Power and Wealth

Chapter 1735: [To cure the father! 】


Xishan Villa.

Xie Guoyue is worried: "Is it serious?"

"Not serious, but the situation is not good." Han Jing sighed.

Xia Yanzhen said: "The old man is also so old, it is inevitable, you don't worry about the country, it should be fine for a few months."

Dong Xuebin grinned: "Mom, you told me about such a big thing, you don't know, I have studied some Chinese medicine."

Han Fei said: "You are all three-legged cats."

Dong Xuebin is speechless. "Who is a three-legged cat, I am serious!"

Ci Lifen said: "The old man is not sick this time, and he can't get out of bed."

"I will go see the old man." Dong Xuebin volunteered.

Han Jingdao: "So many doctors have seen it is useless. Forget it, the old man needs rest now. The doctor said that it is best not to bother."

Dong Xuebin was anxious: "I can cure the disease."

Xie Jing blinked: "Yes, the last time Sun Hao was so badly injured, there was no way to cure it, or the wound wounded by my brother-in-law."

Han Jing smiled bitterly: "This time is not the same, it is a geriatric disease and a chronic disease, so many solutions - release - military - the general hospital doctors will not work, Xue Bin will not even become, the doctor said, chronic diseases have to rely on cultivation and conditioning It doesn't belong to Western medicine, it can be seen in two or two."

Dong Xuebin immediately said: "Mom, the old man is upstairs?"

"I am taking a break." Han Jingdao: "Before you came, just fell asleep and was still infusion."

Xie Guoyue has a deep relationship with his father. After all, it is a little daughter. It is usually the most painful thing for his father. "I will go see it!"

"National month, don't you." Xia Yanzhen stopped, said: "The old man is resting, or else wait for Dad to wake up in the afternoon and say it, don't go now."

Xie Guoyue said: "Two. Don't look at me, don't worry!"

Xia Yanzhen said: "The doctor is at the bedside, there is nothing to worry about."

"Then I have to look at it too." Xie Guoyue did not agree, and he would go upstairs.

Or his husband Hou Xing'an is relatively stable, so he said that he was stopped by her.

But they are quiet here, but Dong Xuebin does not. At first glance, I stepped up the stairs!

"Xin Bin!"

"Xiao Bin, what are you doing?"

"The old man is resting!"

"This child can't say him!"

Everyone shouted at the back, but Dong Xuebin did not listen. When I went upstairs, I found the bedroom of the old man and pushed in the door.

A health care doctor inside. "School Bin?"

Dong Xuebin went on and went to see the old man lying on the bed. Grandpa Xie was closing his eyes, and a needle was stuck on the dry and thin arms. The whole person’s face was not very good. . It seems a bit pale, and then look at the blood pressure meter and ECG instrument next to it, the value is not very stable, Dong Xuebin also mentioned the heart, worried.

Thank you father.

It is really complicated to say that Dong Xuebin’s feelings for the old man are very complicated. I remember seeing him with Xie Huilan for the first time. Dong Xuebin had a big fight with Xie Laozi, but later, Xie Grandpa was the most painful Dong Xuebin. He also personally gave him a name, and this person who can even thank the family has not treated this treatment. After Dong Xuebin drank too much, he also hooked his shoulders and thanked his grandfather for his brother-in-law. Xie Grandpa was not angry. Therefore, Dong Xuebin is really respectful to the old man. There is also deep feelings, naturally I don't want to watch him suffer. I don't want him to do anything, but when people are old, there will always be some problems like this. Fortunately, Dong Xuebin has his own way, and he can solve this problem completely.



"Grandpa, wake up!"

Dong Xuebin called two thank you father.

The health care doctor hurriedly said: "The old man just fell asleep, Xuebin, you..."

At this time, Xie Laozi was woken up by Dong Xuebin, looked at him weakly, and smiled. "Your boy is coming?"

"Thirty years old, can I not come, but also bring you a gift." Dong Xuebin said.

Xie Laozi said: "You have a holiday, I am not good, a little tired, I have to sleep a little more today."

Dong Xuebin smiled slightly. "You are actually nothing. It is just a geriatric illness. Grandpa, if you rest assured that Dong Xuebin, let me give you a Chinese medicine massage to help you cure the disease and ensure that you can live a good year." ""

Father Xie looked at him. "So many doctors can't do it, you kid?"

"They can't do it, I will do it!" Dong Xuebin said with confidence: "Let's believe you believe it or not."

The health care doctor was shocked and said: "Xue Bin, you can't... let the father retreat, he is now..."

Dong Xuebin did not listen, quietly watching Xie Laozi, "You let me believe, I promise you can walk in the ground after ten minutes."

Although Xie Laozi’s face is not good, his expression is still very leisurely. It seems that everything has been seen through it. Hehe smiled. “Your boy is my granddaughter, I don’t believe you?”

Dong Xuebin said: "You will give it to me."

Thank you, Master, "...well."

The health care doctor is speechless. "Master, you can't! This..."

Xie Laozi puts his hand in a wave. "Let's go out and let my granddaughter try it. Hehe, Xiaobin has always been a big man. I heard that there will be Chinese medicine, so let him try it."

The health doctor said a few more words. Obviously, I don’t believe in Dong Xuebin’s medical skills, Chinese medicine? Dong Xuebin's age can be placed there, where there is a little Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine is the most experienced. But at the end of the day, he saw that the old man had decided, and he couldn’t say anything. After one step, he closed the door.

"I started?"

"Come on, huh, huh."

Dong Xuebin just held down the shoulders of the father, reVerSe!

one second……

Two seconds...

The time of the body of the father is going backwards day by day.

Counting ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dong Xuebin has been using the rest of the time for a long time, and it has been a long time for a few months. Every minute, he can use it for a minute, so this time More use of some, is to help the father to give the body a "care".

One minute……

three minutes……

five minutes……

Father's face is getting better and better.

Finally, Dong Xuebin put down the hand of the massage master's acupoint, took it back, and then said to Xie Grandpa: "You move, see how?"

Xie Laozi opened his eyes and raised his shoulders suspiciously. "Well?" He made a strange voice, and then he sat up from the bed with great energy and was very neat.

Dong Xuebin said: "How do you feel?"

Xie Laozi laughed and laughed. "I never felt so good! You are a little guy! Is it quite God?" (To be continued)

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