Power and Wealth

Chapter 1971: [Experts are coming! 】


On the green hills.

“How far is it?” Zhang Dongfang panted.

"It's quite far away, Zhang County magistrate." Village secretary Xiao Chengdao.

Zhang Dongfang waved his hand. "Call, no, I have to take a break."

Someone will come up immediately. "I will help you with the county magistrate. You will sit down and rest."

Zhang Dongfang’s small two hundred pounds of fluttered and trembled. After just climbing for ten minutes, he could not hold on. The people who were accompanying the county government quickly took care of the county magistrate, and helped him to sit down and give him Take the mineral water, the pedestrians who went up the mountain had no choice but to stop.

"Sorry, Secretary Dong." Zhang Dongfang wiped the sweat and gasped: "I’m old, I think I’m too thin when I was young. It’s such a high hill that I’m climbing from the bottom to the top without breathing. Hey, the years are not forgiving, it’s not done now, it’s not.”

Dong Xuebin cares: "Is it okay?"

"It doesn't matter, I will slow down after a break." Zhang Dongfang is also not good for the county party secretary to wait for him. "You should go first, don't worry about me."

Dong Xuebin said: "Where is it?"

Zhang Dongfang said: "Xiao Xiao, you should bring Dong Secretary up, I will come later."

Dong Xuebin shook his head. "Let's do it. You will help Zhang County to go up the mountain for a while. I will go see it alone, Xiao Xiao, which direction?"

Xiao Cheng said: "This day is getting dark. You don't know the road. The mountain road is not good enough to go out again. This is how do you do it alone?" Xiao Cheng worked here for five or six years. It is also considered a local, half of the local people, knowing the situation of Qinglan Mountain, this dare to take people up the mountain, if you change other people, who is such a bald mountain wilderness will go up and climb up. If you get lost, it is going to kill people.

"You will point me out." Dong Xuebin did not listen.

Xiao Cheng had no choice but to point to the above: "Go there, there will be a small road for a while, turn left, and you will see it for ten minutes."

Dong Xuebin thought for a moment. “Is there a slender strip of rock a few meters high?”

Xiao Chengyi said, "It’s the road that goes up five minutes to the rock. How do you know?" He looked up and confirmed that it was impossible to see the rock here. It was too far away and there were many trees in the middle. Blocked. He did not understand how Dong Xuebin knew.

Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "This mountain I have been here before, OK, then I will know the road. You take care of Zhang County magistrate, I will go first."

Zhang Dongfang loudly said: "Attention, learn to learn, be careful."

"Get it." Dong Xuebin waved his hand. I went up.

Why did Dong Xuebin know this? Because he had been here before, for this ancient tomb, Dong Xuebin came to the mountain very early in the morning, and almost climbed the whole mountain along the path, while crawling and taking things and digging, although the last There is nothing to gain, but at least there is a general understanding of Qinglan Mountain, and his sense of direction is also very strong. Therefore, Xiao Chengyi said that Dong Xuebin immediately recalled the very characteristic rock. On this bald mountain, the rock was regarded as a landmark road sign.

One minute……

five minutes……

Xiao Cheng said that in more than ten minutes, Dong Xuebin only took seven or eight minutes to arrive.

Just as soon as it passed, there was light coming into sight, not the glow of the setting sun, but the artificial searchlight. The brightness was very glaring.


"Dong Shuji?"

"How come you came in person?"

The staff who were building the temporary headquarters and some related facilities there saw Dong Xuebin and rushed to greet them. There are people in the Cultural Bureau and people in the Public Security Bureau. Obviously, before everyone was idle, you can see that the cordon has been pulled up a large range, and several hundred meters around it have been circled. Several large tents have also been raised, and the searchlights are on the trees. Basically arranged.

Dong Xuebin patrolled a circle and couldn’t help but say: “Everyone has worked hard, haven’t eaten yet?”

"It's not hard, we should." Cultural Museum Liuchang said: "I haven't eaten yet, but the villagers have already sat down. We are going to eat on the mountain, because there are still some things that are busy, after we have finished it." Going down the mountain, it’s time to stay with a few people."

Dong Xuebin looked to the side, and there was a fire, and a pot was set up. Several villagers in Qingbei Village who took them up the mountain were cooking for everyone. Many tents and related equipment were estimated to be shared by several fellows when they went up the mountain. For a large part, it is impossible for more than twenty people who rely on their cultural relics protection team to bring in so many things. It is hard to estimate them themselves.

"Fellow." Dong Xuebin hurried up. "Thank you, let everyone follow us a bit, I am sorry."

A middle-aged man smiled sternly. "What thank you for this? Xiao Shuji told us that we will take a trip and don't bother. If you want to eat or move something, call us."

Dong Xuebin said: "That is not suitable, let you run back and forth."

Middle-aged humanity: "We all pick herbs in the mountains all the year round. You feel tired when you climb mountains. We are all commonplace. It is uncomfortable not to climb twice a day."

Another young villager said: "Two uncles, the meal is good."

The middle-aged man called everyone to eat, and he also had a bowl of soup sitting on the ground to drink.

It is said that cooking is actually a pot of miscellaneous soup, there is no oil, but it is good to have something to eat with the mountain.

Dong Xuebin called Liu Guanchang, "The money of the fellows, don't forget when you get there, you can give more when you get it every day. When you go to the county, you can go to the county."

Liu Guanchang nodded slightly, "I can’t forget it."

Everyone was hungry, and they all put down their work to eat.

Dong Xuebin looked back and saw a person turning over the cordon belt and bending over. At that end, the staff member had already marked it and inserted a flag to mark the position. It was obviously the place where the bronze mirror was dug. Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief, walked slowly to the front and stood there, kneeling down and rubbing the small hole that had been cut, and drumming for a long time but did not dare to dig, he was afraid of causing damage.

At this time, Zhang Dongfang and others were late.

The people in the working group are busy putting down the bowl and wanting to meet.

Zhang Dongfang was screaming and letting them continue to eat. They looked at Dong Xuebin over there and also opened the cordon.

"Dong Shuji."


"right here?"

"Well, the bronze mirror is dug out here."

Zhang Dongfang also looked down with Dong Xuebin for a long time. At the end, he whispered: "You said that under this piece of land, can you really have a tomb? It doesn't look like it."

Dong Xuebin said: "This requires professional equipment and professional confirmation. If there is an ancient tomb, then it will be dug one by one, peeling off layer by layer. At that time, the tomb will be exposed. Now it is definitely not seen. If you come out, which excavation work does not take months or even years, it takes a lot of work. If you don’t care about the tomb, you can dig it directly. They don’t care about the historical value of the tomb. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. They only Look at the valuable funerary objects inside, but we can't do it."

Zhang Dongfang nodded and touched the land. "I hope I can have good news."

"The man will arrive soon, and you will see it in a moment." Dong Xuebin looked at the watch, Mu Zhengzhong, they should get off the plane early. There is no signal on his mobile phone, and there is no way to contact him, but he has already called Su Yan. I left it to Teacher Mu. I don't have to worry about this. Su Yan has been waiting at the airport. Dong Xuebin passed him. When he received the person, he immediately rushed over to Qinglan Mountain.


it's dark.

Several fellow villagers have gone down the mountain.

However, when I saw that Dong Shuji and Zhang’s county magistrate did not have the meaning of going down the mountain, they still spoke there. The people in the working group saw that there was no one left. After the installation of the equipment and the installation of the facilities were completed, there were more A searchlight was opened and the scene was highlighted.

Finally, at around 7:40, the flashlight of the flashlight came from the bottom of the mountain.

Xiao Cheng and two local villagers brought Su Yan and several middle-aged people.

"Mu teacher, all the hard work." Dong Xuebin smiled after seeing people.

The people in Jiaozuo County's working group obviously recognized many of them, and they did not expect that Dong Shuji had invited such a famous figure, and that the family had come to Qinglan Mountain.犄角旮旯? For a time, everyone wants to get up, is there really an ancient tomb here? Could it be true that Secretary Dong gave the guess? Does the cat encounter a dead mouse? No way?

Mu Zhengzhong was also very tired. In the afternoon, he rushed to catch the plane. He came to Jiaoxian County without stopping, and climbed up the mountain again and again. They were not old enough. This physical exertion is conceivable. Knowing that everyone has seen sweat and exhaustion on their heads, but what is surprising is that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a few people are tired and tired, but their eyes seem to be full of body and spirit.

"Xue Bin, let me introduce you first." Mu Zhengzhong pointed to the two people next to him. "This is the old Chu of the archaeological team. This is the old man who is a researcher at the Palace-Bo-Wu-Yuan."

"Chu Chu, Teacher Meng." Dong Xuebin went up and shook hands with them. "It’s hard work." After the introduction, Zhang Dongfang was introduced. "This is Zhang Dongfang Zhang."

Zhang Dongfang also made a few words with them.

The teacher of Chu of the archaeological team is the most anxious of several people. If he doesn’t know what people are saying, he immediately says, “Where is the thing?”

Liu Guanchang also heard the introduction just now. Seeing that the other party is an archaeological team, he couldn’t help but awe. He took the box wrapped in bronze mirror and took him up the mountain according to Dong Xuebin’s instructions.

Teacher Chu’s result box opened.

Mu Zhengzhong and the teacher Meng also gathered up, put on gloves and took things out to take a look at the light carefully. At the end, several people looked at each other and nodded hard. (To be continued...)

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