Power and Wealth

Chapter 913: [Wife's reward! 】

Full text without advertising Chapter 913

at night. (full text e-book free download)


Western suburb villa.

After the meal, Xie Huilan and Yan took the toy and laughed at the child, and Xiao Xiaoping and her uncle and aunt were not angry with Dong Xuebin. They took Dong Xuebin and asked on the sofa.

"Oh, it’s just a few pirates."

"They don't have a gun? Didn't hit you?"

"As far as their shooting method is concerned, I want to beat me? Nonsense."

"So how come you come back? Do the warships? But you didn't have the news just now?"

"I was afraid that the impact would be bad, I would not dare to come out in the camera and sneak away."

Dong Xuebin did not dare to elaborate on the specific number of bullets and pirates at that time, but he was afraid that his mother would worry that Dong Xuebin’s story was a few pirate marks. Especially weak, people are also particularly stupid. Under the cover of the warships, Dong Xuebin cleaned up the pirates after three, five, and two. He didn’t even have any effort, and then he took his daughter back and made a warship. Country, it feels like going out for a trip.

Yan Xiaoping still has some lingering fears. "If you dare not tell me next time, don't run around, believe that Mom doesn't recognize you as a son?"

Dong Xuebin lost his smile: "Mom, I know it is wrong."

My uncle said with emotion: "Peace is good, peace is good."

He said: "It’s enough to hang, so those pirates haven’t trained professionally.”

It is estimated that only Xie Huilan knows how dangerous the situation was at the time. She heard that she couldn’t help but swear Dong Xuebin’s voice, but she did not say anything.

The aunt suddenly said: "Isn't you hurt?"

"Of course not." Dong Xuebin said: "I am there, can my daughter have an accident?"

"That's not insurance." Xiaoping Xiaoping worried: "With the pirate's hands for so many days, I have been drifting for more than ten days at sea. No, I have to take my granddaughter to the hospital for inspection."

Dong Xuebin screamed: "Oh, it’s okay, rest assured, you see, she should cry and cry, how good."

"What if you get sick? If you don't see it for a while, you won't find it later." Xiao Xiaoping said.

He smiled and said: "Let's go together, my ribs still have some pain, just want to check it again."

My uncle said: "The big night is the Spring Festival, the hospital is on holiday, how can I check it for you?"

"It's okay." Xie Huilan smiled. "I will call the hospital and let their director go back."

Yan Xiaoping made a speech: "Okay, it's so fixed. I don't feel relieved if I don't check it."

Dong Xuebin had no choice but to volunteer to accompany them to the hospital. However, he did not agree to live and die. He said that Dong Xuebin had just returned from a thousand miles to let him rest with his family to raise his body and prevent him from running. Finally, the uncle's aunt and Yan Xiaoping went to the hospital with the aunt and the aunt, and opened the s-class Mercedes-Benz, saying that they would come back later.

Xie Huilan called the acquaintance in the living room to the hospital, and Dong Xuebin sent them out of the villa, which turned around and went home.

It is already seven o'clock.

When they come back, it is estimated that they will be back at eleven o'clock.

"Yes, yell... well, then they arrived and I asked them to go directly to you, thank you." Xie Huilan hung up the phone.

Xie Huilan wore her hair and wore a black sweater with a white shirt. The bottom is a tight black leather pants. Her thighs are slim and slim, plus the pointed tip. Black high-heeled shoes have added a little bit of grace to her whole body. Hui Lan’s style of dressing is also the first time Dong Xuebin sees it, and can’t help but feel a little hot.

"Hui Lan." Dong Xuebin went up, "I am still angry with me?"

Xie Huilan smiled and said, "Where is your sister, you dare to be angry with you, if you say something you don't like to listen to, you will give me a play and leave home, who will suffer?"

Dong Xuebin coughed: "I am not going to find a daughter?"

Xie Huilan cocked his legs and said: "Would you not discuss it with me in advance?"

"I said, can you let me go? I know you are next to me." Dong Xuebin sat on the sofa with her and touched her hand: "A few more pirates, I will put it in my eyes." ?"

Xie Huilan blinked her eyes. "How many pirates? How can you thank Xie sister for more than twenty?"

Dong Xuebin is sweating. "Well, I will give you an apology for the elderly. I am worried. I blame me for blaming me. I will definitely not."

Xie Huilan ignored him and reached for the cup on the coffee table.

Dong Xuebin busy and diligently grabbed the cup and handed it to her mouth. "You are pregnant now, don't move, I will do anything."

Xie Huilan's legs were exchanged, holding the tea cup and the old **** was drinking water.

Dong Xuebin immediately cut an apple for her and fed her in pieces. "Come on, eating more fruits is good for your health."

Xie Huilan smiled slightly, and he was also welcome. He opened his mouth and bitten into it and chewed it. "Well, look at my little husband's performance so good, I will forgive you again this time, huh, huh."

Dong Xuebin also smiled. "Come, let me listen to the children's movements." He immediately squatted in front of Xie Huilan, and put his head on her stomach to listen. For two months, Huilan's little belly has been slightly Some signs of bulging, but not so obvious, "Baby, I am your father, have you heard Dad talking? Do you want to move to Dad, fast, hey, disobedient? Are you careful when you come out? You are a little ass."

Xie Huilan smiled and knocked Dongxue Bin forehead a bit, "dare to beat my son? You Danzaibuxiao ah you? I see you are looking for kid beat, right? Ah?"

Dong Xuebin stunned her and said, "I think you are looking for it."

"Well, go out for a few days and see if you are grateful?" Xie Huilan smiled and leaned on the sofa, blinking and said: "Hold your Xie sister upstairs to see who is who, huh, huh."

Dong Xuebin’s spirit was shaken, and he quickly hugged Huilan and went upstairs.


master bedroom.

Dong Xuebin gently placed Hui Lan on the bed.

"Let's have a rest."

"Go, take a shower first."

"That's a piece of washing."

"I don't want to be with you, smelly and sweaty, huh, you go first."

Dong Xuebin had no choice but to retreat to Huilan's body and aimed at it. He went into the bathroom one by one, and took a shower after three times. This came out and changed Huilan.

Wait, wait.

Wait, wait.

The sound of the water continued, and Dong Xuebin was so impatient that he turned over and over in bed and looked at the misty bathroom glass. Finally, the bathroom door slowly opened, and a fragrant shower gel smelled out from the inside, and the entire bedroom was fragrant.

Xie Huilan wrapped in a bath towel came out.

Dong Xuebin took a quilt and let her in.

Xie Huilan smiled and took off her shoes, turned her bed gracefully, and got into a bed with him. "Okay, go to bed early, there will be something tomorrow."

Dong Xuebin, who had taken off her clothes early, licked her slender waist. "What?"

Xie Huilan said: "Go back to my home to give my elders a New Year's greeting. This will last a long time. In the morning, you didn't go, you can only make up tomorrow. There are other central leaders who have a good relationship with my family. I have to pay a visit to each other. I am afraid that my family's relationship is generally gone. There are still many other leaders who want to call New Year's greetings. You and your colleagues in Chenzhou City have to textually celebrate the New Year. Anyway, there is no one day to live in the first day to the fifth day. Right, After two days, I have to go back to Zhangzhou City and give the leaders a year to finish the year. The two have to wait for the people to come to us for the New Year."

Dong Xuebin hurts when he hears it. "So trouble?"

"Habit is just fine." Xie Huilan said with a smile: "Do you thank Xie sister for coming this year?"

As the seat is getting higher and higher, things will naturally become more and more, Dong Xuebin sighed. "I knew that I would come back a few days later."

Xie Huilan looked at him. "Hey, are you still addicted to the sea?"

Dong Xuebin reluctantly said: "That is better than going to the family from morning till night."

"Yes, I also said that I am going to save my daughter to work hard this time. I want to give you some rewards. Forget it, it seems unnecessary now." Xie Huilan smiled and turned over, "Sleep."

Dong Xuebin is busy: "What reward? Quickly say!"

"You don't want to come back? What are you listening to?"

"Hey, I just said, look at you, tell me about rewards."

Xie Huilan smiled at him and looked at him. She turned to face Dong Xuebin, two thin thighs on his body, and smiled: "I have missed so many days, I also think about my little husband, I thought that when he came back, he made an exception and allowed him to toss me from behind."

Dong Xuebin said: "Really?"



Dong Xuebin knew that she was teasing herself. She couldn’t help but feel a little sullen. When she turned over, she slammed Huilan’s body and pulled away the towel on her body. “No, you said, you are not repenting now. Use it, hurry, climb over and squat."

"Make you play, are you still serious?"

"Well, don't you?"

"No, what can you say to your sister? Let me listen?"

"Then I will let you know."

Dong Xuebin couldn't help but pick up Huilan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ forced her over and let her lick her beautiful buttocks and kneel on her back to herself. Now Huilan’s stomach is only two months old. If she can wait until three months later, she will not be able to toss her. I must seize every opportunity.

Xie Huilan was not angry, and smiled back: "Can you give Xie sister a little face?"

Seeing that she did not resist, Dong Xuebin was more courageous and ignored her. When she rushed on, she pinched Huilan’s thick buttocks and smashed her from behind.

Xie Huilan took a breath and the crescent-like eyes became a gap.

Dong Xuebin also had a tight face. He hadn’t gone to bed with Huilan for so long. He only felt that the sweaty pores of his body were erected, and it was comfortable from head to toe!

And this pose always has the pleasure of conquering Xie Huilan!

That feeling, don't mention it!


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