Power and Wealth

Chapter 1980: 【0天宴】

On the mountain.

The overall situation has been set.

Yang Gang, secretary of the county party committee of Yanbei County, is not willing to mention it. He is one hundred and eighty reluctant, and he has a stomach to argue, but the secretary of the municipal party committee has set the tone, they have no way to change it. There is no room for reversal, so Yang Gang can only take the people in their county to the ash, and help the injured, and take it to the tomb. The equipment, everyone's face is gray, and the dog of the family walks down the mountain.

This time, Yanbei County really lost his wife and lost his soldiers.

Originally, I wanted to follow the tension between the city and Jiaozuo County to make a breakthrough. I took the ancient tombs under my own county name and took this cheap and political achievements. Whoever thought that people had just come was given a letter by Dong Xuebin. In the end, the ancient tomb was still approved to the territory of Jiaolin County. The face of Yanbei County was gone, and there were more than a dozen wounded people. The benefits were not saved. They were comfortable.

"Live it!"

"It’s finally gone!"

"This group of people is owing!"

"Look at us, are you honest now?"

The staff in Jiaolin County were very deflated and whispered together to talk about it.

The winner is always tolerant, Dong Xuebin said: "Don't talk about it. The staff of the injured person in Yanbei County may not be enough. Several people will help them. Others will continue to work." Yanbei County itself There are not many people, twenty or thirty. Now, a dozen people have been injured. There are still a few broken fractures in front of them. They were taken down by the Yanbei County and sent to the hospital. This is even more stressful. It’s not enough to hold one. Two of the wounded can only walk side by side while holding the tree.

Help them?

What are you doing for them?

The words of Dong Xuebin are still very weighty. At the moment, Jiao Xiang County, Dong Xuebin is basically a word. The following people are very convinced.

Su Yan went to arrange people right away.

Jiaojing County vacated five or six people to help Yanbei County.

Qian Litao and the people in the city also noticed the move of Jiaolin County. They couldn’t help but look down on Dong Xuebin’s face, which was quite unexpected.

Can Dong Xuebin help them?

Everyone who knows him knows that this is not such a gentle master!

However, Dong Xuebin still did this, very generous, and also very leadership style, showing the overall situation of the county's top leaders and the spirit of due diligence. From this point, it can be seen that Dong Xuebin is not the one. The head is blue. More and more mature, although psychologically certainly have their own emotions and ideas, but at least can pretend to come, so that no one can speak.

"What are you doing?"

"You don't have to help!"

"Go on the side! We can go by ourselves!"

"I said don't touch us! Did you hear it?"

The angry voices of several people in Yanbei County came from the mountainside below, as if they did not appreciate it at all. Not only did not let the people in Jiaolin County help, but they were screaming at their good intentions.

At the end, the people who went to help in Jiaolin County came back, "The secretary, they..."

Dong Xuebin said: "I heard it, you go on, there is a need to help the lining. I will send them down after the mountain, people are injured after all, no matter what misunderstanding, we have to be responsible. In the final analysis. They are all their own comrades."

The few people were very reluctant. They said that they had bitten Lu Dongbin and helped them with what they did, but they would not defy the orders of Secretary Dong and once again caught up.

Su Yan looked. I also admire Dong Shuji.

Teacher Chu smiled and said to Mu Zhengzhong: "This little Dong secretary..." immediately gave a vertical thumb.

The leaders in the city are also clearly seen. Hearing clearly, he couldn’t help but shook his head slightly. Compared with the style of Jiaolin County, Yanbei County was really a little smug, and he could understand it emotionally, but he also saw it clearly, in this matter. On the first, the Yanbei County from the beginning to the end of the lost Jiaoling County, ah, ah, or more accurately, is Yang Gang lost Dong Xuebin.

Dong Xuebin...

Dong Xuebin...

Aside from others, this is really a very smart person!

It’s really no accident that I’ve done this position so young!



Both Qian Litao and the leaders of the city have inspected almost, and they are all preparing to go down the mountain. So Dong Xuebin also invited Mu Zhengzhong and the other two teachers to accompany the leaders of Zhang Dongfang and several Jiaojiao counties to go down the mountain. After eating, it is impossible for the leader to come back and go back. I must have a hospitality. Several teachers are here too. Yesterday, people have been busy since they came. They have gone up the mountain in the morning, and they are hot. The rice has not been eaten well, and Dong Xuebin must also be enthusiastic about it. In the end, there are some staff members of Jiaozuo County Cultural Relics Protection Group and Xiao Dongnan who have arranged for more than a dozen cultural relics departments in Qinglan Mountain from today. Xiao Dongnan himself and several provincial cultural department cadres Also eat with them together.

The group of people continued to descend.

As soon as I approached the foot of the mountain, the cell phone signal was also sufficient.

Everyone is busy, there are a lot of things, the phone or the information is screaming, and the leaders are all going to call and answer the phone.

Dong Xuebin is discussing with Zhang Dongfang where is the right meal. After all, this is a big happy event. Everyone who successfully won the ancient tomb is in a good mood today. It’s always a good meal, and so many leaders and important people are in the dinner. It is also impossible to be slow.

As I said, Dong Xuebin’s phone also rang, and quickly set up the hotel with Zhang Dongfang. Dong Xuebin took the call and answered, “Mom.”

There is Xiao Xiaoping's phone over there. "Son, why?"

"Being busy, is there something? Or will you go back and say?" Dong Xuebin said.

Yan Xiaoping said with a smile: "Of course there is something~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I haven’t signaled you for a long time."

Dong Xuebin glanced, "I am with the mountain, just down, what do you say?"

Yan Xiaoping said: "I have told you about it at home? Huilan’s mother is not letting our family take the lead. They have to do it, and say to Xiaodong to re-do a hundred-day banquet. The time is set. On this Saturday, I will call you. Just to inform you, this Friday to come to Beijing, the rest of you do not use anything, your mother-in-law also knows that you are busy, the rest of the things we will do."

Dong Xuebin grinned: "Or don't you do it? It's too much trouble, I can't do it, I won't go."

"What is this trouble, the full moon will not be done, and it will always be a hundred days. This is exquisite." Xiaoping Xiaoping is not happy: "You are not coming? Your son is a hundred days, what do you want to do?" ”

"I am busy, can't walk."

"Mother doesn't care, you have to come back!"

"Get it, then I try to be."

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