Power and Wealth

Chapter 1882: [Not a level! 】

Hundreds of thousands!

That is the salary of their leaders for a year or two!

Just hit it like this? The hotel has booked and there is no one living there? Just to blow those foreign guests away? In order to give those people run by the city government? I am going! Is this too expensive to fuck? Is this a bit too expensive for this fight? ?

Wei Zhixuan patted his head.

Zhang Dongfang also took a few breaths.

Secretary Dong personally contributed? Didn't you see that this new county party secretary is so rich? And... spend money without even eyes! ?

This handwriting is really not small!

This discouragement is also exaggerated!

Hundreds of thousands just to breathe a sigh of relief? ?

A few people in Zhang Dongfang were shocked by Dong Xuebin’s work without leaving room and stepping on the person’s work. This is too tough, and too much of your mother’s lack of morality. Loss, he wants to come out. Before Zhang Dongfang, he was also angry with the deputy director of the cattle, but he was the deputy director of the cow. Wei Zhixuan and Meng Hanmei also had the same face. They didn’t look at the foreigner’s face because they had a sense of proportion and knew what it was. It’s big, but Dong’s secretary obviously doesn’t have this measure. It’s really mad, even the foreigner’s face dares to fight? Khan, how stinky you are in your temper!

"Not right!" Wei Zhixuan made a speech.

Zhang Dongfang also disapproved of Dong Xuebin's handling method, but after thinking about it, Zhang Dongfang had to admit that Dong Shuji was playing this game... It was really fun! Think about the appearance of the gang of people who were forced to leave, Zhang Dongfang feels deflated!

This Dong Xuebin, there is really a set of people to pack up!

However, after the subsequent bad debts and influence, Zhang Dongfang did not know how he could clean up. The gas was out, and the deputy director of the cow would definitely lose face after returning. I don't have to ask this matter and I know that it will be passed down by many cadres and the population in the government. It is a laughing stock. However, if you Dong Tiebin himself is also tired, what is necessary for this anger? Isn't this a trouble for yourself?

There is no impenetrable wall!

This kind of thing can't hold it!

This piece was not spread in the city beforehand, but it was first spread with Jiaojing County!

I heard that Secretary Dong spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to cover the big hotels in the county. The cadres and civil servants of Jiaolin County were shocked and stunned. They had already seen that this new county party secretary was very special. But I didn't expect him to be able to play cards like this!

That is hundreds of thousands!

Those are foreign guests!

Not only did you welcome it. Instead, the people have been blown away? ?

There are many people applauding, I feel that this thing is very happy, and people are very happy. Many people have begun to worry about Dong Xuebin.



More than ten o'clock.

The outside world is full of enthusiasm, and Dong Xuebin, the party, is drinking tea and listening to music on the second floor. Did not care, not Dong Xuebin has a well-thought-out, he also knows that the impact is not good, wait for the deputy director and foreign guests to report to the city, the market will certainly not sit and watch, certainly looking for his trouble, just do not know what form to look for , punishment? survey? Dong Xuebin is too lazy to think about it. The reason why he was so leisurely was that he had a bad breath, hit the faces of the gang, and wiped out their arrogance, so this sentiment was good. As for how to close, he has not considered it. He has this temper. Sometimes he always needs to be a bit discouraged when he meets something. Otherwise, he will be much tired if he is afraid of it. Later, I will say later that the ship is naturally straight to the bridge. This is the truth that Dong Xuebin has always believed in. He has always been so beaten and killed.

Dispose of me?

Disciplinary action!

But you can't call me with me! Then we have to win the wrist! Give me a look at my face? Who are you fucking? What happened to the foreign guests? Brothers don't welcome you! Don't you still have to give me a go! And don't you know that the buddies are all angry youths from an angry age? Still wild with my ground! Don't go to the mirror! I don't ask anyone to inquire about who Dong Xuebin is! Are others afraid of you? Do others care about you? I am not afraid! I care which country you are and what identity! Who loves who!

five minutes……

half an hour……

When I was sleeping, the phone in the city finally came.

It was called by a deputy mayor, called Wang Cheng, and Dong Xuebin was also expected.

"Hey, Mayor Wang, what is the order?" Dong Xuebin did not know what to pretend.

When Wang Cheng came up, he snarled: "Comrade Dong Xuebin! What are you doing in Jiaolin County? Ah? The foreigners who have been instructed to receive the reception in the province! The cadres in the city are also accompanied by you! You are so received? You are like this. Welcome? Also insulting cadres? Not cooperating with exchanges, even entrepreneurs are not in contact? Finally, even hotel accommodations have not been arranged for foreign guests? You also spent money to package the hotel? Disguised to blow people away? What are you doing? Ah Dong Xuebin! I will ask you what you are going to do in Jiaolin County!"

Dong Xuebin said faintly: "Mayor Wang, you should calm down first."

"I am still calm? I am calm!" Wang Cheng said: "The foreign guests' appearances have been reported to the party secretary! How do you tell me? Ah?"

Dong Xuebin did not have a dim meaning. He said with conviction: "Well, then you listen to me, I will answer your questions one by one. First, I am a curse, but why am I awkward? Because the time is changed, the foreign guests temporarily change their minds. If you don't come, this situation is inevitable. I also know that there will be such an unexpected situation, but at least let us say it, right? The people in the city government did not inform us, let us a bunch of entrepreneurs and The old comrades in the county had been in the cold for a full hour, so I was stunned. I admit that I have a temper and some impulsiveness, but I also do not do this for everyone.

Wang Chengdao: "Are you quite reasonable?"

Dong Xuebin is very objective: "I am ignorant. I am a mystery. I am clear about this. I want to tell you why I am jealous of him, not what the name of the cow is saying. It is the people of our county. And many people are watching it, I can't make a lie, the ins and outs are not based on the mouth of his surnamed cow. He only said the result, only said everything that is good for him, but he did not find it from himself. The problem, I didn’t say how many things he did wrong, it seems that the responsibility is all in our Jiaolin County. He is like a little white flower. Oh, it’s ridiculous, Mayor Wang, you criticize me, I accept it all. But I have to make it clear."

Wang Cheng paused. "Then explain it! What's going on in the back!"

Taking a breath, Dong Xuebin continued: "I will answer your second question. We don't want to find entrepreneurs for them. Just kidding, entrepreneurs are not coming, we are not looking for it. I heard that this is English-National. - People want to pull their investment into their country. Everyone's wishes are not very strong. They don't want to come. You also know that their country is biased against our Republic and their attitude has always been bad. Many policies are aimed at us. There is no good investment environment, but Zhang Dongfang’s county governor has called someone to call in the past. Sincerely, I have called a dozen entrepreneurs, all of whom are the Eastern County magistrates and the faces of our county. But what happened in the end? Finally, after waiting for a long time, people didn’t even come, even didn’t even say hello, just forgot us. The deputy director named Niu came over again for half an hour, not only The loss, but also fell on with us, and forced us to find out the entrepreneurs to open exchanges with them, how do I find? How do you find me? They did not inform, did not do a good job, put our The industry has been drying up for so long. Now they say that people are coming, and people are going to come over. Is there any reason? I wonder, foreign guests come today? The deputy director of cattle is also received today. How? How did you get along with each other for less than a day? The deputy director of the cow gave the foreigner a way of working without human beings!"

Wang Cheng could not help but interrupt: "You pay attention to the language wording!"

Dong Xuebin said: "The mayor of Wang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I am not rude, as for the last hotel problem you said, they have been so many times, they are coming, the results are not coming, but for a while Besides, we haven't come yet. Where do we know what their trips are? Our county is about to renovate the county party committee, and the economy is not plentiful. Naturally, it can save provinces. Moreover, the central government has always advocated diligence and thrift, so the hotel We also canceled the reservation. In case they didn't come, isn't this a waste of money for the country and the people?" After he paused, he said: "As for my personal contribution to the hotel, I originally wanted to be in the near future. I have a plan to hold a business association, but I haven’t planned it yet. So I want to find some investors who I have written before. Let’s take a look and ask if they have any investment intentions and ask their opinions. Well, I used to The director of the China Merchants Group has also worked as the deputy county magistrate in charge of investment promotion. There are still some contacts in this area, and there are many investors who know each other. So I want them to come over. I naturally have to arrange accommodation. After all, I personally invited, I am not good to go through the county's formal reimbursement, of course, I personally contributed, I can not add a burden to the county."

"What about them?"

"I just knew on the phone that there was something wrong with the trip. I can't come today."

Dong Xuebin’s words are coming from a mouth, and this is also a long mouth that can speak. In his mouth, what black can be said to be white!

Wang Cheng is not a fool. Of course, he also knows that Dong Xuebin is a nonsense. He was also confused by him at the same time, but he has to admit that the deputy director of cattle is indeed not a level with Dong Xuebin in terms of language ability!

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