Power and Wealth

Chapter 1806: 【接风宴】


The hotel has been booked.

It’s a restaurant that is still okay at the door, not so extravagant.

In fact, according to the meaning of Dong Xuebin, I still eat with the unit. When I look around, I ask: "Can the cafeteria? Or else try the dishes in our canteen?"

Chang Lin smiled bitterly. "The cafeteria stopped a while."

Ma Wei does not seem to know, "Why stop?"

Meng Hanmei, director of the county party office, pointed to a very ruined house in the yard. "It was there. It snowed a few days ago, and it was crushed to the top. The water leak was very serious. The last time I opened the meal, several people were eating and playing. Umbrella, there was a big hole missing, and it was not possible to find someone to repair it several times. Finally, the county decided to temporarily stop the canteen, and it was also afraid of any dangerous novel chapters."

The economic situation in Jiaolin County is still plausible. I don’t think that the environment of the government is even worse than that of a national poverty-stricken county. Fortunately, the new county party committee has been built almost, otherwise Dong Xuebin’s first task after taking office is certain. It is to rectify this problem. The life safety of ordinary people is important. The life safety of civil servants is the same. It is certainly impossible to leave these hidden dangers. Otherwise, there is a problem. Dong Xuebin’s leader is sure to be held accountable. He is responsible for the overall situation. of.

What does the right mean?

Greater rights mean greater responsibility!

Dong Xuebin asked: "How can the problem of the comrades' food be solved?"

This thing is estimated to be responsible for Meng Hanmei, so she said: "There is a box lunch, there is a car every day. It is a nutrition package."

Dong Xuebin sighed, and it was only a restaurant.

Also eat lunch? It’s a bit too political for a show, no need for it, because it’s too fake, and the executive deputy minister of the city’s organization department is still there, and there are so many leaders of Jiao’ao County who are taking over the wind. Dong Xuebin can’t let everyone sit in one. Is there a box lunch in the house? It’s so stupid, if he really asks for it, others will definitely not be good at his first impression, so don’t be too pretentious.

Inside the restaurant.

I have already arrived at the meal. But there is no one inside. A little bit of attention can also be found, hanging outside the sign of the suspension today, apparently someone had called in advance, so today the restaurant cleared the field. Only Ma Wei and Dong Xuebin and others are accepted.

"Dr. Dong. Please, please." Ma Wei pointed to the main seat.

Dong Xuebin immediately waved his hand. "How can I do it, Minister Ma please."

Ma Wei was a polite guest. "Today you are the protagonist."

Dong Xuebin joked: "You are a distraction. I have a protagonist where I look. I don't want me to be a director of the Dragons." This is Dong Xuebin's humor. Sometimes the language style of the Jingcheng people is In this way, when chatting and whispering, don't care about stepping on yourself and demeaning yourself, stepping on the caller and stepping on yourself. This is a normal phenomenon when the Jingcheng brothers go out to eat.

Everyone laughs and doesn't know that this understanding is not understood.

Anyway, Dong Xuebin is a secretary. Even if he is a joke, they have to laugh, otherwise it will not give face.

In the end, Ma Wei sat in the main seat. Dong Xuebin and the county magistrate Zhang Dongfang sat down on his head. The other county party committee members also sat down in turn. This method of sitting is a lot of attention, level, qualifications, All in all, it is a ranking within the party. Generally, there will be no chaos. Everyone has a few hearts in mind. After all, it is a reception banquet for the top leaders. It is a formal occasion, and this must not be mistaken.

Zhang Dongfang’s chubby body is crowded into the chair. “Drink some wine?”

Ma Wei shook his hand and smiled: "You want to drink, drink, huh, huh."

Dong Xuebin said: "There are still classes in the afternoon, don't drink, let's take the tea bar, meaning it, and not so much."

Tea is coming.

The meal is also on.

Everyone moved the chopsticks to open the meal. Several people held the tea cups to toast Ma Wei and Dong Xuebin, and they talked about the sky without a ride.

Originally, Dong Xuebin still wanted to take a look at the situation through this meal, but it may be that the meal was too formal, or it may be the reason why Dong Xuebin was the top leader. Everyone is more accepting, or a little more cautious, plus There is no wine, no one has let go, and there is room for three or four points. The feeling of performance is not so obvious. Dong Xuebin can’t see it anymore. The relationship between them and the doorway Dong Xuebin I can only understand it later. Today, it seems that there is no drama. So I didn’t talk about my work. I talked about the things in my life. I also used this opportunity to memorize some of the county party committee members that he did not remember. For a moment, the specific situation can not be seen, then look at the character and temper of the ten county party committee members.

After dinner.

Everyone went out of the restaurant.

Ma Wei looked at the watch and said: "Well, I am going to work in the afternoon. Everyone is busy. I should go back. There is something in the afternoon."

Give him to the side of the car.

Dong Xuebin said: "Then you are slow to go to the minister."

Zhang Dongfang also said a few words with Ma Wei.

Ma Wei waved his hand. "Okay, come back."

When I got on the bus, Ma Wei’s Audi drove out the county party committee and left.

Zhang Dongfang only looked at Dong Xuebin at this time. "Dr. Dong, I will take you to the compound. Do you familiar with the environment? Check it by the way?"

Regardless of what Zhang’s heart thinks, at least for Dong Xuebin’s performance, he is still polite. Dong Xuebin’s attitude towards him is also no problem. Dong Xuebin’s mind is not so small, he has always been a person who does not commit me or me. No criminal thoughts, "You don't need the Eastern County magistrate, you know that you work a lot, everyone is also busy working, don't let me go wrong, today I am reporting, not a formal job, starting tomorrow. I counted the first day, and I didn’t know what to do before I understood the actual situation, huh, huh."

Dong Xuebin’s performance is still very low-key, and his attitude is not high, and he does not have the feeling of giving orders or “circling the ground”. If there is no previous thing, you may really think that Dong Xuebin is so modest and low-key because of his young age. After all, at the grade level, these county committee members are the fewest people, and they can be the elders of Dong Xuebin. It’s not seven or eight years old, but ten or twenty. However, with Dong Xuebin’s first incident on the first day, he attacked the police and beat the bus. You must not be stupid enough to think that Dong Xuebin is low-key. They all know that they can make such amazing moves. It is absolutely impossible for a person to be a low-key master, but Dong Xuebin now shows what it is like. With this, it is even more difficult for people to see through him.

Sometimes bastards.

Sometimes Sven is modest.

Still a young age.

Everything in Dong Xuebin makes everyone feel curious. So personally, how can he be a county party secretary? What experience have you had before? This has always made many people unable to understand. Before Dong Xuebin came, after many people heard the letter, Dong Xuebin’s age caused a great uproar in the leadership, a leader at the level, according to the university graduation. At the age of thirteen, according to the three-year plan in principle, if you want to get to the right level, the standard level will be 35 years old. Some people have never had a chance to fight for the rest of their lives. Dong Xuebin? Twenty-seven years old? Generally, people of this age have just graduated from college for two or three years. Maybe the work is still not stable. They may even be continually changing jobs. Even the work is not settled, but Dong Xuebin is already a county party secretary. What? It’s really more people than people who have to die. The children of these leaders are almost the same age as Dong Xuebin. It’s really impossible to read them. They feel that they have been living for so many years.

Everyone is thinking, but no one shows it.

Zhang Dongfang pondered and said: "Well, then I will go back to work first. It is a bit of a thing that has not been dealt with well. Recently, it was mainly the problem of the new county party committee compound. This was originally the first secretary of the Li Shuji, and the county party committee took the lead. As soon as Li’s secretary left, I was temporarily represented, and I still have to approve it in a few days.”

Dong Xuebin said: "Okay, I will see it in a few days."

Zhang Dongfang Yim, "I have something to do at any time."

Dong Xuebin said that the sound was good. They had already exchanged phone numbers when they had eaten.

Zhang Dongfang went to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone saw Dong Xuebin really didn't want others to accompany him. He also confessed to Dong Xuebin and turned back to his department. Some departments are not in the county party committee, but also drive away. It is.

Only Meng Hanmei, the director of the county party committee, took a step and stayed a little. "Dr. Dong, I will take you to the office to have a look. They are all arranged. You may not know it, you have to worry about it. I am here. There is nothing else to accompany you, and there is a family hospital. Before the baggage, the regular director has already sent it to our county party office. I have also sent you to the family home, and the key has to be given to you."

In fact, Dong Xuebin also wants Meng Hanmei to leave alone. Of course, it is not because Meng Hanmei’s big sister is a good face. It is mainly because Meng Hanmei’s position is the director of the county party committee and the county party committee. People, also regarded as a big steward of the county party secretary, this position is born on the side of the county party secretary, that is, to stand in the queue of the county party secretary, is the reason of the nature of the job, but there are exceptions, so Dong Xuebin I want to see if Meng Hanmei is the exception. I want to see if Meng Hanmei’s value is not worth trusting, or whether there is a tendency to rely on it. It should be no problem, the old secretary is gone, and the secretary and the county magistrate are born. The contradiction in work can't be avoided anywhere. Meng Hanmei is a member of the old secretary. Now that she is lonely, Dong Xuebin thinks that she is relying on herself to be a reasonable thing, so she is ready to start from her. (To be continued...)

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