Power and Wealth

Chapter 20: [mixed with you? 】


At about 10 o'clock in the morning, Guo Shunjie, who had taken the task with Zhou Changchun's office, returned to his desk and frowned with the thick document. He stood up again and smiled and walked to Dong Xuebin, who was making the form. Put the document on his desk. "Xiao Dong, don't you be busy? You can proofread this document. Director Zhou said that there are too many wrong words. You should change it properly, and pay close attention to it. Director Zhou will use it in the afternoon."

Is this your job?

However, Dong Xuebin also wants to do a good job in colleague relations. He said: "Oh, I will get it right away."

Guo Shunjie nodded with a thumbs up and sat back. He sipped his Erlang legs and drank tea. It was easy and leisurely.

At 11:30, Dong Xuebin and Tan Limei went upstairs to send a file.

On the way, Tan Limei whispered: "Does Guo Shunjie let him do his work?"

Dong Xuebin snorted, "Colleagues, help each other."

"Hey, what should I? I tell you, Guo Shunjie is very good at his relationship with the political commissar of the branch. He always takes the old man’s shelf to call the new person. It seems that he is a comprehensive leader. I haven’t been there since I first came. Helping him run his errands can be hateful, right.” Tan Limei pressed down some of the voices again: “Before you and Sun Zhuang came together, there was a pretty good guy who let Guo Shunjie squeezing away, all day long. If you let people do this, who can afford it?"

Dong Xuebin heard a glimpse, "Is this something?"

"What do I lie to you?" Tan Limei no longer said, "In short, be careful with yourself."

"Well, thank you for reminding." Dong Xuebin felt in his heart that the organs and schools were really far apart.

At the lunch break, Dong Xuebin returned the document to Guo Shunjie, "Guo Ge, done."

Guo Shunjie did not speak, and he took a few pages in his hand. At the end, he smiled and nodded. "Well, it’s hard." Seeing Guo Panwei and Chang Juan, several people took the meal ticket and went out to eat in the cafeteria. Guo Shunjie Just pat the vacancies around him, "Xiao Dong, sit, let's talk."

Dong Xuebin suspiciously, and slowly settled down, "You said."

When the two of them were left behind, Guo Shunjie smiled and said: "I see that you are very smart, more than Sun Zhuangqiang, how are you going to develop in the future? Have you thought about it? Are there any goals? "A demeanor of a leader and a subordinate."

Dong Xuebin sighed in his heart and said, "It’s nothing. The position of my civil servant is not stable enough to sit down. I want to do a good job first." It’s not a civil servant’s life. In the iron rice bowl, according to the regulations, if the civil servant who has just been admitted to the agency has been led by the leader for a “bad review” for two consecutive years, I heard that it will be automatically dismissed. Of course, there are very few institutions that will do this unless you really The performance is too bad or offended by what leadership.

Guo Shunjie smiled. "Let's don't play with the vain. Let's do it for a few days. I heard that?" He said that he is a good thing to do with the political commissar. "Xiao Dong, as long as you Follow me later, let's say anything, I will go one step at the next next year. When I want to promote you, isn't it a simple matter? You can't eat your loss!" Some words are very explicit.

Hey, what does this mean? Pull me? Mixed with you?

You are not a leader, can I mix with you?

Dong Xuebin understands that if he becomes his follow-up, Guo Shunjie will certainly support him in the future. When he takes the bag and pour tea, he will let him do it. As for the promotion? Let's go, do you promote me? How do you promote me? Let me not say if you have this energy. If you let me call it, I will throw it. Where can I go? This is a blank check!

Dong Xuebin wants to be promoted, but he has not been stunned by these, and after calmly analyzing it, he took a tone: "Guo Ge, thank you for your trust, but I just entered the comprehensive office, what work has not yet I understand it, now I want to do my work in a down-to-earth manner. You see..." There is no way to refute the euphemism. According to Dong Xuebin’s intention, he does not want to offend people, and he does not want to offend a person with background.

Wen Yan, Guo Shunjie's face changed. "The opportunity is in front of you. Can you think about it?" He is asking the political commissar to give himself a position in the game. If he can take office smoothly next year, Guo Shunjie will have to think about it. Take one or two hands, so that you can quickly establish a prestige in a new environment. Whoever thinks that he just had the idea of ​​recruiting Dong Xuebin, he was rejected by the other party, which made Guo Shunjie lose face.

Dong Xuebin hesitated and hesitated, or said: "Thank you Guo Ge, but I..."

Guo Shunjie put his face down, and waited for him to finish his hand and left. "I don't know how to be good!" He counted Dong Xuebin as hateful.

Dong Xuebin took a forehead and got it. When he first entered the agency, he offended his colleague!

Two o'clock in the afternoon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Guo Shunjie walked out from the small office of Deputy Director Zhou and didn't even return to his seat. He went straight to the computer of Dong Xuebin and threw a file to him. Don't mess with the order, use it before four in the afternoon!" That is simply the tone of the order.

All the people in the comprehensive office looked at it with concern and did not understand how Xiao Dong offended Guo Shunjie.

Dong Xuebin’s heart was in the air, and this only saw Guo Shunjie’s face, and he wanted to give him a kick!

I am mixed with you to give you the time to follow the class. If you don't mix with you, you have to work for you. I don't even give me the opportunity to choose. I am not so overbearing! ?

What the **** is this man!

After a while, Guo Shun went to the toilet and smoked. Tan Limei and the pile and others were concerned: "Banzi, what happened?"

Dong Xuebin said with a strong smile: "Nothing."

Seeing that he didn't want to say, Tan Limei didn't ask much, and they all went back to their own stalls.

On the other side, Guo Panwei looked at Dong Xuebin’s face and his eyes turned a little. “Xiao Dong, isn’t it busy?” He pointed to the paper box under his feet. “A little thing, you will help finance later. I will send it over there, I can't leave it here, and I will give it to you." Seeing Dong Xuebin is a good call, Guo Panwei also assigned him a task. After that, he knocked on the door of Zhou Changchun's office. A look of diligently gave the leader the tea to the water.

Your uncle! !

Endless, isn't it! ?

Dong Xuebin almost screamed, a Guo Shunjie, a Guo Panwei, are not good things!

He cuts the meaning of what is called "people are deceived by people". When he fists, Dong Xuebin feels that he needs to do something. He can't always be "passively beaten", otherwise he will not have to turn over again in the future!

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