Power and Wealth

Chapter 1826: [The skyshake 1 scorpion! 】

County Party Committee.

The rain is still so big.

In the car, Dong Xuebin said nothing after talking on the phone, just faintly said: "Come on, take the nearest road, and rush to the scene as soon as possible."

The driver immediately stepped on the gas pedal.

Chang Lin looked at Dong Xuebin and didn't ask anything, because he didn't have to ask him to guess the contents of the phone. It was nothing more than a death order that must be saved, and it was a political task. If there is an accident, they will be investigated. Responsibility, it must be true that this is not wrong. Secretary Dong’s first day of work today, Zhang Dongfang has always had a very good relationship with the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, so the phone secretary’s call to Dong Xuebin seems to be quite meaningful, of course. If you go through normal procedures, you can't do this to Dong Xuebin. After all, this is really not a trivial matter. Nearly 100 teachers and students are still the key children in the city. How many parents have to worry about it? Moreover, the social attention that students and children can generally cause is obviously not comparable to other things, and the city is not estimated to be light.

The pressure is now given to Jiaoxian County. They are not expecting the rescue team in the city to arrive before the afternoon. The road conditions are there. They can only rely on their own rescue personnel, and they can only succeed without fail. .

ten minutes……

half an hour……

The driver turned around and finally said: "The front is!"

Dong Xuebin, who closed his eyes and raised his spirits, opened his eyes and looked forward. I saw that the three-two tourist bus was parked at the foot of the mountain. In the heavy rain, many umbrellas were hit. There were many people underneath and looked up. Some rescuers wearing raincoats have already gone up the mountain.

The car stopped.

Dong Xuebin got off the bus with an umbrella.

There are people on the TV station who are not far ahead.

A female reporter dressed in a raincoat wiped the rain on her face and took the microphone. "Now we have reached the foot of the Qinglan Mountain. The rain has not weakened. The rescue team has already searched the mountain. I hope the rescue team can bring good. The news. "A pause, put the microphone side," now Zhang County magistrate of Jiaolin County is also next to me, Zhang County Governor rushed to the scene after the incident, personally visited the scene, Zhang County magistrate. Now everyone is very Pay attention to the missing children and teachers. Can this search and rescue work progress smoothly? How long does it take to find children?"

Zhang Dongfang is also a raincoat. He didn't really recognize the hat. He walked into the front of the camera and said: "The environment on the mountain is rather bad. The most important thing is that we can't contact the missing teachers and students now. The mountain is very big. It’s going to be at least the day after tomorrow, but rest assured, we will definitely do our best to search and rescue. Now I only hope that the children and teachers are not too far lost in the mountains."


Zhang Dongfang said with a strong heart.

There are also people in the newspapers who frequently take pictures, and the flash is constantly.

When Su Yan saw it, he said: "Dr. Dong, I am a TV station person coming over?" Zhang Dongfang said this show, Dong Xuebin did not have any sense of existence.

However, Dong Xuebin sneered at him and held an umbrella. "You don't need to make that useless, call me the person in charge of the on-site fire brigade!"

Su Yan went to call people.

At this time, the people of the TV station also saw Dong Xuebin, and the reporters of the newspapers also gathered around.

"Dong Shu!"

"Dr. Dong, this time..."

Everyone screamed and asked.

Dong Xuebin waved his hand impatiently. "Give me aside, now is the rescue time, don't mess with me, the firefighter is responsible? Why haven't you come yet?" Pushed the reporter out and left it to the camera. A background.

The reporters are very embarrassed.

Especially the reporters and videographers of the TV station, I went, this is your mom, but the live broadcast of the county TV news channel, both of them are sweating, they are also the first time to deal with this new county party secretary, I did not expect this person to have a personality So strong.

This episode was broadcast.

What is the news accident?

The female reporter quickly turned the scene back and was afraid of something else.

Over there, the head of the fire brigade has already ran, "Secretary!"

Dong Xuebin said: "Reporting rescue situation!"

Zhang Dongfang also came up at this time and met Dong Xuebin.

"Yes." The fireman said: "We sent more than 30 police officers to conduct a mountain search. There are other local rescuers and members of the community. About 50 people have been searching for 20 minutes. Diverging search along the main mountain road, but the above-mentioned walkie-talkie still did not find the missing person, even the rain, even the traces of some students stayed away, only found some snacks in the packaging paper bag The scope of the search has also been enlarged around these areas and is being fully implemented."

"anyone there?"

“Is the people in the city one audible?”

"Someone? Where are you?"

"Please answer if you hear it! Please answer if you hear it!"

On the mountain, there are always distant sounds coming down. The rescuers are talking with the speakers, but because the rain is too loud, even if there is a speaker's auxiliary words, they can't go out and disappear into the air. As far as the people below the mountain can hear, the people on the mountain are hard to hear. Especially when the teachers and students are lost, it is impossible to stupidly stand in the heavy rain. It should be looking for a cave to shelter from the rain, so it is even more search and rescue. Increased the difficulty.

Find? Can't find it!

Shout? can not hear!

Playing the lights? All are woods and fog, visibility is very low!

The rescue was in a deadlock and it was only the most stupid way to search through the carpet.

Time passed by, and Dong Xuebin couldn’t stand it anymore. He didn’t say anything. He took the umbrella and took him up the mountain together and took part in the rescue.

Zhang Dongfang and several county cadres also followed.

Zhang Dongfang walked and said loudly: "Children! Kids!"

Several other cadres also followed suit and shouted voices in the mountains.

Then a group of reporters at the end of the team followed, and the camera was still under the mountain. They all came with cameras.

Anyway, this large group of leading groups is not like a rescue, but like visiting, it does not have a little bit of rescue significance, and it is not enough to add chaos.

Dong Xuebin also saw it. He wanted to blow people away, but he couldn’t say it. Zhang Dongfang’s attitude was the most positive. It seems that he should make this political show to the end. Dong Xuebin has no such thoughts. He is now a teacher and a child in his heart. What should I do? How can I save people? It’s not a way to search for it. There are still beasts in the mountains. You can’t let the children spend the night here again. There is no water and no food. The temperature in the air is also reduced instantly. It’s not good to drag it down!

How to do it?

When Dong Xuebin went up the mountain, he also thought of one of the most feasible ways, that is, shouting, since they can't find the missing person, let the children and the teacher find them, but the general degree of shouting is obviously meaningless. The terrain is bad and the rain is loud, which is hard for students to hear.

At this moment, Dong Xuebin thought of his special ability.

In the past, Dong Xuebin had experimented with the superposition of forces at the standstill of P time, that is, attacking an object while the time is still, power and light, etc. will also rest on the surface of the object, and constantly increase the force and attack, when At the moment when time is relieved, power will burst out in a flash.

Force can.

Light can be.

That sound is the same.

However, Dong Xuebin did not use P, because the time is completely static, the power can be stored on the object, but the sound does not have a good storage method, it may not work, but by this principle, Dong Xuebin thought of his time. Ability to slow down - WER!

WER is the speed at which the outside time is slowed down.

On the other hand, it is also speeding up all the time speed of Dong Xuebin.

Then, to a certain extent, the frequency of Dong Xuebin’s voice should have greatly increased, several times? ten times? Even ten times?

Dong Xuebin never dared to speak in the role of WER, because he knew that the sound frequency and tone speed would be different, so the specifics are not clear. I have never tried this. Today, this crisis is not too much for Dong Xuebin. It is.


"We are here!"

"Let's save you!"

The horns of the speakers are all in the ear, very noisy and messy.

Dong Xuebin was a little annoyed and turned back. "I don't shout!"

Zhang Dongfang frowned, everyone did not understand, all stopped shouting.

Many search and rescue personnel not far away did not hear, Dong Xuebin shouted again, "Do not shout! Give me quiet! I try!"

you try?

Are you trying to shout?

What is the difference between shouting and shouting?

Zhang Dongfang and many cadres and reporters did not understand what Dong Xuebin said. www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is useless to call us. Where can you call you? Do you want to be a political show?

The mountain was quieter.

After all, it was the command of the county party secretary. Su Yan, who followed, immediately handed the small horn in his hand to Dong Xuebin. "The secretary, the amp opened."

Dong Xuebin waved his hand, "No need this."

The horn is electric, and the frequency is limited to 80%. This estimate does not increase the frequency of Dong Xuebin's upcoming voice.


No speakers?

Then how do you call?

Everyone can't understand it. Many people in the rescue team also look at Dong Xuebin. I don't understand why they are not allowed to continue search and rescue. What does this leader do?

But the next moment, they will understand!

And it was understood with a tragic lesson!

Dong Xuebin looked at the distant mountain and took a deep breath. He immediately opened WER, then opened his mouth and screamed loudly at the distance. "People!"

That is an unspeakable voice!

That is a voice that is indistinguishable in the ear!

At this moment, everyone in the hundreds of meters near Dong Xuebin screamed, and the ears of his ears, even more like Zhang Dongfang, turned out to be a heart attack without taking a breath!



A lot of people spit it out at the time! (To be continued.)

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