Power and Wealth

Chapter 1615: 【kick! 】

()in the afternoon.レm♠思♥路♣客レ


The hutong is full of people and cars.

Dong Xuebin couldn't hear the noise. It was too messy. They just greeted Zheng Aunt, the big sister, and then returned to the yard.

Enter the house.

close the door.

Open a movie.

Dong Xuebin hopes to use this method to separate the noise. He will continue to wear gloves and eat the duck neck, and even adjust the sound of the movie to the maximum. The effect of the heavy bass suddenly blasts in the Dongfang study, and the stuffy However, it was very atmospheric, and I couldn’t hear the horns and humming sounds outside. He leaned his legs and put his legs on the computer desk. He used another method to get a "quiet".

ten minutes……

half an hour……

One hour……

I have seen it halfway before, and the movie is almost finished.

Dong Xuebin looked at the watch and it was already more than two o'clock. He turned off the music at the end of the movie.

When the sound didn't, Dong Xuebin suddenly screamed a horn of horns, and Dong Xuebin couldn't help but make a slight glimpse of his face.

It’s been more than an hour!

What do you mean? Is it still blocked in the hutong?

After a long time of co-operation, haven’t those cars been removed? ?

Dong Xuebin’s anger has also come up. There is no way. The frequency of this noise is too chaotic. Science shows that this can affect people’s mood and even cause diseases. It is called noise pollution. Dong Xuebin has been listening for so long, not annoying. This is enough to be boring with the family in the past two days. To entertain two new neighbors and say that Dong Xuebin is very happy. You say that he is bored like it. It’s boring to go home, boring and can’t wait. A person scratched the wall and played, this is so annoying, he can have a good temper to blame!

What to do!

Go out and have a look!

Dong Xuebin walked out of the yard and opened the door.

at once. The noise outside was even louder, and I tweeted Dong Xuebin.

At the moment, there are not so many cars in the hutong, but only two or three cars are stuck here, and the horns are screaming. Some people are pointing out and pointing at the three or two Audi cars. The cars are few, it is estimated that they are all It’s a reversing or a U-turn from the other side of the hutong. Although it’s a long distance away, it’s not always waiting here. Many of the former owners have been forced to leave, and whose time is not rich, the oldest households in most of the remaining hutongs, dozens of people, old ladies and old ladies. Middle-aged men and women, there are also many young people. Everyone is surrounded by the Audis in the Hutong mouth.

"What about people?"

"How come yet!"

"It's been more than an hour!"

"The bastard! This is not mad!"

"The car in the district zhèngfǔ can be stopped casually? Who specified?"

"This must be solved today! Otherwise it is not over!"

"Yes! It must be solved! Otherwise they will block their way in the future!"

"What are the cadres? What qualities are there?"

"They just look at our people to bully! A few brothers! A few old ladies! Let's talk about them today!"

"Good! Everyone is united! Don't be afraid of them!"

“It’s right! This has seriously affected our lives! It’s not worth it!”

More and more people, almost all the residents in the hutong came out, and the neighborhoods in the streets have been old neighbors for decades. Naturally, they are more united. The scene was a bit uncontrollable. But don't blame everyone for this, don't say them, even Dong Xuebin, who just moved a few days ago, has a little fire, and his car is parked there. An Audi was blocked in the head of Dong Xuebin Xiali, and even the space did not leave for Dong Xuebin. There was also a car in the future. It was equal to Dong Xuebin who wanted to use the car. It’s not going to go out, plus the noise pollution caused by the three Audis blocking the road. Dong Xuebin couldn’t stand it once, not to mention these old tenants. Zheng Aunt said that this kind of thing was not the first time. It started a few months ago. If there is an old man at home, this time is definitely too It’s not impossible to get a heart attack, so it’s really too much for everyone!

Suddenly, a sergeant came in to pay a jǐng car and watch the license plate. It should also be the car of the traffic department of the West District.

"Hey, come jǐng is coming!"

"How is it so slow!"

"Yeah, it’s been reported for more than half an hour!"

"Hey! They are going fast when the leader is in trouble!"

The jǐng car parked outside, not because they didn't want to come in, but instead couldn't come in the alley, the intersection had been blocked by two Audis, leaving only a bare space that could make the tricycle pass, motor vehicles unless it was three Scorpion, otherwise you can't come in.

Two people jǐng got out of the car and rubbed into the gap of Audi and walked in. "Who reported jǐng?"

A middle-aged man said with a face: "I reported, you look at these cars stopped! Look!" It was very angry to point to the few Audis.

I didn’t look at Audi, but I said, “Why are so many people around? They are all scattered! Spread out!”

Behind that jǐng saw these Audi's license plates, it is estimated that this car is also who, and whispered to the front of the jǐng said, "Let's the car."


In front of the old jǐng nodded, "I know."

Mr. Ci is also in the crowd, "Hurry and drag the car away!"

An old neighborhood echoed: "Yes! Otherwise let them drive away! And you have to make sure that you don't park with us all the time!"

Someone said: "Hurry and find them!"

Others shouted: "It’s been more than an hour! You look at how many cars are blocked!"

Zheng Aunt also picked it up together. "My wife wants to ride a tricycle to buy a dish and can't get out!"

Laojiao jǐng look at everyone, press the hand: "Everyone is whispering, calm down, let's communicate, don't worry!"

Sister Ci said: "What communication is still communicating! One hour is not enough! Do you still have to block us for two or three hours? Ah? It will be over!"

Young Jiao jǐng pushed one of the Audis and did not move. "With a handbrake, there is no way to drag."

Laojiao jǐng looked at them and said: "We didn't bring a trailer, let's wait, let's check it out."

Two Jiao jǐng turned around for a while, they made a few calls, then they talked to each other next to the jǐng car. They were not in a hurry. Although they couldn’t hear what they were saying, they looked at the expressions of the two people. The possibility of chatting and chatting is a bit bigger!

five minutes……

ten minutes……

The residents are impatient!

"What are you doing!"

"In the end, can we solve the problem?"

"How come the car owner hasn't come yet?"

Then there was an unsuspecting car coming over and stuck in the mouth of the alley. There were seven or eight cars piled up behind, and the horns came one after another!

Jiao jǐng full mouth official, "Please be patient, we are solving, have contacted."

A car owner who was stuck here for an hour and a half rushed out of the car and shouted: "Patience is far! It has been blocked for a long time! I am still in a hurry!" If the traffic jam on the normal road, he also recognizes After all, the road in Beijing is not easy to go, and the car is too much, but now it is with a hutong. The Audis are obviously illegal parking. It’s almost two hours after the toss, but it has not been solved yet. Everyone has to take a breath, and the traffic jam is not so lawless!

Listening to his mouth is not clean, young jǐng also face sè sinking, coldly stared at him, simply ignore him, continue to chat with the old jǐng.

People are afraid of officials.

Also wearing jǐng clothes.

Although the ordinary people are angry, they are not stunned.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man was squeezed in from the outside of the hutong. The dressing should be the old occupant in the hutong. After coming in, he took a deep look at the two jǐng eyes and immediately said to everyone: "There is still a meeting there!" I just inquired! This car is the transportation department! The car of the district transportation department cadre!"

Traffic cadres?

Handing the car led by jǐng?

No wonder the two are not handling jǐng!

When the residents heard it, they all angered and angered!

"I said how they don't trailer!"

"Is there any Wang Fa?"

“Where does the transportation department’s transportation department stop?”

"This is not a law-breaking crime! Where is the way to block the road!"

"This is also called a cadre! Where is the way to lead by example!"

If the cadres of other departments are counted, it may be the leadership of the district transportation department. This behavior is like taking the lead as a jǐng but taking the lead in robbery. It is more exciting than the illegal parking of ordinary car owners!

The common people are drinking!

There are still many people who are directly on the list!

The two met jǐng, a black face called for support, and the other person was bigger than their voice. "What? Ah!"

"Hey! What!" A grandfather vomited!

The old jǐng was also on fire, and the sputum almost spit on his shoes. "Who said that it will not be solved for you! This is not waiting for someone to come!"

Dong Xuebin couldn’t stand it anymore. He squeezed it from behind. He is now a resident of Hutong. He naturally hates everyone. "What about that person?"

Laojia jǐng look at him, "wait!"

Dong Xuebin sneered, "Your work efficiency is this virtue, forget it, no you, I will help you call people!"

Dong Xuebin is still very famous in this short two days~www.wuxiaspot.com~ with Hutong, um, or his quadrangle is famous, everyone saw him and he also looked over, many people I still don't know much about Dong Xuebin's situation, and I looked at him suspiciously.

Jiao jǐng did not understand what Dong Xuebin said.

Calling people?

Where are you going to go?

Leaders can all meet there!

But the next moment, everyone understands!

I saw that Dong Xuebin walked up under the gaze of everyone, and did not wait for Jǐng to react. He squatted on an Audi's ass!

Drops! Drops!

The jǐng newspaper of the Audi car suddenly sounded!

This is not finished, Dong Xuebin stepped forward, but also slammed the second Audi door!

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