you, you are less cāo heart, call you is to ask you if you can't come this week."

“In the past?” Dong Xuebin wondered: “You only walked last week, how many thousand have I been?”

"You Xie sister organization to go to the field to study and study, in fact, it can be regarded as a trip, you can bring family members, you have to come to the trick."

"Are you not taking office? How come you travel?"

“It’s not what I arranged, it’s the province, it’s not a tourist, it’s mainly about studying some development experiences in the coastal areas.”

"where to?"

"Go to Australia - the door."

"How many?"

"About a week, the specifics have not yet been fixed, but the starting rì period is almost fixed, just a few miles, this time to go a lot, are the main leaders of various cities in Jiangnan Province, if you want to come, please Let's take a vacation.

When Dong Xuebin heard it, he smiled. "We went to school on Friday, and I took a vacation. I didn't count on the weekend. Today is my third job. I still ask for leave, even though we are the top two." It’s more amiable, but there’s not so much me.”

"Oh, then don't come, you Xie sister played by himself, I am bothered to see you."

"Don't o, travel so good things can be less of me, I am idle with this side of the leisure, there is no important work to carry out, go out to distraction is actually good." Dong Xuebin changed his mouth ~ www. Mtlnovel.com~ Then, let me ask first, if I do, then I will pass. Well, I think there should be no problem. Anyway, there are not many units, and I am not a lot. I am trying with Mr. Yin. test. ”

"Well, as soon as possible."

"Know, you will give me a place first."

"There are some places, don't worry."

"Also, who dares to grab the number of the Secretary of the Xie City Party Committee."

"You know it, huh, huh, come and wait for your thank you!"

"Let's go there, I am waiting for you, I haven't seen you waiting for me!"

Dong Xuebin hangs up on the phone. For the wife’s visit to the province, Dong Xuebin naturally wants to go. First, he wants to have a son. Second, he wants to go out and play with Huilan. It is also a pity to say that the two have been gathered since the marriage is too much, Dong Xuebin is still idle here, mixed capital, only need not be too hearty, so I am willing to accompany my wife and children in the past, the third point, the mother-in-law Just said that I want Dong Xuebin to help Huilan to protect the car, this time is also a kind of deterrent.

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