Power and Wealth

Chapter 911: [Back to China]

Full text without advertising Chapter 911

The next day. (full text e-book free download)

New Year's Day.

When Dong Xuebin woke up from the bed, he found that the sky was already bright, and his head was so painful that he had drunk too much last night. Right, he still competed with the soldiers. One challenge eleven? Dong Xuebin has a lot of brains, alcoholism!

"Oh, hey."

Xiao Yan is sucking his thumb and staring at Dad.

"You are also awake?" Dong Xuebin squinted and sneered at her and kissed her fleshy face. Maybe the beard was tied to her, and the little giggled, and waved. Dong Xuebin squinted his eyes and took his head to take a few days without a shaved beard to tie her. After finishing her daughter's face, she went to tie her neck. The little giggles screamed even more, and danced.

It’s so cute, Dong Xuebin’s heart is warm.

Then, the father and the daughter were both in the bed.


nine in the morning.

Dong Xuebin took her daughter out of bed and went out to have breakfast.

The military also played a show late at night. Except for some of the soldiers on duty, everyone was awake for a long time and quickly invested in a day's work.

Warship small restaurant.

Dong Xuebin gave milk to the donkey while he was on the side of a military. "Comrade, it has been four days? How long is it going to return to China?" Originally, according to the speed of the warship, it is much faster than the cargo ship. If the power is full and full speed is going forward, then It should not be so slow, but the cargo ship of Niu Dawei also came back together, closely following the warship, so the warships naturally have to wait for them.

The soldier immediately said: "It should be here today. There is no advertisement in the whole text."

Dong Xuebin asked: "Oh? Today? Morning or afternoon?"

The military said: "It is expected to be noon, and now I can see the land."

As soon as I heard that I was getting closer to home, Dong Xuebin’s excitement was a little bit unbearable, and I finally got home. This round-trip sea drift can make him tired.

After dinner, Dong Xuebin took his daughter to the deck and looked at the distance.

A few of the soldiers on the deck looked at each other and took a few eyes. One of them went up. It was one of the people who had been compared with Dong Xuebin last night. He only listened to him: "Mr. Dong, your fighting skills are so Awesome, have you practiced Kung Fu? Can you teach us a few tricks?” Dong Xuebin’s performance of killing the Quartet last night has already convinced many people, picking more than a dozen, or more than a dozen well-trained soldiers. I won everyone without losing, and they estimated that no one would believe that going out would be too evil.

Dong Xuebin was embarrassed, sorry. "I can't stop you yesterday. I don't know how much alcohol I can drink. I don't know anything when I drink. Yesterday, it was really..."

Next to a military person: "It doesn't matter, we were long-sighted yesterday."

There is one person: "Yes, there are people outside the sky, Mr. Dong, do you teach us two tricks?"

Dong Xuebin quickly waved his hand. "I don't lose sight of this three-legged cat kung fu. I can't get on the table. Really, I didn't practice it. It was beaten."

Dong Xuebin is telling the truth, but several fighters simply do not believe.

At the end, Dong Xuebin couldn't help them. He had to take the fake tricks Xu Yan gave him and took it out and talked with them. The result was good. It was only three or two people at the beginning. Later, I didn’t know who passed it out. It’s not been ten minutes. There are more than a dozen soldiers who are surrounded, and even two officers on the warship. I looked at the deck and held a glimpse of learning in my eyes.

"Mr. Dong, where is the focus?"

"On the heel, but when you are sideways, you have to move to your legs."

"What about this trick?"

"This move depends on the situation and see how the other party has changed."

In a short time, the people were surrounded by a circle. This time, even the captain of the rank of the big university came up. He stood outside and smiled and watched Dong Xuebin teach Kung Fu.

Dong Xuebin was a bit shameful. "It’s all gone, the captain is coming."

As soon as the soldiers saw the captain, they were a bit stunned. After all, they were on their way to the mission.

The big school shook his hand, and he smiled and said: "Don't worry about me, Director Dong's level of coaching is not always available. Everyone learns well, I also study."

Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly, what did you learn? You guys picking up one of them is better than my theoretical knowledge. Hey, you can't be too vocal, or you are all in trouble. Yesterday, if you drink less alcohol, you can keep a little low-key. There are not so many things that don’t go.

Two hours later.

The land on the far side is more and more clear, and people are scattered, and each post is back.

The university found Dong Xuebin and said: "Xiao Dong, there are many media reporters in the port for a while. You should wait for the boat first, let them go down, wait for the other side, I will find someone to send you off the boat to the airport, the ticket thing. Director General Xie, I will help you arrange it and fly directly to Beijing."


Mom, are they all in the capital?

Dong Xuebin nodded. "These days have caused you trouble, thank you very much."

The big school smiled and said: "Xie also should be our thank you. Without you, we may not be able to complete this mission. If you do, I will leave you alone. I will disembark with the hostage and tell you a word." Let's have a chance to have a meal in the future?"

Dong Xuebin said with a sigh of relief: "Do you know what to do."

After the two changed their mobile phone number, Dong Xuebin saw the flash of the reporter on the shore. He quickly entered the cabin with his daughter.

The boat was docked and it was a mess outside.

There is a sound of a camera, and there is a voice of an interview.

"Is there any danger that you have encountered this mission?"

"I heard that the pirates also hijacked a cargo ship? Are the hostages rescued together?"

"What do you think after you are rescued?"

After waiting for a long time, the sound outside is getting farther away.

Hey, the female soldier knocked on the door and entered the room. "Mr. Dong, come with me, I will send you to the airport."

"Thank you~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dong Xuebin was in a difficult mood to hug the little sister, went out with the female soldier, secretly sneaked down the warship from the oblique side, there is a military jeep waiting there.

Suddenly, one soldier went to the deck.

One, five, ten, still increasing, are looking at the direction of Dong Xuebin.

An officer on the deck suddenly sighed, "Greeting!"

Brush it! The soldiers greeted a military ceremony with a brush! It was given to Dong Xuebin!

Dong Xuebin had a hot heart and some feelings. He immediately stood up and returned to them with a military ceremony that was not very formal, and then nodded deeply to them.

The jeep drove off.

The soldiers watched Dong Xuebin, and the military ceremony did not let go for a long time.


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