Power and Wealth

Chapter 1576: [Bright identity! 】


You also inspect?

What are you inspecting you!

After listening to Dong Xuebin's words, the comrades in Xia Xing City are sweating.


"Mr. Dong."

"You, you say a few words!"

Several cadres around Xia Xing were busy urging him.

Dong Xuebin is not conscious at all, and he is very confident.

The people in the province are also ridiculously ridiculous. The secret is that this person is too ignorant. What is your identity? At best, it is the family of a cadre. If you speak well, you will be considered a family member of a middle and senior cadre. What is this position? What is this official position? Are you still inspecting? You inspect a fart! Not to mention that you are a family member, that is, your wife, Xie Shuji, did not dare to inspect in front of a provincial cadre! Everyone already doesn't know how to evaluate Dong Xuebin. What do you dare to say outside, saying that you can't do it before you have a brain? They said that Xie Shuji is such a beautiful middle-and-high-level leader, how to find such a sly husband! ?

The mayor of Xia quietly said: "The secretary!"

Xie Huilan’s mouth is very light, “Nothing.”

The mayor of Xia is helpless. If it is still called nothing, then what is something? He didn't understand why Xie Huilan was such a reaction. It was said that people who were able to sit in this position as young as she was, all of them were more than one, not to mention a woman. If she did not exceed many other people's skills and abilities. How can it not be arranged to the position of the secretary of the municipal party committee, and in the few days since Xie Huilan took office, the facts have indeed proved that this woman has a strong wrist and political experience is more abundant, but the more so, summer The more the mayor can't understand it, how can you stop your husband? Why don't you say a word? Isn't this a way for people in the province to seize the handle? Isn't this a trouble for yourself? What exactly does it mean?

Many city leaders in Xia Xing City are also sweating their eyes and sweats, and there is a feeling of great difficulty. The husband of Xie Shuji is too dare to speak. Gao Jie patted the brain in the distance, and the female subject who just sent Dong Xuebin upstairs to the elevator was also surprised. There are still many cadres with the same expression looking upstairs. Almost all of them use a kind of shocking celestial gaze to look at Dong Xuebin, who is zhōngyāng.

Dong Xuebin became the focus of the audience.

He is such a person, although his appearance is not good, but it is not the kind of person who can't find it in the crowd, but the person who shines wherever he goes, no matter what he says, no matter what he does, Dong Xuebin always can hold everyone's attention, and everyone who knows him can control him. But Dong Xuebin is self-proclaimed. This is a personal charm of his own.

Jia deputy - province - long staring at the eyes of Dong Xuebin.

Dong Xuebin also looked at them without hesitation.

Seeing that Dong Xuebin has repeatedly challenged the people in the province, Zhou Zhongchang’s anger is also growing up. “Comrade Xie Huilan!” has not called Xie’s secretary, the tone is very blunt, obviously, Zhou Zhouchang and many provinces. The people in the house have moved their lives. very angry.

Xie Huilan snorted, "I am listening."

Director Zhou said to her: "Your family members interfere with our office and inspection. I will ask the last time, what are you going to do about this?"

Xie Huilan spread his hand. "I said it, I can't handle it."

After asking three times, Xie Huilan answered three times, all of which is an answer.

The mayor of Xia was careful and slightly heard some of the things revealed in the words of Xie Shuji. She did not say that she would not handle it, nor did she say that she did not care. What she said was that she could not handle it. The mayor of Xia was also puzzled for a moment and could not handle it. How can I not handle it?

However, the director of Zhou did not hear it. He heard that the secretary of the municipal party committee of Xia Xing seemed to have made up his mind to condone her husband. Zhou was really angry. "Our inspection is an instruction from the province! Your husband's behavior It has already had a serious impact on our work! And you have heard the blatant accusations and ambiguous words in the tone! Do you have anything to say about this?"

Xie Huilan shook her head slightly. "Not available for the time being."

"..." The comrades in the province simply want to swear!

What is the prefecture-level city and the province? They have never seen this kind of thing!

Zhou Changchang was very angry and laughed. Pointing to Xie Huilan: "Good! Good!"

Dong Xuebin is next to his wife, look at it. When I went up, I opened the hand of Zhou’s head, and my face was cold. “Looking at the little finger! What did you say? I have a sly word in my tone? Mr. Zhou, I am really worried about you. Why don't I know that I am awkward? I just had so many words, have you brought a dirty word? How did you hear it? Also accused me? I saw that you led the cadres to treat local comrades. A lot of contempt and insults! For example, you just have a finger! You are so exemplary? The provincial cadres can not respect the local cadres? I am ignorant, I heard this rule for the first time. I now have reason to believe that your attitude towards this inspection has obvious problems!"

Zhou Changchang was too lazy to grind his skin and directly to Xie Huilan: "Well, this is how you work in Xia Xing City? Isn't the province even in the eyes?"

Give your face!

Still dare to grind my wife?

Dong Xuebin looked at him. "If you have something, tell me!"

Zhou Changchang said coldly: "There is no part of you talking here!"

"Sorry." Dong Xuebin said to him: "It's really there."

There was a cadre in the provincial inspection team who said: "You are a family member! What are the qualifications to speak on this occasion? Ignore you, you are not finished yet?"

Someone said: "Jia Province-Long, Zhou Director, let the comrades of the Commission for Discipline Inspection handle it?" After that, he looked at a 30-year-old young man.

Others also marry him.

In this inspection, many departments have participated, and the provincial-Ji-committee naturally has it.

When the young man heard it, he also looked at Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan and looked at the leading cadres in the province: "I have already recorded it and immediately reported it to the provincial-Ji-committee."


The people in Xia Xing City heard a change in their overall situation. They did not expect that the other party would directly deal with it by the Disciplinary Committee. But it is not difficult to think about it. This matter is not to be blamed by the Disciplinary Committee. After all, they thanked the Secretary. Some of them are too short-sighted, not only do not apologize for her husband, but also indulge in one's strength, even if they do not say or stop, let her husband obstruct the official business and count the provincial cadres, this situation is a bit bad, even in the province Therefore, Xie Shuji was accused of a party within the party, and even suspended his duties. Your husband is not a person in Xia Xing City? But that is also your family. If you don't ask, it is a joint responsibility, and you must deal with it!

Many people in Xia Xing City were worried and looked at the secretary of the municipal party committee. The mayor of Xia and several city leaders also looked at Xie Huilan and wanted to see what she said. At this time, I still have to say nothing, then I really talk to myself. I can't go anymore. But what makes everyone speechless is that Xie Huilan still stands there naturally, without saying anything, as if everything has nothing to do with her, it is very calm.

Everyone does not understand how the Secretary of Xie is so immature in politics!

I have to go to the province-Ji-committee! Are you still not ill? What are you doing? ?

The young people of the province-Ji-committee also came to the air. "Jia Province-Long, this issue is indeed a bit serious. Then I reported to the Disciplinary Committee, as for the specific treatment..."

Dong Xuebin interrupted him at this time. "How do you report?"

When the youth saw him, "Comrade Xie Huilan, secretary of the Xia Xing Municipal Party Committee, indulged family members to hinder the provincial comrades from inspecting, and did not ask questions..."

Dong Xuebin interjected: "I advise you not to report it, and you don't need to report it. I don't think I hindered your inspection and office!"

Still not hindered? You have been alone for twenty minutes! This small half hour will listen to you as a leading cadre in the province! This is also called no obstruction of official business? You are not hindered! Is it still hard to be at this time? You really don't see the coffin, no tears, you!

The youth of the Commission for Discipline Inspection said coldly: "You don't have to explain to me, prepare the comrades of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to find you."

Dong Xuebin smiled. "You don't look for me. I have to find you. I just said, you came to inspect? Really, I am."

Still say that?

What is your family’s inspection?

The director of Zhou and several cadres in the province also had to open their mouths, and their last patience had been ruined by Dong Xuebin.

At the next moment, Dong Xuebin touched his hand into his pocket. Just waiting for the director of Zhou to drink a sentence, Dong Xuebin pulled out a black work permit, and with one hand holding a slight glimpse, he spread the work permit. In one fell swoop, in front of everyone, "Zhong-Ji-Jun- 8th Supervision Office is the ombudsman Dong Xuebin, some of the situations and problems in Jiangnan Province in the near future, I entrusted me to understand the situation."



Administering the eighth room of the Commission for Discipline Inspection in Jiangnan Province?

Or... the supervisor at the level! ?

The people present in the province heard ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ all dumbfounded!

The people in Xia Xing City seem to have a cold breath screaming into the lungs!

Look at the lively upstairs, or in the courtyard downstairs, all stunned!

The head of Zhou was almost vomited out of the blood, and the young man of the province-Ji-Chair also brushed his sweat from his forehead and slammed his hands!


Are you really inspecting? ?

When people in the province look at it, many people are almost stunned. You are the supervisor of the Zhong-Ji-Committee. Why don’t you say it earlier! At this time, everyone understood why Xia Xing’s Xie Shuji was so light from beginning to end, and she understood why she couldn’t handle her husband’s affairs!

Can't handle it!

How can a city party secretary deal with a middle-level cadre who is in charge of the province's middle-aged committee? Instead, her husband can handle them! !

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