Power and Wealth

Chapter 1668: [The first one is bigger than one! 】


Unit compound.

The main building, outside the office.

Dong Xuebin received several calls along the way. Not only did Fang Shuiling fight, but even Xie Ran asked anxiously. Dong Xuebin knew why the two were so anxious. The relationship between Xie and Fang’s previous generation was very bad. If Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping are bothering, this will increase the relationship between the two families, and Xie Ran and Fang Shuiling will become more and more awkward. After all, marriage is not just a matter of two people. It is mainly a matter of two families, and there are two families running together, not to mention the powerful family of Xie Jiafang’s family. It is even more fancy that the family’s running-in and interests cross, so I heard that Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping fought, and Xie Ran certainly couldn’t care. The two of them were the least willing to see this situation.


"It’s a small one."

"Do you just give me a face?"

"You are busy with your go, I have a measure."

"Hey, you are really with Aunt Fang... I can't say it."

"This is the matter of both of us, and it does not affect your relationship with Xiaoling. You don't have to be awkward in the middle, there is no such thing as you."


"Leader is looking for me, first."

Dong Xuebin hung up the phone and looked at the front office door. He tapped a few times.

I only heard the voice of a little old man who was not very nice. "The door is not locked, come in."

Dong Xuebin pushed the door in, and then saw the Secretary-General Wu behind the desk. He was delayed by several calls. He came late for a while, but whoever thought Fang Wenping did not even come, so Dong Xuebin did not explain anything. Waiting for the leadership to speak in a blank expression.

Secretary-General Wu did not even scream. Love pointed to the opposite chair, then turned down the phone book and called.

Dong Xuebin was also polite and sat down.

Just listen to Secretary Wu: "Old Chen, it’s me... um... um... you know it? This is something we didn’t do well, there’s something inside, don’t report it... yes, you A few reporters from the youth newspaper came to say hello... um... well..." Then, another call. "Small week, I... um, you just noticed something, don't let the reporters of our newspapers submit the manuscript... um, that's a little thing inside... um. This is the open day, you can cooperate with it. Let's go."


The knock on the door sounded again.

Secretary Wu did not have a good air: "Come in."

Fang Wenping's figure went into the office. After closing the door, she glanced at Dong Xuebin in the chair. Her eyes were cold and cold, and she sat down at the desk. It was not polite.

Secretary-General Wu did not care about the two of them. Instead, I was anxious to deal with the follow-up effect of this matter, still calling, "Director Liu, what happened to you over there... um... have you said it... well. What happened to the reporter... um... um... ...I don't want a verbal promise, this thing can't be exposed anyway... I control it inside, I digest it myself, don't have media to participate... Well... I don't care what method you use. I have to take it. The impact was eliminated to a minimum, especially those foreign media workers... um... I have just greeted several domestic newspaper media. Mainly foreign media, and politicians, do their work well... um... you I can't go wrong with it myself... well... I am waiting for your news, first."

A total of seven or eight calls.

Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping were sitting there waiting.

After about twenty minutes, Secretary-General Wu gave up his mobile phone and sighed. He was sixty years old. This toss also made him too tired. He took the cup and took a sip of water. I saw the two parties with a faint expression in front of them. I saw that the faces of the two people were so indifferent. It seemed that they didn’t look like a thing at all. Secretary-General Wu was so angry that he couldn’t help but slap the table!


Dong Xuebin looked at the past.

Fang Wenping also raised his eyes.

"Look at the trouble you have caused to the unit! Take a look!" Secretary Wu was very angry. "I am wondering! What are you doing!"

Both Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping did not speak.

Secretary-General Wu patted the table and said to Fang Wenping: "Small side, you are also the old comrades of the Zhong-Ji-Chairman. After working in the unit for so many years, I trust you in the organization to take the important position of the First Supervision Office. Let you take it, but you look at you, what are you doing? Yes, you told me what this is for? Ah? Is it against the comrades in public? Or is there so many domestic and foreign journalists on the Open Day? You still Is there a little bit of a big picture? Ah? I asked if you still have a little overall view?"

Fang Wenping disapproved, she seems to have a very good relationship with Secretary-General Wu, or she is talking about this way, very casually: "I don't know how to work, I am this character, I can't see the sand in my eyes, see the problem. I have to say that I can't change it in my life. I don't think I have the main responsibility for this. Someone deliberately hit a lesbian, and I also got rid of the rice I just played. Oh, I have to pretend. Don't know? I have to calmly smile at each other? I am sick!"

Secretary-General Wu pointed to her, "Look at yourself! What attitude!"

Fang Wenping does not eat softly: "I have always been this attitude. You are not the first day to know me Fang Wenping. If you want to kill, you have to deal with it casually, but let me admit the mistake? Impossible, I don’t feel myself at all. What is wrong with doing something, someone owes me, I am embarrassed, what happened?"

Dong Xuebin said with a smile: "Yes, it is indeed someone who owes it!"

Fang Wenping looked at him. "You know your kid!"

"It is your own self-knowledge!" Dong Xuebin slammed with her.

Secretary-General Wu closed his eyes and his face was even more angry. He slammed his hand on the table. "What are you doing! Give me a serious look! Is it still in my office? You two still don't take me this secretary-general. In the eyes? Ah? Do you still have a little party principle? You are the body! You are the director of the first supervision room! One is the supervisor of the eighth supervision room! They are all among us. - Ji-Chairman's leading cadres! All are to set an example for the following people! But you? You are doing this role model? You two are not too shameful? You are not too bad! I am still too shameful! You talk about yourself Where did you throw your face this time? Ah?"

Dong Xuebin interjected: "Secretary Wu, this matter..."

Secretary-General Wu bluntly interrupted: "And you, Xiao Dong, although you have only one or two months to come to the Zhong-Ji-Committee, but I have seen your files, my work ability, I also I have heard it early. At the grassroots level, your reputation is very good. I have saved the people more than once. I have almost lost my life on several occasions, but you have never retreated. This is where we look at you, and we are right. Where you are looking, we all believe that you can be qualified as an inspector because you have this ability and character, but now? How do you treat organizational trust? Ah? Confront with other leading cadres? What about lesbians?"

Dong Xuebin is also not very convinced. "I don't think that the reason is different between men and women. What happened to lesbians? Can lesbians arbitrarily hit people casually? Besides Secretary General Wu, you can ask the people present at the time, but not me. First of all, it’s that some people open their mouths and swear, then can I not give up? When I am bully! That’s sorry, my temper is not good, not soft persimmons!”

Secretary-General Wu also pointed to him, "Is it a man who is still arrogant?"

Dong Xuebin is still true and strong. "I didn't feel that I had anything wrong with the person who was guilty. Of course, it caused a bad influence on the unit. It caused a lot of trouble for the leaders. I am deeply concerned about this. I apologize, I am not convinced, it is really forced to help."

Fang Wenping sneered, "A good one is forced to help!"

Dong Xuebin looked at her. "Whoever lets you swear at me is a cadre. What qualities do you have? Do you want to swear first, I am going to be a **** with you?"

Fang Wenping smiled and said: "Don't drink, is it still after the horse? You are really ashamed, you dare to hit me even, what else do you dare?"

Dong Xuebin said: "Who hits you!"

"You didn't hit me, my plate fell on the ground?" Fang Wenping said.

"I don't understand how you went through the organization!" Dong Xuebin looked at her and said, "I clearly missed your shoulder! You still don't recognize it?"

"Which eye did you see?" Fang Wenping said.

"I saw both eyes!" Dong Xuebin said.

Fang Wenping smiled. "Then I will give you a suggestion, with a pair of glasses!"

Dong Xuebin also said: "I also give you a suggestion, except for bad breath, don't be so dirty after the mouth!"

In the leadership office, the two people are not good at swearing, but the atmosphere is not reduced, from swearing to irony, once again!

The two are like a gunpowder bucket, just touching it!

Listening to the two of you, I said a word, Secretary Wu’s strength to shoot the table is gone, and he is so angry that he has no choice but to breathe.

A rogue!

A bastard!

How did the two people come together!

I don’t listen to the words of the Secretary-General myself! What else can he say?

The identity and position of Secretary-General Wu is of course to know the background of Fang Wenping and Dong Xuebin. One party and one family, he also knows the contradiction between the two families. I also know that this matter is not easy to handle and criticize. They don't listen! deal with? Still can't handle too much! Otherwise Fang Jia and Xie Jia will definitely have opinions, so why not! This mess is now thrown to him!

If possible, Secretary-General Wu really wants to kick Fang Wenping and Dong Xuebin out of the Zhong-Ji-Chair, let them love where to toss and where to toss!

Forget it.

He doesn't care anymore.

Waiting for the above, the two of them are bigger than one, and he wants to manage it. <> Noon.

Unit compound.

The main building, outside the office.

Dong Xuebin received several calls along the way. Not only did Fang Shuiling fight, but even Xie Ran asked anxiously. Dong Xuebin knew why the two were so anxious. The relationship between Xie and Fang’s previous generation was very bad. If Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping are bothering, this will increase the relationship between the two families, and Xie Ran and Fang Shuiling will become more and more awkward. After all, marriage is not just a matter of two people. It is mainly a matter of two families, and there are two families running together, not to mention the powerful family of Xie Jiafang’s family. It is even more fancy that the family’s running-in and interests cross, so I heard that Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping fought, and Xie Ran certainly couldn’t care. The two of them were the least willing to see this situation.


"It’s a small one."

"Do you just give me a face?"

"You are busy with your go, I have a measure."

"Hey, you are really with Aunt Fang... I can't say it."

"This is the matter of both of us, and it does not affect your relationship with Xiaoling. You don't have to be awkward in the middle, there is no such thing as you."


"Leader is looking for me, first."

Dong Xuebin hung up the phone and looked at the front office door. He tapped a few times.

I only heard the voice of a little old man who was not very nice. "The door is not locked, come in."

Dong Xuebin pushed the door in, and then saw the Secretary-General Wu behind the desk. He was delayed by several calls. He came late for a while, but whoever thought Fang Wenping did not even come, so Dong Xuebin did not explain anything. Waiting for the leadership to speak in a blank expression.

Secretary-General Wu did not even scream, and he pointed to the opposite chair. Then he turned his head and flipped the phone book and called.

Dong Xuebin was also polite and sat down.

Just listen to Secretary Wu: "Old Chen, it’s me... um... um... you know it? This is something we didn’t do well, there’s something inside, don’t report it... yes, you A few reporters from the Youth Daily came to say hello... um... well...” Then, another call, “Xiao Zhou, I... um. Just note something, don’t let our newspaper The comrades of the journalist have submitted the manuscript... Well, it’s a little thing inside... um. This is the open day, let’s cooperate.”


The knock on the door sounded again.

Secretary Wu did not have a good air: "Come in."

Fang Wenping walked into the office and closed the door. She glanced at Dong Xuebin on the chair and her eyes were cold. I sat down at the desk, and I was not at all polite.

Secretary-General Wu did not care about the two of them, but was anxious to deal with the subsequent impact of the incident, still calling, "Director Liu, what happened to you... um... have you said... good What reaction did the reporter... um... um... I don’t want to verbally promise that this thing can’t be revealed anyway... control inside and digest it. Don’t have media to participate... um... I No matter what method you use, you must minimize the impact of this incident, especially those foreign media workers... um... I have just greeted the media in several domestic newspapers, mainly foreign media and politicians. Do their work well... um... you can do it yourself, you can’t go wrong... well... I’m waiting for your message. First.”

A total of seven or eight calls.

Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping were sitting there waiting.

After about twenty minutes, Secretary-General Wu gave up his mobile phone and sighed. He was sixty years old. This toss also made him too tired. He took the cup and took a sip of water. I saw the two parties with a faint expression in front of them. I saw that the faces of the two people were so indifferent. It seemed that they didn’t look like a thing at all. Secretary-General Wu was so angry that he couldn’t help but slap the table!


Dong Xuebin looked at the past.

Fang Wenping also raised his eyes.

"Look at the trouble you have caused to the unit! Take a look!" Secretary Wu was very angry. "I am wondering! What are you doing!"

Both Dong Xuebin and Fang Wenping did not speak.

Secretary-General Wu patted the table and said to Fang Wenping: "Small side, you are also the old comrades of the Zhong-Ji-Chairman. After working in the unit for so many years, I trust you in the organization to take the important position of the First Supervision Office. Let you take it, but you look at you, what are you doing? Yes, you told me what this is for? Ah? Is it against the comrades in public? Or is there so many domestic and foreign journalists on the Open Day? You still Is there a little bit of a big picture? Ah? I asked if you still have a little overall view?"

Fang Wenping disapproved, she seems to have a very good relationship with Secretary-General Wu, or she is talking about this way, very casually: "I don't know how to work, I am this character, I can't see the sand in my eyes, see the problem. I have to say that I can't change it in my life. I don't think I have the main responsibility for this. Someone deliberately hit a lesbian, and I also got rid of the rice I just played. Oh, I have to pretend. Don't know? I have to calmly smile at each other? I am sick!"

Secretary-General Wu pointed to her, "Look at yourself! What attitude!"

Fang Wenping does not eat softly: "I have always been this attitude. You are not the first day to know me Fang Wenping. If you want to kill, you have to deal with it casually, but let me admit the mistake? Impossible, I don’t feel myself at all. What is wrong with doing something, someone owes me, I am embarrassed, what happened?"

Dong Xuebin said with a smile: "Yes, it is indeed someone who owes it!"

Fang Wenping looked at him. "You know your kid!"

"It is your own self-knowledge!" Dong Xuebin slammed with her.

Secretary-General Wu closed his eyes and his face was even more angry. He slammed his hand on the table. "What are you doing! Give me a serious look! Is it still in my office? You two still don't take me this secretary-general. In the eyes? Ah? Do you still have a little party principle? You are the body! You are the director of the first supervision room! One is the supervisor of the eighth supervision room! They are all among us. - Ji-Chairman's leading cadres! All are to set an example for the following people! But you? You are doing this role model? You two are not too shameful? You are not too bad! I am still too shameful! You talk about yourself Where did you throw your face this time? Ah?"

Dong Xuebin interjected: "Secretary Wu, this matter..."

Secretary-General Wu bluntly interrupted: "And you, Xiao Dong, although you have only one or two months to come to the Zhong-Ji-Committee, but I have seen your files, my work ability, I also I have heard it early. At the grassroots level, your reputation is very good. I have saved the people more than once. I have almost lost my life on several occasions, but you have never retreated. This is where we look at you, and we are right. Where you are looking, we all believe that you can be qualified as an inspector because you have this ability and character, but now? How do you treat organizational trust? Ah? Confront with other leading cadres? What about lesbians?"

Dong Xuebin is also not very convinced. "I don't think that the reason is different between men and women. What happened to lesbians? Can lesbians arbitrarily hit people casually? Besides Secretary General Wu, you can ask the people present at the time, but not me. First of all, it’s that some people open their mouths and swear, then can I not give up? When I am bully! That’s sorry, my temper is not good, not soft persimmons!”

Secretary-General Wu also pointed to him, "Is it a man who is still arrogant?"

Dong Xuebin is still true and strong. "I didn't feel that I had anything wrong with the person who was guilty. Of course, it caused a bad influence on the unit. It caused a lot of trouble for the leaders. I am deeply concerned about this. I apologize, I am not convinced, it is really forced to help."

Fang Wenping sneered, "A good one is forced to help!"

Dong Xuebin looked at her. "Whoever lets you swear at me is a cadre. What qualities do you have? Do you want to swear first, I am going to be a **** with you?"

Fang Wenping smiled and said: "Don't drink, is it still after the horse? You are really ashamed, you dare to hit me even, what else do you dare?"

Dong Xuebin said: "Who hits you!"

"You didn't hit me, my plate fell on the ground?" Fang Wenping said.

"I don't understand how you went through the organization!" Dong Xuebin looked at her and said, "I clearly missed your shoulder! You still don't recognize it?"

"Which eye did you see?" Fang Wenping said.

"I saw both eyes!" Dong Xuebin said.

Fang Wenping smiled. "Then I will give you a suggestion, with a pair of glasses!"

Dong Xuebin also said: "I also give you a suggestion, except for bad breath, don't be so dirty after the mouth!"

In the leadership office, the two people are not good at swearing, but the atmosphere is not reduced, from swearing to irony, once again!

The two are like a gunpowder bucket, just touching it!

Listening to the two of you, I said a word, Secretary Wu’s strength to shoot the table is gone, and he is so angry that he has a breath of two breaths ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is no way.

A rogue!

A bastard!

How did the two people come together!

I don’t listen to the words of the Secretary-General myself! What else can he say?

The identity and position of Secretary-General Wu is of course to know the background of Fang Wenping and Dong Xuebin. One party and one family, he also knows the contradiction between the two families. I also know that this matter is not easy to handle and criticize. They don't listen! deal with? Still can't handle too much! Otherwise Fang Jia and Xie Jia will definitely have opinions, so why not! This mess is now thrown to him!

If possible, Secretary-General Wu really wants to kick Fang Wenping and Dong Xuebin out of the Zhong-Ji-Chair, let them love where to toss and where to toss!

Forget it.

He doesn't care anymore.

Waiting for the above, the two of them are bigger than one, and he wants to manage it.

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