Power and Wealth

Chapter 1839: [Is it a big deal? 】

In the past two days, the units have been talking about the new county committee compound. The acceptance has been completed. The quality of the project is qualified. It will soon be moved to the new unit. Everyone is very excited. The old office building here has suffered enough. , leaking rain, returning to the tide, poor sound insulation, etc., now it is almost collapsed. They work all day in this dangerous environment, who do not want to move to a new place, from the former county party secretary Li Gui'an proposed this construction After the project, everyone has been looking forward to it, looking forward to more than a year.

"I finally have to go through the novel chapter."

"I can bear enough of this ghost place."

"Haha, I heard that the new compound is particularly luxurious."

"I heard that, but I have never seen it. What is it like?"

"Although the place is somewhat remote, it is said that the palace is like a palace. Has the palace been visited? It seems that it is that feeling, especially spectacular."


"Yeah, we can be blessed in the future."

"So extravagant, what's the problem?"

“Everyone in the surrounding counties is like this, definitely not okay.”

"Also, next to the county I went to the county party committee for the last time on a business trip. Don't mention it. The county government office building has twenty or thirty floors, and the floor space is six or seven times that of the county party committee. I know that this is a county. I don’t know which office building is the province. I have never seen the appearance of the provincial party committee, but I want to come to it. It’s so 13+’> Let's build something better than them. I heard that I moved tomorrow? I can't wait."

"Yes, the above shows that the sky is gradually moving over."

"Hurry to work. There are definitely more things today. I have to pack up the office supplies. There are so many things. It is estimated that we will move ourselves tomorrow."


Almost all of the units are filled with such voices. Some of the expected eyes can be seen on everyone's face. Even some county leaders are, but only Dong Xuebin is the exception.


Office of the Secretary.

Dong Xuebin sipped tea with his inner eyebrows. He had been like this for the past two days. He was not very motivated, and he always felt awkward when he was on his mind. And especially not practical. The reason is naturally because of the new county party committee's affairs. I know that this is a building that hurts people and hurts the wealth. I know that this is all built up with the hard-earned money of the people. It should not be so wasted. It is not even a waste. But they all go beyond the bottom line of the policy. However, Dong Xuebin still let everyone move over tomorrow. This decision is very reluctant, and it is also a bit forced by many objective factors. Made a decision that he did not want to, Dong Xuebin was naturally uncomfortable, and he thought that he was a little conscience, not too conscience. If he had seen this kind of thing, he would check it out in the end. The amount of the county’s financial estimate is difficult to bear, and I don’t know how the money came out. I used the money to fill the gap, but now Li Gui’an has already patted the butt, and Dong Xuebin also has some... It is very troublesome.

in the afternoon.

I am off work.

Dong Xuebin did not leave, overtime to correct the backlog of documents, there are many things that need him to deal with, these days he has always been this way, although Zhang Dongfang was discharged from the day before yesterday, Dong Xuebin needs to be busy not so much. But when he goes home, he is fine. It doesn't matter if he works overtime.

Dong Xuebin did not leave.

The secretary of Su Yan naturally cannot go.

Although Dong Xuebin did not say anything, but Su Yan probably understood it, did not ask anything, but silently called and called two meals. When the meal came, Su Yan was sent to Dong Shuji to the house. , said: "The secretary, I bought a meal, you should eat it first."

Dong Xuebin nodded, put down his pen and frowned, "Well, eat together."

Su Yan put him on the table and sat down after a polite moment. He is now more and more a secretary. He basically understands Dong Xuebin’s character and living habits. Fortunately, Dong Xuebin is not a difficult person to try. Otherwise, it is impossible for Su Yan to enter the secretary’s state. So fast, Dong Xuebin is very simple, simple in character, simple in habit, and simple in temper. Su Yan and his temper are also very smooth.

After dinner.

It’s dark, it’s more than seven o’clock.

When Dong Xuebin looked at the watch, he said: "Small Su, let's go back first, it's not too early. I have to deal with some things and I have to withdraw, and the road is slow."

Su Yan knows his temper, some leaders are polite, it is fake, but Dong’s politeness is really polite, but also from the heart of the subordinates, Dong Xuebin said that let him go home to rest early, that is true Let him go back early, Su Yan will not be tempted. "That, you will return early." Before leaving, Su Yan also packed empty disposable lunch boxes and chopsticks on the table.

Dong Xuebin finally screamed: "Tomorrow's county party building moved, you come early, I will not come so early, and I will contact me at any time."

"Okay." Su Yanyi, he knows that Secretary Dong is not in the mood for tomorrow.

As soon as he left, Dong Xuebin finished the last document. He also put down his pen and stretched his hair. He stared at the starry sky outside the window. He shook his head slightly. I don’t know why. In the past two days, Dong Xuebin always had a heart. The voice told him that he should not move to the new county party committee. Dong Xuebin is also very annoyed, or it is a kind of ideological cleansing. Dong Xuebin’s requirements for others and subordinates are not high, as long as they can be retained as The bottom line of the people's service is just fine. He can take a look at other small mistakes, but he can't do it to himself. Dong Xuebin's requirements for himself have always been strict. This is also the result of his father's mother's education.

Still not at ease!

Still your mother is not at ease!

When Dong Xuebin turned around, he walked back to his desk and opened a drawer. He took out a few evening newspapers from this afternoon. There are Jiaozuo County, and there are several circulations in the city and the province. The big major newspapers and magazines, this is Su Yan put in when he meets in the afternoon. Every day, Su Yan puts the morning and evening newspapers in this drawer, and Dong Xuebin asks him.

Look at the situation tomorrow!

Otherwise, I really can't sleep today!

Dong Xuebin also wants to take a look at tomorrow's things, want to see what the cadres react to, and want to see if the people are chewing their tongues. The rest of his time is almost the same before he took office. When I saved people, I also spent a lot of money. Otherwise, how could Dong Xuebin come and go on such a steep and muddy hillside? It relies on the special abilities of K and P, so there is not much time left for Dong Xuebin now, but even if there are few, one minute is still there, rwarD is more time-consuming, and one minute is enough to advance one day. What Dong Xuebin needs is the news of tomorrow.

After closing my eyes, I concentrated my spirit and attention. After another blink of an eye, Dong Xuebin reached out and touched the drawer, rwarD!

one second……

Half a minute...

One minute……

rwarD is released!

When I opened the drawer again, the inside was empty, there was no newspaper, and there was nothing. This made Dong Xuebin stunned, but there was no accident. I might have moved forward too much, so just like today, After Su Yan put it in the newspaper, Dong Xuebin had taken the newspaper away at this time tomorrow, and he did not put it in, so there is nothing in the drawer at this time tomorrow.

try again.

rwarD forty seconds!

When this time goes on, it is the afternoon newspaper just sent!

But after trying it once, Dong Xuebin opened the drawer, but found that it was still empty!

Dong Xuebin couldn't help but frown, what happened? Why are there no newspapers yet? Is it that Su Yan is not in the drawer? But I was in the office at that time, so Su Yan gave the newspaper directly to herself?

Dong Xuebin picked up his mobile phone and called Su Yan. "Hey, Xiaosu, just went downstairs? I have something to tell you. In the morning and evening newspapers, I don’t use it when I am not there. Ask me, just put it in the drawer where I put the newspaper."

Su Yan didn't quite understand how Dong Xuebin suddenly called such a phone call to say such a small thing, but still said: "Okay, I know the secretary."

"Well, just like this, go home early." Dong Xuebin hung up.

Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin tried it again with a few remaining time!

rwarD forty seconds and then the final result is still the same, there is nothing in the drawer!

At this moment, Dong Xuebin’s heart snorted, and suddenly there was a bad feeling that he had already greeted Su Yan, and he himself forced himself to have the consciousness of putting it back in the drawer after reading the newspaper. Under normal circumstances, this drawer must have a newspaper, and should even have a morning newspaper ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but now it is empty, this has to let Dong Xuebin think about it.

Was Su Yan forgot?

Certainly impossible, Dong Xuebin is so embarrassed, he can still forget? Then he should not do this secretary, and Su Yan is not a forgetful person!

Did you put it back after reading it?

No, Dong Xuebin still believes in himself.

Or rwarD didn't work? It is impossible! How many times has he used rwarD! Every time is very accurate! No problem!

The only explanation now is that something may happen tomorrow, or Su Yan’s force majeure factor did not put the newspaper in, or Dong Xuebin’s incident did not put the finished newspaper back, or tomorrow’s The newspaper simply did not arrive.

But these three are almost impossible things.

If it does, it means that there is a big chance that something will happen tomorrow! (To be continued...)

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