Power and Wealth

Chapter 290: [Being the disciplinary committee please go! 】

Chapter [Being the Disciplined Commission, please go! 】 (two more)

The next day, eight in the morning.

County People's Hospital, the fifth floor ward area.

Yan Xiaoping was lying on the netg and drinking the warm water from Dong Xuebin. He looked at his son with relief. "Bin, Mom has told you how many times, Mom is fine, and anywhere is fine. The doctor does not say that he basically spent the time." Dangerous period, there is no risk after installing the bracket, Mom does not know, you, have been with my mother for two days, how to do your work? Go back to work, Mom alone to take care of themselves. ”

"I have taken time off, the unit is fine."

"This child is getting more and more disobedient." Yan Xiaoping said to him, and his heart was still happy.

Dong Xuebin looked at the watch. "I am very jealous. They said that they came to see you in the morning. I guess it is coming. I will pick them upstairs."

Yan Xiaoping said, "Is it not for you to tell your family? It’s all right."

"I didn't say that your business is going to the newspaper soon. Who doesn't know."

"Hey? On the newspaper?" Xiao Xiaoping was amazed.

"No, I am such a metaphor, huh, huh, I am going downstairs."

When Dong Xuebin went downstairs, he called and yelled at them. After the downstairs, the family members arrived. Dong Xuebin greeted Datun Erzhen and Tang Yan, and they went upstairs, and said the mother’s condition and recovery. There is nothing wrong with it for the time being, that is, there are more to eat in the future. Into the ward, and the big coward and the big coward, they asked for a cold, and Xiao Xiaoping sat up with a smile and talked with the family.

"Brother." Tang Yan was angry and angry. "What about Meng Xianglin?"

Dong Xuebin looked at him. "What did your boyfriend tell you? He knows a lot."

Tang Yu muttered: "He is also a public security system. Now people who don't know, this old king, eight lambs, if it is not him, I can't get heart disease, right, I heard that the old name of Meng. Did the elevator have an accident? It’s a half-death? Live it!”

Dong Xuebin smirked her head in a funny way. "Don't say dirty words, let your mother hear you."

"It's just what it is! This kind of person is deserving of it! It is only when he falls to death that he will get rid of it!" Tang said.

The two widows heard it and looked back at the daughter. "You click."

When mentioning Meng Xianglin, Dong Xuebin remembered that he still didn't know how he was doing. He didn't care about it yesterday. He thought about it. When he saw the big sister, they looked at the mother. Dong Xuebin left the ward and grabbed one. The nurse who walked past the tray, "Slightly wait, ask something."

The nurse looked at Dong Xuebin and didn't know him. "You said."

"Which ward is Comrade Meng Xianglin?" Dong Xuebin asked.

This layer is a kind of single-person ward similar to a high-dry ward. Most people who can live in are those who are somewhat identifiable. When Dong Xuebin calls the word "comrade", the nurse looks like a sergeant and knows that he may be a county cadre. In this era, in addition to the political cadres, most people often say "comrade", the nurse refers to the end of the corridor. "The third ward is the one that turns."

"Thank you, how is his physical condition?"

"Maybe... not very good."

"Is it?" Dong Xuebin walked toward the distant ward.

At the door, Dong Xuebin saw a picture of Meng Xianglin lying down inside. A young man who might be his child was feeding him with a cup, but Dong Xuebin was wrong. Meng Xianglin was completely different from what he saw yesterday. Like a person, the mouth is also awkward, and the chin is also oblique. After drinking a sip of water, there is still some flow along the corner of the mouth, and the hand under the quilt has been shaking.

this is?

Dong Xuebin went to the medical care room and called out Dr. Liu and asked Meng Xianglin about the situation.

Dr. Liu told him that Director Meng was over-excited. He had a lot of anger yesterday. Coupled with cerebral thrombosis, he was judged to be cerebral congestion after he checked out yesterday. He was rescued immediately, although there is no life threatening, but there is no life threatening. The situation is not too optimistic, you must know that cerebral cerebral hemorrhage is the same as a myocardial infarction. It is not good when people say that it is not good. Now Meng Xianglin’s symptoms are dizziness and slight limb hemiplegia. Come, need further conditioning treatment.

Brain congestion?

Dong Xuebin said that it was a report and a report.

Are you not scaring my mother? Are you not threatening my mother? Let's be honest!

When I went downstairs, Dong Xuebin slipped into the hospital courtyard and sat on a bench and ordered a cigarette. This time, I cleaned up the bad breath, grabbed Zhang Zhifeng, scared Meng Xianglin, and reported the old The mother’s hatred has added a block to the road, and it has stirred up the Japanese investigation team. However, Dong Xuebin also knows that things will definitely not be finished. So big, a loss, how can he be a county party secretary? Eat white? The investment of the delegation is a very important political achievement. If you do this yourself, it is equal to the face of the public!

The bell rings and the phone rings.

At first glance, it is Hu Silin’s number.

"Hey, Hu sister." Dong Xuebin picked up the phone.

Hu Silin said: "The county committee has just opened a meeting, and there are other things in this meeting. But in the middle of the day, the secretary turned to the investment in the investigation, saying that some investors have reacted with him to the law enforcement of the Public Security Bureau. The way is too rude, criticizing you to the secretary, saying that this has seriously affected the investor's impression of Yantai County." It should be that Dong Xuebin played two Japanese things with the hotel.

Dong Xuebin’s eyes, I am rude? Is it that those who first tried to hinder law enforcement in Japan have become rude?

They have to do it when they do it! I can't do it with their rude resistance? What the **** is my mother!

Hu Silin said: "I heard from the county magistrate that the secretary may have something to do, and you have a little heart recently."

"Hu Jie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thank you for your reminder, thank you."


Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief and knew that he had to move himself. When he was going to arrest the people of the delegation, he had prepared for this. There was no big accident.

However, Dong Xuebin thought of this, but did not expect it to be so fast!

Just waiting for this cigarette u was annihilated by Dong Xuebin. In the distance, an old Santana stopped there. Two people were middle-aged in the car. They had to go to the hospital gate and they suddenly saw the outside bench. Dong Xuebin, a footstep, turned and walked over.

"...is Comrade Dong Xuebin?" asked one person.

Dong Xuebin frowned, never seen these two, "Which?"

One of them gave him a document to see him. "Our County Commission for Discipline Inspection, please take a trip with us."

The Commission for Discipline Inspection has come? ?

Dong Xuebin’s heart sank.

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