Power and Wealth

Chapter 345: [Meeting]

County Investment Promotion Bureau.

Four floors, the office of the director.

The door was open, and Dong Xuebin who came over felt a little difference from the redwood door in the office. Looking inside, sure enough, the interior decoration and layout were remarkable. The leather hackers would visit the sand and leather chairs. The solid wood desk, the retro bookcase, it seems that these were not made by Meng Xianglin, or the former director of the China Merchants Bureau. Take a closer look. There is a door in the room. It is a lounge in the middle. bed. Dong Xuebin is quite satisfied. Who likes to work in a shabby environment?

It also affects emotions.

Suddenly, a slight movement came from the inside.

Dong Xuebin was surprised for a while, and there was someone in the lounge, still a woman!

Because he saw a very thick hip, men's buttocks were generally not so large.

On closer look, Dong Xuebin saw the man. He was a middle-aged woman in her forties. Her head was obviously dyed and very dark. Her side face was fair enough. Covered with foundation, there were small freckles at the corners of her eyes, her hips were big, and her figure was quite plump. At this time, she didn't seem to notice Dong Xuebin and was wiping a table repeatedly with a cloth.

"You are?" Dong Xuebin asked. Luo Haiting turned back in surprise, and smiled, "Director Dong, you are here. I am Luo Haiting, the director of the office. It has been a few days since the beginning of the year. Sorry, I didn't hear you come in. "In fact, she heard it early, even if the footsteps were light, the door was still open. She wanted to show it in front of Dong Xuebin and make a good impression on the leader.

Luo Haiting?

office manager?

Dong Xuebin certainly knew her. He had done his homework before coming here. Luo Haiting was also a very powerful leader of China Merchants. Her office was in charge of financial propaganda files, etc. Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin smiled slightly. "It turned out to be Director Luo, don't be busy, just look for cleaning to do this kind of thing, I'm ashamed of you, huh, let's sit outside and I'll make tea for you? "

"You can't make it."

Luo Haiting knew that people were polite. Of course, he did not dare to let Dong Xuebin make tea. Instead, he made a cup of tea for him. The service leader was also the responsibility of the office.

The tea is very fragrant, Dong Xuebin feels that the martial arts, the sacred king, made the sacred king, will kill the god, the seal of the god, and kill the pride of the world. The martial arts of the Zhou dynasty martial arts will kill the night of the God of the Seal of the Seal of God and ask the demon to be proud of the world Nine Heavens strongest to abandon Shao Dao. Her performance Dong Xuebin sees in her eyes. Dong Xuebin is very fond of the first cadre who leaned towards herself in this China Merchants Bureau. Naturally, she will not hold her face with her, but she will tell her with a smile. After a few unrelated words, I also asked about the situation here. Luo Haiting had a bright smile on her face, and she knew everything. Although there were a lot of wrinkles at the corners of her brows, she also showed a beautiful look.

"That's right." Dong Xuebin asked suddenly, "I just walked a while ago to see that everyone's work mood is not high, there are chat people, there are Internet users."

Luo Haiting quickly said: "I must criticize them when I look back, it may be the New Year, and my heart has not yet been recovered."

Dong Xuebin said, "This can make God understand."

Luo Haiting saw that he had no meaning of fire, and felt that the new director was kind.

After a few more words, in the end, Luo Haiting said very kindly: "Director Dong, in the future, I will work hard under your leadership and do a good job in logistics. The office will also be your most powerful backing to serve the leadership. To provide investors with the best environment to contribute to investment. "

Dong Xuebin nodded secretly, it seems that some people attach great importance to themselves. Seeing Director Dong looking at his watch, Luo Haiting said with a wink: "Then I won't interrupt your work, I have been instructed to let you know."

Dong Xuebin laughed: "Sister Luo, don't be so polite. I first arrived, and I have to rely on you for my work."

Sister Luo called Luo Haiting a little bit, and her lips smiled even more. "You can call me Ronaldo."

She and Dong Xuebin's mother, Luan Xiaoping, are both almost old, and the child is estimated to be a few years younger than him. Ronaldinho's name Dong Xuebin is still unexplainable for the time being. Although it is normal for him to call her Ronaldinho, "By the way, there is one more thing, because I was officially transferred the day before the 30th year of the year. I didn't have time to announce the appointment before I caught up with the holiday. You can arrange it. I will simply have a meeting.

Luo Haiting had already set up, "Would you like to see it at ten?"

He took time, and half an hour, "OK, trouble."

"No trouble, it should. I'll let you know."

Luo Haiting finally gave him a smiley face, then turned and went out. When closing the door, he carefully covered the door with Dong Xuebin, and took a few actions, showing a gesture of great respect and respect for Dong Xuebin. Dong Xuebin withdrew his gaze, whether he was right or wrong, and said one thing to do, but only one side could not see anything, but Dong Xuebin's impression of Luo Haiting was undoubtedly good.

After a while, it may be that the news of Dong Xuebin's appointment came out. Alas, someone knocked on the door.

After hearing three knocks, Dong Xuebin narrowed his eyes, "Come in."

It was a middle-aged man who walked into the house, with his head, jacket, and orthodox cadres dressed up. This person Dong Xuebin recognized it at a glance. When he was doing his homework, he still looked at his resume several times. Sun Shuli, The deputy director of China Merchants Bureau is the only deputy director besides Lu Da. He has a strong working ability and is in charge of business. He has his own set of relationships with investors. In the past few years, China Merchants' annual total business share has A large part of the investment is from Sun Shuli, which is the mainstay of China Merchants.

"Secretary." Sun Shuli greeted him.

Dong Xuebin laughed and said, "Is Director Sun? Sit."

Sun Shuli sat on the sand. Although he did not lean on it, his waist was not straight. From the knock and the sitting posture, Dong Xuebin can see that this Sun Shuli may be a very arrogant person. His various subconscious performances reflect his respect and politeness for Dong Xuebin, which is superficial and perfunctory. Meaning, Dong Xuebin also confirmed this in the subsequent conversation. Sun Shuli just came to show his face and saw the leader. After a few words, he left. It is no wonder that a large part of the investment of the China Merchants Bureau was brought by him, and his achievements were magnificent. However, Dong Xuebin, the person who engaged in *, instead went to the director of the China Merchants Bureau, saying that Sun Shuli was able to balance himself, and Dong Xuebin himself did not believe.

After Sun Shuli left, two more people came.

One is Pu Yang. He is the director of the County Investment Promotion Bureau's Beijing office. He is about forty years old, of medium build, a little bald, and can't see what he thinks on his smiling face. The latter person was Guo Junbao. He was in his early thirties, but he was not handsome at all. He was the director of the Shanghai Office of the County Investment Promotion Bureau. After entering, he also said a few words to Dong Xuebin. He didn't talk about work, but just said something else.

The overseas office is a direct department of the China Merchants Bureau. The department organization and personnel management also have the shadow of the county party organization department. Of course, their working place will not be in Yantai County. Today is the first day after the holiday and Dong Xuebin took office. That's why all external office directors are back. Their offices are somewhat equivalent to the Beijing Office. They are responsible for coordinating the work, and more importantly, they are responsible for the external publicity of Yantai County, participating in some economic and trade fairs, establishing relationships with foreign merchants and investing in Yantai County.

When the two of them left, they were almost there.

In fact, meeting in advance is also to make it easier for the leaders to carry out their work, and passing people all over has little political significance. But to say so, he came, he came, all the leaders went to call on the leader, and no one went, did you? What do you make leaders think? Therefore, the leaders of all departments of China Merchants went to Dong Xuebin's office before the meeting. Dong Xuebin also took the opportunity to recognize everyone.

Dong Xuebin waited for another moment, until the time of the meeting, Lu Da did not come.

Alas, Luo Haiting knocked on the door and came in, "Secretary, everyone is in the big conference room."

It's a little messy outside ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I heard a lot of footsteps as soon as the door opened. The meeting room is on the first floor of Dong Xuebin's office, next to the corner.

"... I see." Dong Xuebin smiled and said, "No absence?"

This is the general meeting of the China Merchants. Luo Haiting understands that Director Dong is asking about cadres, not clerks. She said in a whisper: "No, several directors of the external offices have returned." Dong Xuebin nodded.

"Do you need any information?"

Dong Xuebin waved his hand and he was ready to wave freely.

The door closed, Luo Haiting went on to arrange the venue.

Dong Xuebin annihilated the cigarette **** slowly, his eyes were a little cold, and he did not expect Lv assembly to come. If a small contradiction was okay, he and Lu Da had already torn their faces. In this case, Lu Da estimated that I know there is no need to pretend. It seems really like Sister Xie said, I have to sort out the internals first, otherwise the work must be tied up, and the two deputy directors are "absent-minded". How can the work be carried out?

Dong Xuebin needs to stand up.

It is said that the new officer took three fires, in fact, for the sake of prestige, because in the first situation, you can't convince everyone to admire you, let alone everyone respect you for a short time and admire you, but the work is still What should I do? The only way to ignite it! Since there is no way to make everyone respect you, you can only make everyone awe you and be afraid of you. This is the purpose of Liwei.

Dong Xuebin had long thought about the candidate, naturally Lu Da's old guy!

Not long ago, I only took Yu Meixia to South Korea for surgery, but Dong Lu and his wife Li Hong disfigured Yu Yu. Dong Xuebin has never forgotten. In addition, Lu Lu's relatives hit his sister Tang Jin. Coupled with the fact that Lu Xiaolei's son Lu Xiaolei bullied Xiao Qianxi, Dong Xuebin kept a note to their family!

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