Power and Wealth

Chapter 1854: [ Morning News! 】

the next day.

Friday morning.

Time is only six o'clock.

In the compound floor of the family's court, Dong Xuebin started an early morning. After brushing his teeth on the second floor, he took a little song and went downstairs. When he entered the kitchen and prepared himself, he made a very hard breakfast. Fried sausage, fried bread, spread an egg, and also smashed a bowl of jujube porridge, a little mixed, but I did not eat so much, and the combination of Chinese and Western.

The meal is good.

Dong Xuebin took the kitchen and sat on the table of the restaurant. When the time was almost the same, he immediately pressed the remote control to turn on the TV and broadcast the morning news of their Jiaolin County.

"Hello everyone, welcome to the morning news." Time is just right, the host appeared.

Dong Xuebin took a big bite with a piece of bread with sausage and egg, and watched TV while eating.

They are just a county TV station, so there are not so many TV stations that are very simple. They usually go straight to the theme. "Yesterday, a piece of information on the Internet caused great concern in the province. It was about the new county party committee. The problem, our reporter also learned yesterday that the public’s discussion on this incident is very positive and very controversial. The focus of the controversy is the construction cost of the three counties in Baohong City that broke out this time. Many people are Questioning why this money is spent here, if it is used to increase residents' security and related benefits, it should be more meaningful than building a family or county party committee. Last night, we had the opportunity to interview the county party secretary, Comrade Dong Xuebin."

The picture flashed.

Dong Xuebin appeared in the lens.

At that time, he was still in the row of houses to direct the transfer, just a back.

In the picture, I saw reporters and photography go up. "Dr. Dong, hello, I am a county TV station. What is your opinion on the issue of the new county party committee that is now hotly debated."

“View?” Dong Xuebin looked at the camera and said: “After the discussion of the main leaders of our county, I have ordered the relevant departments to carry out the demolition work on the new county committee compound on Wednesday. It has already been razed to the ground, um, This is my opinion. I have a view with the people. Although I have been in office for a few days, I have already learned about the arguments and voices of everyone. This kind of building itself is unreasonable. It is a waste of money for the people and the people. There is no need. So of course, I have to dismantle it, and as a county party secretary, I have to apologize to the people in the county. I am sorry, of course, this is not a matter of apology. It will be introduced in some days. Some policies are all about the reform and welfare of people's livelihood issues. Please also wait and see. Our leadership team will use practical actions to let everyone know our determination to govern corruption, corruption, corruption, and defeat, and to the people..."

Dong Xuebin said a lot of people alone, it is simply endless.

The general leader speaks in front of the camera, and many times it is slower, and even a few times. It feels like a stuttering. In fact, it’s actually not that the leader is really slow. If you can achieve this level, the language expression ability can’t be too bad. At least it’s not a stutter. The reason why you show it is mainly afraid of being wrong. Words, because the level is there, the status is there, and the words and deeds represent a lot of things. This is not wrong. A word is wrong sometimes gives you an ambiguity, and even a certain degree of social impact. This is a political problem. It is not sloppy, so everyone has to speak carefully and slowly. This is almost a normal state.

But Dong Xuebin is not here, this mouth is very good, and there is no need to worry about saying the wrong words, a big pass, Dong Xuebin did not even hit a slap, it seems to be the same in one breath, as if he is With the prepared speech prepared in advance, everyone will read this news, and they will feel that this new county party secretary is very different. If you don’t say anything else, it’s just that this kind of speech is very comfortable. Especially confident and special sincere, the people like this.

Next, the lens changed.

It became a reporter interview with some people.

There is a reporter’s voice in the picture. “Hello sister, what do you think of the dismantling of the new county party compound in the county?”

It was a middle-aged woman who still led the child in her hand. She was a little nervous after seeing the camera. "Oh, I don't know, I should take it down."

Reporter: "What do you think should be removed?"

"Yeah." Women took the children.

"What do you think?" The reporter continued: "Do you agree with the decision in the county?"

Women’s Road: “Isn’t the county changed the leadership? It’s not the new Dong’s secretary who proposed the Jianxin County Committee’s compound. Dong’s secretary dismantled this. I think it’s very popular. It’s not his problem. When he came. The yard has been built? The county decision is certainly true."

Then the woman led the child away.

The lens changed again, and the reporter interviewed a middle-aged person who can talk about it.

The middle-aged man was very excited when he heard it. He said to the camera: "Of course, it has to be dismantled, and it has been dismantled. It will be dismantled. If the news in the province is broken, it will be dismantled. Then there is a problem. The feeling, but now it is decided to dismantle the county one day in advance. When the news has not come out, the new county party committee has been razed to the ground. This shows that Dong’s leadership policy after taking office is correct and far-sighted. And the heart is the ordinary people, he knows what our people need, the last time in the Qinglan Mountain is Dong Shuji rushing to save people in the first line of rain? I have seen the news, the feeling is really deep, in fact, from these On a very small matter, I can see that Secretary Dong’s attention to the people. I am particularly confident about our county. I believe that under the leadership of Secretary Dong, the economic development and construction of all counties will definitely go one step further. The building."


Dong Xuebin was also happy to see it. He said that this person would really speak, and he said it well, how good it is!

Over there, the TV station's picture returned to the studio, only to listen to the hostess: "We also saw that our reporter interviewed many residents yesterday, and the answers are almost the same. The people think the county The decision was very correct. Of course, a large yard costing hundreds of millions of yuan said that it was gone, it was not a waste, but after interviewing many residents, we felt that things might not be wasted from waste. From the perspective of seeing it, at least I saw it from the inside... It is the determination and attitude of the county. I think the ordinary people also feel this, so they will have these answers. Everyone does not question the county. Instead, The decision in the county has made everyone more and more trust and confidence."

Below, several others have also accepted the interview.

For example, Zhang Dongfang, Zhang County Chief did not have any credit in this matter, so he was very cautious in his speech. "This demolition work was proposed by Secretary Dong and also the decision of our county's main leaders."

There is also Meng Hanmei. "We are strongly supportive of the decision of Secretary Dong. I think that Secretary Dong has a very good saying. We started to feel that many people who disguised a large county committee are too distressed. However, Secretary Dong told us at the time. He said, 'The people need us to dismantle it. Then we have to dismantle it. We don’t need to talk about anything. We can’t let the people have a slight mistrust of our county party and county government. The courtyard? Then we work in the townhouse, and there is no townhouse? Then we can work in the open air, how can we do it, how can we work, but without the trust of the people, even if we are floating in the sky There is no point in working in a high-end villa in the universe. This is the original words of Secretary Dong. I don’t know what other people think, but I have a special feeling after listening to it.” As a director, Meng Of course, Hanmei is more likely to "talk" than Zhang Dongfang and Zhang.

Dong Xuebin heard a slight nod. He seemed to have said these words yesterday, but he mostly forgot. This is basically a matter of opening his mouth, and he has no brains at all. This is a natural language expression ability. People, born with this ability and ability, now listen to Meng Hanmei from the camera, Dong Xuebin also feel that he said really good, he was touched by his own words.

This morning news is actually that Dong Xuebin had arranged a greeting with the Minister of Propaganda, Sun Changzhi, because he had to give the people an account, so he must plan well. Dong Xuebin did not use Sun Changzhi’s proposal. He felt too Ordinary ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ too no strength, Dong Xuebin grew up with the capital, and the eyes and ears are also the media over there, so he also temporarily modeled the usual way of the Beijing media, that is, interviews, Interviewing the people and interviewing the leaders, this feeling will be more real, more convincing than the host directly giving a conclusion, and this operation is not difficult, interviewing ten people, even if there is an unclear attitude, even if there is If you disagree, you will be fine. If you don't broadcast it, just play the interviews that they need to see.

Simple, true, and convincing.

The workload may be slightly larger, but it may not be much bigger.

From the news point of view, Dong Xuebin is still satisfied, and feels that his decision has once again played a role. Compared with those dry explanations, this kind of reporting method that uses the interview situation and then the moderator's summary is definitely more profound and touching. .

This is the paradox.

Mastered here, you have mastered one of the biggest positions.

Of course, Dong Xuebin is indeed really a member of the ordinary people. He does not think that this is tricky. His words and actions are all from the heart. (To be continued...)

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