Power and Wealth

Chapter 1963: [Get up early]

on Monday.

Early in the morning.

Fang Wenping's bedroom.

At eight o'clock, Dong Xuebin slept too late yesterday. At this moment, he was still snoring with the bed, and the result was awakened by the phone.

Bell bell.

It was the secretary Su Yan called.

Dong Xuebin blinked his eyes and put it on his ear. "Hey."

"Dong Shuji, I am Xiaosu." Su Yan said: "Excuse you to rest?"

"It doesn't matter, what time is it?" Dong Xuebin stunned his eyes.

"It's eight o'clock now, are you coming back from the capital? The meeting this morning is..." Su Yan called to ask if the leader can come to work.

Dong Xuebin, um, "I arrived yesterday, but it was too late to go to the provincial capital... I found a hotel to stay. So, the morning meeting was postponed for an hour. I tried to rush back. If I couldn’t go back, it would be afternoon. Open again, let's say hello to everyone."

Su Yan immediately said: "Okay, then I will inform you immediately."

"There is nothing in the county for two days?" Dong Xuebin was awake.

Su Yan replied: "There is no major event, and the results of the China Merchants Cultural Festival are still being consolidated. The projects for these days of cultural festivals have already arrived at the first fund. Some projects have already implemented the second fund. The investment promotion departments of each project are in the process. Follow up, everything goes well."

"Good." Dong Xuebin did not say anything, hung up the phone.

It’s all over, and it’s time to start. Dong Xuebin’s side looked at him. Fang Wenping was still asleep, and he slept very badly. No matter whether it was the phone ringing or the speech of Dong Xuebin and Su Yan, they didn’t wake her up. Fang Wenping turned his back to Dong Xuebin and his breathing rhythm was very well-proportioned. I also felt that the towel on my shoulder had been dropped. At this moment, the belt that had been shackled on the old side last night was still stuck in her neck, and the body was covered with dense red palm prints and scattered wounds.

"Fang sister?"

"Old party?"

"Fang Wenping?"

Dong Xuebin called her a few times and saw her still not moving. Simply pushed her back on her shoulder.

It was only when I saw Fang Wenping's body moving, and the mouth sounded with a sleepy sound, and turned to a flat position, and the eyes still didn't open.

Dong Xuebin knew that she was exhausted. If I had to count the time of Fang Wenping who was tossing with the car yesterday, Dong Xuebin had a serious disaster for the past four hours. Don't say that Fang Wenping is old and physically, that is, the young and young people like Dong Xuebin can't eat it. If Dong Xuebin has reVerSe support, when he can't, he will give his body a step back and restore his strength. He has already been stunned. However, Fang Wenping obviously does not have the special ability of Dong Xuebin. All of this is a hundred pounds. Under such a high-strength toss, the old side is already a muddy mud. If you don’t see the night, Fang Wenping is already stunned and faint.

"It's time to get up."


"Every 8:5, you have to brush your teeth and wash your face. You have to drive in the past. It is time to go to work in the unit. Let's hurry."


Fang Wenping subconsciously responded, but did not open his eyes at all, let alone get up, it is estimated that he has not yet woken up. Bells and bells, Fang Wenping’s phone rang, and she didn’t have the meaning of it. It didn’t seem to be heard, and she didn’t want to move.

The phone is broken.

Dong Xuebin saw her mobile phone, three missed calls, it is estimated that some were called Fang Wenping in the morning. Dong Xuebin’s sleeping fragrance was also not heard. In desperation, Dong Xuebin had to look at the belt around her neck, grab the top of the belt and gently rub it.

Fang Wenping Fang opened his eyes in awakening and looked at Dong Xuebin. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Dong Xuebin also let go of his hand, owed his body, and untied his belt from her neck. People should go to work, and they shouldn’t be so old. When the belt was taken down, Fang Wenping’s neck was separated. The red seal came out, and the red seal circled the neck, but it was not very obvious. Dong Xuebin snorted and threw the belt to his trousers and quickly went to touch the old man's neck.

"Are you hurting?" Dong Xuebin asked.

Fang Wenping licked his face and said, "Nothing."

Dong Xuebin coughed: "What, I was embarrassed yesterday."

Fang Wenping did not care about this nephew. He took off his hair and took the mobile phone and looked at the missed call. He confirmed the time and said: "Get up."

Dong Xuebin, "Want to eat something?"

"All right." Fang Wenping sat up from the bed, grabbed the yukata that was thrown to the ground last night and wrapped it on his body, and went out to the bathroom.

When I bypassed the end of the bed, Dong Xuebin saw that the elbows on the knees of the old side were all black and dirty. It was not so clean. It was obviously crawling out on the ground at night, and the old walking posture was a bit twisted. A little bit awkward, not very strong, especially the two thighs, Dong Xuebin how to feel how weak, leg stomach still squatting from time to time.

"Nothing?" Dong Xuebin is not at ease.

Fang Wenping walked slowly, "not in the way."

Dong Xuebin sat up and said, "Would you like me to help you?"

"Sleep you, I am fine." Fang Wenping has already spoken out of the bedroom.

Dong Xuebin is not prepared to sleep anymore, and he is not eager to brush his teeth and wash his face. Even if he wakes up and rushes back to Jiaoxian County, he will not be able to go to work on time. He must be late, so it doesn’t matter, Dong Xuebin stepped on it. After the slippers came out of bed, I heard the sound of the sprinklers coming from the bathroom, so I went into the kitchen, turned over the refrigerator, and started to make breakfast. Fang Wenping obviously does not open fire, she also does not cook at all, the family has almost no ingredients, there is a box of hard-boiled eggs and do not know who sent the gift box, rice, noodles, and the like can not be found, Salt and sugar were bought by Dong Xuebin when he was cooking with her family last time.

Let's do it.

Spread two eggs and make a pot of egg soup.

Although a bit monotonous is not very rich, but it is enough to eat.

Well done, Dong Xuebin will go out for breakfast, the sound of the bathroom is still there, the old party has not finished the shower, Dong Xuebin can't wait, can't help but screw up the bathroom door, hey, the door is not locked, was He pushed away from the outside. "Sister, can I go in?"

The sound of water stopped.

"What's wrong?" The female voice floated out.

Dong Xuebin said: "Go to the toilet, wash your face again."

Fang Wenping snorted, "just."

Dong Xuebin said: "Then I went in."

He walked into the bathroom sideways. This is not a luxury house. It is a small apartment. The design of the bathroom is blocked by a plastic curtain. The place is also very narrow. Anyway, from the perspective of Dong Xuebin, it can be clearly seen under the curtain of Fang Wenping. The two ankles came, and there was a little bath foam on the ankle. It was estimated that the bath was just flushed. Dong Xuebin did not care. He immediately went to the toilet and then quickly brushed his teeth with the sink. Wash your face.

Brushing your teeth, the curtains are brushed open.

Fang Wenping came out and did not avoid anything. He picked up the hanging towel and began to wipe his body.

Dong Xuebin looked at the old side behind the slant from the mirror until Fang Wenping wiped his hair and body covered with a bath towel and walked out of the bathroom. Dong Xuebin only licked his mouth and felt a little sticky. It was the sweat that was done yesterday. Take a quick rush of hot water.

Washed up.

Dong Xuebin went out in a bathrobe.

Fang Wenping outside had just dressed and sat at the dinner table.

"Eat, it's still hot." Dong Xuebin also did it. He took a poached egg and put it in his mouth and took a bite. "Well, it's okay."

Fang Wenping took the chopsticks and ate it.

After dinner, Dong Xuebin looked at the watch. "A little bit, you have to go, it is time to go to work."

Fang Wenping went back to the house and took his own bag. When he came out, he said, "Give me the door when you leave."

"Well, I can't forget." Dong Xuebin also finished the last bite of egg soup, knowing that it is not convenient for the two to go downstairs together. It must be Fang Wenping to go out first. The reason why I went upstairs yesterday was because the time was too late. There is no one in the room. Everyone is asleep, but now it is the daytime, or the morning peak of work. If people see the two coming out together in the morning, it is definitely not appropriate.

Fang Wenping opened the door.

Dong Xuebin brushed the bowl unhurriedly, then went to the bedroom to clean up the house. The night was too tossed, the sheets were messed up, the chair fell, and the pillows were separated, and it must be sorted out.

Suddenly, there was a voice coming downstairs.

It seems that someone is calling Fang Wenping's name.

"Wen Ping!"

"Wen Ping, I will send you."

When Dong Xuebin sneaked, he sneaked into the window and pulled a little curtain through the window gap to look down. Suddenly, the provincial cultural department director Xiao Dongnan entered the line of sight and held a red rose in his hand. Flower, behind his car, opposite is Fang Wenping who just went downstairs.

I saw Fang Wenping boarding his face. "Old Xiao, are you not finished?"

Xiao Dongnan smiled and said: "Nothing else~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It’s pretty good to see this flower on the road. I feel very suitable for you, I bought it."

Fang Wenping said: "No need."

"I bought it, you just take it." Xiao Dongnan handed it forward.

Many people who got up early in the surrounding community paid attention to their sights. Little young people sent roses to chase small girls. This time everyone saw more, but a 40-year-old grandfather sent roses to chase a woman in her forties. This scene is still not very common.

"I said no need!" Fang Wenping said.

Xiao Dongnan said: "Then I will send you to work, the way to go." Suddenly, "Hey, how is your neck red? Hey, how is your hand..."

Fang Wenping's cold state: "Take your own affairs and do your own job!" After that, Fang Wenping went to the Land Rover not far away and drove himself off.

Left Xiao Dongnan holding a bunch of flowers, very embarrassing. (To be continued...)

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