Power and Wealth

Chapter 307: 【Very white! 】

Chapter 7 [very white! 】

This morning.

All airport t2 hall.

The tourist peak of the net festival has not yet arrived, but the airport is still a sea of ​​people, and it is a sight of people. Dong Xuebin took a suitcase and walked in front. He took the boarding pass he had just hit and found the 15 boarding gate. Behind it, a beautiful coat of smocked coat followed, with a thick white on her face. The mask, the head of the dish, the hesitant and nervous look from time to time in the soft voice.

"Xiao Bin." Yan Meixia gritted his teeth and looked at him. "Is it really going?"

Dong Xuebin was sweating. "I have said this time, of course, I have to go."

"I... I am not mentally prepared, I am..." Yan Meixia's heart is 1uan.

"What are you?" Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly.

"No, it's okay." Her teeth bit her lip, "Go."

Dong Xuebin is not a big sister, but at this time she also understands her complicated mood. She wants to do surgery, and she is afraid of the failure of the operation. She lost her hope, plus the first time she flies, goes abroad for the first time, or some "The instinct of the word." Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin did not mean to be impatient. He smiled and comforted her a few words and expressed his strong confidence in the success of the operation.

Waiting for the plane is a very boring thing.

The flight to Seoul was delayed, and the boarding gate opened only after 9:00. After the flight of the airport falls, the plane will usually open to the boarding gate to dock with the landing platform. Passengers can go directly to the plane as soon as they check in and enter the boarding gate. The same is true when they are off the plane. It is very convenient, unlike At some airports in other provinces and cities, it is necessary to take a ferry and ride passengers for seven or eight minutes to get to the plane near the runway and then board the plane.

After checking the boarding pass, Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia got on the plane.

The left three rows and the right three rows are small aircraft, and the space inside the aircraft is not very large.

When taking the boarding pass, Dong Xuebin deliberately chose an adjacent seat with the big sister. In the position behind the wing, he walked over and put down the bag. Dong Xuebin first let Yan Meixia sit in the innermost window, then Just lift the small suitcase with the two clothes over the top of the head, stuff it on top, then sit in the middle position, take out a deck of cards from the pocket, open the bezel and play with the big sister, idle and idle. With.

Slowly, the boarding team is finishing.

At this time, a man with a small eye sat next to Dong Xuebin. He should be a Korean. He said something in a language that Dong Xuebin couldn’t understand at all. He yelled at the three people in front of him. Obviously, the one in front is also with him. Dong Xuebin saw that when two people were carrying luggage in front, a translucent rubber bag could glimpse a training suit with a Taekwondo. The man in his forties was a black belt, and the man in his 30s was a red belt. It may be the Korean Taekwondo Hall.

At the beginning, Dong Xuebin didn't care, and continued to play with the big sister.

After a while, Dong Xuebin suddenly sat next to him. The young man always looked at Yan Meixia’s face. It’s not enough to see it. It’s almost every ten seconds, and it’s in Korean and the front. Speaking of something, the front of the cockroaches also turned back and glanced at Mei Meixia's face. Because the big sister's scar is deeper and longer, a mask can't cover it all, and the right side of the face is still showing some, and those people must be watching the scar.

Yan Meixia saw so many people look at her, shaking her hand and busy covering her face.

Dong Xuebin can't do it, "Look what!"

Jin Xizhen frowned, even if he couldn’t understand Chinese, he knew that the other party did not say good things. He stared at Dong Xuebin’s eyes and said coldly in Korean: "What are you calling!"

Dong Xuebin’s eyes glimpsed, “What are you swearing about! You can’t say anything!”

Jin Xizhen looked annoyed. "Do you Chinese people have this quality?"

Dong Xuebin couldn't understand his words, but some people understood it. A young guy in the back row stood up and said, "Bang! Who are you?" The accent is a Beijing man.

Dong Xuebin looked at him. "Man, what are you talking about?"

The international student anger said: "He, we Chinese have no quality!"

"Mammy!" Dong Xuebin fired, pointing to the Korean person: "You **** from the time you sit down and staring at my big sister's face! Also we have no quality? Do you know how to write the quality word? Ah? "Funny!" When the voice turned, Dong Xuebin pointed to the person in front of the row who was practicing Taekwondo and said: "There are people who are thirty or forty years old! You have a little face and no face? Also tell me Quality? Quality your uncle!"

The Beijing guy laughed, "Oh, good!"

There are still a lot of Chinese people in the cabin. Seeing that the Koreans came to a map gun attack, they also smashed.

"This little bang! Oh!"

"The big sister is hurt, you are still staring at people's faces, not killing you!"

In the front row, Han Shangyu and Park Enzhi looked at Dong Xuebin with a black face. The Korean language in his mouth continued. "What happened to you? Why are you really? You are who you are!"

Dong Xuebin said with a sullen face: "You two are less blinking with me! Is it owing?"

Jin Xizhen saw Dong Xuebin even his two teachers also slammed on it, and immediately stood up and grabbed Dong Xuebin's collar.

Dong Xuebin was happy, but he also grabbed him. "Sucking, still do it with me? If you practice Taekwondo, you don't know what your name is? OK! Practice!"

Yan Meixia hurriedly pulled him, "Xiao Bin, don't fight, forget it."

The flight attendant heard the sound and hurriedly pulled the frame.

Dong Xuebin is not a person without a brain. This is not Yantai County. It’s good to go out or low-key. You can’t mess with things. Dong Xuebin doesn’t want to cause trouble, but it’s about the big sister, a woman who has just been ruined. Being stared at the face like this, it seems like a joke, who can get it? This is the most basic quality, and people who are a little moral will not do this! Can these Koreans not only reveal the scars of the elder sister, but also quite reasonable? How does Dong Xuebin endure? What's more, he has never had a good impression of Koreans.

Dong Xuebin has always been an angry youth.

Outside, although the Republic has not had much dispute with South Korea, accusations, swearing, these external voices are rare, but the Koreans have something to do but they can’t help but make a fire. A very disgusting incident, the news did not broadcast, but the newspaper and the Internet were clearly cleared, and then traced back to a year ago, the events of two years ago, think about it.

The plane is about to open.

Under the dissuasion of the two flight attendants, the rack still did not fight.

Jin Xizhen sat down on the fire and tied the seat belt. He also said to the two teachers in front.

After Han Shangyu and Park Enzhi accused the flight attendant of a few words in English, they looked at Dong Xuebin and also looked back and stabilized.

"What!" Dong Xuebin said.

"Xiao Bin, don't say it, I, I'm fine." Yan Meixia whispered.

Dong Xuebin patted her leg. "Don't ignore their jealousy, a bunch of things that are lacking in mind!"

Yan Meixia, my heart is very warm.

More than an hour later, the airport.

Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia got off the plane and saw Jin Xizhen, a few people who practiced Taekwondo, walked in front. Dong Xuebin exchanged a cold sight with them, and then took the big sister out of the airport and prepared to take a taxi to find a hotel. under. However, the trouble has come. Although the hospital has a good connection, the hotel has not yet. Dong Xuebin is planning to find a place near the hospital, but the language is unreasonable.

"Man, do you want to help?" The Beijing youth who had translated Korean into Dong Xuebin on the plane came up.

Dong Xuebin said that he just took out a piece of paper. "Do you know this hospital? I want to go to a hotel nearby."

The man smiled and said: "Well, I will help you get a taxi."

"Thank you, how do you call it?"

"Li An, I am going to college with this."

"I Dong Xuebin, take my sister to see a doctor."

When I was waiting for the car, the two of them simply got to know each other. They were all from Beijing. The ages were not too different, so they talked very speculatively. After a while, the taxi came. Li An stopped the car and said something to the driver in Korean. Then he turned and said: "Dong Ge, I told the master, go directly to the hotel."

Dong Xuebin patted him. "Thank you, thank you."

"Hey, go out and help each other out." Li Anhe smiled and said: "Let's say you are addicted to the plane. I have to practice swearing when I go back. Compared with you, I am not a level." ”

Dong Xuebin was a little embarrassed. As a national cadre, he was confronted with people and he did not have a good influence.

Four Rings Hotel.

In the front lobby, Dong Xuebin repeated with the other side in English. After he passed the college English test, he let go of it. Now it has been more than a year and two years ago. It’s almost forgotten. It’s so lame, it’s good for each other. The students have a strong understanding ability, and it takes ten minutes to make the room open.

Dong Xuebin took the room card and walked forward, and pressed the elevator.

I don’t know what happened to Mei Xiaxia, my face is very hot, and my mouth is yin.

"Oh?" Dong Xuebin’s side, "has changed his mind? Khan, you are all here."

"No, no." Yan Meixia quickly waved her hand and blushed: "You, you opened a room... a room? Let's... let's live together... is it..."

Dong Xuebin snorted. "It's a big suite with two bedrooms."

As soon as I heard it, Yan Meixia breathed a sigh of relief. "Sorry, I, I don't know."

"Cough, nothing, go, go upstairs."

Originally, Dong Xuebin did not feel anything, so that the elder sister said so, he also had a strange emotion in his heart. Also, the elder sister was a widow. Even if the two bedrooms were separated, they lived with a big man. The room is indeed a bit awkward, but Dong Xuebin did not consider it comprehensively. However, he was not at ease with the big sister in a house. Forget it, let's do it first.

The ninth floor, 918 rooms.

Into the room, into the eye is a brown embroidered stall. When I came, Dong Xuebin didn’t know that it was a star-rated hotel, but look at the layout and decoration of the house. It’s not four stars or five stars. Everything is good. Some small things are also very popular. Chemical. After choosing a house, Dong Xuebin sorted out the luggage briefly, and took the baggage of the big sister's clothes and took it to her.

"...tired? Take a shower first?"

Yan Meixia's face heats: "You wash it first, I am not in a hurry."

"Yes." Dong Xuebin slammed his hand. "I will wash warm and warm first."

Yan Meixia has been living in the countryside. For the past 30 years, she has only been cooking and raising children to work in the fields. She is not too familiar with the environment of the county, let alone to the first-tier cities of Beijing and Seoul. She looked very cautious, sitting in the room did not dare to touch things, for fear that ng is broken to lose money, then sit quietly with it, look at the chandelier for a while, press the soft bed for a while.

About an hour later.

Yan Meixia also took a hot bath and then sat in the bedroom with Dong Xuebin.

"I called Dr. Jingjing Jing." Dong Xuebin said with a smile: "She asked you to go to the hospital in the afternoon and said that he had already contacted him. He had to check it first."

Yan Meixia’s face was stretched, and she was tense and kept pinching her fingers.

Dong Xuebin said with relief: "Come on, come on, don't worry."

"... Xiaobin."


Yan Meixia raised her arm in pain and put it on her face and contrasted it with her face. "The skin on my body is a little different from the color on my face. If I change it, will it..."

Dong Xuebin decided to look at it. Indeed, the skin color on his arm was a little deeper than his face.

Yan Meixia sighed: "You are not saying that the skin color is closer to the face, is the chance of recovery after surgery? Can, but I..."

Dong Xuebin thought, "In summer, the hands are often in the sun, the color is definitely deeper, and the general skin graft will not be planted from the hands."

"But it seems to be on my legs too..." Yan Meixia took a long time with Dong Xuebin on her research. For a long time, her hands, stomach, legs, and u were photographed by her in front of the mirror, but they were all different from their faces. Therefore, she has been depressed for a few days. If those skins are planted on the face, the recovery effect will not be good. It is a shallow piece, like psoriasis. It is ugly without asking.

Dong Xuebin ignored this problem and heard the news. "The color is very different?"

"Before I always worked in the field, maybe it was going to be there at that time."

"What should I do?" Dong Xuebin grinned and walked around the room with a few laps. "Show me your legs. You may not be able to see the mirror yourself."

Yan Meixia nodded, bent over, and pulled the trousers up, revealing a small calf.

Dong Xuebin said: "Not a calf, a sweaty calf, a skin graft is not good, and how do you wear a skirt in the future? Look at your thigh."

Yan Meixia’s face was hot and didn’t move.

"Oh, all this time, I am embarrassed, fast."


Dong Xuebin is more anxious than her. There is really no u in the big sister's body. It is impossible to completely recover.

Yan Meixia bit his lower lip, slowly touched the belt and gently untied, hands pinched the pants slightly owed, the arm fell down, press the pants down with the warm autumn pants, suddenly, a touch of white The underwear is exposed outside. The elder sister’s face was hot, and she glared at the plump beauty tún with her hand on her side, facing Dong Xuebin, licking her pants to reveal the supple thigh.

Dong Xuebin also refused to take care of it. He hurriedly looked at her legs and looked at her face.

Yan Meixia bowed her head. "Is the color the same? Is it a lot worse?"

Dong Xuebin repeatedly confirmed it several times. "It is not too much, but it is obviously different. Your face is white." What can I do? Dong Xuebin is anxious: "Give me a look at your back, where you can't get enough sun."

Yan Meixia quickly put the pants on, did not wear a belt, thought about it, turned off the clothes and put them off at the end of the bed, and pinched the hem of the thermal underwear and turned it over, and turned back to reveal the smooth back. He, behind a bra, took it tightly there.

Dong Xuebin decided to look at the past and seriously said: "You look back, I am better."

Yan Meixia turned back and whispered: "Do you have a back?"

"... Suspended." Dong Xuebin has some bitterness in his mouth. "There is no white face on the back. You can take a little off and look at me. Well, um, no, the same is true."

Yan Meixia's eye circles suddenly became red. "That, then my face can't be recovered?"

Dong Xuebin hammered the brain and pulled the clothes off her back. "You can't say that, yes. Generally, the skin grafts use the skin on tún. Have you seen it there?"

"...I have seen the mirror, but it is not good to see."

"I will show you something? OK?"

Yan Meixia did the ideological struggle, 瞅瞅 Dong Xuebin’s eyes, she did not speak, pouted and stood up from the bed, slowly touched the pants and took off again, but this time I took off more pants and The warm pants pulled to the left and right positions of the knees, and immediately the older sister turned slightly, letting the tún department face Dong Xuebin, then she hesitated a few times and slowly opened the white briefs, revealing a snow white.

Dong Xuebin’s heart jumped and jumped a bit.

Quickly pressed the mind of the defiance, he fixed his mind, and slammed the piece of tenderness, then looked up and looked at the face of Meixia, and snorted.

虞美霞 Jiao body stretched, "Is it not... not?"

"Not ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Your face is too red, can't compare." Dong Xuebin coughed.

"That... that..."

Dong Xuebin softly said: "Don't think about it, quietly, take a deep breath."

Yan Meixia didn't want to blush, but a big man looked at her **** in the back. Her face was not so thick. She took a deep breath according to Dong Xuebin's words, once, five times, ten times.

A few minutes later, her face netbsp; Dong Xuebin hurry to compare, look at utún, lick her face, can not help but look a happy, "become!"

"What is it?" Yan Meixia, who has been closing her eyes, stared at him, and her face was red again.

Dong Xuebin said: "No problem, absolutely no problem, your **** is very white, almost the same color as the face, of course, my u eyes feel, but certainly not far from ten, this rest assured!"

Yan Meixia is also beaming, but when Dong Xuebin’s gaze is still on her tún, her sister hurriedly pulled her trousers and hurriedly put on her clothes.

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