Power and Wealth

Chapter 1801: [The prestige has been established! 】


Things are getting more and more open.

The Chengguan Police Station is famous. It is really famous. Many colleagues from other township police stations in Jiaolin County have called the acquaintances at the Chengguan police station. The telephone contents are basically the same. Just ask the situation here. Not curious?

"Hey, old Zhang!"

"Lao Lu, what?"

"You really sent the county party secretary to the police station?"


"Is it right?"

"Don't you all know?"

"I am sure, you are too good."

"You **** less talk about the wind, you think we think, this is not confessing people, if you know that he is the new county party secretary, give us a hundred courage, we dare not arrest people, OK. Since yesterday, I have been on the phone and asked. Can we not mention this? You are quite happy. You don’t know what atmosphere our police station is now. We are all afraid of the last class, with an illegal activist. In the back, we didn't dare to scream with them loudly, for fear that Dong Shuji would meet. Originally, Secretary Dong had opinions on us, and then let people catch the little sister-in-law. We can't pass it anymore. Waiting for it, we can't eat it. Let's go!"

"Dr. Dong really wants to live with you?"

"What is it really? You have already lived. I told you that you should not tell others. Just now I saw it with my own eyes. Secretary Dong went out to eat a breakfast in the morning, and bought a lot of food after returning. I want to cook, I see that there are still a lot of dishes, all kinds of things, he is enough to eat for at least two days at a time, three days is not impossible, you said that really live here us? Don't mention it!"

"You can do it yourself."

"This time things are not easy."

"Yeah, but there is a tall top in the sky, and it doesn't matter to you a policeman. Didn't you go out of that mission?"

"I didn't go. I took a break yesterday."

"That's it, let them have a headache."

That is to say, the people at the Chengguan police station are even those who did not catch Dong Xuebin yesterday. They are not very happy in their hearts. Through these, they have already seen the temper of the new county party secretary. Who knows if people will Are all the sticks killed? Give them a big shuffle in the Chengguan police station? At least a lot of people have heard about it now. In the morning, Hu Hanbin did not come to work. There were also several police officers who were carrying out the task of the CMB at that time. It was said that they were directly called by the discipline inspection department of the Municipal Bureau. Of course, they heard that they did not know whether it was true or not. It is the secretary of the county party committee. Even if the secretary has not yet reached the date of the report at the moment, is there any difference? There is no difference at all. The affairs of the county party secretary are naturally a major event. Even if people do not open a sentence, the county may not pay attention to it.

ten minutes later.

The deputy director of the police station convened a small meeting, and most of the police officers were recruited to the conference room. Director Hu Hanbin did not come. Only the deputy director is acting.

People are together.

The meeting also started.

The deputy director looked at everyone. The expression on his face was not very good. He was anxious and with a lot of bitterness. It felt like someone had just died at home. Anyway, it was very hard. "Call everyone today. There is nothing else. I think that a lot of things should be understood by everyone, and I don’t need to repeat it here. The county party secretary is now in our police station and may have to live for a long time. Everyone has this first. Psychological preparation, I want to remind everyone today that we must pay attention to our words and deeds and working methods in all aspects. Lao Li, Xiao Sun, you both have been working very much... are you? Pay attention."

Lao Li smiled, "Yes."

Xiao Sun is also busy: "Understand."

In fact, I don’t need to be the deputy director. Two people who are too aggressive and awkward at work usually don't dare to make it. They are not fools.

The deputy director continued: "As for the other, um, I haven’t thought about it for the time being. After all, this kind of thing happened for the first time. Anyway, everyone relies on it. I repeat, once I have to make sure that there are no problems, I will give it to you. I am uplifting. Whoever has something out there, I am looking for someone. This time, I don’t have to say that everyone knows how much to use to pay attention to it?” Seeing everyone is helpless, the deputy director is ah. One voice, said: "That's okay, we are facing a difficult time now, I hope everyone can go together."


"You can rest assured."

Everyone has spoken.

The deputy director said: "There will be a meeting, all busy."

The talented people got up and left the conference room. Only the deputy director left a few calls and arranged things, and he was busy.

The atmosphere here is tense, and the atmosphere has started since yesterday afternoon.

On the other hand, Dong Xuebin, the other party, is completely opposite to their state.

Before noon, it was almost 11:30. The people at the police station began to prepare for lunch break. Dong Xuebin also began to get busy in the duty room, but others were busy with work. He was busy cooking. No one dares to knock on the door of Dong Xuebin, but this is a layer, the windows are also glass, Dong Xuebin did not hang up the curtains, as long as people close to the yard can see the house, only see Dong Xue Bin took the dish that had been washed in the pool early, opened the induction cooker, and started to smile.

Fried a celery minced meat.

Stir-fried a chicken sauce.

I also got a soup. After drinking the local spicy soup in the morning, I felt good. Then I imitated it and painted the tiger like a cat.

A few dishes, except celery minced meat is better, other dishes are not so easy to eat, it is more troublesome, but Dong Xuebin seems to be happy, not too hard, just so embarrassed half a For many hours, it seems to be cooking, like a cooking, from time to time to taste the heat of a soup, and then shook his head, sometimes nodded, it feels like, like his own home, did not see the outside police when he passed by The expression is on the heart, what should I do? I am very good at it.

It is also being discussed outside.

"Does Dong Shuji really cook?"

“Hey, is the county party secretary still cooking himself?”

"I am playing drums in my heart. When will this great **** go?"

"That's right, this is too much pressure for your mother. I have been working with the local area for almost 20 years. I have also worked in many places. I have never heard of the county party secretary remembering the police station." Ah, I have never seen the county party secretary who lives in the police station still so leisurely and so unreasonable. I said that you will finish listening, but don’t say it, I feel it now, it’s tempered and stinky. Leadership can do this kind of thing. Anyway, I really have never seen such a leader. It’s too embarrassing."

"Or else Dong Shu is so young, this is the level. There must be something unusual. Hey, this is actually not to be said. It is definitely not unusual. You have seen his mother secretary who can smash one." CMB? Don't say that he is alone. At that time, the speed at that time, the scene at that time, even if ten people were there, you felt like you could give a big tonnage of the bus. Is it impossible? Yes, Dong Shuji has done it alone. Khan, we are not going to practice Taekwondo before this new county party secretary. This foot is too **** exaggerated? Going to the football, the backcourt has a shot with his goal, as long as the correct head can definitely run through the opposite goal, is this still a person?"

"Oh, you can't enter the ball."

"Why? That strength can't be lifted? It's not a big kick. Dong Shuji went down and estimated that the ball was flying straight across the line."

"It’s because the foot is too strong. When the foot goes down, the ball is still not exploding?"

Everyone's topic today is around Dong Xuebin. Even if they know that the leaders behind the discussion are not appropriate, they can't help it. Because Dong Xuebin has never been a serious leader since he came to Jiaolin County. The things that have been done, this has caused a great visual conflict and mental cognition disharmony. People are gossip, and naturally there is no need to talk about it.

Dong Xuebin originally wanted to let everyone know about his work style so that he can carry out his work better in the future. It is the meaning of putting ugly words ahead of time. It is also a process for everyone to understand him. Anyway, Dong Xuebin has always been like this. A temper tantrum, he estimated that he could not change his life. Since it will be exposed sooner or later, it is better to give you a vaccination in advance. Anyway, he is the county party secretary ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the leader, he What are you afraid of? He was not afraid of anything, and he didn't care about anything. So after coming to the place of office, Dong Xuebin first showed himself in a way that he had never used before. As for everyone accepting it, it is not Dong Xuebin is worried about the problem.

There is a saying that is good.

Whether you like me or not, whether you accept me or not, my mother is here, always there, always!

Now it seems that Dong Xuebin’s goal has been achieved. He did let the people in Jiaolin County, especially Jiaozuo County’s public security system, fully realize what kind of person this new county party secretary is, um, even more effective. Well, after many people have heard about Dong Xuebin’s affairs, they have almost deified him. The amazing move of smashing the bus has been spread all over the Jiaozuo County government, and may now even be in the city. I have heard some news.

Because of mystery, I am afraid.

Because of fear, I am awe.

No matter what other aspects, regardless of the impression of Dong Xuebin by county leaders and government officials, in short, Dong Xuebin’s majesty and prestige are the first time it has been established. (To be continued...)

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