Power and Wealth

Chapter 909: [New Year's 30 children! 】

Full text without advertising Chapter 909

Two days later.

In the afternoon, on the warship.

Dong Xuebin in the cabin was faintly able to hear the sound of the outside whistling, seeing her daughter a little scared, Dong Xuebin hurrying out of the room.

The festive atmosphere of the ship.

The soldiers are busy, there are hi-hats, and there are preparations for dinner.

Dong Xuebin stunned and called a person: "Man, what are you doing?"

"What is it?" The soldier looked at him. "Today's New Year's Eve."

"Hey!" Dong Xuebin slammed his head. "I have forgotten the days after a few days with the sea, but it is not."

All the New Year, watching my own brain, looking at the festive atmosphere around, Dong Xuebin's mood is also a bit higher, although there are no mothers and Hui Lanzhen accompanying them this year, but my daughter is with her, Dong Xuebin also If she didn't feel lonely, she put a small squat on her shoulder and let her sit on her shoulder. Then Dong Xuebin supported her and walked quickly in the warship. Xiaoyan seemed to like the heights and looked down. She was so happy to dance and giggled.

"Oh, so happy?"

"Yeah! Yeah!"

"Do you know the New Year? We are also one year old, and we won't cry in the future."

"Hey! Hey! Yeah!"

In a short while, the female soldier found Dong Xuebin yesterday, and invited him to dinner with everyone on the boat for the New Year in the evening. Dong Xuebin agreed.



Warship small restaurant.

When Dong Xuebin came in, he saw three or four tables in it. The soldiers came a lot and the dishes were ready. Although the dishes were light, the space in the cabin was not very big, but the lanterns were hanging. The word is posted, the overall atmosphere is still a year of scent.

Dong Xuebin immediately greeted everyone, "Good New Year."

Several soldiers also said: "The New Year is good."

Dong Xuebin pulled up his daughter's little hand and waved with everyone. "Little guy, give my uncle and aunt a happy New Year, and wish them good health and family fun."

Xiao Xiaole screamed, as if it was really in the New Year.

The soldiers were all teased. "The little baby is very cute."

"Baby, you are also good for the New Year." Several people came up and shook hands and shook hands.

Dong Xuebin is very proud, where his daughter is popular.

At this time, the university and several military officers arrived one by one and walked into the small restaurant to give everyone a happy New Year. (full text e-book free download)

At the end, the big school turned to smile and looked at Dong Xuebin. "Xiao Dong, there are limited conditions here. The New Year's dinner is also this level. I don't know if you eat or eat."

Dong Xuebin quickly said: "It's very good, I smell that my stomach is hungry."

The big school laughed: "That's good, come on, let's go to the table."

The three hostages who had been kidnapped from the smuggling ship also arrived. Because they are unidentified and engaged in illegal activities, they have been in a state of control since they have never been on a warship. It is impossible to stroll around like Dong Xuebin, but today It was thirty years old, and several officers were also very humanized. They called everyone to eat New Year’s Eve. As for the cargo ship of Niu Dawei, he was returning to China with the warships, and he followed them, so their people did not come over. It should be there to eat there.

dinner time.

The university immediately invited Dong Xuebin to sit at a table with several of their officers.

When Dong Xuebin saw that there were a lot of people at the table, he didn’t bother to go. The euphemism refused, and he squeezed a table with several soldiers nearby.

Seeing that the captain is so polite to Dong Xuebin, and the guest is a seat, many people are somewhat puzzled, especially a few officers. You look at me and I look at you, and I don’t understand what the big school is, only that. The female soldiers who are giving them drinks know that the above heads have been accounted for. Of course, she can’t say it. The military and the political circles are still very different. Obeying orders is especially important in the military.

“Hey.” Dong Xuebin looked around and found, “No wine? Are you drinking?”

The three previous hostages were also a bit tickle, but they could not ask for anything.

A warrior looks at him. "We are still performing tasks and cannot drink alcohol."

Dong Xuebin grinned: "Is the task not finished? How can there be no wine in the New Year? No wine is not a feast." After so many days of nervousness, Dong Xuebin really wanted to drink a little.

The big school heard it, and as soon as he was indulged, he immediately called the female soldier.

The female soldier nodded and went out. When she came back, she really took a bottle of Maotai and placed it in front of Dong Xuebin.

The big school smiled and said: "Xiao Dong, we will not drink, this bottle is yours."

"Good wine." Dong Xuebin hugged his fist: "Thank you."

The big school slowly stood up and said to the soldiers below: "I will say a few words first..."

Before the dinner, the leadership of the dinner, where seems to be the practice, the university first highly praised the performance of the soldiers in this mission, and then conveyed the praise of the superior leadership, and finally, the university also in the process of Dong Xuebin in the rescue of the hostage Thanks for the help given.

Everyone applauded, the applause was very loud, but it was not at all chaotic.

The university then gave everyone a year of worship, then toasted and drank.

After drinking a cup, Dong Xuebin poured himself into the wine himself, then stood up with his child toasting. "Captain, I also said one?"

The university nodded slightly.

Several officers yelled at him and said what you said?

The moment was quiet, the soldiers’ curiosity about Dong Xuebin has not been reduced, and I want to hear what he said.

Dong Xuebin was also used to being a leader. First, he cleared his throat, and then his eyes swept the following circle. "Today is the 30th year. It should have been a day for comrades to reunite with their families, but for my children, For the people of our Republic, everyone gave up the opportunity to reunite with their loved ones. They sailed to the seas of the continents and risked their lives to save the hostages. As a father, I want to thank everyone, as a citizen, I want to The people who represent the Republic thank you all. This is the most meaningful Spring Festival I have ever had, because I am fortunate to be able to eat dinner with the soldiers who guard our motherland. Here I would like to say on behalf of the people of all the Republics, although everyone’s relatives may I didn’t spend the New Year with you, but I, but we are all your loved ones. You have worked hard. I respect everyone and wish our soldiers and their families a safe life!”

Dong Xuebin succumbed to the bottom of the cup.

The big school immediately took the lead in applauding, and other soldiers also applauded.

The officers unexpectedly looked at Dong Xuebin and said that it was quite good. If there is a cameraman next to it, this section can be on TV. Like a speech in advance, there is no lack of true feelings in the fake air. A loved one, a hard work, this is not what the ordinary disciplinary committee civil servants can say.

This person will not be an official, right?

Cadre of the Commission for Discipline Inspection? Deputy department?

Many people have such a thought in their hearts.

"Good! Start playing now!" an officer patted his hands.

Wen Yan, Dong Xuebin, who is eating vegetables, raised his head suspiciously. What performance?

I saw two people coming out of the restaurant and dressed up a little differently. It turned out to be a singer.

Dong Xuebin realized that there are still programs. They can’t see the Spring Festival Evening here. The soldiers can’t drink alcohol, and they can’t give the leaders a toast like the people in the officialdom. If they listen to their bodies and sit there to eat, then It’s boring, so I have this Spring Festival show?

Dong Xuebin also looked excitedly, looking at the side while watching the vegetables, and finally spit it out in his hand, reaching out to feed the little donkey.

Hey, oh, squatting, eating very fragrant.

Dong Xuebin said: "You are good to feed, give everything."

Hey, after eating, yeah, catching Dad, still.

Dong Xuebin also refused to eat on his own, drank a drink, and then fed the little guy.

Nearly half of the show, and later basically sang, and most of them are military songs. Dong Xuebin was killed by a bottle of Maotai and his head was a little dizzy. He didn't want to entertain today, but he really wanted to drink some wine, so he didn't sneak a sneak peek. His amount of alcohol can only be dizzy now, it is already very good.

The two soldiers next to him looked at Dong Xuebin. After looking at each other, they went to worship him.

"Come, let's have a drink."

"Xue Bin, I respect you."

The two seem to have a purpose.

"Good!" Dong Xuebin greeted them with a cup of tea and drank it.

One of the soldiers asked: "Xue Bin, how did your gunwork practice?"

Dong Xuebin was confused: "The gun method? I have not practiced."

Another soldier said: "Impossible, I see that your accuracy is definitely professionally trained."

Although Dong Xuebin had drunk, but he was not awake, he said, "What have I trained? They are all beaten, right, what are you soldiers?"

Warrior said: "We are snipers."

Dong Xuebin suddenly patted the table. "Hey, you two are the two stinky guns on the ship!"

Smelly guns? ?

When the two of them heard it, they almost fainted!

The surrounding soldiers heard it and almost laughed.

Dong Xuebin patted them on both shoulders: "I don't mean you, what is your gunwork? So you can't even get a personal shot? Is this a sniper?"

The snipers screamed, and the head twisted, and they ate the vegetables without any snoring. They both lost their lives, but they also had to admit that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dong Xuebin's shooting method is indeed much better than them. This is something that everyone can see and do not admire.

Another soldier was curious: "Yes, are you really a civil servant of the Commission for Discipline Inspection?"

This is a question that everyone is very concerned about, and many people have come over it.

Dong Xuebin spoke in the mouth and said: "Yes, I am the director of the Municipal Discipline Inspection Commission."

The soldier glimpsed, "the prefecture-level city?"




Everyone looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes.

Even the big school and several military officers who had eaten there had a slight sigh.


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