Power and Wealth

Chapter 1560: [Let your wife come over! 】

Airport hall.

Several people met.

The so-called narrow road, the word may be the most suitable for this scene, and the addition of a other word seems to be superfluous.

Xu Dong...

Xu Xianglin...

It’s been three years.

I didn't expect to meet the old man.

This father and son are the old acquaintances of Dong Xuebin. It may be said that a few years ago, when Dong Xuebin just graduated from college, it was also when he got this inexplicable time ability. He and Xu Dong prepared for the civil servant. Xu Kechang and Xu Dong are the neighbors of Dong Xuebin's mother and son. They lived upstairs and downstairs. Because Xu Kechang is a cadre on the customs side, they are still very blind in their films. They have never looked at Dong Xuebin and Yan Xiaoping. The two sides had a lot of conflicts. When Dong Xuebin took office as the deputy director of the State-Anhui General Office, the biggest contradiction occurred. Several people quarreled in their own corridors and completely tore their faces, but they did not know. Dong Xuebin had already had some power. As a result, Guo Panwei, a national-an colleague at the time, came. Guo Panwei’s sister-in-law also happened to be the leader of the customs, and it was much bigger than Xu’s level. Xu Xianglin ate. Since then, he has lost his face and lost in the hands of Dong Xuebin. He lost his face. The last time Dong Xuebin returned to his old house, he also listened to the neighbors talking about the original things. Xu Kechang took his wife. Finally, I moved to the house. As for the family, Dong Xuebin didn’t know, and no longer had a letter, so I can see Xu Kechang and his son, Dong Xuebin, at the small airport in Xiaxing City. It was also very unexpected, but I thought about it. Xu Xianglin used to be a customs officer. It was normal to be sent or promoted to promote it here.

"Xu Kechang, when was it transferred?"

"Two or three years ago, I also asked for your blessing."

"Is it? Then I am not sure."

See Xu Xianglin not shaking hands with himself, Dong Xuebin also smiled. The handle was taken back and continued to sit on the chair in the rest area.

Xu Dong looked at Dong Xuebin faintly, and his heart also turned up the memory. The old man was home. He naturally hated Dong Xuebin. If he was not him, he would not be so unlucky at the beginning. His father would not be on the edge of the unit. Chemical. So I was sent to this place, but now Xu Dong is satisfied with his life, Xia Xing City, good mountains and good water, good environment, and his father has once again climbed up. Already the main person in charge of the airport, although the place is small, it is because the place is small, the authority is more concentrated, at least near the airport, Xu Dong under the power of Xu Xianglin, can almost walk sideways.


It may not be that strong!

More should be the resentment against Dong Xuebin!

Xu Dong looked at his father and wanted his father to pack up and collect Dong Xuebin. In fact, Xu Xianglin was not needed. Xu Dong estimated that he could kill Dong Xuebin with nausea. He did not know the current situation of Dong Xuebin in the past few years. He only knew that Dong Xuebin was originally mentioned as a deputy director of the state-an department. Although he was a deputy-level treatment, he was not a cadre, a level or a staff member. Ascending to the official, it is the same thing, this is Xia Xing City, is their site. I finally caught the old man’s house. Can you let him go, not to mention that Dong Xuebin is now offended by Zheng Fei, the leader of the Agricultural Bureau. Then don't even think about it.

Xu Xianglin didn't look at his son's expression, but he obviously had a few words in his heart. He looked at Dong Xuebin: "Although we have some friendship, but work is work after all, I will definitely handle it publicly." Many people around watch it, Xu Xianglin also Said to be grand.

Zheng Fei understood, and laughed.

Dong Xuebin asked: "So what is the official business?"

Xu Xianglin said: "You are the first to swear, but also to beat people, this is to disrupt the airport order."

Dong Xuebin laughed aloud: "Have you heard me start first? You saw me hitting people first? You just came for a minute, then you have a final conclusion? Is this called Binggong?"

The people around watching the lively people are also a bit embarrassed. Everyone is not a fool. When I look at this situation, I basically understand it, but they can't afford these officials. They can only whisper and point a few times. I feel this guy. It may not be good enough. When I met so many officials, Dong Xuebin must have suffered a loss today. With the power to press people, this kind of thing is much more common. They are small places, relying on relationships, and having a relationship with you. Grandpa, it doesn't matter? That can only be shackled, no one cares about you.

Xu Xianglin said coldly: "Is not your first mover, is it still a cadre of Zheng, who will fight you first?"

Dong Xuebin snorted. "You have given priority to people first? Cadres? Can cadres not be beaten first? Are cadres immune, right? Cadres can let your airport investigate without investigation. What happened to the matter?" After a pause, Dong Xuebin pointed to the side: "A lot of people have been there, and many people have seen it. Who is the first mover, everyone knows best."

Someone saw it and saw Zheng Fei pick up his arm and play Dong Xuebin’s hand. However, just knowing that everyone knows that Zheng Fei is a cadre, no one at this time stood up and spoke for Dong Xuebin. No need to pretend. Did not see, leading them can not offend.

No one is buzzing.

The scene is quiet.

Xu Xianglin looked around and gloated: "Is this what you said everyone saw? But why didn't I see someone giving you testimony?"

Dong Xuebin spread his hand. "Because you are a cadre."

Zheng Fei said coldly: "You are still poor." Looking at Xu Xianglin, "Old Xu, how to deal with this matter, how to deal with it, hurry up, I have to go back in the afternoon."

Xu Xianglin nodded. "Yes, but you have to go through the procedure."

"I still have time, I can wait for an hour." Zheng Fei did not leave, I wanted to see how they packed up Dong Xuebin. Today, he can be mad at him. The arm that Dong Xuebin twisted is now bursting. Sore, sometimes, people live so much, and cadres are no exception.

Xu Xianglin turned back and said: "Contact the airport police station."

The father and son sang together and Xu Dong suddenly agreed to call.

Dong Xuebin had expected it, "Don't you look at the surveillance video?"

Xu Dong finished the phone call and said, "The police station will check, you don't need to teach!"

A few minutes later, the police station came to the people. About five or six of the sparsely pulled, the deputy director of a big belly short head and Xu Xianglin exchanged a few words and then nodded slightly, and then they looked at Zheng Fei and laughed. Hehe greeted him, very polite.

"Nothing, Director Zheng?"


"Where is it hurt?"

"Twisted, let's deal with it."

"Yes, don't worry, I will definitely give you an account."

I didn’t even look at Dong Xuebin’s glance, and my attitude was very clear.

Check the video.

Check the record.

Check your ID card.

After all done well, the deputy director of the airport police station came over and looked at Dong Xuebin hard: "You are waiting here first."

Dong Xuebin said: "Why should I wait?"

"What do you say?" The deputy director spoke very hard. "The monks beat people and disturbed the airport. You still want to go now? Where is this place?"

Xu Xianglin Xu Dong and Zheng Fei are on the sidelines.

Dong Xuebin pointed to Zheng Fei. "What about him? Watch the video. Who is the first mover?"

The deputy director said: "The investigation is clear, you will be honest with it, reflect on it, when you admit your mistakes, when will you go!"

Xu Xianglin said: "Don't talk to him, control it."

The deputy director nodded and called two policemen. The policeman stood in front of Dong Xuebin one after the other and did not get a handcuff, but he did not let him move any more and took control of him. Maybe he heard from Xu Xianglin that this young man is estimated to be a cadre, so he didn't take too many measures. However, it is useless to have cadres. They have to listen to them when they get here.

The tone has been fixed.

The people have been talking about it.

Obviously, the officials are guarded, and some people can’t stand it, but they don’t dare to say anything.

Zheng Fei also thought that Dong Xuebin was angry and angry, or shouted, or apologized. Who wanted Dong Xuebin to have no reaction at all, and still sat there generously. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with him.

Xu Dong sneered, facing the surrounding road: "Everyone is scattered."

Xu Xianglin also said: "Don't watch, don't affect the order!"

People have spread a little, but many people are just far away, and they are still looking at it.

Xu Xianglin looked at Dong Xuebin one by one. "You have nothing to say?"

"There is something." Dong Xuebin said: "But it is useless to tell you."

The deputy director of the police station said: "What are you doing in Xia Xing? Travel or a relative?"

"I love to work here." Dong Xuebin shrugged his shoulders.

The deputy director said: "Well, give me your lover's phone number, wait for her to come over and talk about how to deal with it."

Zheng Fei nodded ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xu Xianglin Xu Dong also felt very satisfied, this hand is mainly for disgusting Dong Xuebin.

Wen Yan, Dong Xuebin is looking weird. "Contact my wife? Don't tell her? She is very busy at work."

The deputy director was annoyed: "You are less bargaining with us, how many calls, let her come immediately! Otherwise you should not leave today!"

Xu Xianglin looked at Dong Xuebin and said, "Let's cooperate."

Dong Xuebin was also happy, and said seriously: "I really want my wife to call?"

"What is the waste!" Xu Dong is also very angry. At this time, it is still stinky. Didn't you see the situation?

Dong Xuebin still said: "I am confirming it again, are you sure that my wife will come over?"

Xu Xianglin is also impatient. "OK, are you playing or are we playing?"

"That's good, let's fight." Dong Xuebin read the number to them.

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