Power and Wealth

Chapter 676:

The next morning.

The sky was bright, the rain stopped, and the sun opened the clouds and revealed it.

After the rain, there was a smell of grassy seeds in the air. The water drops on the leaves ticking down and gently hit the top of the Cayenne in the woods.

Dong Xuebin woke up and was awakened by the sound of the birds outside. He opened his eyes in confusion and saw that it was a deep gingival ditch. It was close at hand, Dong Xuebin thought it was a dream, subconscious The ground closed his eyes again and wanted to continue to sleep. He also naturally walked forward in front of his hand. He was in the arms of the body, but at the next time, Dong Xuebin suddenly woke up and squinted. Look, I saw the face of a moon in the country, I remembered what happened last night, and I remembered that I was sleeping in the car at this time, and I had already done it with the mayor of Yuehua.


I am too impulsive!

Dong Xuebin thought of Xie Huilan and told them that they couldn’t help but start to regret it. This made another mistake that a man could not help but make.

Will the Mayor of the Month give it to me?

This is not a trivial matter! This is simply """

Yesterday was really burnt. Now Dong Xuebin is calm down. In fact, he has been reflecting on himself. If you don’t see one, you should look at one. You shouldn’t see a woman and you can’t move. You can’t do it any time. I thought so afterwards, but I couldn’t do it every time I did it. Dong Xuebin hated it. I really want to fall from the sky and kill a piece of brick. How can I always control it?

This is a bad thing!

Dong Xuebin was a **** rush to the brain at night, but did not feel anything, but this was a little nervous, and looked a little bit worried about the moon.

Suddenly, Hao Yuehua's eyelashes moved and woke up. She blinked her eyes and suddenly opposed Dong Xuebin.

Jiang Xuebin is extremely bungee. "Yuehua District Governor, are you awake?"

Hao Yuehua took him with some sleepy feelings, """ "Well. ”

"How is the body feeling? Is it okay on the leg?"

""""Ok. ”

"I am much better, my tongue is not numb."

Qiu Yuehua didn't talk, looked down at the naked body that Dong Xuebin was squatting, licked the **** and underwear thrown aside, gently patted his head, slammed his hand on his eyebrows and closed his eyes. I took a deep breath for two or three times and said nothing.

Khan, is this a busy watch?

"Yesterday, that, I am this""" Dong Xuebin did not know what to say.

Hao Yuehua licked his temple and sighed heavily.

Seeing that she did not care for herself, Dong Xuebin blinked, did not let go, did everything, and then regretted it was useless, simply continued to squat her slippery body, put her head in the hair of Qi Yuehua, The nose sucked and smelled the smell of her body. Her hands were also licking her beautiful buttocks, feeling the greasy touch. Now, my heart is not so regretful.

Qiu Yuehua didn't know what to expect. People closed their eyes and thought about it. Anyway, they were silent for a few minutes.

Dong Xuebin kissed her hair and smothered her hair, which she had tossed up last night. She was very careful and a little embarrassed.

"Cough and cough!,

Dong Xuebin’s action was interrupted by Qiu Yuehua’s cough.

"What's wrong? Is it cold?"

She coughed for a long time before she closed her mouth and stopped, and exhaled, and the scorpion hoared and said: "Bring my clothes!"

"Noise." Dong Xuebin quickly sat up and grabbed her light red underwear and grabbed it. "There is still some tide, not dry." Handed it to her.

Qiu Yuehua licked his hair from the bottom to the top, and sat down in the back seat, and opened the cushion that was covered on his body. The whole body was suddenly exposed to Dong Xuebin.

Dong Xuebin saw it all.

"Paper!" Haoyuehua Road.

"Ah? What paper?"

""""toilet paper! ”

"Hey, come here." Dong Xuebin put his clothes on the seat and went to find paper.

Qiu Yuehua grabbed it and squeezed his handkerchief to wipe it in the lower body. Suddenly, the cold-looking sight fell slightly on Dong Xuebin’s face.

Dong Xuebin understood it at first glance, turned around and looked away from the window.

A moment later, a ball of paper was thrown out of the window.

Dong Xuebin turned back and saw that she had picked up the bra and put it on her chest and tied her hands.

Dong Xuebin volunteered: "I will help you?" "No need!" Hao Yuehua replied in a cold voice, and did not look at Dong Xuebin. After attaching the button, she extended her long legs and put on her underwear.

The name of the black-faced district chief is too loud. This picture is of course not easy to see. Dong Xuebin is not afraid of Qiu Yuehua’s death to him. He is not allowed to take a camera to the Yuehua District Chief to wear a piece of clothing. Zhang Zhao down, and then look at it every day before going to sleep, really beautiful.

"Pants!" Hao Yuehua hard state.

"Noise, I am looking for it." Dong Xuebin reached out and brought her pants and shirts in front, but just wanted to give her, Dong Xuebin suddenly stunned, "Hey? Your leg is broken? The wound is still bleeding?" ”

On the leather seat, a pool of blood is very obvious.

Dong Xuebin hurriedly said: "Let me see if it is suppuration."

耿月华手一挡, "Wear your own clothes! Manage your own things!"

"What is your name?" Dong Xuebin said: "Come on me, hurry up, I don't see blood flowing, let's go to the hospital."

Hao Yuehua said with a face: "I said to manage your own affairs! Can you hear?"

Dong Xuebin glanced, and his heart screamed, yes, who made you a leader, I don’t care about you.

However, in the meantime, Dong Xuebin’s face suddenly changed. It seemed to think of something. Then he looked down at the blood. The color didn’t seem right, it was not so deep, and there were some adhesives around. Seeing this, Dong Xuebin quickly bowed his head. Looking at myself below, I even got some light-colored blood. This is, Dong Xuebin was really shocked and shocked. What is it like, this is not the wound that was bitten by the snake? Is it flowing from the body of Hao Yuehua?

Dong Xuebin wrongly said: "Yuehua District Governor, you", the first time? ”

Hao Yuehua changed his face. "You are finished!?"

"No, I am asking, oh, oh, this is a trouble, I am." I really don't know, really. ”

This is really the truth. Dong Xuebin thought that Qi Yuehua had acquiesced himself yesterday. It is a relatively open concept of sex. He did it. Maybe people think it is no big deal, but whoever wants Yu Yuehua is still the first time, Dong Xuebin wants to know early. Where did you dare to do that thing? At this moment, Dong Xuebin’s intestines were all green, and he was even more worried about the move of the mayor of Yuehua. What did she mean? For the first time, I was so embarrassed with myself. Dong Xuebin’s own conditions are still clear, so he can still understand if he is stupid. The reason why the mayor of Yuehua is like this, there must be something that Dong Xuebin does not know.

Lost love? Looking for comfort?

Burnt? Do you have a hard time doing it?

Still stunned for more than 30 years? Finally thinking about men?

The heart of the woman's heart, especially the so-called serious woman of Hao Yuehua, is more like a sea in the ocean. Dong Xuebin certainly cannot see through.

Life is always full of drama and unforeseen things.

This is true.

Dong Xuebin thought for a long time that he didn't figure out what the reason was. He also knew that even if he asked Qi Yuehua, people would never tell him, and it would not be too much. In short, when this matter came out, Dong Xuebin’s heart suddenly felt embarrassed, and he wanted to let God’s heavenly fall to death.

Over there, Hao Yuehua has put on his trousers and his upper body has not been worn.

Dong Xuebin looked at her. Tao had a hug and grabbed her smooth stomach from behind. The chest was simmered and touched with the touch of the bra. "Is the clothes still dry?"

Yan Yuehua frowned, "released."

Dong Xuebin squinted and said: "I will hold it again."

"I will say it again! Release!"

Dong Xuebin burst into laughter and had to let go of her.

Qiu Yuehua continued to wear clothes with a serious face, put on the shirt, and tied the buttons. Soon, the red lace bra was drowned in the white shirt.

When Dong Xuebin saw it, he gave her a slap in the clothes and gave her the hair behind her.

Qi Yuehua did not stop. After wearing clothes, he sat heavily in the back seat. He closed his forehead and closed his eyes. He also took a deep breath from time to time. It seemed that his mood was somewhat fluctuating.

"I am going to make a phone call." Dong Xuebin was more guilty. He was busy wearing clothes, pulling the door and walking on the grass and walking under a tree. He smoked on the trunk and tried to call again. .

Insufficient signal.

Still can't get through.

After returning to the car, Dong Xuebin reported the situation with her. Seeing that Yue Yuehua did not say anything, he blinked his eyes and couldn’t help but ask: "You, um, do you have any objects?"

Qi Yuehua looked at him sideways. "I told you about it?" ”

"Hey, don't just chat, you don't want to say it, don't say it, um, then don't say it."

The atmosphere returned to what it was yesterday, very stiff.

Dong Xuebin couldn't stand it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Immediately said: "This is nine o'clock. There is no news of the trick in Nanshan District. It is estimated that it is also anxious. Japanese investors are like that." Waiting in the car, I went out to stop the car. If I couldn't, I went to the distance. When the phone had a signal, I called the repair. ”


"Then I went?"

Qiu Yuehua took her bag and shook it with a file. She looked at it seriously. Dong Shoubin, who was just getting out of the car, said: "Give a call to Pony! Let her inform the in charge of the district governor." Stay with the investors! Tell them I will go back later!"




Finally, she glanced at her glamorous body. Dong Xuebin’s mind immediately took out the picture of tossing the body under his body last night. When he turned around, he went out of the woods and climbed up the road. Dong Xuebin said that this is what it is, and that is all that. How does the district governor’s head here seem to have happened? What is the relationship between the former and the former? The relationship has not changed at all? Can't you? (To be continued.)

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