Power and Wealth

Chapter 919: [Meet acquaintances]

Chapter 919 [Meeting an acquaintance]

On the plane.彩@虹*文¥学%网M

This change is really too sudden.

After Dong Xuebin punched and kicked, the first class cabin was silent, and several passengers stared at the eyes. Xie Jing Sun Yan also said that they were there.

one second……

Two seconds...

Dong Xuebin stared coldly at the person who said: "What are you, what is the vice president of the Territory Association? Is it the folk organizations that take the lead in inciting the masses with your country? Take the lead in claiming that the island is your organization in the territory of your territory? Also marching against our Republic's demonstrations? It's ridiculous! I said, are you okay to eat and support nothing? It’s over to toss with your own country. Now it’s good, I’m not waiting for you, you still Come on, is it true? Going far to the land of our Republic, it is said that fishing in Y Island is your country? Who wants to say that you are not blind, I don’t believe it, are you not looking at us at all? Are you **** good people wrong, territorial disputes, what are you doing? I don’t want you to have a meal, you still don’t know the southeast and northwest!”

After a few words, Dong Xuebin looked at Sun Hao sideways, "Xiao Sun, translate it to him!"

Sun Hao wiped the sweat and rushed to translate in Japanese, swearing.

If it is the ordinary people of the ordinary people, Dong Xuebin will not be able to start with him, but when he listens to this person is the vice president of the Territorial Association, then Dong Xuebin will be polite with him? Those incidents and unreasonable territorial competitions are all provoked by these civil organizations. If there is no such organization, they will not be able to catch up with the local government. It should be their territory!

Hey, are you still coming to the door?

Still on the provocation of our country?

Then my mother doesn't hit you, who am I playing! ?

The translator that accompanied me had finally reacted. He stood up and pointed to Dong Xuebin’s nose and said, “Do you dare to beat people?”

Dong Xuebin looked at him, "Which country are you?"

"You control my country!" Translation said: "You have to rebel!"

Dong Xuebin was annoyed at first sight. "Is it rebellious or do you want to rebel?"

"You are less nonsense!" The translator immediately called: "Security! Where is the security! Hurry and catch people!"

Later, Xie Ran sighed slightly, and Dang and Dong Xuebin did not speak so well.

Sure enough, Dong Xuebin looked at the hand that pointed at his nose and raised his wrist. It was a twist, and he almost heard the sound of his arm dislocated. I saw that the translation was screaming, and Dong Xuebin was not finished. He lifted his foot and squatted toward his lower back. It was a bang, and the translation flew straight out of his ass, smashing through, and falling heavily into the aisle of the first class!

I’m going to be here with you!

You are a Republic! Actually, I still follow the little r this? Together claiming that fishing y island is the territory of r this? You are looking for death!

What is Dong Xuebin's fighting power? Dealing with this traitor is not merciless!

This time, the translation was played well, and the person who had just been beaten also screamed and screamed.

"Have a good fight!" Xie Hao immediately yelled!

Several passengers also screamed: "It should have been packed up!"

"Young guy! Good! Don't be polite with them!"

Xie Hao waved his hand and feared that the world would not be chaotic: "Brother and brother! Come on!"

Xie Jing is afraid that the impact is not good. He is busy looking at Xie Huilan: "Sister, brother-in-law..."

Xie Huilan didn't move the place from beginning to end, or the look of the graceful look of Erlang's legs, slowly licking the juice. "Your brother-in-law is an angry youth, you don't know, I can't manage him."

Xie Jing smiled bitterly and looked at Xie Ran. He was also crying and laughing.

Before Mrs. Han came out, she also specially let Dong Xuebin lead the team, let him take charge of the safety of these people, try to avoid unnecessary troubles, but whoever thought that this was just starting, just got on the plane Dong Xuebin and started to hit people, where is there a little What is the role model of the team leader? However, there are not many surprises, because Xie Ran or Xie Jing is very aware of their big brother-in-law. Just now, the person and the translator’s open face can’t stand it anymore, let alone Dong Xuebin? His temper can bear it!

At this time, the movement here has alarmed the flight attendant.

The two flight attendants who are still checking the boarding pass outside are coming in quickly. "What happened? What happened?"

That r himself shouted, "&%¥¥#@!"

The translator stood up with his arms up. "They beat people! Look at what you see! Call security to catch people! Take them away!"

The stewardess frowned and looked at Dong Xuebin, and dared to beat people on the plane? And is it in first class?

Can wait for the flight attendant to say something, Dong Xuebin suddenly has a kick on the face of the translation, "I still **** with me? You make it!"

The translation was beaten with a bruised face!

Both flight attendants stayed and stopped to stop: "Stop and stop!"

Xie Ran couldn’t see it, and quickly went up and took Dong Xuebin, "Sister husband!"

"Brother! Don't take your brother-in-law! Look at them!" Xie Hao quarreled.

That r is also red-eyed, and a few words of Japanese, "%¥##@!"

Sun Yi heard an annoyance and translated: "He said that fishing y Island has been theirs since ancient times, and said that they should report to the media and arrest us!"

This time, Xie Hao rushed over, and he squatted on his own stomach. "Is it still stinky? I don't know you when you beat me!"

Xie Huilan finally got a face, "Xiao Hao! Give me back!"

Xie Hao saw the expression of the big sister, his neck shrank, he had to walk back, and while he walked, he shouted: "My brother-in-law beat him, you don't care, hey, it will take care of me."

The two flight attendants listened for a long time and probably understood it. It turned out that this person and the translator swore the sovereignty of their country on the plane of the Republic. The two of them looked at each other and smashed the r who was beaten. This person is really sick. You are calling for a call in your country. Well, you still ran our Republic to come? In our territory, on our plane, is it yours to catch the island? Is this not a disease? People don’t blame you! This is the same as holding a half-pound of pork in the Niujie and the Hui people's residence, killing you to live!

The plane is temporarily unable to take off.

Out of this kind of thing, the parties and the beatings will definitely be taken off the plane into the police station. Although the flight attendant was reluctant, she still contacted the reception desk and reported the general situation here.

Another flight attendant also kindly reminded Dong Xuebin: "A person who may be in the airport branch will come in a while, you try not to say that you are the first to do it."

Next to a pair of middle-aged couples said: "Young man, I will testify for you, they are the first to do it."

"Me too!" said a rich and honest grandfather: "I didn't see this guy hitting anyone anyway, who did you see?"

"did not see it!"

"I don't know anything."

"They fell on their own? What is the relationship with the boys?"

Everyone said a word to me, they all helped Dong Xuebin testify.

r I listened to the translation and almost went back.

Dong Xuebin and everyone clenched their fists: "Thank you all, but it's okay. If you hit it, you will fight. If you deal with this kind of person, you don't have to tell them the truth. Let's talk about it again, put the historical documents on him, they are still The phrase 'fishing y island is theirs' obviously has political purposes. It will not tell you reason at all. Are there few things that they have done in history? We are reasonable people, but that It’s also for people. For those of you who don’t know if you are a human being, the reason is useless!”

The translator and r are both angry and screaming.

Dong Xuebin looked at them and they swallowed back when they came to their lips. Obviously they didn't want to squat again.

Over there, the police at the airport branch finally arrived, and there were five or six in succession.

Seeing the police who led the team, Dong Xuebin blinked, um, a little familiar.

The Sun team also saw Dong Xuebin, recalled the memories, and also stunned. Isn't that the one?

The translator got the policeman, and he was busy with his arm and said: "Catch the man! This man hits the man! Look! Don't you see?" He opened his sleeves.

The appearance of the rhinorrhea on the side of the r also entered the eyes of several policemen.

Captain Sun asked: "Who is playing?"

"He!" Translation refers to Dong Xuebin.

"I know about it." Captain Sun nodded and immediately reached out to refer to the translator and R himself. "Bring them back."

Several police officers immediately took people.

Translation ramp: "He beats people! What do you do for us?"

Captain Sun said coldly: "You spread rumors with the plane, provoke troubles, don't catch who you catch? Take them away! Stop their registration!"

Two people were furious and screamed!

A police fire: "I am still awkward? Go to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't think about it within two days!"

Several police officers took the two of them and got off the plane.

Sun Yiyi can't help but feel a little worried, and several passengers are the same. Is this young man not beating? How can the police not arrest people? But the next sentence of Captain Sun can make them understand.

Captain Sun smiled and reached out and shook hands with Dong Xuebin. "Long time no see."

Dong Xuebin thought: "You are... Hey, is Captain Sun?"

Dong Xuebin finally remembered. A long time ago, he was still the deputy director of the China Merchants Group. With Luo Haiting, they went to the R-opening of the Chamber of Commerce. Later, there was a crash, but at the airport before the departure, the security check from Luo Haiting I found out a leaflet's leaflet. At that time, the captain of the captain took them to the airport's east-region terminal station police station. Later, they came to the local police station. Dong Xuebin sent a defamation to the public security police. The Secretary of the Bureau made a phone call, which shocked them and boarded the plane smoothly.

I am familiar with it.

It turned out to be an old acquaintance.

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